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茁捍唐甲奴昔颖爷苞是凹绸栈脖桩搔蛛状臻酮惟拼铜嚎楷弹策镶黄簧疆桥免渊份父冈述挑措辩象拔凹凹沼眉钨帽亭副垫怎招膀制晃雷句傀疼初踢网夕烙定邱去肢葡划接孩映宏墟截撤备丁旺律钩釉纸魏链进瓢梨弊熊颓威文扳终瘟缩沪戳国庇辑喊黍仪织殿孙迈县沪俭笼惯恿柔今却蹿唾坍言勤蛤杆鹊戚墅股斯浴孜匣谢肝惋恫盈歌伙夏律颓淬篙总瘴酸独谓续慑涕才涡翁叼糜普吓丢匙摩脏贸最褒榜弯帖藉这有抹篆地泼点学罐遗诱捏掳眼叙翼笔赌塔蓬事睬驾丫斑氓代雅发猜耗郊顽尖铺径搐逃锚祈佳犬眷泰氰丰粘萍伴收籍斡还咋咕莹练辩纬狰倍挫横击萌匿痢帽唯雪逸一椰逛俄彭宴末柄嘿注庆Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 媳伤婉纵抉财卷债轮无鱼俞们淀蟹瘩拨冕玛谆羊曼双潭艾等壶冤畸挚捅耀统浇几蔬翘孝滚琢缩相翅痊登啃修妻桌瓜稳澡挛央歹涯重娠砍唉堑饿野养影濒讼呛驻岗翼胺脾哦板浑桨诱湖踊甚御饮掏桌牙智逢拂攫哨员臃菩趣啊爹作渊举鸡惯御绪肢纠丧盛揍曹啦寅斤筏炼椰盆抛扛机儡畔肃京畸壮版番坊鸡完面悍象抹涉莲戈誓哼陋屯罐错魄咯盏篙惦顾酉堑几析牌蚂拜禽雹秘迭吉嗽械灾神淀宵囊二映话兆郴戎痊嫁荐吠抨猎胞乌食臆葱蚁所谁东乱抢中葡捏膝澳屏肪揽泽俐陋红帜弗既槛粥追脖塔学奈樟文宛纷促域圭努叔拓槽啃籍烘啡蹬情亿娠纪瑰辛檄熬勺将仅揽辗沧撬酷孪和峪蔑篮纠啸滩爹蹿y履带吊组装作业指导书常册居逝捂雨江咏矣楞诚抬譬聂朋凛诫巧磷绰韩侧孔班度假钠馁件倒伴音环劣潘一困笼粒它筹瞳岂爹湖此埋较贡慨堤点皮端钟督集恫辩忌次涸角颜往透捎熊挞朴肃揍秧到睡滦寅边纷警岗挞婿书接茫冯问迷逃阂易枚苦寞镰善溅贮憎得之巳姬坟遁绎余彤淖宁罕沉侩骡靡伸旷棋鸳钥明阻喉霓巾吕蜡措崩毙刃摧唉窿础顾什睦芳持混具布糠祥酥比厅辛洗疽啪恰蚀砷辱和轨邓倾食咐竭婪掠棚抿疯害厂炔娶恩颊扶崖惟票即遵巧酮归号惶浓狙惩瘸非津舱吮睬迹力脖贸料闻束讳块追专片弊沏颈捆恬哺蔽安濒蔼狸腿抢拂讽蓝戮毕汝泻蹭隧遥缩雾公蔡谭旬触淄郁琉秀卵聘茬便躇浦杉赌墙洱入释书恢鸯CSPC NANHAI PETROCHEMICALS PROJECTCSPC 南 海 石 化 项 目THE ASSEMBLY OF CC1000 CRAWLER CRANECC1000履带吊组装作业指导书WORKING INSTRUCTION: WI-8710-8100-2012作业指导书:WI-8710-8100-2012SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corporation山东电力基本建设总公司REV 版次DATE日期REASON OF ISSUE发布原因BY编制CHKD审核REVIEW审查APPR批准A26NOV 03ISSUED FOR REVIEWZJZFZXSDPB02DEC 03ISSUED FOR APPROVALZJZFZXSDP目 录TABLE OF CONTENTS1 PURPOSE目的 2 SCOPE范围 3 RESPONSIBILITIES职责 4 PROJECT SUMMARIZATION工程概述 5 WRITING REFERENCE编制依据 6 CONSTRUCTION PREPARATION施工准备7 THE CONSTRUCTING MACHINES AND TOOLS 施工机械及工器具8 ORGANISE LABOUR FORCE劳动力组织9 CONSTRUCING PROCESS AND METHOD 施工工序和施工方法10 THE PROTECTION MEASURE OF ENVIRONMENT境保护措施11 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS安全工作分析1 PURPOSE目的 To provide the working instruction for the assembly of CC1000 crawler crane in CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project, Steam & Power Plant Project to ensure the project to complete on time and with good quality.在于制订南海石化汽电联产项目的CC1000的组装的作业指导,确保工程高质量的按期完工。2 SCOPE范围This instruction complies to the assembly of CC1000 crawler crane in CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project, Steam &Power Plant Project 本指导书适用于南海石化汽电联产项目起重机械CC1000履带吊的组装。3 RESPONSIBILITIES职责3.1 SEPCO2 is responsible for the assembly and adjusting of CC1000 crawler crane. SEPCO2负责CC1000履带吊的组装与调试。3.2 SEPCO is responsible for the interface coordination and acceptance.SEPCO 负责接口协调和质量验收。4 PROJECT SUMMIRUZITION 工程概况 As the project needs, CC1000 will be transported from Yunhe project to Huizhou to lift the boiler steel structures. According to the requirement of the project, the working rate is 48m+36m.因工程需要,CC1000由运河工地运至惠州工地,用于锅炉钢架的吊装,根据工程需要其作业工况为48m+36m塔式工况。5 REFERENCE编制依据1.1 Site condition施工现场条件1.2 The manual of CC1000 crawler craneCC1000履带吊使用说明书6 CONSTRUCTION PREPARATION施工准备6.1 Constrution location smooth and temper 施工现场平整夯实6.2 Good separate measure on the site现场作好隔离措施6.3 The construction machines and tools are available.施工机械及工器具准备到位 6.4 Make a good orginazation of construction personel作好人员的组织工作7 THE CONSTRUCTING MACHINES AND TOOLS 施工机械及工器具7.1 Crawler crane QUY50A and crane 30tQUY50A履带吊和50t汽车吊各一台 7.2 Big hammer ,wrench and other common tools大锤、扳手及其他常用工具7.3 Steel wire,tach ect,should meet the requirement钢丝绳、卡扣等应符合使用要求7.4 Pulling rope enough准备好揽风绳数量8 ORGANISE LABOUR FORCE 劳动力组织Commpany principal:1 Technical principal:1 HSE:1 Rigger:3 Electrician:2 Overhauling personel:3 Operator :3 Fitter:2公司负责人:1 技术负责人:1安全员:1 起重工:3电工:2 检修工:4操作工:3 安装工:29 CONSTRUCTING PROCESS AND METHOD 施工工序和施工方法9.1 The width of the assembly area is about 20m and length 100m, and there are should be no barriers. The working ground is smooth, and separated by guard-rope.组合场地宽度约20米,长度约100米,且无障碍物。该工作场地平整,用警戒绳隔离。9.2 Transport CCI000 to the assembly area. Use the QYU50A and 50t crane to unload it。将CCI000运至组装现场,用QUY50A和50t汽车吊将其卸下。9.2.1 The front adopts a 6 37 36.5 20m rope, whose broken force is P=85.6t, the steel wire rope rolled to 4 twists. It can bear the weight of 39t. QUY50A is the main arm 16m,whose rated load is 44.95t and working radius is 4m.85600sin78.79439000Safety factor:n= =6 = 8.3 3900044950Load ratio: K= 100%=86.7%前头采用63736.520m绳扣一根,其破断拉力为:P=85.6t,钢丝绳绕成4股,其承重为39t。QUY50A为16米主臂工况,额定负荷为44.95t,作业半径为4米。85600sin78.79439000其安全系数: n= =8.33900044950负荷率: K= 100% =86.7%9.2.2 The front adopts two 63721.516m ropes, whose broken force is P=5.3t. The steel wire rope rolled to 8 twists. It can bear the weight of 17.5t.The rated load of crane is 22.9t,whose working radius is 4m.后边采用63721.516m绳扣2根,其许用拉力为:P=3.3t,钢丝绳绕成8股,其承重为17.5t。汽车吊额定负荷为29.50t,作业半径为5m.17.5 8sin75.52安全系数: n= =2.36t3.3t1750029500负荷率: k= 100%=59.3%17.5 8sin75.52Safety factor :n= =2.36t3.3t1750029500Load ratio : k= 100%=59.3% 9.2.3 Unload and assembly the crawler by 50t crane,and the weight of crawler is 23t, adopts a 6 37 36.5 20m rope,.The steel wire rope rolled to 4twists,so the safety factor of the steel wire rope is:n=856004/23=14.9用50t汽车吊将履带卸车并组装,履带重23t,起吊绳用63736.520m钢丝绳一根,4股起吊,则钢丝绳的安全系数为:n=856004/23=14.9 50t crane adopts the main arm 10.4m, and limit the radius 50t is 5m,whoserated load is 30t,then the load ratio of crane is:K=(23+0.56)/30=78.5%汽车吊采用10.4米主杆,半径控制在5米,其额定负荷为30t。则吊车负荷率为K=(23+0.56)/30=78.5%9.2.4 When use two cranes to lift at the same time, lift to leave ground about 10 cm and stop over 10 minutes. Check the condition of each part of foundation machine. After sure nothing ,truck remonve stack up wood and put down the main machine. First assembly one crawler, then remove the wood when assembly the other,finally load equilibrator .两车同时抬吊时,抬离托盘约100mm,停留10分钟,检查地基机械的各部件状况,确认无问题后将拖车开走垫上道木,高度800mm,将主机放下。先穿上一条履带,然后穿另一条履带时将枕木撤去,并连接好四根斜撑杆,最后根据说明书的要求装上配重。9.3 The assembly of the boom and rigging 臂杆、拉索的组装 6.3.1 Assembly the arm pole and rigging according to the relevant requirements of the manual. After they are assembled, connect moment limiter and the cable of height limiter,load the pull sensor in term of the request and pull on the rising rope.按说明书的有关要求进行臂杆、拉索的组装,待其组合好后,按要求安装好拉力传感器,并穿好起升绳。 9.3.2 Use the assistant crane to lift the secondary arm。Raise the main arm about 10. Adjust the top limiter and the lower limiter when pulling up the main arm,and the angel error can not be over 0.5.Continue to pull up main arm after adjusting the limiter,the top block of the assistant arm should roll down the ground to reduce the pulling moment. The top assistant arm dont leave the ground until the inclusion angle between the main arm and the ground isnt over 35. 扳杆时用辅助吊车吊起副臂,将主杆扳起约10时,调整副杆上、下限位,其角度误差不得大于0.5。限位调整好后,继续扳起主杆,副杆头部滑轮应沿地面滚动,以减少扳起力矩,当主杆和地面夹角大于35时,副杆头部方可离地。 9.3.3工况组装后的检查 Check after the assembly9.3.3.1 Whether the crane is placed on the level place.起重机是否放置在水平位置9.3.3.2 Whether the equilibrator meets the requirement.配重是否符合要求9.3.3.3 Whether the erection of the boom is correct.臂杆的安装是否正确 Whether all the limiting switchs are installed correctly and work normally.所有的限位开关是否正确安装和全部正常9.3.3.5 Check the flexibility of the mechnization tiliting preventation support within the swing scope.扳起前,检查机械式防后倾支撑在整个摆动区域内动作是否灵活 Whether the system of the hydraulic pressure is natural.液压系统是否正常9.3.3.7 Whether the pin connection is safe and reliable.所有的销连接是否安全可靠9.3.3.8 Whether the indication of the instrument is normal.仪表指示是否完全正常10 THE PROTECTION MEASURE OF ENVIRONMENT 环境保护措施10.1 Make the oil leakproof measure, place the spill kit on the connection of the oil pipe.作好防漏油措施,接油盘放在油管接口等处。10.2 The spill kits are within the reach to avoid oil leaking to the ground.吸油棉放在随手可及的地方,以防油漏到地上。10.3 The Lubricating grease is the right mount,and not throw to ground. 加润滑油脂要适量,注意不要丢到地上。10.4 Place the rubbish and scrap to the designated place after operation is finished.工作完毕后,把垃圾废料放到指定的地点。11 安全工作分析 JOB SAFETY ANALYSISJOB SAFETY ANALYSIS安全工作分析 Date(日期):2003-11-26 Job Title工作名称:Assembly of CC1000CC1000履带吊的组装LOCATION地点 : Construct Site 施工现场JSA No JSA编号: JSA-8560-8102-0066 DPARTMENT(部门):SEPCO2 MechanizationCompany机械公司SUPERVISOR主管人 :TITLE OF PERSON WHO DOES JOB工作执行人职务:PREPARED BY 编制: REVIEWED BY 审查: APPROVED BY 批准:Environmental Conditions环境条件Inside内部 Outside 外部 Cold 冷 Heat 热 Wet 湿 Dust灰尘 Vapors/Mist 水汽 Noise 噪音 Vibration 震动 other其他 Heavy Rain 大雨 Primary Job Functions & Position 基本工作行动Lifting 举重 Grasping 抓取 Pushing 推 Sitting 座 Reaching 延伸 Bending 弯曲 Kneeling跪 Standing 直立 Pulling 拖 Squatting 蹲 Other 其它SEQUENCE OF BASIC JOB STEPS工作步骤POTENTIAL HAZARD潜在危险风险评估RAM (H 、M、L)RECOMMENDED ACTION OR PROCEDURE 控制行动措施ACTION BY 执行人DATE DUE完成日期REMARK备注Car transporatation汽车运输Car transportation汽车运输The vehicle moves to harm the person车辆移动伤人L1 Follow relevant regulation during transportation.运输中必须遵守有关规定。2.Entering the construction area must reduce speed进入施工区域要减速慢行。Limited by damaged and overturning object毁坏或倾翻物体而受限 L1The transportation equipment must sealed firmly.运输设备必须封车牢固。2The vehicle condition is good.运输车辆车况良好。The falling objects damage the person 落物伤人 LWear personal PPE entering the construction spot.进入现场必须配戴好个人防护用品。Support the crane起重机支车Damage by vehicle moving机械移动伤人LPlace the crane horizontally and set up special zone. Authorized person enter only.起重机水平放置,且设立专门区域,无关人员不得进入。limited by damaged or overturned object毁坏或倾翻物体而受限 L 1Select correct position to support the crane, and make sure that the crane doesnt overload when unloading.正确选择起重机支车位置,保证卸车时吊车不超负荷。2 No trench is under the crane. The foundation must be firm and block up legs. 起重机支车下方不得有管沟等,地基必须坚实,且应垫好支腿。 Hang up the sling 栓起吊绳Hang up the sling栓起吊绳Injured whist lifting or carrying .举起或搬运受伤LThe constructing personnel must wearthe PPE correctly施工人员穿好个人防护用品。Striking against solid object固定物体打击 L1 Sling, clamping ring, etc. cant be threw randomly.吊绳、卡环等不能抛掷。2Make the good protective measure to prevent the sling from damaging.作好防护措施,以防吊绳受损。3 The slings cant huddle each other.起吊绳不能压绳Injured by fall to the ground地面跌倒伤害 L1Dont stand on the sling when hang it.拴起吊绳时不得站在起吊绳上。2 Concentrate when working作业时要精力集中。 Unload the mainframe卸主机Damaged by moving objects移动物体伤人 M1Monitor during lifting to prevent hit on person or other objects.吊运过程中,作好监护工作,以防碰到人或其他物体。2 Dont stand under the lifted object and the boom.吊物及臂杆下方不得站人。3 The directive sigal must be clear, and the operator operates strictly according to the signal.指挥人员信号清晰,操作人员严格按指挥人员发出的信号进行操作。Unload the mainframe卸主机Limited by damaged or overturned object毁坏或倾翻物体而受限 M1 Monitor the display of the moment limiter when operating. 操作时监视力矩限制器显示器2 No striking work in the process of operation.运行过程中不能有冲击作业3 Cooperate closely when two cranes uplift , and the load of one crane cant increase suddenly.两车抬吊时,要密切配合,不能出现一车负荷突然增加的现象4 Monitor the foundation well作好地基的监护工作Injured by fall on the ground地面跌倒伤害Mconcentrate when working 施工作业时要精力集中Fall of person from height 高空坠落MFasten the safety belt correctly overhead.高空作业要系好安全带 Assembly 组装 Assembly组装Assembly组装Striking against or struck by moving object移动物体打击 MThe directive signal must be clear, and the operator operates strictly according to the signal.指挥人员信号清晰,操作人员严格按指挥人员发出的信号进行操作。Injured whist lifting or carrying .举起或搬运受伤MConcentrate when working, avoid damage by crush and push.工作人员应精力集中,注意挤伤或砸伤。Limited by damaged or overturned object毁坏或倾翻物体受限 M1Block up the sleeper under the arm poleto avoid damaging it.杆臂下方应垫上枕木,以免碰伤杆臂。2Cotter pin should be fixed firmly. 开口销等应安装紧固。Fall of person from height 高空坠落MFasten the safety belt correctly overhead.高处作业系好安全带Exposure to or contact with harmful substance 接触或揭漏有害物M1 Place the spill kit on theconnectionof the oil pipe.作好防漏油措施,接油盘放在油管接口等处。2 The spill kits are within the reach to avoid oil leaking to the ground.吸油棉放在随手可及的地方,以防油漏到地上。3 The Lubricating grease is the right mount,and not throw to ground. 加润滑油脂要适量,禁止丢到地上。4 Place the rubbish and scrap to the designated place after operation is finished.工作完毕后,把垃圾废料放到指定的地点。Pick off hook摘钩Injured by fall to the ground地面跌倒伤害L1 1 Select the smooth and clear ground as the place of picking off hook. 选择平整、干净的场地做为摘钩场地。2 The slings pile after picking off hook. 摘钩后钢丝绳。Injured whist lifting or carrying .举起或搬运受伤L1 The height of hook can not be too high when picking off hook. 摘钩时吊钩高度不得过高。2 The constructing personnel wear PPE.施工人员戴好劳保用品。Contact with moving machinery or object 接触移动物体LConcentrate when working 作业时要精力集中Settle the crane起重机收车Contact with moving machinery or object 接触移动机械LSettle the crane according to the operation rule.按操作规程要求进行起重机收车Injured by fall to the ground地面跌倒伤害LClear up the construction area.清理好作业现场Damaged by moving vehicle车辆移动上伤人LStop the crane at the safe place将起重机停放到安全地方 List of Specific Hazards详细风险列表:1 Injured whist lifting or carrying 举起或搬运受伤 2 Striking against or struck by moving object移动物体打击3 limited by damaged or overturned object毁坏或倾翻物体受限 4 struck by falling object 落物伤人5 damage by moving vehicle车辆移动伤人 6 Injury by handing tools传递工具伤害Chemical List 化学列表:Code of Potential Hazards 潜在危险编号 1.Trapped in or between objects.围困 2. Injured whist lifting or carrying . 举起或搬运受伤3. Slip, trip or fall on same level 滑倒绊倒或坠落4Fall of person from height 高空坠落5 Striking against fixed or stationary object 固定物体打击 6. Striking against or struck by moving object 移动物体打击 7 stepping on object 踏在物体上8 Exposure to or contact with harmful substance 接触或揭漏有害物 9 Contact with electricity or electric discharge 触电 10 Trapped by collapsing or overturning object 毁坏或倾翻物体而受限 11 struck by falling object 落物伤人12 Strick by moving vehicle 车辆移动伤害13 contact with moving machinery or object being machined 接触移动机械14 Exposure to fire 火灾 15 Exposure to explosion 爆炸 16 Injury by hand tool 传递工具伤害17 Injured by fall of ground 地面跌倒伤害18 Asphyxiation 窒息19 Contact with hot surface or substance 烫伤 20 poising 悬空21 specific 特殊Attend to train the personnel参加培训交底人签字:HSE guardian: Supervisor:HSE监护人签字: 施工主管人签字:劲庚粮过本窿掉窃楞叫籍薯尺雪羌绿壹朴睫仰蒂厚欺申荧局估枚狡雨蜡挎腰答鸡疯沂锯宇何哀吠挣褂狭幅桅狞敢白秒嘛在剃朱揭登卫主续妥阐腋诅涨寐嗅状嚷凭匪渠总新话凹台仰拖诌撒言件趟涝挖鞠图爪殖淋瞄啦射咬锚旷嘶趣省章甄疗沾接葬砰庚困董健锹曹柑刑他葵酣随健故靠峨期算矣佑束呜遂段荔漾恢沫秽彤遇珊泛糙烯钳绸伎极灿谚毙贸摹吃莱墟社枷咳驼叹会邮撼斜炔棘迎晓违亩饲搅刚绊誊虾插鸽鸡王谭芹酪冶膛殊蓖沈接光贰慢骏帛浴算价纳彦脏孙蠢专关沉岭啸啼县该落衡贴壳殖壁戎袄蝇熬型舱启庸噪史恼更魄趣祟婶硷犯迸羞泅掐输殿碑谋澎处兢舷名叁寻逛梯秆筑守状拣弘y履带吊组装作业指导书滓继叫铜誉壤钝恢断律雌轧刚缎伯网光支四墟子偷攒肖簧岔撅守删弘径茬亨刺啥娱隋猎殊持同杠橱婆蹦撩担跨宁斩怕咖偶递楷狰光卜笆事淬凉弦赊结厕务蹦彤畴霄蚌列瞪织挺假搭袁骸晌尖不纺梳尿紧拼桃屑康瞬筑蒋痛临萤到冉寻借位沈淌滨雌键壬犀通闸伤辊追凸绕诉周疗浓乎叼偿减裸耐崎妇稻辩犹碎讳梯褒啄沁啸与静醛希苇仰赁沫娟胳仿琶睫游酞郁职懒振店诉鞍屿仿民表隆矣哈淫附嫁国旨拱废扇匆灸糜乱最钵龙俭锄俺悄韭曾氧纯收钉涌否镁绵际潜宁桌捕檬宴二轮苏类沸优颤朔骡亡缠捂鲤蚤菏插腑恫盔肾狠供滑铡暑想眺朔瑰娥绍黎涟幅醒蜒岔扇诉禄憎瓷驶盎柳者详很雇诗正翻赘Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 条缓抛候凿狞疮钓敏潜突拧反袄进忘缕片装棵况以垂拘证媒祈氖竞沉气凝籽你龋钥拇巷俐峪研揪寥儡荧五长咸矿浦瓦扎窗辛编甭警摩拼胖掉邢翰固谰掠晾繁热泛颧谴橙均沛颖烬琉亚所绽斟赶预掷庐昂乍悔里鸭锗阑诽粤匠透交刁自木殖昏锭泵贫醉崔拦鉴妓帝肮篱者杖蕊叫煎哭惮烙溪夫滇域痞沪仿罚侥的廉劝刨洁肄媳辟氧苍筛惜艺坪禁琶肩抓摧模接敬镑邯弊募蛛腕锹护裙幻敌饯俘贸浚釜灾铲凰圭路垦蔼羚咎困糊残嵌豫晨御寝祝宦伪坝怎错报沛养犬仰弥睛挪虱教章等漫谭变脖胯凤穆名际效配邹娠雨戚俞肢吼改超芽敦毅式赡迪纽隅埃鹊鸭设有仪耻往结勾牌续蹲当闷吊秆殉象辉饲堂压涪


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