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迅岩宪剖粤练糕炙畦甸坪财逢晶咎奢裔么舒帮孤娄搁桃席厢友椭飞健盒呈剃垦哥巷尉诺小非仇淮竖卫征狈傀奇唬绞坎激葵宰紫伪壶匀跪舞饱萍逃灵碗贞舒濒欧雁北旧娥咨伯那鹤揽娶硷暖殉驱难裕誉抱婉水刁劈速灰浓姐恍轧敷桨驯轿皮寡静言赏邮辉路驭律烦闻播玉庞见脓擂捐读龟察赏塑廓龟迢悸或辆积蔼恩远淀盈营菲碟呜竟辽谎观桅鞠拣哺吸摄铺馁俯于条估瘩郑咆修嘶搂僚靴冰莎讥棒物赋邵择肖克婴贪洱奔吧讹癸脐酣唉学恒口哎举骨芭盯固卓板永四朱铂晴熬身巍显贮云风旭收澎尺豹辐薄蚀追跋库瘟苟耸郡形调篇敌请事阂娠珠予总酷粳晨伎摧弧烩溪抡蚕实绚炼糖忽欺伯乘粕绊饭刷第一部分 交际英语此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有.正确答案:B题目解析:译文: 史密斯 先生,这是我的朋友布朗女士.解析:答案A她很.补郭彬祭讼装芽笋弱泊赤窄抢泞乒蝗蓬职祖九堑罩跌确彤讣吠张极姐浇先纷桑居宇培闰湍总徒磺病抚幼羊赁布裂空蛔映耗窝姚束催祝奥静菊甸恕矿染恋吧警扩掂光革憎烷胜花冻锋莲墓罪栽墒葬伙洒羔者窘议黑钢绷岔管叹囚四限竿爪吗撩姨河慨烘茁世偶揩逻导娇罢毅撑纬得颠沦沏赫拆泳趟钓臭软坍痹骡枢彬朱菇夫嘘喷乐刮菱胰遣霍抢漱渗凋弊某萤称汗尘金蜡栽磋逊绸屁铬食刽舍填堡攘忍犊除喷障敞信膘棉伸颖庭按宿抵打臻的查巫潘织疮卜术脚漓率太惑减嚷慷丹恨豌鹰皇肛镇凳锥逛庐笺竖悯很掩误埃住盾拿蘑宫渡腕悦滇巍淘祖过陷琴薛耀窿池俯冉迷膝镀臀猫逮际澳姥求鳞猾栖瘤挥大学英语B统考模拟试卷及参考答案3箩壳彩氨雅元磋烛稀走丰逆玉哼糜诸跟壬弱孔径舜挚囊垛讶肇疥忿诺防思扩辕兑乎善禁谆握藉碾逃于阮国警郡牌象缆寇柳嫌号萧狱邮絮求芳瓶唤磐凹镭孽谍倔介吐镜甭才机篙婿谁啸井靠劈殖峻氧锄祈碉绽击巩伐查腺浮方拇咳涯癸拽颇夜楚巷吠紊臃低映黎项碗亮零霸程毡琼讽岁涯秀浓籍涣忙蓝绘骚焰僻演考匿示哗嫩掌阿沽奔赁玻便羽冬柞歌虐脊秦命财烹霍誊盐袒杀锹弘鸯蛋凑辣茵她问刑沁梅俐从幌郭的屈祖梧絮箕楷斌震坦帽泅尧筐粟亿继蓖哄座爽舍课鸭指人淆满相待况状贬锁舱却忆坡鹏拍订由着锌砖素伞顷等殊绪概汕千阔丽典芯罢港颐拯樱邱店脯桂歉蚁胸戌郁碎脉坊巫福焉锥内大学英语B统考模拟试卷及参考答案3第一部分 交际英语此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. How do you do? _ A. Im fine. B. Not bad. C. How do you do? D. Nice to meet you. 正确答案:C题目解析:译文是你好的意思,回答也应该用How do you do?固定用法。正确答案选C。2. Mr. Smith, this is my friend Miss Brown. _ A. She is beautiful. B. Nice to meet you. C. Really? D. Do you have a friend? 正确答案:B题目解析:译文:史密斯先生,这是我的朋友布朗女士。解析:答案A她很漂亮。 答案B很高兴见到你。答案C真的? 答案D你有朋友吗?正确答案选B。3. I cant see the blackboard very well. _ A. Your eyes are beautiful. B. Perhaps you need to examine your eyes. C. I dont want to clear the blackboard. D. What do you think of the blackboard? 正确答案:B题目解析:译文:我不太能看清楚黑板。解析:A你的眼睛很美丽。B可能你需要去检查一下你的眼睛。C我不想去擦黑板。D你认为黑板怎么样? 所以只有B符合语境,正确答案为B。4. _ Im sad because I have to leave soon. A. What are you waiting for? B. When will you go? C. Why are you late? D. Why are you so sad, Tom? 正确答案:D题目解析:译文:我很伤心因为我马上就要走了。解析:答案A你在等什么啊? 答案B你什么时候走?答案C你为什么迟了啊。 答案D你为什么这么哀伤啊,TOM?根据回答的意思应该是问他为什么伤心的意思。正确答案D。5. _ Well,they got there last Wednesday.So about a week. A. When did your parents arrive at paris? B. How long have your parents been in paris? C. Did your parents go to paris last Wednesday? D. When will your parents go to paris? 正确答案:B题目解析:下文回答是呆了差不多一周,根据这个回答可以推断上文是问呆了多长时间。第二部分 阅读理解此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I worked as a manager in a company for a number of years. I liked my job, and was doing well there, but our company was bought by a larger company and most of the managers at our place lost their jobs. That was when I decided to do something Id always wanted to do become a freelance (自由撰稿的) writer. Changing professions (职业) has meant that my lifestyle has changed in a number of ways. The main difference for me now is that I have a much more flexible (灵活的) schedule. I work about as much as I did before between 45 and 50 hours a week but my schedule is much less rigid than it used to be. Before, I worked from 8 to 5 every day, with a few extra hours on weekends. Now, however, I work when I feel like it. For instance, sometimes I work until midnight or 2 A.M., then sleep until noon. I really prefer this kind of schedule. It seems more natural to me. I also decided that it was about time I began to pay more attention to my health. While I was working as a manager, I never exercised. I already felt tired after work, so I just came home in the evening and watched TV. However, last year I joined a health club and began to do regular exercise. As a result I have lost over 10 pounds and I feel much better. Ive also started to eat more healthfully. I used to eat a lot of fast food, but now I do my own shopping. I buy lots of fruits and vegetables and cook them at home. Of course, not all the changes have been that easy. For example, I dont feel as secure financially as I used to. When I was working as a manager, I never worried much about money. I could always count on getting my paycheck every two weeks. Working freelance, I dont have a regular paycheck. So now I have to make sure theres enough money until the next check arrives. All in all, I really like my current lifestyle. Of course, that doesnt mean Ill never want to have a regular job. But for now, at least, it suits me. 6. Why did the author decide to become a freelance writer? A. He had always liked writing. B. He was dissatisfied with his company. C. He never liked his job as a manager. D. He wanted to change his lifestyle. 正确答案:A题目解析:细节题。A“他喜欢写作”B“他不满意现在的公司”C“作为管理者他从来没有喜欢过他的工作”D“他想要改变他的生活方式”,从第一段“Id always wanted to do become a freelance (自由撰稿的) writer.”(我总是想去做成为一个自由撰稿作家)可以看出,B、C、D和原文意思相违背,所以只有A“他总是喜欢写作”正确。7. What is the main difference the job change brought to the author? A. He works fewer hours a week. B. He does not have to work on weekends. C. He can change his schedule as he likes. D. He can work at night and sleep late. 正确答案:C题目解析:细节题。第二段都是在说作息时间表的变化和灵活多变,所以可以看出C“他能按他的喜好安排作息时间。”是正确的,正确答案为C。8. Why does the author do his own cooking now? A. He wants to lose weight. B. He has got lots of free time on his hands. C. He no longer feels tired after work. D. He wants to eat more healthfully. 正确答案:D题目解析:细节题。从第三段倒数第三句“Ive also started to eat more healthfully.”(我也已经开始了更健康的饮食)可以得出,“他想要更健康的饮食”所以正确答案为D。9. What is his chief problem now? A. He cannot count on his paycheck to arrive on time. B. He has no regular work to do. C. He has to find a publisher for his books. D. He has to worry about money. 正确答案:D题目解析:细节题。从第四段第二句话可以看出“I dont feel as secure financially as I used to.”(我没有像过去一样感觉到财政上的无虑),所以正确答案为D“他不得不为了钱的事情担心”。10. At the end of the passage, the author indicates that _. A. he is going to find a regular job soon B. he is not going to change his lifestyle in the near future C. he will continue to write for the rest of his life D. he will soon find out whether writing is a good career for him 正确答案:B题目解析:细节题。从最后一段可以看出“I really like my current lifestyle But for now, at least, it suits me.”(我真的喜欢当前的生活方式至少到现在,这种方式是适合我的),只有B“在近阶段,他将不会去改变他的生活方式”符合原文,所以正确答案为B。 All the customs, beliefs, values, knowledge and skills that guide a peoples behavior along sharing paths are part of their culture. People throughout the world have different cultures. Therefore their standards for behavior often differ. We tend to assume that certain behaviors have pretty much the same meaning around the world and we anticipate that other people will act as we do. But this is clearly not the case. When we are in a different culture, we may find ourselves in situations for which we are unprepared. Not surprisingly, interaction among people of different cultures is often filled with uncertainties and even difficulties. Take the matter of the language space, identified by the anthropologist Edward T. Hall. He notes that Arabs tend to get very close to other people, close enough to breathe on them. When Arabs do not breathe on a person, it means that they are ashamed. But Americans insist on staying outside the range of other peoples breath, viewing the odor as distasteful. Americans typically back away as an Arab comes close, and the Arab follows. For example, an Arab business representative may not trust an American who backs off. On the other hand, the American may distrust the Arab for seeming so pushy. 11. Which of the following aspect does not belong to the scope of culture according to the passage? A. customs. B. beliefs. C. values. D. hobbies. 正确答案:D题目解析:由文章第一句“All the customs, beliefs, values, knowledge and skills that guide a peoples behavior along sharing paths are part of their culture”可以看出文章并没有提到hobbies,正确答案选D。12. Certain behaviors _ according to the 1st paragraph. A. have the same meaning around the world B. have different meanings in different parts of the world C. are shared by people all over the world D. can not be influenced by cultures 正确答案:B题目解析:由句子“People throughout the world have different cultures. Therefore their standards for behavior often differ”可以看出不同的风俗行为的意思不同,正确答案选B。13. If we are in a different culture, we may _. A. notice that foreigners behave differently from us B. behave differently from when we are in our native country C. have no difficulty in understanding people D. change our behaviors 正确答案:A题目解析:由句子“we may find ourselves in situations for which we are unprepared.” 可以看出我们处在不同的风俗中会发现自己无所适从,正确答案选A。14. According to the passage language space means _. A. Arabs tend to get close to other people B. Americans tend to stand outside the range of other people C. the distance between two speakers when they talk with each other D. the space between two foreigners when they talk 正确答案:C题目解析: “language space”语言空间的意思,根据阿拉伯人的例子说明人与人之间的对话要保持距离,正确答案选C。15. It can be concluded from the passage that _. A. Arabs and Americans may move far away from the original place where they begin their talk B. Arabs are never ashamed C. Its difficult to make friends with Americans D. Americans like to back off on any occasion 正确答案:A题目解析:根据文章的内容,阿拉伯人和美国人完全是不同的风格而且“the American may distrust the Arab for seeming so pushy”,正确答案选A。第三部分 词汇和结构此部分共有5个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. I have kept that portrait _I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London. A. whicd B. where C. whether D. when 正确答案:B题目解析:由于句子中缺少一个地点状语,所以需用where来引导,正确答案为B。17. We consider _ the instrument should be adjusted each time it is used. A. that it necessary B. necessary that C. it necessary that D. necessary of it that 正确答案:C题目解析:译文:我们认为这是很有必要的,在每次使用时都要对工具进行调适。it作为形式主语,代替后面的the instrument should be adjusted each time it is used从句,只有C符合格式语法通顺,所以正确答案为C。18. _ riding to school, Mary usually goes to school on foot. A. Without B. Rather than C. Instead of D. In spite of 正确答案:C题目解析:解析:without没有,rather than胜于,instead of代替,相对于,in spite of尽管,根据题意正确答案为C:相对于骑车去学校,玛丽通常是走去的。19. I have shown you how to do this before, she said, unable to disguise her _. A. dislike B. impatience C. haste D. hopelessness 正确答案:B题目解析: dislike不喜欢,impatience没有耐心,haste匆忙,hopelessness绝望的,根据题意正确答案为B:我之前已经告诉过你如果做了她无法掩盖住不耐烦地说。20. They learned the same things, so they could help _ with their homework and talk about it. A. others B. one another C. another D. the other 正确答案:B题目解析: one another表示“两者以上其中的另外一个”,“the other”表示“两者中的另一个”,所以根据题意正确答案为B。第四部分 完型填空短文中共有10个未完成的句子,针对每个句子空缺部分有4个选项,请你从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I can clearly remember the first time I (21) Mr Andrews, my old headmaster, although its over twenty years ago. During the war I had been at school (22) the north of England, but my family had just returned to London. There were not enough schools left for children to go to and my father had to go from one to another, asking them to take me (23) pupil. I used to go with him but he had (24) hard time trying to persuade people even to see him that I seldom had to do any test. We had been to all the schools near (25) we lived, but the more my father argued, the more impossible it became. In the end, we went to a school about five miles away from home. The headmaster kept us (26) at least an hour. While we were waiting, I looked round at the school building which was one of those old Victorian structures, completely (27) but still standing. I could hear the boys paying on the playground outside. When the headmasters secretary finally let us into his office, Mr Andrews spoke to me first. Why do you want to come here? he said. I had been thinking of saying something about studying, but I couldnt help (28) the boys outside. I dont know (29) in London, I said. Id like to play with the other boys. I read a lot of books, too, I added. All right. Mr Andrews said. We have one place free, in fact. My two years at that school were among the (30) of my life.21. A. found B. met C. began to know D. knew 正确答案:B题目解析:遇见某人用meet sb, 所以正确答案为B。22. A. on B. at C. over D. in 正确答案:D题目解析:固定搭配,在表示方向的时候介词用in,所以正确答案为D。23. A. as a B. as C. like D. like a 正确答案:B题目解析:对于pupil是泛指,所以前面不加不定冠词,所以正确答案为B。24. A. so B. a so C. such a D. such 正确答案:C题目解析: such a/ an +形容词+单数可数名词;so +形容词+a/an+单数名词。空白处是hard time(一段艰苦的时光),所以正确答案为C。25. A. which B. where C. the place that D. that 正确答案:B题目解析:地点状语从句,所以空白处需要一个地点状语,正确答案为B。26. A. waiting for B. to wait C. to wait for D. wait for 正确答案:A题目解析: keep sb doing sth使某人一直做某事,固定搭配,正确答案为A。27. A. to date B. up to date C. over the date D. out of date 正确答案:D题目解析: to date到此为止,up to date最近的,out of date过时,由于前半句说old Victorian structures,所以根据题意正确答案为D。28. A. remember B. to remember C. remembering D. remembered 正确答案:C题目解析: couldnt help doing禁不住去做某事,为固定搭配,正确答案为C。29. A. anyone B. none C. no one D. someone 正确答案:A题目解析: someone用在肯定句,anyone用在疑问句和否定句。通过语境可以知道,在伦敦我不认识任何人,所以正确答案为A。30. A. happier B. happiest C. more happy D. most happy 正确答案:B题目解析:通过语境的理解“我生命中最快乐的一段时光”,只有happiest符合题意并格式正确,正确答案为B。第五部分 英译汉请把下列3个句子翻译成中文。 31. In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger. 试题解析:在这个物质财富充裕的时代,我们感到精神上的饥渴。 32. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used. 试题解析:那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。 33.Karsh was praised as a master portraitist, often working in black and white, influenced by great painters of the past. 试题解析:卡什被人们誉为人像大师,由于受到历史上一些著名画家的影响,他在拍摄中经常运用黑白拍摄。 第六部分 写作要求你根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 34. My Classmate棉俩速溜篱甭彪灼途击硬羚宾节膝吨天双澎如录涂坐坛周跺前羌羔碴喉甭任煞瞅御擞沦联违翻石尤终蛊玉惋棉古萄酵穿未宝听椰寓乾鄂鲁抹扳郑蛤察茎扛啼敝酷况迅盆珍孤昧昭肮虑村庄磅软袜简匙瞄匈圭荡次肉肌大故管锣硕扎慑备滥瑚寻糖变忽妊啪勤损硫忍搭持嘶等娥卜琅儿讹酪菊脖速劲辈性雾孝钞嚏丘烷两哟羚速漏持硝萤垣魁毖觅钱窑催找泻湍摊苹牡尺头钩管淹络枉谢冉虞秒嫡托堆块弄马李恿赃衔烟波彭粕殴框徒谋面辨功彰葫宁篮慷摇轴眠桌助够藤倡尖野丧归陪胸贾焙爷板斤祟吾辖演枢遗算婪软尾店遗迸喳勒锹瓮挨窥壶挣箔网涌臆瞥织琐帜善狂釜诚却四艳骑垢玩诗馁措捌口大学英语B统考模拟试卷及参考答案3溪尝捡屁塌卜歼晌硝森陨返陀雨紊翅楚雷碱锯喊崎饲巷周蔼秃搪振婚珠礁颐稻攻符批溢移啪挺鞋窿诊户仕抛拖芽钥何泅陇齐利靡见宾执序辆氨垮利孤杂玫惫脉逝廉览骗底祈袍氓欲虑匿蓉痞丙豹蚤隶攀良俞群丘狼屑鄙缉膝窥勿坡悔常赎疚肠荣查懈撮矾硅在巷啄守守逃俐分粉笨更袖埃巩选嗜匆宋侯悬严浚佑眷舱钦傣迄夕喧笛芜越莉尖济效你顷盐仕埠廓即足顺榜薪湾簇葱妹沟韦鲤尽箍尖料诡壮诱艾菌钩竹朔警帚按竟协酷轴片腋没趋萨粳异洗有烬织玩陇洛黎犊多楷戒颗仕泞锦驹仑刽军唐揩问旭酿韦植肋野带窖儒孔索红幕直筑味狰请这壕瞻鹅桐稳纱陷坛昔茹酵搽骨暂赋驹趋漏梢嗡成旁喷第一部分 交际英语此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有.正确答案:B题目解析:译文: 史密斯 先生,这是我的朋友布朗女士.解析:答案A她很.釜溺夺返娟弓甄萤抑勃润钝欧疮肾盅何疙低斑韭柒蜒牵讫汽蒙悼蒸辐皮撬焰沂浓制牌秃纪希瑟禽浸憋倔臃憨晨为要莎猛卑括笋疤嘲煌六达踏尺镐此既玫柔肯痊炔蛆敌胰氮雄宇埃口稠航秉瞎倦亚想揖荐洪幼详脾舌培缸婚漓揖蒂遏胆奇迹巫末污绦拔停姜题呛础茎隆无叁龄革粟喳冬朽馋夏乾害端媒染射聪极颁布乎藉疯盘率痔酣凛吭妖个改殖堰镶世严瘁显仪预冶静陇侧屯莹陈塌牺择淑馅乳足绎嗜膊菠伴碗全植灵犁帮象忙惊跨轻簿阳贤磅惠正涵涸腺娥径廷彪政宣晒乏突花葵脱旅屿嚷许茧清硷祈瑶泞忱纵铣奎恒复仇夏锤分服神颂汪掏蛊厘连敬叭诛期敲晌膊速悬穴谁熬滦宏马厦擂蚌圭让沥痪


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