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Who burnt the Old Summer Palace?CHAPTER 1 It is a history class, the teacher is telling the class about the Old Summer Palace.老师:Long long ago, the Old Summer Palace was a wonder. It was beautiful.But it was burnt by Baguolianjun.土豪儿子: (睡觉,打呼。)老师: 尚百万,Stand up! Do you know who burnt the Old Summer Palace?土豪儿子:What?(打哈欠)同学(小声告诉他):Who burnt the Old Summer Palace?土豪儿子(自言自语):Who burnt the Old the Old Summer Palace? How can I know? Anyway It is not me!老师(生气,喊):Who burned it?!土豪儿子(生气的反驳):It is not me! It is not me! Im honest. If I see the fire, I always call the 119! Who care who burn it!(下课铃声)老师(无奈):Ok,Class is over, goodbye boys and girls.全体学生(起立):Thank you,teacher.(鞠躬)Goodbye,Miss Wu. CHAPTER 2老师(敲门),土豪爸爸(开门):Oh,Miss Wu, come in, please. Sit down, please.What would you like to drink? Coffee, juice, 碧螺春,西湖龙井,毛尖,卡布奇诺,摩卡,香榭丽or 乌龙茶 ?老师:Water, please.土豪爸爸:OK。(倒一杯水递给吴老师)Here you are.老师:Thank you.(停顿数秒)I cant bear your son any more!He said he didnt burned the Old Summer Palace.土豪:Please calm down.clam down. I feel very sorry about it.老师离开土豪家,土豪和儿子送客。土豪(转身抓住儿子):Did you do it?!土豪儿子:No I didnt! No I didnt! 土豪:Really? If so, Who burnt the Old Summer Palace?儿子:Why you beat me? I am your son. Dont you feel heart hurt?土豪:Hurt what? I just want to know who burn the Old Summer Palace? You?土豪儿子:OK, I did it ! I did it. OH my god!Who can help me? I am go bananas!土豪(打电话): Hello ,this is 尚百万s father. My son burnt the Old Summer Palace! How much ? Ill pay and make a new one!CHAPTER 3 In the head masters office老师: My headmaster, I cant understand my student.He said he burned the Old Summer Palace!校长:It happened! So just ask his father to build a new one!老师:What?Oh my GOD!CHAPTER 4老师(拨电话):110,Oh,police, come here, please, I need your help.警察: Who killed the Old Summer Palace?老师: The Old Summer Palace is a place!警察: Oh.Who burned the Old Summer Palace?土豪: My dear Policeman, My son did it.警察: How old is he?土豪:10 years old.警察: It is impossible!土豪: Yes, I think somebody said bad words to my son!警察: Dont worry. I will find him.老师: OK.Dont waste time! I did it!I did it! I burnt the Old Summer Palace!警察:OK Lets go to the Police office.旁白:We have seen this story. It likes a joke. Nobody knows what the Old Summer Palace is. The Old Summer Palace is a great history place in China. We are proud of it. So we must study hard .We must be a good man! We dont want to be a man like them.So just be your best. (全体演员排成一排谢幕。)Thank you.场景1旁白:这是一节历史课,老师正在向孩子们讲授圆明园。在课堂上,有着一位土豪(rich)的儿子,土豪的儿子学习成绩不佳 ,不仅与周公下起了象棋(sleep deeply),也打起了呼噜(动作)。突然,老师:XXX,请问圆明园是谁烧的,土豪儿子:什么?啊?同学1:老师问你圆明园是谁烧的。土豪儿子(喃喃自语):我哪知道谁烧的,反正不是我烧的。老师怒吼:谁烧的?土豪大叫:不是我烧的!我这么诚实!看到火灾从来都打119!怎么可能是我!这时下课了场景2放学后老师怒气冲冲的到土豪家告状:你儿子最近上课越来越不像话(worse and worse)了,他竟然说他没有烧圆明园。土豪爸爸笑着说:老师您消消气(calm down ),我会问清楚的老师默不作声的走了。土豪儿子被他爸一顿毒打,边打爸爸边问:说圆明园谁烧的?是不是你烧的啊?儿子哭叫:不是我烧的,不是我烧的。我是你儿子,你打我你不心疼吗?爸爸:到底是不是儿子:是我!是我烧的!呜呜呜呜!谁来帮帮我,我要疯了!第二天他爸打电话给老师说:昨晚他已经承认圆明园是他烧的了!- 老师,无论多少钱,我们家都赔!场景3第二天,历史老师愤怒,对校长说,校长,我无法忍受我的学生了,他说他烧了圆明园!校长听了:烧了就烧了吧,让他爸爸在建一个就是了。老师:我的天啊!老师气愤不过,找到了警察局,警察来了之后询问警察:谁烧了圆明园啊?老师:圆明园是个地方。警察:哦,谁烧了圆明园啊?父亲:敬爱的长官,是我的儿子警察:你儿子多大了父亲:10岁警察:不可能!父亲:我也这么认为的,肯定有人说了我儿子的坏话警察:好,我会调查清楚的。这是老师疯了老师大叫:我做的 !我做的!我烧了圆明园!警察:好了,带回去!时间静止旁白:我们刚刚看的这个故事,就如同一个笑话。没有人知道圆明园是什么?圆明园是我国的历史遗迹,也是我们中国人的骄傲。因为我们要努力学习,认真学习文化知识,将来做个有用的栋梁之才。而不是像他们一样,犹如文盲。因为我们要尽一切努力!


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