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授 课 计 划(20112012学年 第 一 学期)课程名称: 翻译理论与实践 授课总时数: 34 学时1、理论学时: 34 学时;2、实践: 0 学时3、考 试: 2 学时;4、机动 2 学时授课周数: 17 周; 周学时: 2 学时专业班级: 使用教材: 任课教师: 教 研 室主任(签字) 系(部)主任(签字) 教 务 处(签章) 填 写 日 期: 2011 年 9 月 7 日 教务处制授课计划说明: 1翻译理论与实践是英语专业高年级阶段的专业技能必修课,教学中采用理论与实践相结合,课堂讲授与练习想结合的教学方法,通过大量的真材实料的案例分析和实践训练,使学生掌握一定的英,汉互译基础知识与技能,具有一定商务英,汉实务互译的应用能力。 2. 本教材包括三部分,绪论,上篇和下篇。绪论为理论部分,主要包括翻译的历史,性质,基本原则以及对翻译工作者的要求,上下篇为翻译基本技能和各种常用语体的翻译。 3. 本学期授课17周,授课总课时34学时,计划讲授全书三大部分,并加入适当相关练习。讲课进度随实际情况进行调整,保证按时完成教学任务。 主要参考书: 英汉汉英翻译教程刘川著授 课 计 划周次章、节授课内容课时数教学目的、要求、教具、作业等1Chapter1-2Introduction 11. The history of translation2. Definitions of translation 3. Classifications of translation2Understand some basic ideas in translation2Chapter3-5Introduction 111. Principles of translation 2. The Process of translating3. Differences between languages and cultures2Consolidate the basic ideas in translation the Understand some difficulties in English-Chinese translation3-4Chapter1Part 1 Translation at word level 1. Translation of words and phrases2. The discrimination of words and phrase3. Collocation in translation4. Amplification in translation 5. Omission in translation6. Conversion of word type7. Exercises41.How to translate words2.How to add words in translation3.How to omit words in translation4.How to convert word types in translation5-6Chapter2Part 1 Translation at sentence level 1. Translation of attributive clause2. Translation of adverbial clause3. Translation of sentences of active-voice and passive-voice 4. Translation of long sentences and difficult sentences5. Translation of punctuations6. Exercises41.How to translate attributive clause2.How to translate adverbial clause3.How to translate active and active sentences4.How to translate long sentences and difficult sentences7-8Chapter3Part 1 Translation at discourse level 1. Characteristics of Chinese and English discourses2. The discourse of cohesion and translation3. The coherence and translation of discourse4. Translation of cultural context5. Exercises41.Understand the differences between Chinese discourse and English discourse2.Understand the cohesion, coherence of discourse3.How to translate cultural contexts9-10Chapter4 Part 1 Conversion of rhetoric and logical relations1. Characteristics of Chinese and English phonetic rhetoric2. Characteristics of Chinese and English lexical stylistic devices3. Characteristics of Chinese and English structural rhetoric devices4. Conversion of affirmation and negation5. Conversion of cause and effect6. Conversion of abstractness and concreteness7. Conversion of static and dynamic8. Exercises41.Understand the differences between Chinese phonetic rhetoric and English phonetic rhetoric2.Understand the differences between Chinese lexical stylistic devices and English stylistic devices3.Understand the differences between Chinese structural rhetoric devices and English structural rhetoric devices4.Understand affirmation & negation5.Understand abstractness, concreteness, static and dynamic11Chapter1Part Translation of different types of writings-news1. Characteristics of news2. Translation of titles3. Translations of contents4. Exercises2Understand the characteristic of news and try to translate short news12Chapter2Part Translation of different types of writings-literature1. Translation of novels2. Translation of proses3. Translation of poems4. Translation of dramas5. Exercises2Understand the characteristic of literature and try to translate different type of literature13Chapter3Part Translation of different types of writings-official documents 1. Characteristics of official documents2. Translation of administrative documents3. Translation of business correspondences4. Exercises2Understand the characteristic of official documents and try to translate administrative documents and business correspondence14Chapter4Part Translation of different types of writings-advertisements1. Characteristics of advertisements2. Translation of advertisements3. Translation of trademark4. Exercises2Understand the characteristics of advertisements and try to translate advertisements and trademark15Chapter5Part Translation of different types of writings-travel guide1. Characteristics of travel guide2. Translation of travel guide3. Translation of classic Chinese poetry4. Exercises2Find the characteristics of travel guide and learn how to translate travel guide and classic Chinese poetry16Chapter6Part Translation of different types of writings- scientific and technical texts 1. Characteristics of scientific and technical texts2. Translation of scientific literature3. Translation of product instruction4. Exercises2Understand the characteristic of scientific texts and learn to translate scientific literature and product instruction17Chapter7Part Translation of different types of writings-law1. Characteristics of law2. Translation of legal instruments3. Translation of international economic law2Understand the characteristic of law and try to translate legal instruments and international economic law18Examination 授课计划一式三份,教师、系部、教务处各保存一份5


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