The analysis of English prepositions in Chinese students’ learning 英语介词在中国学生学习的错误成因

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The analysis of English prepositions in Chinese students’ learning 英语介词在中国学生学习的错误成因_第1页
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The analysis of English prepositions in Chinese students’ learning 英语介词在中国学生学习的错误成因_第2页
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The analysis of English prepositions in Chinese students’ learning 英语介词在中国学生学习的错误成因_第3页
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Title: The analysis of English prepositions in Chinese students learning题目:浅谈英语介词在中国学生中的学习AbstractLinguistics always claim that English is a language of prepositions, which means that preposition is the parts of speech that used most frequently by people in English. Although preposition is function words, they play a very significant role in English. You can find unaccountable preposition in an English essay. Using preposition rightly can make the sentence more precise and vivid. They are characterized by multi-function and high frequency. Those characteristics make English a more difficult target language item for Chinese students to learn. Most Chinese students do not understand the characteristics of preposition, so the sentences made by them often with a sense of Chinglish, even some grammar errors. This paper mainly discusses the usage of preposition; also conclude some usage of preposition. The aim of the essay is to help Chinese students use preposition rightly and accurately, so help them to improve their English expression ability. Key words: English preposition, the usage of preposition,Chinese students摘要语言学家常称英语是介词的语言,说明介词是英语里最常用的词类。尽管介词是虚词,但他们在英语里起着极其重要的角色。在英语文章里可以找到大量的介词。正确的使用介词可以使句子更加的简洁生动。介词有多功能,高频率运用的特点,这些特点也让中国学生更难掌握作为一个目标学习语言的英语。大多数中国学生不了解介词的特点,所以他们写出的句子常常有很重的汉语味,甚至会出现语法错误。这篇文章主要讨论并总结了介词的用法,希望能帮助中国学生正确及准确的使用介词,帮助他们提高英语表达能力。关键词:英语介词,介词用法,中国学生 Chapter1. Introduction41.1 English preposition in English as foreign language teaching and learning5Chapter 2 .Preposition52.1 The definition of preposition52.2 Views of English prepositions6Chapter 3 .The characteristics of English preposition7Chapter 4 The classification of meaning8Chapter 5. the expression of common prepositions105.1 When we express the TIME, REASON, DEGREE and so on, we dont use preposition in Chinese, but we need use preposition in English.105.2 Many prepositions in English have the feature of adjective, adverb and verb, so the English preposition phrases can be Attribute, Adverbial modifier and Predicate verb and so on in a sentence. The verb which used as modifier, if the movement has the preposition which can express the action, we prefer to use the preposition but not the verb.105.3 If there is a predicate verb in a sentence which indicate the movement, we can use one or sever preposition phrases to describe the different movement.115.4 Some English prepositions have the negative meanings, such as against, below, beneath, beyond, from, off, past, without and so on. When we are writing in English, we can use those prepositions to replace the negative words.(常虹,2008)11Chapter 6. The difficult points and the causes for learning preposition116.1 The difficult points116.2 Causes12Chapter 7 . Conclusion12Reference13The analysis of English prepositions in Chinese students learningChapter1. IntroductionAs English major, I have noticed that English preposition somehow ignored by teachers and students. Most teachers spend much time in helping their students either accumulating words as many as possible or grasp the traditional words like the Verbs or adjectives. They think the preposition words are limited in number and empty in semantics, so efforts should not be made to discuss the preposition in classroom teaching. As a result, prepositions are treated as a target language item of a minor importance and the roles they played in teachers teaching is secondary. 1.1 English preposition in English as foreign language teaching and learningPrepositions are also abounded by students. A considerable number of students believe that preposition, though occurring in high frequency, are not major obstacle in reading comprehension. It is most likely that student who knows few content words like Verbs, adjectives, nouns and adverbs; they are likely to fail in reading exam. Preposition, viewed as lexically void, seems not very useful in reading comprehension. Always skimmed in the process of reading and draw a little and even no attention from students.Although labeled as small words with limited numbers, preposition presents itself as a big problem. It is apt to be neglected and problems prone more often than not, in the mean time, having a good command of preposition is not a easy job whether in teaching or learning, because it is seems that prepositions have fertile sense among which there seen no relation between one another.However, English is a language of prepositions, which imply the centre place that preposition occupied in English. Ignorance of preposition has adverse effects on students acquisition. If students do not realize the important of English preposition, they will not invest time and energy in the “useless” and “insignificant” teaching language. (陈朝霞,2005)Chapter 2 .Preposition2.1 The definition of preposition In “Longman Dictionary of contemporary English” preposition is defined in this way that a word used with NOUN, and PRONOUN and GERUND to link them grammatically to other word. The phrase so formed, consisting of a preposition and its complement, is a prepositional phrase. Preposition may express such meaning as possession (e.g. the leg of table), direction (e.g. to the bank), place (e.g. ant the corner). Time (e.g. before now). They can also mark the cases discussed in CASE GRAMMAR. 4 For example, in the sentence: Smith killed the policeman with a revolver. The preposition “with” shows that revolver is in the INSTRUMENTAL CASE. In English, too, there are groups of words (e.g. in front of, owing to) that can function like single word prepositions. Crystal (1985)claims that preposition is a term used in the grammatical classification of words, and it refers to the closed set of terms which precede noun phrase, and certain forms to the verbs, to form a single constituent of structure. Quirk et al (1985) assert that a preposition expresses a relation between two entities, one being that represented by the prepositional complement. For instance, prepositions of spatial relations are used to indicate space involving the dimensional properties, such as point, line, and surface.(王颖,2007) To sum up, although we get different definitions from dictionaries, grammarians and linguists, they are quite close when defining prepositions meanings and functions.2.2 Views of English prepositionsPrepositions are mainly used to structure the following kinds of abstract target domains, namely TIME, QUANTITE, STATE, COMPARISION, PERPOSE, SOURCE, CAUSE and METHOD or INSTRCTION,ect.(朱云汉,2004) Many linguists show interest in preposition study. In the early stage of Wuppertal research on prepositions (under Gisa Rauh), Guimiers preposition: an Analytical bibliography, published in 1989, was used as a survey of relevant publications.Richard(1923)once commented, “ up and down in such phrasal verbs as fill up and melt down could be used without changing the meaning and hence prepositions had lost its significancethey should be shunned in serious writing”. His comment reflects some negative opinions of prepositions which still heard in the present day. Prepositions have been traditionally viewed as performing only grammatical functions. (Emonds, 1985; Fillmore, 1968; Gleason, 1955; Fries, 1952; Curme, 1935) This in part explains linguists negative attitude toward prepositions. However, there are those who thought positive of English prepositions. To some extent, English is a language of prepositions (Lian, 1993). Bander (1978) pointed out that prepositions appeared constantly in English speech and writing. In written texts, prepositions occurred as often as one word in every day and they should not be abandoned by applied linguists (Svartvik, 1988:107). The above reveals that prepositions are high-frequency word and deserve researchers attention. Besides, prepositions perform various functions. Lian (1993:51) believe that without prepositions, constructing and English sentence would be almost impossible. Prepositions are bound to nouns, verbs, adjectives, ect. And they from the enormous number of phrases with them. Someone point out were very important in mordent English where the semantic relations between words in the same sentence were made clear through fixed word order and word collocations.(陈朝霞,2005) Chapter 3 .The characteristics of English preposition English prepositions are function words, the main function of them are to reveal the relation between the words and the relation between parts among the English sentences. The number of preposition in English is not very large, just about two hundred eighty five, but the frequency use them are very high. According to the date offered by Brown corpus, in one hundred English words which used most frequently in peoples life, there are fifteen prepositions which more than other part of speech, like Noun (eight) ,Verb (thirteen) and other different part of speeches. Why prepositions can be used in English in such high frequency? The reason is that they have the close relation with the characters of English sentences express and prepositions own characters.English is a language which cares about the Verb Agreement. When making sentence, it must fit in form and unit in structure. This character requires that in an English sentence, every part of it must have a clear relationship, so the structure can be very understandable and logical. In an long and very complicated sentence, there is only one predicate verb. So the rest words to indicate movement and action only expressed by finite verbs or phrases. The usage of English verbs not only restrained by the change of forms rule, but also restrained by that the arrangement of action do not match the chronological order and the effect relationship. Using Noun words to indicate the action in English is an advantage and a main feature, which led to the high frequency use of prepositions who have the function of coherence. In English writing, using prepositions is one of the major methods to avoid use verbs, so that can make the expression more precise and clear. From the meaning of preposition, many of them are multi-meanings, that means one preposition may has many meanings, to indicate “time”, “place”, “reason”, “method” even the “behavior”. In terms of prepositions functions, they can express the specific truly meaning, to modify the feature of other parts of speech. From the part of speech of preposition, many of them can be adverbs and adjectives even the verbs in the same time. They play the different function and role in sentences, this mainly owning to the origin of propositions. From the arrangement in pairs, English preposition can be matched with nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Different prepositions matched with different words can make different meanings. The usage of English preposition is very flexible and changeable, some meaning and usage can not be found in grammar book which can explain the reason. Thats made Chinese students used to avoid to use preposition in English writing. When they are writing in English, they are using Chinese logic and the way of thinking to express themselves. That is the reason why the sentences made by them have the sense of Chinglish or even with the grammar mistakes. (常虹,2008)Chapter 4 The classification of meaningLindstronmberg claims (1997:15) that prepositions have been traditionally divided into three categories, prepositions of place, of direction (or motion or movement), and of time. Regarding the meaning itself, he distinguishes the difference between literal meaning, secondary meaning, and metaphorical extension of meaning.4 Literal meanings involved in use of a preposition to refer to physical world, for example, in the sentence The book is on the table, on refers to a location. In the sentence I arrived here on time, however, on does not indicate any physical relation. Prototypical meaning are probably the most basic, which “contact with an upper surface.” Both literal and prototypical meanings of a preposition appear to be learnt “earliest by native speaking children” (1997:18). With respect to the metaphorical meanings of prepositions, Lingdstromberg exemplifies the usage in the example as he is in trouble, which does not indicate any physical relation. When discussing the meaning of a preposition, the author follows these steps: first prototypical, then literal meanings and, after that, noteworthy metaphorical usages. Sometimes, he uses the terms basic meaning and central meaning instead of prototypical meaning. As Quirk et al (1985:673) point out that a preposition expresses a relation between two entities, one being that represented by the prepositional complement. Of various types of relational meaning, Quirk et al present a relatively comprehensive description of SPACE and TIME relations, followed by a more cursory exemplification of other relations such as cause, goal, and origin”. Due to the space limits, we just list four sub meanings as examples to illustrate each relational meaning. For instance, we present 4out of 17 subcategories listed under SPATIAL meaning.(王颖,2007) Chapter 5. The expression of common prepositions5.1 When we express the TIME, REASON, DEGREE and so on, we dont use preposition in Chinese, but we need use preposition in English.For example: (1) we are going for an outing on Sunday morning.(我们打算星期天上午去郊游。) (2)the small child trembled with fear.(那个小孩吓得身上发抖) (3)due to the bad weather, the match had to be abandoned.(天气不好,比赛只好取消) 5.2 Many prepositions in English have the feature of adjective, adverb and verb, so the English preposition phrases can be Attribute, Adverbial modifier and Predicate verb and so on in a sentence. The verb which used as modifier, if the movement has the preposition which can express the action, we prefer to use the preposition but not the verb. For example: (1) A gentleman is a foreign dress came in smiling.(一个穿着西装的绅士微笑着走了进来) (2) I saw a worker with a measuring instrument. (我看见一个工人拿着测量表。) (3) Our workshop has a regulation against smoking. (我们车间有个禁烟规定。) 5.3 If there is a predicate verb in a sentence which indicate the movement, we can use one or sever preposition phrases to describe the different movement. For example: (1) Up the street they went, past the stores, across a broad square, and then into a huge building. (2) We drove a bit after midnight, over the river and through the lovely old sleeping town.5.4 Some English prepositions have the negative meanings, such as against, below, beneath, beyond, from, off, past, without and so on. When we are writing in English, we can use those prepositions to replace the negative words.(常虹,2008)For example: (1) Im right off love stories for some reasons. (出于某种原因,我对爱情故事不感兴趣。) (2) His life is beyond his income. (他的生活入不敷出)Chapter 6. The difficult points and the causes for learning preposition6.1 The difficult points For many students, especially college students, English is an old friend for them. They had been learning English for about nine or ten years before college life. But for the teacher-centered methodology, product-oriented syllabus and wash back effect in the high middle school, they paid to much attention to the grammar. Prepositions are to complicated and changeable, its not easy to catch. Next the reason will be discussed in the next text.6.2 Causes First of all, according to the theory of Second language Acquisition, mother language can disturb the learning of second language, leading to the negative transfer or avoidance. This disturb is more outstand for the learner who mother language is in the different language system with the second language.(梁婷,2011) In Chinese the number of preposition is less than English, and the usage is more easily to catch. Like Alexander (1988) pointed out that the prepositions in Chinese which easy to catch are more flexible and meaningful in English. For example, the meaning of “对于” in English can be expressed by for, against, towards, with and on. The second reason is the influence of cultural distance. In the background of Chinese culture, learning can only well done by serious and hard working sprite, the memory play an important role.见6 But the one word with multi-meaning can not be recited even by native speakers. So its more difficult for Chinese students who like learning by recite. The last, I think we should find the reason from the academic arrangement of college English class. Although every college pays attention to the English grammar, there are still a lot of problems existing. From the teaching environment, students can not use the preposition or even English which their learned in their campus life circle. And the essays in the book do not useful in our daily life. In other word, they are unpractical in common life. From the other hand, teachers think the students have practiced a lot for the university entrance exam, they have catch the usage of English preposition, and the basic expression of English. Teachers do not explain the usage of English preposition in purpose, they just explain some difficult words or complicated grammars. Actually this is the basic teaching method for translation and grammar.(梁婷,2011) Chapter 7 . ConclusionWith more and more non-English speaking countries treat English as the second language, and the truth that English is a language of preposition, we need pay more attention to the usage of preposition. Especially that China is playing more and more significant role in global affairs. So that it is really important for us to use English exactly, that requires us to use preposition with no errors. This essay gives some definitions and classifications of preposition. Discussed the causes for difficulties existed in Chinese students. The purpose of this essay is to attract Chinese students to the English preposition and let them learn the English preposition easier. Reference1.陈朝霞,山东大学学士学位论文,中国学生作文中的介词规避现象,20052 王颖,北京邮电大学硕士论文,分析中国的英语学者中写作中的介词,20073 朱汉云,陕西师范大学硕士论文,介词在英语学习中的重要作用,20044 Lindstromberg,s 1997.English prepositions Explained M. Amsterdam/philadephia 5 常虹,简析英语介词与表达,宿州学院学报,2008年底23卷6 梁婷,大学英语介词学习难点及成因,牡丹江教育学院报,2011年第一期7 Chang, J. Chinese speakerA learner English C. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 1987:23511


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