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初高中衔接课初高中的差异初中-以“听说领先,读写跟上”为原则,紧扣教材,强调以句型操练组织教学。高中-以“读写为主,听说为辅”,强调学生阅读能力,自学能力,写作能力的形成和发展。初中生依赖性较强,初中教材内容简单,课上练习时间比较宽裕。高中生要在教师指导下,充分发挥积极性,主动性才能完成学习任务,高中教材内容多,生词多,课时紧。高一新生对新老师,新教材,新教法有一个逐步适应的过程。 Whats your trouble in learning English? Share your opinions加菲猫的懒汉逻辑The more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, and the more you forget, the less you know. So ,why bother to learn?Your interest in English will give you the inner motivation to learn it well and enjoy the whole process.调整你的学习心态I learn everything for myself, for my dreams, and I have no complaints.Complains are the sign that you are a loser!The secret of achievement comes from the moment you smooth away your truobles and get rid of the obstacles in the way.Requirements & suggestions for senior 1 students:What we will learn? Try to be effective learns!To learn independently To develop good habits To enlarge vocabulary To read widely Take full responsibility for your studies.Knowledge is constructed by individuals rather than transmitted from one person to another.Dictionaries are our best teachers.解决阅读理解遇到的障碍词汇 (60%) 语法(20%) 背景知识,策略,速度(20%)解决书面表达遇到的障碍词汇(38%) 语法(32%) 中式英语(20%) 其他(10%)M1 187词 M2 185词 M3 277词 M4 294词好英语是读起来的(课文朗读,篇章背诵,课外泛读)Reading makes a full man!Passive learning-Active learning1 课前预习,课后复习(习惯)2 眼到,口到,手到,心到,积极参与课堂活动3 认真按时独立完成作业4 当天问题当天解决Notebook:实用,简洁,有序1) 写清课题 2)把握时机 3)抓住重点 4)书写规范 5)掌握技巧 6)课后整理Reading record:Name of the passageBrief Introduction ( at least 40 words)Enjoyable expressions : words & phrases , sentences , prargraph不动笔墨不读书Problem book:提高复习效率,减轻学校负担题例误点正答点评(消化错题,举一反三)Dictation解码英语声音并用文字记录下来良好的听写心理素质,反应敏捷有助于培养听写技巧和策略Copybook:书写水平反映一个人的素质提高书写水平有利于培养严谨仔细的习惯Calendar sentences(每节课都要有收获)一天五句,积沙成塔,只有能坚持,三年之后见收获(单词,短语用法,句型或语法结构,主题相关句子,英语谚语,格言)Practice makes perfect!Attitude is everything!准备:一套作业本(听写本,作业本,作文本) 一本纠错本 一本笔记本(至少够一学期用)一本词汇,作文积累本 一本牛津英汉词典 一份英文报纸(21世纪英语报)英语学习一日常规今天我背单词了吗?今天我完成作业了吗?今天我预习了吗?今天我复习了吗?今天我大声朗读了吗?今天我阅读了吗?今天我听录音了吗?今天我用英语交流了吗?The secret of sucess in learning English is persistence.


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