09 防腐方案anticorrosion construction plan

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文件类型File Type文件页数File Pages版次Version修订说明Revision note 受控编号Controlled No.GH220版Version 0首次Initial9、防腐施工方案9. Anticorrosion Construction Plan 02012年7月24日Jul,24, 2012版次Version日期Date 编制Compiled by审核Reviewed by批准Approved by中国化学工程第十三建设有限公司The 13th Construction Co., Ltd. Of CNCE 目 录Content 1. 工程概述General22. 本工程采用施工规范Construction Specifications23. 施工准备Preparations before Construction24. 实物工作量Physical Workload45. 施工程序Construction Procedure46. 防腐施工技术要求Technical Requirements of Anticorrosion Construction66.1 施工前要求The following conditions must be met before Construction66.2 金属表面处理Metal Surface Treatment76.3 金属表面处理检验Inspection on Metal Surface Treatment86.4 防腐层施工Construction of Anticorrosive Coating96.5 防腐的检查与验收Inspection and Acceptance of Anticorrosion11 7. 防腐步骤Cautions for Painting. 12 8. 油漆涂刷注意事项Cautions for Painting.169. 质量通病与防治Common Quality Defect and Control1710. 施工过程安全措施Measures for Security of Work Process1811. 危险源分析及控制措施Analysis on Dangerous Sources and Control Measures2012. 质量控制Quality Control21Bidder:The 13th Construction Co., Ltd of CNCE Anticorrosion Construction Plan 投标人:中国化学工程第十三建设有限公司 防腐施工方案 9- 2510.1 工程概述General 本工程油漆主要为现场制作的四台储罐;管道、支架油漆及现场部分补漆。材料表面处理为工厂化喷射处理,预制工厂内完成油漆,现场补漆。油漆种类包括无机富锌底漆、环氧漆(灰色),酚醛环氧耐高温漆,脂肪族聚氨酯面漆。Paint in this project mainly refers to the paint for 4 pcs of field fabricated storage tanks, piping and supports, as well as part touch-up on the site. The material surface treatment means the factory spray treatment, and the paint will be completed in the prefabrication factory and touched up on the site. The paint includes inorganic zinc rich primer, epoxy paint in grey color, Phenolic epoxy heat resistance paint, and Aliphatic Polyurethane finish . 10.2 本工程采用施工规范Construction Specifications 10.2.1 GB8932-88涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级GB8932-88 Steel Surface Rusting Grade and Derusting Grade before Coating 10.2.2 SH3022-1999石油化工中设备和管道的防腐涂层技术规范SH3022-1999 Technical Specification for Anticorrosion Coating of Equipment and Piping of Petrochemical Industry 10.2.3 HG/T20679-1990化工设备、管道外防腐设计规定HG/T20679-1990 Design Specification for Anticorrosion of Chemical Equipment and Piping 10.2.4 GB 50727-2011工业设备、管道防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范HGJ229-91 Construction and Acceptance Specification for Anticorrosion Engineering of Industrial Equipment and Piping 10.2.5 CC0911E1328-000-PI-SPC-0004涂漆工程规定CC0911E1328-000-PI-SPC-0004 Painting Engineering Discipline 10.3 施工准备Preparations before Construction 10.3.1 金属表面处理及油漆涂刷采用工厂化预制方式。采购的不锈钢材料需先运至施工现场,做PMI测试,合格后,再运往预制厂,做底漆喷涂;采购的其余材料先送到预制工厂,进行喷射处理并进行油漆涂刷。The factory prefabrication mode is applied for metal surface treatment and painting. The purchased stainless steel will be firstly delivered to construction site for PMI test. After qualification, it shall be transported to the prefabrication plant for primer spraying. The rest of the rest materials shall be firstly delivered to the prefabrication factory for spray treatment and painting. 10.3.2 根据工程施工要求编制施工进度计划,做到人力和物力资源合理分配。The construction schedule will be formulated in accordance with the construction requirements, for the purpose of reasonable allocation of human and material resources. 10.3.3 结合工程特点,严格技术交底,让所有的施工人员了解施工方法及技术要求。In combination with the characteristics of the project, the technical disclosure shall be strict, and all construction personnel shall know construction methods and technical requirements. 10.3.4 强化对材料“三证”检查和现场抽查,杜绝不合格材料进入施工现场。Intensify “three certificates” inspecification for materials and spot checking, and prevent non-conforming materials entering the job site. 10.3.5 材料入库按不同的种类、规格、材质进行分类存放,并堆放整齐,上盖下垫并作好标识。Materials shall be stored according to different kind, specification and material upon warehousing, and neatly arranged, covered upside, blocked up underside, and clearly marked. 10.4 实物工作量Physical Workload 序号No.名 称Description 单 位Unit 数 量quantity 标一部分Part I1EP(for stainless steel)150m-200mm²51302EP/EP(for carbon steel)125m-175m Total:250m-350mm²12203IZ/EM/UR(for carbon steel) IZ 65m-100m EM 100m-150m UR 50m-75m Total:215m-325mm²1180设备部分Part II1EM Epoxy Mastic;IZ Inorganic Zinc;UR Urethane(for carbon steel)IZ 65m-100m EM 100m-150m UR 50m-75m Total:215m-325mm²12002三台碳钢储罐(底,中,面)Three pcs of carbon steel storage tank( base layer, middle layer and surface)m²1567澄清3增补Clarification 3 Supplementation 1碳钢管道油漆(底,中,面三层)Paint for carbon steel pipeline( three layers-primer, middle layer and finish)m²9420施工准备材料检验预制安装金属表面除锈表面涂底漆表面涂中间漆表面涂面漆现场除锈补漆10.5 施工程序Construction Procedure Preparations for constructionMaterial inspectionPrefabrication and erectionMetal surface derustingSurface primingApply intermediate paint for the surfaceApply finishing coat for the surfaceOnsite derusting and touch-up10.6 防腐施工技术要求Technical Requirements of Anticorrosion Construction 10.6.1 施工前要求Requirements of preconstruction(1) 用于工程的防腐涂料必须有产品质量证明书,包括生产厂家、油漆名称、主要成分、理化特性、使用说明书、油漆材料数据表和合格证及存储条件等,油漆材料应在使用有效期内,经检验合格,并应报业主及监理方经审批合格后方可使用。The anti-corrosive paint used for the project shall be provided with the certificate of quality, including manufacturer, paint description, main ingredient, physical and chemical characteristics, user manual, paint material datasheet, certificate of conformity, storage conditions and etc., the paint material shall be within the service life, and qualified after inspection, besides, it cannot be used until it is presented to the owner and the supervisor and approved by them. (2) 环境温度以1030为宜,未经业主规定,环境温度低于10时或相对湿度高于90%,不应涂漆。The ambient temperature of 1030 is suitable. No painting if the ambient temperature is lower than 10 or the relative humidity is higher than 90%, unless specified by the owner. (3) 涂装表面的温度至少比露点温度高3,但不高于50。The temperature of the coated surface shall be 3 higher than the dewpoint temperature at least, but not higher than 50. (4) 施工机具可靠,并满足施工要求。Machines and tools for the construction shall be reliable, and satisfy the construction. (5) 涂刷前对被涂表面进行检查,经检查合格后方可涂装。Examine the surface to be coated before painting, and no finishing before inspection and acceptance. (6) 遇强风、雨、雾、雪天气时,不得进行涂装施工,并避免直接日照,当空气相对湿度大于80%时,不得进行防腐涂料施工。估计在涂漆之后2小时内天气可能会发生不利变化,以至在表面的湿气会凝成雨水或结霜等时也应拒绝涂漆。In the event of strong wind, rain, fog or snow, do not apply any paint, and prevent the surface from direct sunshine, if the relative air humidity is higher than 80%, do not apply any anticorrosive paint. If it is estimated that adverse change in weather may occur 2 hours later after painting, and the moisture on the surface will be condensed into rainwater or frosting as a result, the painting shall be refused. 10.6.2 金属表面处理Metal Surface Treatment (1) 涂漆前的除锈工作必须在金属材料检验合格后进行。The derusting work prior to painting shall be carried out after the metal material passes the inspection. (2) 钢结构及管道表面处理方法全部采用工厂化喷射处理,处理后的表面达到刷漆的专用技术规范要求,现场焊口及局部补漆为电动钢丝轮手工除锈。As for the steel and pipeline surface treatment method, the factory spray treatment shall be adopted, the treated surface shall meet the specific technical specification for painting, and the on-site welded junction and part touch-up shall be manually derusted by electric wire wheels. (3) 在进行表面处理之前,应用溶剂去污迹和油脂。Solvent shall be used to remove stain and grease before surface treatment. (4) 为使喷抛的表面事宜涂漆,磨料应进行选择,并清洗、干燥,无油和无污染,喷抛的磨料不可重复使用。The blasted surface shall be rinsed, dried, and free of oil and pollution, and the abrasion shall be selected, in order that the blasted surface is suitable for painting, and the abrasion for blasting cannot be used repeatedly. (5) 涂底漆之前,应清除表面上的灰尘和磨料,并小心保持表面清洁无污染物,如污垢、灰尘、焊渣和任何其他外来物质。Dust and abrasion shall be removed from the surface before priming, and the surface shall be carefully kept clean and free of contaminants, such as dirt, dust, welding slag and any other foreign materials. (6) 表面处理后管道及构件表面应呈金属灰白,并用高压空气吹净,在4小时内涂刷第一遍底漆以防金属表面再次生锈。The treated surface of the piping and members shall take on metallic grey, and blown off by high-pressure air, and the first primer shall be applied within 4 hours, so as to prevent re-rusting of the metal surface. (7) 喷射机所用的压缩空气应有油水分离器除去油脂和水分,空气压力为0.40.7Mpa。For the compressed air used for the sprayer, the oily water separator shall be employed to remove grease and moisture, and the aire pressure is 0.40.7Mpa. (8) 表面处理后应对坡口及焊口用彩条布封好,以免油漆涂刷时污染。Grooves and welded junctions shall be sealed with color stripes after the surface treatment, for fear of pollution during painting. (9) 现场采用手工电动工具除锈Derusting by manual/electric tools on the site 焊口和现场损伤的部位等,采用手工电动工具除锈,钢材表面无可见的油脂和污垢,且没有附着不牢的氧化皮,铁锈和油漆涂层等附着物,底材显露部分的表面应具有金属光泽。焊口处无焊渣、药皮、毛剌及飞溅物,处理好的表面应及时涂刷防腐底漆。Manual/electric tools shall be used to derust welding junctions and onsite damaged parts, the steel surface shall be free of visible grease and dirt, attached loose oxide coating, and other attachments like rust and coatings, and the surface of the exposed part of the substrate shal have metal luster. The welded junction shall be free of welding slag, coating, burr and splash, and the prepared surface shall be promptly applied by anticorrosive primer. 10.6.3 金属表面处理检验Inspection on Metal Surface Treatment (1) 对每批表面处理的材料应进行抽检,抽检比例符合SH30221999的要求。Each batch of surface-treated material shall be randomly inspected, and the proportion of the random inspection shall comply with the requirements of SH30221999. (2) 主要检查表面是否有漏除(锈、油污)的部位,除锈等级是否达到要求,并应注意转角部位的除锈质量。Focus on inspecting if any part of the surface misses derusting or degreasing, if the derusting grade meets the requirements, and pay attention to the derusting quality of corners. (3) 检查完后应填写检查结果。表格如下:Inspection results shall be filled out in the following table after inspection:工程名称(单元名称)Project description (unit description)处理对象名称Description of the object treated处理总量(m2)Total amount of the treatment(m2) 锈蚀等级Rusting grade 除锈等级Derusting grade 检查项目Inspection items 检查结果Inspection result检查意见Inspection comments宏观检查Macro-inspection漏除锈Derusting missing转角或局部除锈Corner or part derusting 油污浮尘清除Removal of oil stain and floating dust 局部抽查Random inspection 综合质量评定Comprehensive quality appraisal 质检员Quality inspector技术负责人Technical director 日 期Date10.6.4 防腐层施工Construction of Anticorrosive Coating (1) 油漆的涂刷前应金属表面应经WPC和监理检查后方可进行,材料按设计要求,底漆、中间漆及面漆施工完后应分别经检查测试合格后方可进行下道工序的施工。The metal surface cannot be painted before the inspection of WPC and the supervisor, the next process cannot be carried out before the primer, intermediate paint and finish are respectively applied, inspected and qualified after testing. (2) 金属表面处理并经检查完后就立即进行油漆涂刷,时间不超过4小时。The paint shall be immediately applied as soon as the metal surface is treated and inspected, and the duration shall not exceed 4 hours. (3) 涂底漆前对焊口、螺纹等特殊的部位加以保护,以免沾上涂料。可用可移去的胶带粘住。Such special parts as the welded junction and threads shall be protected before priming for fear of the dip of coating, which can be pasted by removable tape. (4) 施工采用刷漆、滚涂,施工过程中经常搅动,避免涂料中的固体份沉淀、分层,影响涂料的性能。刷涂时每层需往复进行,层间纵横交错,不得漏涂。Painting and roller coating are adopted during the construction. During the construction, its necessary to stir frequently for fear of sediment and separation of solid constituent in the paint, influencing the performance of the paint. Every coat of paint shall be applied to and fro, the application between coats shall be intersected, and no holiday is available. (5) 涂层厚度必须保证设计规定的涂刷道数,因施工方法的不同而达不到厚度要求时,可增加道数。In terms of the coating thickness, the number of coats for painting specified by the design shall be ensured. The number of coats can be increased if the needed thickness is not satisfied due to different construction methods. (6) 涂装完后4小时内不得淋雨。The coatings shall be protected from the rain within 4 hours after finishing. (7) 防腐施工时,应根据油漆产品说明书的要求,控制底漆、中间漆、和面漆的每层施工时间间隔。During the anticorrosion construction, the interval of time for construction of every coat of primer, intermediate paint and finish shall be controlled in accordance with the instruction manual of the paint products. (8) 应保持清洁,避免漆膜层间污染。如有污染,应在涂下一道漆之前将其除去。Keep clean, and protect the inter-coat of paint films from contamination. In case of contamination, it shall be removed before application of the next coat of paint. (9) 涂刷完的表面须达到表面平滑无痕,颜色一致,无凹陷、针孔、气泡、流坠、粉化和破损等现象,每道漆刷后,等初凝后方可再刷下一道。对缝隙、焊缝、螺栓头、拐角、边缘等处应特别注意,确保达到所需的漆膜厚度。The painted surface shall smooth and traceless, be consistent in color, and be free of depression, pin hole, bubble, sagging, chalking, damage and so on. After painting of every coat, the next coat cannot be applied before initial setting. Pay special attention to every gap, welded joint, bolt head, corner and edge, and ensure the needed thickness of paint film can be reached. 10.6.5 防腐的检查与验收Inspection and Acceptance of Anticorrosion(1) 涂装表面必须干燥,每一道漆膜干实后(以手指用力按压漆膜不出现指纹为准)方可涂下一道油漆。The painted surface shall be dry, and the next coat of paint cannot be applied before every coat of paint film dries out (no fingerprint appears if you forcibly press the paint film by hand. (2) 涂层必须达到设计要求的遍数和漆膜厚度,在表面结成牢固的漆膜后进行检查验收。Coatings shall comply with the number of coats and the thickness of paint film as specified in the design requirements, and they shall be inspected and accepted after firm paint films are formed on the surface. (3) 涂刷工程质量要求如下,并填写质量检查表,不允许漏涂、针孔、气泡、流淌、褶皱及剥落等缺陷。质量要求见下表:Requirements for quality of the painting works are as follows, and such deficiencies as holiday, pinhole, bubble, trickling, folding and peeling are unavailable. Please fill out the following Quality Inspection Form. 序号No.检 查 项 目Inspection items检 查 方 法Inspection methods 检 查 要 求Requirements 1脱皮漏刷、反锈Peeling, holiday, rerusting目测检查Visual inspection不允许存在Unallowable 2透底、流坠、皱皮Infiltration, sagging, and wrinkling目测检查Visual inspection大面积不允许Unallowable in case of a large area 3光亮与光滑Brightness and smoothness 目测检查Visual inspection要求光亮,均匀一致It shall be bright, uniform and consistent. 4分色界限Color separation boundary 钢尺检查Inspection by a steel ruler 允许偏差3mmThe allowable tolerance is 3mm. 5颜色,刷纹Color and brushmark 目测Visual inspection要求颜色一致,纹通顺The color shall be consistent, and the brushmark shall be smooth. 6干燥涂膜厚Thickness of dry coating 磁性测厚仪Magnetic thickness tester 不小于设计厚度Not less than the designed thickness10.6.6设备防腐步骤equipment corrosion protective steps1. 操作工艺Operation process 1.1工艺流程:基面处理基面验收底漆涂装中间漆涂装面漆涂装检查验收Process: the yankees face processing surface acceptance among primer paint painting face paint painting examination and acceptance 其中底漆涂装流程:板材喷砂自动喷涂烘干补漆(不均匀,浮尘处理)检查验收标注移植One primer process: plank gush arenaceous automatic spray drying fill paint (not even, floating dust processing) eexamination and acceptancemark transplantation2. 喷砂要求(油漆前控制) Gush arenaceous requirements (paint control before)2.1油漆涂刷前,待涂漆的表面应光滑、干燥、无焊渣、锈蚀、松散垢皮、污垢、灰尘、油脂和其它与油漆无关的物质。Before besmear brushs the paint, wait for paint surface should be smooth and dry no welding slag corrosion loose skin dirt scale dust oils and other has nothing to do with the paint of the material2.2表面处理方法采用喷砂除锈的方法。Surface treatment methods the blast cleaned method2.3表面处理等级依照GB/T 8923-88要求,除锈等级为Sa2.5级,"Sa"表示喷抛清理等级Surface treatment level according to GB/T 8923-88 requirements, derusting level for Sa2.5 level, "Sa" said spray cleaning cast level2.4 在进行表面处理之前,应用溶剂出去污迹和油脂,为使喷抛的表面适宜喷漆,磨料应进行选择,并清洗、干燥,无油和无污染。In surface treatment before solvent oil stains and application go out, to make the paint surface spray into suitable, abrasive should carry on the choice, and washing and drying, no oil and no pollution2.5 除底漆之前,应清除表面上的灰尘和磨料,并小心保持表面清洁无污染物。In addition to primer before, should clear the dust on the surface and abrasive, and be careful to keep surface clean without pollutants3. 油漆喷涂:wet coating:3.1底漆,按油漆的配比要求加入固化剂、稀料,控制油漆的粘度、稠度、稀度,兑制时应充分的搅拌,使油漆色泽、粘度均匀一致。由于加入固化剂的原因,油漆要控制一次性调配的量,一定要保证调和后4小时内涂装完毕。Primer, according to paint the ratio to join the curing agent thinner, paint control viscosity of thin consistency degree, blending hongdan anti-rust should fully mixing, make the paint color viscosity uniform due to join the cause of curing agent, paint to control the amount of disposable deployment, must assure harmonic 4 hours after the coating3.2 在涂装底漆前,应由检查人员检查表面处理的质量。各种漆料应有产品合格证,在涂装之前应阅读产品说明书,各种漆料的储存、稀释、混合、处理、涂装和安全规定应符合厂家说明书和当地的法规,通常在1030°C之间的相对湿度不高于50%进行涂装是适宜的。 In the former primer painting, should by inspectors check the quality of the surface treatment of paints should have product certificate, the coating should be read before product manual, all kinds of lacquer material storage dilution mixed finishing and safety regulations should comply with the specifications and local regulations manufacturers, usually in 10 30 C between the relative humidity is not higher than 50% for coating is appropriate3.3 所有漆膜应均匀,无流坠、凹陷、气泡、喷溅或其它缺损对焊隙、焊缝、边缘等处应特别注意,确保达到所需的油漆厚度。All the paint film should be uniform, no flow in a bubble spray or other defect butt weld edge the place such as the gap should pay special attention to, make sure to the required thickness of paint 3.4涂装工艺采用喷涂施工时,应调整好喷嘴口径、喷涂压力,喷枪胶管能自由拉伸到作业区域, 空气压缩机气压应在0.40.7N/mm2。(此喷涂工艺会浪费部分底漆)The coating process with spray when construction, should adjust good nozzle diameter spraying pressure, spray gun hose will free stretch to work area, 3.5喷涂时应保持好喷嘴与涂层的距离,一般喷枪与作业面距离应在100mm左右,喷枪与板材角度应该保持垂直,或喷嘴略为上倾为宜。Spraying should keep good nozzle and coating distance, general spray gun and operation shall be 100 mm distance in left and right sides, spray gun and plank Angle should be vertical, and nozzle, its slightly advisable 3.6涂时喷嘴应该平行移动,移动时应平稳,速度一致,保持涂层均匀。但是采用喷涂时,一般涂层厚度较薄,故应多喷几遍,每层喷涂时应待上层漆膜已经干燥时进行。When should be parallel with nozzle, movement should be smooth, speed, consistent, and keep it even coating but with spray, general the thickness is thinner, reason should be spray more than a few times, each layer coating should stay superstratum paint film have dry 4. 补漆 repair paint 喷涂板材后会有部分区域未喷涂到位或漆膜薄,此时得用到人工喷漆,注意喷涂时板材的表面 洁净工作。Spraying plank after part of the area not spraying in place or thin film, and at the time) have to paint, pay attention to the plate surface spraying 5. 涂层检查与验收 Coating inspection and acceptance 5.1表面涂装施工时和施工后,应对涂装过的工件进行保护,防止飞扬尘土和其它杂物。Surface coating and after construction when construction, and deal with the protection coating workpieces, prevent flying dust and other sundry 5.2涂装后的处理检查,应该是涂层颜色一致,色泽鲜明光亮,不起皱皮,不起疙瘩。The processing of the check after coating, coating should be the same color, the clear bright color, not wrinkle skin, not a knot in one's heart 5.3设计要求底漆漆膜厚度应达到65um,应考虑到现场实际和卷板机卷后需再涂漆一层,故于喷砂场地,控制漆膜厚度在3545um。The design requirements primer film thickness should reach 65 um, should consider to the actual and roll trigger to the roll need to paint after a layer, so at gush arenaceous ground, control film thickness in 35 45 um 6. 标注移植 Mark transplantation按板材种类和规格编号,排版好以后在板材上,进行标注移植工作。According to the plate type and specification Numbers, layout good later in the plate, the mark transplantation work7. 成品保护 Product protection7.1 涂装后的板材需要运输时,应注意防止磕碰,防止在地面拖拉,防止涂层损坏。The plank after coating for transportation, attention shall be paid to prevent knock against, and prevent the ground drag, pr


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