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外研社版小学英语四年级Unit4 School(part2)武汉市汉阳区铁桥小学 彭莺一、 教学指导思想和理念本节课教学设计的主要指导思想来源于两个方面: 首先是“以学生为中心”的会话教学理念。学生才是学习中各个环节的主体,以学生为中心的会话教学理念即在口语交际中最大限度地发挥学生的主观能动性以及已有知识经验,通过会话培养学生的创新精神,使其口语表达能力更具发散性,创造性和实践性。 其次是创设情境。英语课程提倡采用既强调语言学习过程又有利于提高学生学习成效的语言教学途径和方法,尽可能多地为学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会。因此,教师要通过创设接近实际生活的各种语境,采用循序渐进的语言实践活动,以及各种强调过程与结果并重的教学途径和方法,培养学生用英语做事情的能力基于以上两点,本节课的教学中,我有目的地引入、创设校园场景,让学生在看听的过程中去理解,在听读的过程中去练习,在玩演的过程中去运用。从而使情景教学法贯穿整个会话教学中,学生学习英语的兴趣得到激发,学生英语语言运用能力得到提高。二、 教学背景分析那么如何进行本节课的教学呢?在进行教学设计以前,我首先对教材内容进行了分析。(1) 单元教材分析 我们先来看看本单元的内容。本单元的话题是School。重点句型为Is there/ Are there?句型以及have/ has got句型,学习的重点在于帮助学生学会获取学校场所的信息,并能介绍场所的功能以及介绍自己及他人的基本信息。本单元共有七个部分,本节课作为本单元的第二部分就是让学生在掌握了学校场所名称的基础上,能介绍场所的功能。(2)本节课教学内容分析从本节课的教学内容上看,学生通过本课学习应能完成两个语言任务,第一要能了解学校各场所的功能,完成第二部分的连线,第二要能熟练并正确运用 I/Weon/in句型描述在学校的学习生活。另一方面,从课型上看,这是一节会话教学课,那么也应让学生运用Are there ? Is your big(small)?/I(We) in(on) 等句型介绍校园各场所的功能,在相互交流校园信息的活动中获取学校场所的信息。(3) 学情分析在制定目标前,我最后对本节课的教学对象进行了分析。此次教学的对象是我校四年级的学生,他们经过一年的学习,有了一定的英语学习基础,大多数学生产生了浓厚的英语学习兴趣。他们更倾向于在竞赛,游戏和互动中学习。但不足之处在于我校学生大多数都是外来务工人员子女,不仅流动性大,而且有一部分在来到我校之前几乎没有接触过英语,英语学习缺乏连续性。因此,这部分学生对于语言的积累不够丰富,在进行会话交流时模仿教材文本的较多,而能脱离教材文本将知识整合并灵活运用的较少。三、 教学目标基于以上对教材和学生的分析,结合本节课的教学内容,我制定的教学目标如下:1、知识技能目标:(1) 能够理解在学校的各功能室中做什么事情并运用I(we)in(on)等句型进行谈论自己在学校的学习生活。(2) 能够用Isbig/small? Is there? 句型询问他人的学校。2、过程与方法 :利用情景教学法,以学生最熟悉的学习、生活环境为契入点把词汇教学贯穿于会话教学中,与学生生活和情感相结合。3、情感、态度、价值目标 :(1)用熟悉的学习环境激发学生表达交流的欲望,在各类任务型活动中培养学生主动、自信表达的能力。(2)使学生乐于谈论彼此的校园从而更加喜爱自己的校园。四、 教学重难点本节课的教学重难点如下:教学重点:1、能在老师指导下运用Is there ? Is your big(small)?/I(We) in(on) 等句型进行简单的交际。2、各种教室的功能方面也是重点教学难点:1、运用重点句子与他人交流学校的学习生活。2、一般疑问句的正确使用。五、 教学过程Step 1 Warming up1. Greeting and free talksT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Fanny. T: Today, which group is the winner?(教师示意学生看黑板)When your group jumps here, you can get a rooms card.(教师边演示边讲) Are you ready? Ss: Yes.2. A guessing gameT: Lets play a guessing game. Is there a.?(学生通过关键词猜功能场所的名称)T: Where is this?Ss:School.(板书课题)Step 2 Presentation(课件呈现一座魔法学校.)T: Yes. This is a magic school. Do you want to visit?Ss: Yes.1、Read and match the sentences in groups.(课件呈现一封邀请信)T: We need to finish this letter. Open your book turn to page 33. Look at Part 2. Read and match in groups. 2、Check the answers.T: Have you finished?Ss: Yes.T: Who can try?学生上白板连线。T: Lets listen.(听录音材料)3、Listen and read the sentences.T: Well down. Lets listen and read these sentences together, ok?Ss: ok.4、Learn and understand the sentences.T: Great. Listen, the door is open.(课件播发开门声)T: Where do you want to go? Choose one.(学生选择不同数字的卡片可以进入不同的地方。)1 We often read in the library.(课件呈现图片,板书Is there )T: Is there a library? Ss: Yes.T: Is it small?(教师运用肢体语言帮助学生理解small, big并板书。)Ss: No.T: Its (教师运用肢体语言引导学生)Ss: Its big.T: Yes, there are many books in the library. (板书I often read in the library.) T: I often read in the library. T: Sometimes, often, and always.(出示频率词的对比示意图,进行扩充词汇的学习。)T: I often read in the library. What about you?S2: I often read in the library.S3: I always read in the library.T: Speak in groups.学生在小组中交流。2 We have (classes/ computer class / lunch) in the (classroom /computer room/ canteen).T: Lets continue .Choose one. (课件呈现图片)T: Is there a ? You, please.S1: Is there a classroom?T: Yes or no?Ss: Yes.T: What do we do in the classroom? We have classes in the classroom.(板书 We in the classroom.)T: We have classes in the classroom.Ss:We have classes in the classroom.T: What subject do you have in the classroom?(出示对应的教材,进行扩充词汇的学习。)T: Chinese, Maths , English.T: I like English. I have English classes in the classroom. What about you?S2: I like Maths. I have Maths classes in the classroom.T: Very good.S3: I like Chinese. I have Chinese classes in the classroom.T: There are other rooms in the school. Music room, art room, computer room, science room. What do we do in these rooms?(出示对应的教室,进行扩充词汇的学习。)T: I like Art classes. I have Art classes in the art room. What about you?先班级交流然后小组交流。T:Away for so long, Im hungry. (课件呈现canteen) T:Where is it? You, please.S7: Is there a canteen?Ss:Yes.T: Is it small?Ss:No,its big.T: I have breakfast in the canteen. I like noodles. What about you?Breakfast, lunch.(出示带时间的就餐示意图,进行扩充词汇的学习。)S8: I have lunch in the canteen. I like chicken.T: Speak in groups. What do you do in the canteen? I have in the canteen. I like 学生在小组中交流。3 We (play sports) on the playground.T: Choose one. 学生选数字卡。T: Where is it? You, please.S1: Is there a playground?Ss: Yes.T:Yes. Is it big?Ss: Yes.T:Its a big playground. We play sports on the playground. ( 板书We in the playground.)T:We play sports on the playground.Ss: We play sports on the playground.T: Which sport do you like?认读活动词组:playing football/basketball/table tennis, skipping rope, running)T: I play sports on the playgroup. I like skipping rope. What about you?T: Speak in groups.学生在小组中交流 T: In the school, what else can we do? We have many activities. (PPT展示:功能室以及一些活动:singing 、drawing、making robots、playing chess、feeding animals, skipping rope)学生认读活动名称。T:Where do we do these activities? Lets play a game. Find friends.(教师演示游戏。)T:I like making robots in the computer room. Who can try?学生进行游戏。T: Do you like the magic school ?Ss: Yes.5、Talk about pupils school.a Learn the dialogue of pair work.T: Now the wizards from the magic school to your school. (教师扮成魔法师。课件呈现孩子们学校的全景以及半填空对话。)教师运用“ Is there?/Is it big/small/ colour?/What do you do ?”与学生展开讨论。T: Who wants to be a wizard?请一名学生扮成魔法师运用“ Is there?/Is it big/small/ colour?/What do you do ?”与其他学生展开讨论。Step3 Consolidation1、 Talk about the teachers dream place of school.T: I have a dream place of school. (教师展示自己设计的English classroom以及半填空对话。)T: Do you want to know about it? You can ask me.学生运用“ Is there?/Is it big/small/ colour?/What do you do ?”与教师展开讨论。2、 Talk about the teachers dream place of school.T: Show your dream place and talk about in groups. 学生在小组中展示自己设计的学校并展开交流。T: What about your dream place? Who can show?学生投影自己设计的学校并与班级其他同学展开交流。


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