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2021年秋季国家开放大学电大专科英语口语(1)期末试题及答案(试卷号:2146)试卷代号:2146国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试英语口语(1) 口试题签学生用卷(A)2020 年 1 HDirtctions: In (hh lest you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your lability to undenUnd and qm! spoken English. Ibe test is divided into thrve pur板Part I Read a hort passage aloud and answer questions.Part 2 Spitak on u topicPart 3 Complete a mlc-play task with the examiner as your conversation partner.Part I Read aluud the following paviagc nnd then aivMer the questiurv* thv examiner auks y”uItS been quite time since I was in London# but wmething happened during thnf visit and VII rcniemher the incident lonK as 1 live. London had one of the thickest fogs in yenrs. You could hardly see yaur hand in front of your Uce. Cars and buses moved along slowly their lights were on and their horns kept blowing furkiunlyt Toward evening the wrnther gat even worc. The Ior became very thick. I had an important meeting on the other 5:dr of town but it was impossible to find a taxu 1 derided to walk. Minutes later I was completely lost I did not know where I wm Fhen I hefird a womanS voice- 1 suppose you are larcly see the young womans but was glad to find another person out in the fug. I rxplhincd whrrr 1 wanted to o and nhc said she knew exactly how to gtt therc very quiet# just like u graveynrd. and I kept thinking my Kutcle might laid ine ta a mdc street. Then she nnd Mime friendii might rob me. But to my surprise gu 伉伸昨山 viMit the library? How 血 y.,u Kuod unr of (hr l.brnry lor your hart 3 Complete n rolc-phy task with your examiner. Your convcruition should lat ahaut 31 minutes.A and H arc uhopping al the drpnrtnirnt Bturc. They nieM. A 心虹 B to help select a pair ol IrmhcrV,M 1,rr A Yuu surt u convertton with Ik The fuiluwinK the prucedurr y(lU should Follow ExchanRr rrrting5 with H. Ak B to nccomprtiiy you to buy a pair nl %hor 丫顷 w/int tu buy a pair of IraThrr uhug Ask B lar ndvice xpirj yuur prrkrencc for unarhrr bmnd and style.试卷代号:2146国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试英语口语(1) 口试题签教师用4r un opportunity to demonMnitc thdr uhlhty to understand wnd me spoloi English Tbe leit h dhided Into three partPart I Rend a short parage aloud and answer the quelion.Pwrt 3 Speak on o topicPart 3 Cnmplclc n roltrpluy huk with the examiner 略 the convrmution partnerpart ISection A Ask thr student U read aloud the following paM邮。|ifH been qmlr Mime Itinr Hinct I w” in London hut wimelhing hnpprnrd during that visit and VW remember the incident as long a 1 live- London had one of the thickvnt fg in year You could hardly see your hand in front uf your face Cats and Imew movrd alung slowly t their lights were on and their hornu kept bkiwing (uriously. I oward evening#【he wrathrt got even worse- Thr fog became very thick. I hmi but n was imposMiblc io find tajLi. I derided io walk. Minutes Ifltrr 1 wax conipletcly ol. I did not know where I wan. I hcn I hen rd a wotnan9 vnicr. M1 suppuxr you are 1ost Can 1 help you? M I could bn rely the young woman, but was gtad to find another person out in the (or. I explained where I wnhtrd m 只n &hd ihr said she knew exactly how to nc There- I was clunbrfuL but follawcd her thraugh ihr diirk Mrcetn.Thr city wdb very quiet just likr a KrnvryanL and 1 kept thinking niy uidf nHhl Irad me to a side Mreeb Then fthe and unic friend* might rob mr But ! my surprit! the wumuri led me Mrainhi ro the meeting place. How well could find her wy ihrnugh ihr hI know (his part of th town quite wHI. kHp explained.ihe log 一 this terrible fog hns nude il nriposMbk to nee 孔nythin卜:,IHIt make no difference to me if if S Foggy ar den Yau see, Km hlincL ” Section B Aiik lhe student the following questions1. What wan the weather like during the writerfs last visit to London?2. What happened when the writer we lost in the way?3. Why do you think thr writer didnt Truax the Indy whwi followmg her through the dark 5treets7L Whats pecinl about the Indy?Part 2 Ask Ihr student Io speuk on the following topic.Do you frequently visit the library? How do you make good use ol the library lor your Mudieu?Part 3 Complete a roltrpltiy Utsk with the student. Your roncrxution nhonld Inst 3I minutos.A and B arc chopping at the department jtorc. They meeL A ask B to help select b pair ol leftther show.You nrr B Talk only stwn necessary. The following notes urr r1 fd luve to uccornpany you.With pleasure.You want co buy n pair of leather Ixcju Ask B for advK:eYou suggest n curtain brand ur MyleWhat abuut thi pairf How a bout rbi5 one?ExprrAJ* your preference for another brand And style-You agree with AS clecrion.1 think they rr very comfuriabfe.1 think you would look very nice in that srylr.试卷代号:2146国家开放大学20 19年秋季学期期末统一考试英语口语(1) 口试题签学生用卷(B)2020年1月Directions: In (his test ymi will time an opportunity to dcmonslrule your ability (n undcrstanc and um: spoken EtiRlish. Vbc test is divided into Ihrvc parts.Hurt 1 Read n short p心xgt aloud and answer questions.Part 2 Speak on a topic.Part 3 C omplete n role-play bisk with thr exuminer un your conversation partnerPart 1 Read aloud the fnlhiwlng pusMitfc und then answer the questions Ihr exantinrr 的k、ymi. Mr lJcrkin stood at the buK-rttop and wntchcd thr enrn go by. Mont uf thr varnnew Betn IOO5 and mcht o( thrm were yrllw Mr Prrkin always wure thr nrnr rhnht a! other mene Atr the wamr food other people nnd did the mnif fhinRei nfter work, nnd ni I hi end of the week. Mr Prrkln did not like to he liitfercnL Thr (aliawhig wmk. Mr Prrkir bought n new t bright yellow Briw 400svr w work ni i the vrry next iky. Ik wur even morewith hi new enr when he naw till the other U4(X) in fronte behind# and nn cnch Hides of him. Mr Perkin parked hi cur in u bin cat pork tie r his oilier nnd walked tht- re d uf tin wayw Hein EO、n (he car pork (hi Mr Pirkiti (fill not know which cat wn hisu 1 k tried his key m mhih- of ih rnrst hut pcaplc (KUstinB by avc him h look he did not like. Su he stopped.Poor Mr Perkin hnd fo wail neftrly two hour、until hut was thr only yellow Bi tfi 100 ii thr carpurLPurl 2 S|mk nn the following topic for ulioul 2 mhiiilM.WhiH intwrrMing rvrnf clrvr)op!(| front Hrtllowcr! to tnnkc thin holhluy nerve a worthy cniiNc?1 ompklr ii role-piny hik Mlth your ckHnilnrr Yn nhnutd lut 31mlniitoi.A meet?* H. n trAchcf al the HirriHiikfihrtmentt on tlw oirupnVw rr A You tr given by a prolrnwir from Thr UK. A i- nkcd u Hive nn Mririnunrrtnr-ni !O thr ! (ur lecture thr next nftemoon. Ato tlv- rla.Mrxjiri aimI uivm nn MntUNjncrttirnt mxorGruc to the fulluuntui In/unruituirulopte: Churlct hkltmw ucM Speaker: Prof. Paul WhileAcluul DalrI Inir : 3: 30 p. m Plwvr; 2ml (I. M Aiidltoriuni试卷代号:2146国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统-考试英语口语(1) 口试题签教师用卷(R)2020年1月Dimt ions: In this trt. the students will h;nv an opportunity t dcmoiislrntc their nbilily to undenttund and use spoken English. The test i divided inlo three parts-Part 1 Read a hirtaloud and answer the queMionikPart 2 Speak on a topicPart 3 Complete ii mlbpluy with the examiner as I he converMution purtnrr.Part ISection Ask the student tn read aloud thepxssatge. Mr Ptrkm stood ar :het呻 and watched the c.irs gn by. Most of the rar% wrrpnew Bern 400$. and most of tlicm were yfllow but people passing by gave him a look he did not likc So he jstoppedaPoor Mr Perkin lud to wait nearly two hours until his was thr only yellow Beta 400 in thr car-park.Section B A* the student the following questions. Why did Mr Perkin want to buy u new yellow Bela 4D&?2. Why waii he pleased with his new car?3. Why did hr have to wait ncurly two hourn in the car pnrk? Whm did propk pnsninjj by do when hr tried hi kry in *ornc of the curt?Part 2 the (ulcnl to pruk on the folhiini: topicW!ui intctmtihM event Hmr developed from linnowrcn lei rnakr ihl. holiday frrvr . wurthy rMimc?llrl 3 Complrtr u ndc-pluy with the udr nt I hr cociwniutiun should lunt :i1 mhiutai.A niv oh UumKI hank you.(ilnrl you like my trnrlung.(ibid yni en;oy my cLtsigA hear* about a corniiiu lecture to br given by a pru(cM/r frotn the VK.Confirm rhi infnrniAtiun.Ak A to give nn announcemertt to the du” for a lecture the nrx: ullrrnooni U” nctuol dnie Plenw note that the lecture i for the next ftftcmooThYea# there will hr h lecture given roniorrow Could you give in nnnnunccmrnl to your clasis for me? Here arc the details ( Refer to thr student trAt pnprr.)A Roe* ta thr cliircxjm nndgivestheannouHCrnirnt nccorditiK tu the tnlormntipn Kiven on thr test paper.试卷代号:2M6国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一号试英语口语(1) 口试成0单2020犀1月*号名博分学9名w分q _r口试教师* HIN:试卷代号:2146国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试英语口语(1) 口试评分标准(供参考)2020年1月评分标准博分朗读鬼文/网答问蹲连贯发言简单交谈10090论音、语调正确8 朗读流畅语流自然.徒在规定时间内正确问答1个问题.表达椎确.用何恰当能紧扣所给的话国有条理地S1织自己的淋诂,语言而畅.内容充实,能够根据所规定的情景和角色进行白效交际1语日得体、流畅,儡恰当地逃行应答和导.人话通.能主动地展开话职8980语音、ifi调正确,明渍较流锄语流较二自然】能在所现定的时间内IE确回答4个何尽.能就所埼的话聘有条理 炮组织白己的讲话,语言较流替.内容较充实.大部分情况F可以根据 所规定的情娥和们色进 行有效交际I语言较得体,h 能较主动地展开话题.7I7D语吝.语阊革本正确3 朗读g本尚略3 SB4所规定的肘间内 正缅回答3个问题.基本能就所饴的话题切织自己的讲话8 i5a基本流畅,内容欠基本能根据所观定的情 景村角色迁行交谈,语言基本得体.it Mi不能主动地展开话SL6900 i吾皆.滑调有一些 情误.朗该基本流啪:能在所貌定的时间内 正确间答3个何题.基本儒就所给的话题电织自己的讲话,谄言欠观恸.发言简短.称本能根据所规定的tw 景和的色进行交谈.550语音、话漏错误严重,朗焕不魂畅: 2含2个)以上问18回答不正琳,善非 所问.不能就所治的店题组坦 自己的讲话;发言谕短旦无连贯性. 几乎无法交际.不能根招所规定的情景 和伟色逍行交淡.


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