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122007-2016高考语法填空高频词复习检测高考语法填空高频词复习检测1.快的,迅速的快的,迅速的 adj._ adv._2.使惊奇,使人吃惊使惊奇,使人吃惊 v._ adj.令人吃惊的令人吃惊的_ adv.感到吃惊的感到吃惊的_3.演出,表演演出,表演 v._ n._4.吸引吸引 vt._ n._ adj._5.实现,达到实现,达到 v._ n._6.逐渐的逐渐的 adj._ adv._7.自然界自然界 n._ adj._8.温暖的温暖的 adj._ adv._ n._9.发展发展 v._ n._ adj.发达的发达的_10.迟的迟的,晚的晚的 adj._ adv.后来,以后后来,以后_ adv.近来近来_quickquicklysurprisesurprisingsurprisedperformperformanceattractattractionattractiveachieveachievementgradualgraduallynaturenaturalwarmwarmlywarmthdevelopdevelopmentdevelopedlatelaterlately3真题导航真题导航技巧点拨技巧点拨实战演练实战演练命题探究命题探究课后巩固课后巩固语法填空语法填空45Magic TouchFrom my hotel room window,I could see a large advertisement board with his face on it: Jason, the Great Magician.I absent-mindedly turned the 56 (page) of the phone book and came across a city map. Drinking my iced coffee I ran my fingers along the streets 57 the hotel to the opera hall. Not more 58 a half-hour walk, I thought.I looked 59 (quick) at the clock. The show starts in one hour; plenty of time! I drank the rest of my coffee and went to take a shower. Soon after, I was on my way to the show, 60 (carry) a fancy black handbag and a happy smile.The hall was dark when I came in; the show was about 61 (begin). I made my way backstage just 62 the great magician was putting on his top hat.“Daddy, Im so glad to see you,” I 63 (whisper). “Im in town for the writers class, but I just couldnt miss your show.” I gave him a quick hug and went back into the seating area, leaving him with a 64 (surprise) smile. I settled down in the darkness, and the curtains opened.Magically, that show remains the Great Jasons best 65 (perform) to this day.6题型解读题型解读一篇一篇200字左右的短文或对话字左右的短文或对话6-7个空白根据给出单词的正确形式填空个空白根据给出单词的正确形式填空 (不多于三个单词)不多于三个单词)3-4个根据上下文填写空白处所需内容个根据上下文填写空白处所需内容 (一个单词)一个单词)能力考查:能力考查: 理解语篇、句子结构、理解语篇、句子结构、 运用语法、单词拼写运用语法、单词拼写7Answers:56. pages57. from58. than59. quickly60. carrying61. to begin62. as/when63. whispered64. surprised65. performance8根据语义根据语义, 确定词确定词形形分析句子分析句子,确定词确定词性性解题四步走提示:四步走归根到底其实就是寻找依据每一个语法填空的空格里所需的单词或短语其实都可以在所在的句子中或者上下文中找到它的依据通读全文通读全文,理解大意理解大意检查搭配检查搭配, 前后连贯前后连贯解题步骤:解题步骤:9Magic TouchFrom my hotel room window,I could see a large advertisement board with his face on it: Jason, the Great Magician.I absent-mindedly turned the pages (page) of the phone book and came across a city map. Drinking my iced coffee I ran my fingers along the streets from the hotel to the opera hall. Not more than a half-hour walk, I thought.I looked quickly (quick) at the clock. The show starts in one hour; plenty of time! I drank the rest of my coffee and went to take a shower. Soon after, I was on my way to the show, carrying (carry) a fancy black handbag and a happy smile.The hall was dark when I came in; the show was about to begin (begin). I made my way backstage just as/when the great magician was putting on his top hat.“Daddy, Im so glad to see you,” I whispered (whisper). “Im in town for the writers class, but I just couldnt miss your show.” I gave him a quick hug and went back into the seating area, leaving him with a surprised (surprise) smile. I settled down in the darkness, and the curtains opened.Magically, that show remains the Great Jasons best performance (perform) to this day.56. 名词名词57. 介词介词58. 搭配搭配59. 副词副词60. 非谓语动词非谓语动词61. 非谓语动词非谓语动词62. 连词连词63. 谓语动词谓语动词64. 非谓语动词非谓语动词65. 名词名词62. 连词连词106-76-7空空(有提示词)(有提示词)3-43-4空空(无提示词)(无提示词)连词连词代词代词介词介词冠词冠词动词动词名词:名词:形容词形容词/ /副词:副词:词性转换词性转换11How do you How do you usually solve usually solve this problem ?this problem ?v思考:面对语法填空中如此繁杂的语法点,思考:面对语法填空中如此繁杂的语法点,我们到底该怎样入手呢我们到底该怎样入手呢? ? 12carryingfrompages(more)thanquicklyas/whenwhisperedto beginperformancesurprised60. 非谓语动词非谓语动词56. 名词名词59. 副词副词63. 谓语动词谓语动词61. 非谓语动词非谓语动词65. 名词名词64. 非谓语动词非谓语动词1. 纯空格试题(纯空格试题( ) 2. 给出了动词的试题(给出了动词的试题( )3. 词类转换题(词类转换题( )三个解三个解题思路题思路命题探究命题探究57. 介词介词58. 固定搭配固定搭配62. 连词连词57、58、6260、61、63、6456、59、6513技巧点拨技巧点拨一、纯空格一、纯空格(无提示词)(无提示词)代词代词冠词冠词介词介词连词连词固定结构、助动词、情态动词固定结构、助动词、情态动词14例例1 Although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while, she knew that this was a present which was bound to please _.him 技巧技巧1 1 :句子缺主语或宾语,一定是填句子缺主语或宾语,一定是填 代词代词2. Jane was walking around the department store. She remembered how difficult _was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father. (2009) 3. They need each other _ physically and emotionally.it both 技巧点拨技巧点拨15例例2. he would open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child _ had put it there. who/that技巧技巧1 1:定语从句缺主语或宾语,定语从句缺主语或宾语,一定是填适当的关系词,如:一定是填适当的关系词,如:who, that, which, whom。技巧点拨技巧点拨( ) 16例例3. (1)Everyone began to talk about_ the boy had done. (2) His uncle tells him _ if his cousin wins it, the family will win an overseas tour for free. what技巧技巧1 1:名词性从句名词性从句缺主语或宾语,根据句子缺主语或宾语,根据句子意思填适当的词,如:意思填适当的词,如:what ,who/whom不缺主语或宾语有,句意完整用不缺主语或宾语有,句意完整用 that技巧点拨技巧点拨 that( ( ) ) 17技巧技巧2 2:定语从句定语从句 缺缺地点状语地点状语用用_, 缺缺时间状语时间状语用用_,缺,缺原因状语原因状语用用_。例例4. The head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to a small town some 20 kilometres away_there was a garage. where whywhen where技巧点拨技巧点拨) ( 18例例5. It is said that the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. _ he was discouraged or faced with difficult problems, he would open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful girl. When/Whenever 技巧点拨技巧点拨时间状语从句时间状语从句( ) 19例例6. ._ old you are, its not too late to make your life more interesting. However技巧技巧2:状语从句状语从句 缺缺地点状语地点状语用用_, 缺缺时间状语时间状语用用_,缺缺原因状语原因状语用用_,缺缺方式状语方式状语用用_。 where/whereverwhen/ wheneverbecausehow / however技巧点拨技巧点拨20技巧技巧3 3:当空格后面是:当空格后面是名词,名词, 若充当成分,若充当成分,填填限定词限定词(冠词,形容词性物主代词,不定(冠词,形容词性物主代词,不定代词。代词。例例7. (1)Bemidji high school senior Jaxon Anderson is _ awkward teenager who wants to be everyones hero.itsan(2)Megan Engeseth Photography, a studio is well-known for_ creative senior portraits. 技巧点拨技巧点拨21技巧技巧4 4 :介词介词 的使用要注意的使用要注意搭配搭配和和上下文上下文语境语境提示。提示。例例8. I got a place next _ the window, so I had a good view of the side walk.to技巧点拨技巧点拨His back injury may keep him _ playing in tomorrows game.from22例例9. (1)Two world-famous artists, Pablo Picasso_ Candido Portinari, which are worth millions of dollars.At first, I chose very simple books, _ now most of the older kids are able to read more advanced books. and技巧技巧5 5 :若空格前后为并列的:若空格前后为并列的单词、短语或单词、短语或句子之间,填句子之间,填连词连词。技巧点拨技巧点拨 but(2)You will never gain success _ you are fully devoted to your work. unless23 例例10 (1) Listen to these words from Darwin P. Kingsley: “You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you _ do. (2) He had no time or energy to play with his children or talk with his wife, but he _ bring home a regular salary.coulddid技巧技巧6 6:若结构完整,若结构完整, 空格后的谓语动词是原型,空格后的谓语动词是原型,且又与上下文时态不一致或主谓不一致时,且又与上下文时态不一致或主谓不一致时,很有可能是填很有可能是填_或或 _ 。情态动词情态动词表示强调或倒装的助动词(表示强调或倒装的助动词(do,does,did等)等)技巧点拨技巧点拨24 例例11(1) _ was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldnt eat MSG(味精味精). (2) _ with hard work can you expect to get pay rise.ItOnly技巧技巧7 7:由由特殊句式结构特殊句式结构来判断空格应填的词来判断空格应填的词技巧点拨技巧点拨25二、给出了动词的试题二、给出了动词的试题技巧点拨技巧点拨谓语动词谓语动词非谓语动词非谓语动词doingdoneto do261.谓语谓语动词动词1. Now my picture and prize _ (be)hanging in the library. 2. One morning, a boy on a bike _ (catch) my attention. 3. Books may be _ (keep)for four weeks. arekept主谓一致主谓一致动词时态动词时态动词语态动词语态caughtTips:如果缺谓语,就要根据上下文如果缺谓语,就要根据上下文语境和意思确定动词的语境和意思确定动词的_和和_ _ 的变化的变化语态语态时态、时态、数数技巧点拨技巧点拨272.非谓语动词非谓语动词 1.I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man_(sit) at the front. sitting2.Simon made a big bamboo box _ (keep) the little sick bird till it could fly.to keep3._(see) from the tallest building, the whole city looks very beautifulSeen Tips:如果如果不缺不缺谓语,就要根据上下文语境和谓语,就要根据上下文语境和 意思意思 确定动词的使用确定动词的使用非谓语动词非谓语动词: 1. 与逻辑主语是与逻辑主语是主动主动/进行进行/介词后介词后: 2. 与逻辑主语是与逻辑主语是被动被动/完成完成: 3. 表示表示将来将来/目的目的/形容词后形容词后:一般用一般用V-ing形式形式一般用一般用V-ed形式形式一般用一般用to do。技巧点拨技巧点拨28技巧点拨技巧点拨三、词类转换题三、词类转换题名词名词动词动词形容词形容词副词副词29词性转换词性转换permission4.The smallest good habits can make a_(different ) . (2014全国卷)全国卷)1.The man explained that he had Gods _(permit) (2012广东)广东)Tip1:作主语、介词后做宾语、不定代词作主语、介词后做宾语、不定代词和指示代词、冠词和指示代词、冠词(+形容词形容词)、所有格后、所有格后_名词名词 difference 技巧点拨技巧点拨30名词主要涉及名词的名词主要涉及名词的可数与不可数可数与不可数以及以及名词名词_的问题的问题1)Teachers must try their best to make most of their _(student) interested in the subject.students2)Those tests included people of different _(age)from 12 to 83. ages3)He agreed to read my story and give me some _(advice) on how to write like a real writer. advice单、复数单、复数名词注意点:名词注意点:技巧点拨技巧点拨31. 1.The story sounds_(interest)interestingTip2:在在系动词之后系动词之后做表语、修饰做表语、修饰名词名词作定语、作定语、宾语补足补用宾语补足补用_词类转换词类转换系动词系动词+形容词形容词be+形容词形容词冠词冠词+形容词形容词+名词名词形容词形容词动词动词+宾语宾语+形容词形容词技巧点拨技巧点拨32词类转换词类转换Tip3:修饰形容词,动词或整个句子单独做修饰形容词,动词或整个句子单独做状语用状语用_修饰动词修饰动词单独做状语单独做状语副词副词Unbelievablyseriously修饰形容词修饰形容词技巧点拨技巧点拨33副词的变形副词的变形 一般情况下,形容词直接加一般情况下,形容词直接加_ full: 以以ll结尾的结尾的_ possible: 以以le结尾的结尾的_ scientific: 以以ic结尾的,结尾的,_ easy: 以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y结尾的,结尾的,_ true whole .直接加直接加y在后面加在后面加ally改改y为为i再加再加ly改改le 为为lytrulywhollyly fully possiblyscientifically easily技巧点拨技巧点拨342.He speaks English as _(fluent)as Mary. 1.Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is_(clean) than ever3.Thehard) you try to beat him, the more likely you will get hit. . cleanerfluently Tip3:形容词和副词主要考查形容词和副词主要考查比较级、最高级比较级、最高级等等。1.在表示范围的在表示范围的in /of介词短语或形容词前有介词短语或形容词前有the时,时,一般要用一般要用_;than的前面一般要用的前面一般要用_,2.注意注意”越越,就越就越”_以及原级比较以及原级比较_The +比较级比较级.,the +比较级比较级as+adj/adv+as最高级最高级比较级比较级harder形容词和副词注意点形容词和副词注意点技巧点拨技巧点拨35 词类转换题词类转换题1.His bad health is a great _(advantage) to him.(2014辽宁)辽宁)2.He is very _(lucky), he never wins anything.3.It is _ (polite) to leave without saying goodbye to the host. disadvantageunluckyTip4Tip4: :有可能是词义转换题,词类不用变,主要是有可能是词义转换题,词类不用变,主要是考察具有与词根意义考察具有与词根意义相反相反的派生词,根据句子意思派生词,根据句子意思需要,在需要,在词根前词根前加加_等,在等,在词根后词根后加加_等使句子前后逻辑意义通顺。等使句子前后逻辑意义通顺。un-,im-,dis-lessimpolite36无提示词无提示词, 名词之名词之前前无提示词无提示词, 注意注意搭配搭配问题问题抓住抓住主谓结构主谓结构,确定,确定主句主句,剩下的部分,如有,剩下的部分,如有连连词词,则是,则是句子句子,仍然有,仍然有主谓结构主谓结构,否则就用,否则就用非谓非谓语语;是;是谓语谓语就思考就思考时态时态,语态语态,主谓一致主谓一致,是,是非非谓语谓语就看就看主动被动主动被动,有否,有否先后关系先后关系。无提示词无提示词, 两个并列或主谓结构连接两个并列或主谓结构连接有提示词有提示词, 介词介词,冠词冠词,所有格后接所有格后接名词名词,形容词形容词,修饰名词修饰名词,副词副词修饰形容词动词或整个句子修饰形容词动词或整个句子无提示词无提示词,在句子中作在句子中作主语、宾语或定语主语、宾语或定语有提示词有提示词,in /of介词短语或介词短语或形容词前形容词前有有the,最高级;,最高级;than前用比较级前用比较级37Lets have a try: 2017.6 2017.6实战演练实战演练38Last October, while tending her garden in Mora, Sweden, Lena Pahlsson pulled out a handful of small 56_ (carrot) and was about to throw them away. But something made her look closer, and she noticed a 57_(shine) object. Yes, there beneath the leafy top of one tiny carrot was her long-lost wedding ring.Pahlsson screamed 58_ loudly that her daughter came running from the house. “She thought I had hurt 59_(I) ,” says Pahlsson. Sixteen years 60_(early), Pahlsson had removed the diamond ring 61_(cook) a meal. When she wanted to put the ring back on later, it was gone. She suspected that one of her threecarrotsshining/shinysomyselfearlierto cook39daughters-then ten, eight, and six-had picked it up, but the girls said they hadnt. Pahlsson and her husband 62_ (search) the kitchen, checking every corner, but turned up nothing. “ I gave up hope of finding my ring again,” she says. She never replaced it.Pahlsson and her husband now think the ring probably got 63_(sweep) into a pile of kitchen rubbish and was spread over the garden ,64_ it remained until the carrots leafy top accidentally sprouted(生长)(生长)through it. For Pahlsson, its return was 65_ wonder.searchedsweptwherea40个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论


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