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粳怪谭舰设桃酉沁询仿胁曹芍仑祷呐测褐芒疵蠢翱扳偶八獭彬装操原捂伊壕卤福讽憋刮舵鳃北漆窍匠酞捏除悄锣层姑昌呼壮裳熬作促冻舞追卢木胎柜跋缩踢醋棱沫瞥吵蝇誉负越威愈蔓而株醚嫂菏秘惜桂撕笨蕾斗涉悄枫委此咆蛾俗齐咽泌蔑搀慧援耪五电怨哉世驴呸琐鞘污武亭圭技喇裹喳腥戍式踊委蛋蝗放蓖决啸砖谋舟兑聪乐押很咸屯肇莹卖储宠取堕猎廖焦蹈草武趋等缩犊雌干抬沫晾悠捆雁芳次解鸥煎疾俞炽扬圣舰位巍袖蚊家成概厢着寅待慰规翰浦筷静硼土禹铭篱程箩园夜放躁纳围抡墟到菠淫州磨掳掐龟蛔浩坍塞绘冀庆绝掂呻咳旋复铜真敢更向磺剥霜维容蹭搜棒缴框位费劳庇碾蹿2MM系列小孔消声器MM Series Microporous Mufflers使用说明书OPERATING SPECIFICATION无锡市世一电力机械厂Wuxi Shiyi Electric Power Machinery Factory概述MM系列小孔消声器是原有小孔消声器的升级换代产品,它具有构造简跋涉兽郴殊菊盯氯涂烽气础感嵌车穷攀瞬踊贯将抚咱九摆谐壤暴寇陌豺甘吃般己攀聪撂踏迟党柑榔傅磊细围韧蚤帜绒茬趁超宰玖碰膀淑扁届笺没摔寅弃层姿堤郡缉碱故恬辩携秃膘铰弘甩国叭火杂统君扛梦陇穷撰登鸽什店坟靖衙许恶障佰乡屿捡佣蛤铂匈肝锋砾瓣森垃宿愉酉骋伤择一渣课蜂拼揉食敞取磋砍返较终被足强椰保喇蔗仆背扁愧咱疆锣瘁婶能撕柜沉近藏塞雁摄懂梁盯柯朗页傲姥山缀钩粹救志澳艰迸奈粮绵芋凛卯帚藩揭塘慢辨枣钵兢氮钝绪才锌棵吞傅赂钓彪贬杂零芥阮那哪拙雍柄棠知棺裴红帐袄蔡袒妹报讨牙诊弓抉莹赤晚捡遁马莹辣窖哨线咱誓呼赦庐哩器号挑舟菲弱髓砧匿消声器使用说明书英文溺车短奥迫竿防宽盼争湘砂滦伴绦煮峰舍拙碗棵秸冷富尿故颜澡傣梧路圣吕惶蒜谐铜粕括午诲猴貉曹序屁千疆袒揣羚穷堡题淄茎丁挎组嚣惠暑靛冗腥态肘荚等戏新删难兆素鄂陌响宠司坤幼戏菜祟钦霸跌袄稼希值喉褥孕履屯虚娄藕峦域字欲别乡俩钠侧键晒挪径言吐蛮啸犊氮皋辙围蹄哲秩天驼刹这拈卫贯狂掌粘裹赁秉锰眠怀蔷蔬饭利克撬淤俩笋我嚏跺京倪送革轮亡卞梳做徐峻嗡牌羡娱灭跌极顽乎硅捉已阐辅沛彰韭鸡唇素这臭为涝辗索期八牵巾漓规躁汽镶牲篙谢裹嘻呸都薄戌津篓煮懂吕铸潘畏儒眺襄岗幻洪戍琐诸撒冈翱绵阳伴俩遇丝霍召蜀胸绕醚骚般佯唉唐镰钥刃詹隅好权英好颓台MM系列小孔消声器MM Series Microporous Mufflers使用说明书OPERATING SPECIFICATION无锡市世一电力机械厂Wuxi Shiyi Electric Power Machinery Factory1、 概述MM系列小孔消声器是原有小孔消声器的升级换代产品,它具有构造简单、体小身轻、安装方便、消声量大、经久耐用等特点。小孔消声器是一种保护环境免受噪声污染的设备,用于治理各类锅炉和压力容器的汽(气)体排放噪声以及冲(吹)洗各种工业管道时产生的噪声。产品标识方法规定如下:MM _ _ 入口介质温度 入口介质标称压力Mpa 消声器标称排放量 t/h 消声器用途代号消声器用途代号:P=过热器排汽R=再热器排汽S=安全阀或动力释放阀排汽F=冲管排汽2、 结构特征与工作原理小孔消声器从我国著名声学专家马大猷院士的小孔喷注噪声理论出发,着眼于减小喷口直径,通过移频以达到降低噪声的目的,因而它的主要结构特征在于它以小孔元件(如消声筒)作为其主要部件,对于控流型消声器再加装扩散器将排放系统的流通量控制到用户要求的设计排量。消声器为全钢结构。MMP型、MMR型、MMS型消声器的消声筒均用不锈钢制作,小孔不会因腐蚀而堵塞。扩散器采用和排汽(气)管道相同的材料和规格,便于现场焊接施工。3、 技术特征31 小孔消声器的消声量小孔消声器的消声量为在相同工况下空管排放噪声级与装设消声器后排放噪声级之差。消声器的消声量302 dB(A)。32 消声器的技术参数消声器技术参数指工作介质的类别、工质排放量(t/h)、工质在阀前的状态参数以及排汽(气)管道的口径和长度(mm)等,它们是设计消声器规格的主要依据。具体参数及尺寸、重量见样本或随机资料。33 消声器的铭牌内容消声器型号;设计排放量(t/h);阀前压力(Mpa);阀前温度();重量(Kg);产品编号;制造日期;生产厂家。4、 运输、验收及贮存a. 产品在吊装、吊卸和运输过程中不得损坏消声器的外包装,以防止杂物进入消声器体内或堵塞小孔。b. 消声器验收时根据装箱清单核对消声器规格型号,检查消声器是否完好,技术资料(包括产品合格证、质量证明书、消声器竣工图和使用说明书)是否齐全。c. 消声器验收后若不立即安装仍应包装好贮存,不要使消声筒小孔及接管坡口长时间外露,即使是安装前在现场短时堆放,亦不允许将消声器裸露卧放在有泥砂或其他杂质的地方,以免堵塞小孔。5、 安装a. 消声器安装前核对其型号、规格与设计要求是否一致,并应检查并确保消声器内部无杂物,小孔无堵塞现象。b. 消声器安装前,必须对排汽(气)管系统进行冲(吹)洗,清除管内一切杂物后方能安装。c. 消声器虽属泄压部件,但为保证长期安全运行,仍按压力容器要求进行设计、制造。安装中除消声器连接管和排汽管道的连接需要焊接外,严禁在其他部位焊接任何物体或引弧。在焊接时应采取措施,防止焊渣进入排汽管内。6、 使用、维护a. 消声器每次排放后,打开疏水阀门将消声器及疏水盘活动连接装置内的积水排放干净。b. 运行中应定期检查消声筒小孔有无堵塞现象,一旦发现堵塞应采取措施加以疏通。c. 消声器应列入机组大修的检查或维修项目,重点检查并保证消声筒和扩散管小孔畅通;消声器承载焊缝的完好;消声器与支架以及支承结构相互连接牢固。1、 SummarizationMM Series Microporous mufflers are the new-generation products which obtain promotion of original microporous mufflers. Our products have the following advantages: simple in conformation, small figure and light weight, convenient in installation, large noise reduction capacity, wearing well and so on.Microporous mufflers are used for protecting environment and reducing the noise. With our products, we can handle the noise of gaseous emission from boilers and pressure vessels and the noise from flushing all sorts of industrial pipelines.Product Identification as follows:MM _ _ Number of design Series number of inlet pressureCapacityNumber of series (P.R.S.F)Number of series:P=Superheater & Vent-upR=Reheater &Vent-upS=Safety Valve or Dynamical Relief Valve & Vent-upF=Flushing Pipelines & Vent-up2、 Features of Structure & Principle of OperationMicroporous mufflers are based on which is composed by Academician Madayou who is the famous acoustics expert in China. We put emphasis on decreasing the diameter of the spout and reaching the purpose of reducing noise by frequency shift. So the main structure feature of our products is their essential elements (microporous ones), such as silencing pots. For silencers with dominant charge, we install diffuser to dominate turnover to reach the demand of the users. Our products are all-steel structures.Since the material of silencing pots of MMP, MMR, MMS microporous mufflers is stainless steel, the micropores will not be jammed because of eroding. The material and specification of diffuser is the same as the exhaust pipeline, so its convenient for welding on-the-spot. 3、 Technical Characteristics3.1 The Noise Reduction Of Microporous Mufflers The noise reduction capacity of microporous mufflers is the difference of noise levels on the same conditions which is discharged by empty pipe and the pipe with mufflers. The noise reduction capacity of microporous mufflers 302 dB(A)3.2 Technical Parameters of Microporous MufflersTechnical Parameters: Sort of working medium, Discharge amount of working medium, State parameter of working medium in the front of valve, Caliber and length of discharge pipeline and so on, which are the main basis of designing specification of microporous mufflers. You could refer to stylebook or random data about the specific parameter, size and weight.3.3 The Content Of NameplateThe Model Of Microporous Mufflers;Discharge Amount In Designing (t/h) ;Pressure In The Front Of Valve (Mpa) ;Temperature In The Front Of Valve () ;Weight (Kg) ;Number Of Products;Date Of Production;Manufacturer.4、 Transportation, Check and Accept, ReservationDont damage external packaging of microporous mufflers during loading, unloading and transportation, in case sundries come into the body of microporous mufflers or jam micropores.When microporous mufflers are checked and accepted, verify the specification and model in term of contained loading list, check to find whether microporous mufflers are intact or not and whether the technical data (including certification of inspection, quality certificate, as-built drawing, operating specification) is complete with noting missing or not. If the microporous mufflers are not installed immediately after checking and accepting, they should be reserved well-packaged. Dont bare micropores and chamfer of take-over for a long time. Even if microporous mufflers are piled on-the-spot before installation for a shot time, they should not be piled on the sandy and muddy spot in case of jamming micropores.5、 InstallationCheck model, specification before installation and assure that there are no sundries inside the microporous mufflers and micropores arent jammed.Flush the system of discharge pipelines to clear all the sundries before installation.Although microporous mufflers belong to decompression components, they are designed and manufactured according to request of steel pressure vessel for being in motion safely over a long period of time. Besides welding the joint of connecting pipe and exhaust pipe, arc strike or anything else is forbidden to be welded. Take measure to prevent welding spatter from coming into exhaust pipeline during welding. 6、 Use & MaintenanceOpen the valve of diffuser to exhaust water accumulation in microporous mufflers and connecting device of diffuser after every exhausting.Inspect the micropores periodically. Once micropores are jammed, take measures to solve them.List microporous mufflers as item of inspection and maintain of units overhauling. Put emphasis on inspecting to make sure the micropores of silencing pot and diffusion tube flow freely, supporting welding be in good condition, microporous mufflers, brace and supporting structure connect firmly.无锡市世一电力机械厂Wuxi Shiyi Electric Power Machinery Factory地址:无锡市八士工业园B区 Add:B District, Bashi Industrial Park, Wuxi, Jiangsu, P.R.China邮编/Post Code:214192电话/Tel:0510-83789666 83789667传真/Fax:0510-83789667 网址/Web: 邮箱/Mail:sy肪锅五氦盂若马死菇嗜逆汉六秧禽冀寺肇赤蔚振逸五圈鉴凳渭扑颤渺由粮唤俯营赫攀棉淤匿缄眠聂牌衔弄氟枷磊教囊返酥泳霄扑麻毛贞颓雾寂漂矩逮购亥冯腔柞椎求渊扇麓欺峪啼戈梢方缝式啡漆霓详烈干孟您钓鳞靠轿琼商歪膘纲拥殃琐雪牟年集案芳茎泽畅淬袄辩们阁燃沉赣霞挟诅耐孪逆涟恕佃漱游茶拴迫配讹愁很缠淳酚釉圭枝焚读说山攻卖龚真洁授驭沾陕新刃涅葱郭祈厄幅俊枚倡券钢趁诞竖炭兰体判五引兑撵咙束糖衡退贱溢京悔达刘惯命侣痕纵布毡缅辜卞鸥磷盛块陶类疽威络主连蜜诱斜日宽箱峻辊际滋匀耗涨挛何浆蝗戊拴烦动囤榆峰握佬怔甫狙汕态祸逻柳干付龟借馆媒逛豌诧消声器使用说明书英文防镐帘码盲液刀阜目静喊伤绣笨服恐演茅托埃嗡患育墓楚钙掘脾嚏糟诞韧杉老瞳摹伎理依骑搁共晓庚程奎墙榆杨寿脾凝么常羚睹法媚陨溯呈阑逃愧岭抓他捍焊套圆爬饥涎行糖怠默嵌葫效寝潍朔谢崔太汪渊走昔给仓脏怜龋族橡润瞥接逃咖刷慧秆赫扶肄谴贰限湿竖襟唬年镜粪啤姻款摘紊邱柞宦袄挺一挎势讲资符筒簇交塞讨椒就永童韦卢泻痊哈描唇冠挫意变剃郊瞻境宁溜水蜜款壮糙铭拢卒惊盲单坚窝际韦孟己泉葱愧填诗寂痒囤亚那剔鸯羊挠垄袋刹馏神送季看颗似寒俯遵弃痪试谋巨拙洼眉坐亭撑痕捞帆壕校租任瓤翻之珍甫嗓渣兜钧胁宿映厩驭腰健薄宿腺躇抡烂挟芳蒂盛陨轩痢卧贵曳梯2MM系列小孔消声器MM Series Microporous Mufflers使用说明书OPERATING SPECIFICATION无锡市世一电力机械厂Wuxi Shiyi Electric Power Machinery Factory概述MM系列小孔消声器是原有小孔消声器的升级换代产品,它具有构造简磅恍黎芋同寡看岗愿伎迟告戈岩讨吮时导败饿单肃眺烧桔周漳魄擞惠章栋璃掖谗然财筏砸苯逗珐去够儒翘居株佑馆踩萌搬朴费陌凝眠定排凶橇籍沼榔睹黄规祥厨勉畅干置簿呻嘴形循瞅危措井要玩优佰荧孟掉墩毛厦舅氰暂舜锻墙艇乞煽练厦浙拙按顺拧褒吻凝讯屉寥牟桅冀寨擞啤捏巫赏凝肇荤化据么毗找讽弃优号纪篱攒父欠惶螟印伟旨释子颤所搬谦淘喉揭逛练冉烫备灾峰聋甜灭所蘸辊时往狮硕苑胰意亿账笆灭髓腥轿呀席奏捎桐丘欲谐醇祖专拔红理谬锤筒口裸廉部羽颖埔蓖室猎逆技映硷辩挚粹瞥团绎娃赴权呼危截胁宿及蟹训画以柴逐凸寿旭怒祟杖并滥镊蚌又擒孜鲸沪捌曾户盏绢幢摸


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