外研版英语六下MODULE 7Unit 1 Shenzhou V flew into spaceppt课件

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Module 7 unit 1 Shenzhou flew into space. 外研版六年级英语下册 New words flew became spent hour son proud pilot taikounaut first video In October 2003, Shenzhou flew into space with Yang Liwei. He was Chinas first man in space. Yang Liwei is from Liaoning. First he became a pilot. Then he became a taikonaut. Yang Liwei spent about twentyone hours in space. He made a video about his space travel. Lots of people saw it and now he is very, very famous. Yang Liweis son was eight years old. He saw his father in space and he was very proud of him. Listen and say In October 2003, Shenzhou flew into space with Yang Liwei A: Yang Liwei spent about twenty one hours in space. B: He made a video and now he is very, very famous. Use the word “and” to make sentences. Eg. Yang liweis son saw his father in space. Yang liweis son was very proud of his father. Now, we can say: Yang liweis son saw his father in space and he was very proud of him. Step 5 Homework 1. Read the text in role. 2. Finish task 5.


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