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初一英语周末预复习单( 2 )班级 姓名 学号 预复习的内容:复习: Integrated skills ,Study Skills &Main Task.预习 : 能读 Welcome to the unit , Reading ,Vocabulary 涉及的生词,熟读课文School life ,并划出重点短语。预复习的要求: 1 )根据本周所学内容,复查笔记和练习,认真完成巩固试题。2 ) 细读, 反复读并尝试完成相关练习 (遇见问题做好记录)错题再练:一、用所给单词的正确形式填空1. The man is very (fun).2. -(not do) it like this.3. Look! The two (woman) are talking with each other.4. Our English teacher is (help) to us.5. This is my (one) day at Beijing Sunshine Secondayy School.6. Amy is very (friend) to her classmates.7. How many (knife) are there in the box?8. Mrs Yang often wears a pair of (glass).9. We have dinner at my (grandparent) home.10. What about (begin) our class?11. He doesn t enjoy(chat) with others.12. Thanks for (help) us, we re so happy.13. What s the time, pleaseS?orry, I (not have) a watch.1.1. What the students (do) now?15. The pair of jeans (be) yours. Its not mine16. (not be) late for the school. It usually starts at 7:30.17. Would you like (drink) another glass of water ?18. He likes (listen) to the music very much.19. My mother (not wash) clothes every day.()(划出错误,正确的单词写在括号内)1 . Let him helps your mother clean the room.2 . She wants to know her friends good.3 . -What is she like?-She likes dancing.4 . He doesn t be late fohrosocl every day.5 . Is he often read English after school?6 . The boy ride a bike is Tom.(7 . The girl often emails to her friends.(8 . The pair of glasses are yours.(9 . There is anu in the wordhour(10 .Does Daniel and Simon play football after school?(11 .My mother likes eating fishes very much.(12 .Do you know the answer of this question?(13 .I love listening CDs at home every morning.(14 .I have dinner at my gandparents home every Sunday.(15 .The news say that our team wins again.(16 .We sometime go swimming in winter, but not often.(17 .How many minutes are there in a hour?(18 .My father always reads newspapers in lunchtime.(19 .Do you take the bus to home every day?(三、根据要求变换句式,每空一词。(18)1. Tom is in the English Club.(同义句) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )Tom is the English Club.2. Girls play badminton well.(同义句)Girls are badminton.3. My father takes the bus to work every day.(同义句)My father to work every day.4. Mum does housework at home all day.(否定句)Mum housework at home all day.5. Grandpa usually walks for an hour in the garden after supper.(戈U线提问)Grandpa usually in the garden after supper?6. My birthday is on 5th March.(同义句)on 5th March.7. They are old bikes.(改为单数形式的句子 )old bike.复习巩固:一、选择填空()1. Here a school bag and some books for you.A. isB. are C. amD. be()2.-Happy birthday! -.A. Thank you. B. That s righC. The same to you. D. OK()3. -I love reading. What about you? - .A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Me, too. D. No, I don t.()4. Lanlan is a good . She is good at .A. swimmer; swimmerB. swimmer; swimmingC. swimming; swimmerD. swimming; swimming()5. - ? -She is a teacher.A. What s your motherB. How is your motherC. Is your mother a teacher D. Where s your mother()6. I born in Beijing 1990.A. was; on B. was; in C. is; in D. is on()7. They every day.A. walk home B. walk to home C. walks home D. walks to home()8. Kitty has long black ,but her mother has some white .A. hair; hair B. hairs; hairs C. hairs ;hair D. hair; hairs()9. I have no pen pencil.A. orB. andC. but D. so( )10.There ,s u and s n the word use.A. an; an B. a; an C. a; a D. an; a()11. After books, I usually go to bed.A. reading B. to read C. read D. reads()12. He was born the evening April 8th.A. in, inB. on, on C. on, of D. in, of()13.The father looks now. He looks at his son .A. happy, happyB. happily, happyC. happily, happilyD. happy, happily()14.Who you waiting?A. are, for B .is, for C .are, at D. is, to( )15.There isn t tea now. Would you like juice?A .any; some B. some; any C.any; any D. some; some ()16. Li Hua is member in Huanghe Football Team.A. the newest B. newer C. newest D. new尝试练习:一、英汉互译1.把他叫醒 2.早饭后5. 做早操 6. how to have fun 7 . do his homework 8. do after-school activities 9 .上学时间到了吗?(用两种形式)10 .我最喜爱的课程12 .我最好的朋友 13.一天三小时二、选择填空()1. The school day at seven every morning.A. begins B. is beginning C. begin D. is begins ()2. I spend about half an hour with my friends every day.A. to chat B. chat C. chatting D. chating ()3. It ; s time have supper. A. to B. for C. of D. in()4. Do you often practise English in the morning?A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. speaks ()5. Does she spend twenty yuan her pencil case every term?A. in B. for C. on D. at ()6. My mother often early in the morning.A. wakes up me B. wakes me up C. wake up me D. wake me up ()7. It s time to go to bed.A. Good morning B. Good night C. Good evening D. Good afternoon ()8. Let you and good friends.A. I am B. me be C. me are D. I are ()9. My brother enjoys.A. play footballB. play the footballC. playing footballD. plays football()10. It takes me an hour the story every day.A. to finish readB. to finish readingC. finishing readingD. finish to read()11.It s time lunch now. Let s go home.A. to B. of C. for D. for have 疑难问题:自我评价()A.很好B.一般C.不佳 家长评价()A.很女? B.一般C.不佳


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