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八年级月考试卷(上Unit1-3)笔试部分(80分)一.单项选择题:(15分)( )1.I often _ my homework after my supper, but yesterday evening I _TV. A. do, watch B. did, watched C. did, watch. D. do, watched.( )2. Tom with his brother _ playing football very much. A. like B. likes C. liking D. are liking( )3. A lot of vegetables can help you to keep _ good health. A. in B. to C. with D. for( )4. _ is very interesting _ in the river in summer. A. It, to swim B. That, to swim C. It, swim D. This, swim( )5. I dont like drinking tea _ milk. A. have B. to C. with D. for( )6. The girl _ to bed until very late last night. A. went B. go C. didnt go D. dont go( )7. I have _ to do today. A. anything important B. something important C. important nothing D. important something( )8. My friend took many books and he showed _. A. them to me B. them me C. them for me D. me them( )9. The girl decided on _ the red skirt. A. buys B. buying C. to buy D. bought( )10.He likes reading _ and he has _books. A. a lot, a lot. B. lots of, a lot C. a lot, lot of D. a lot, a lot of( )11._ can I keep the dictionary? -A week. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far( )12.Watching TV too much is not good _ your eyes. A. at B. to C. for D. with( )13.Im not feeling _. A. good B. so C. well D. best( )14.Robert often asks us _ his Chinese. A. to help with B. to help him with C. help him D. helps him with( )15. You _ finish your homework before you go to play. A. should B. can C. shouldnt D. may二 单词填空(10分)1. He finished _(write) a letter to his parent yesterday.2. Look after yourself and keep _.(health)3. Please try _(get) back early tomorrow.4. Its important _ (exercise) every day.5. The girl thought about _(go) to Hong Kong.6. We walk with our _.(foot)7. I hope _(be) a teacher in the future.8. We must _ (work) hard at our lessons.9. Can you give me some _(advice) about studying?10.Look! The boy _(read) under the tree.三完型填空. (10 分).As Johns wife was ill, he called the doctor and made sure they would meet at five. He arrived at the doctors at twenty to five. He thought, its a little bit 1 . Ill wait for a moment. Its good to get there on time. 2 he stopped his car in front of the doctors, he looked 3 and saw a noisy square (广场) not far from him. He went there and sat down on a chair to 4 the last light of the afternoon sun, and 5 himself quiet. He saw some children playing and some women talking happily. Suddenly he heard a girl 6 . He went up to her and asked what was wrong. Then he knew she got lost. John tried to find out her 7 and sent her home. The girls parents were very thankful. Finally(最后) John hurried to the 8 .When the doctor saw him, he was very 9 and said, You are late. Why did you keep me waiting for 20 minutes(分钟)? John said 10 except(除了) one word -sorry! ( )1. A. latter B. earlier C. shorter D. better( )2. A. After B. Before C. Then D. Until( )3. A. for B. at C. after D. around( )4. A. enjoy B. pass C. put D. play( )5. A. fell B. made C. carried D. took( )6. A. singing B. laughing C. crying D. speaking( )7. A. name B. mind C. age D. address( )8. A. farmers B. drivers C. teachers D. doctors( )9. A. polite B. angry C. happy D. kind( )10.A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing四.阅读理解. (20分).AThere was a bookseller (书商). He did not like to pay for anything, One day a big box of books fell(掉下)on his foot.“Go to the doctor,” said his wife, “and show that foot to him.”“No,” he said, “Ill wait until the doctor comes to our shop next time. Then Ill ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, I shall have to pay(付款).”The next day the doctor came to the shop to buy some books. The bookseller told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it and promised (答应) to help.He took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it. “Buy this medicine and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night,” he said.“Thank you,” said the bookseller, “And now, sir, here are your books.”“How much?” asked the doctor.“Two pounds(英磅).” “Oh, good,” said the doctor. “I shall not have to pay you anything today.”“Why?” asked the bookseller.“I look over your foot. I want two pounds for that. If people come to my houses, I ask them to pay only one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses, I usually charge (收费) two pounds. And I came here today, didnt I? Bye-bye!”根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( )1.The bookseller didnt want to see the doctor because _. A. his foot wasnt hurt. B. He couldnt go any farther C. He didnt have any money to pay the doctor D. He didnt want to pay the doctor( )2.The next day the doctor came to the shop _. A. to buy some books B. to buy medicine C. to borrow some money D. to see the bookseller( )3.The seller asked the doctor to pay _. A. nothing B. two pounds C. only one pound D. two pound( )4.The doctor paid the bookseller _. A. many money B. much money C. nothing D. two pounds for books( )5.Which of the following is right? A. The seller didnt like to pay anything. B. The sellers wife didnt want him to go to the doctor. C. The seller was cleverer than the doctor. D. The doctor didnt go to the shop to buy any things.BBruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walked there and walked home. On his way to school, he had to pass a playground(操场). It was very wet after it rained. One day, when he got home, his clothes were all wet. His mother became angry and said, “Dont play in the water on your way home from school!”On the next day Bruno came home with wet and dirty clothes. His mother became even angrier. “Ill tell your father if you come back wet again,” said his mother. “Hell punish(惩罚)You, you know.” The third day the little boy was dry when he came home.“Youre a good boy today”, his mother said happily. “You didnt play in the water.”“No,” the boy said unhappily. “There were too many older boys in the water when I got there this afternoon. There wasnt any room(空地方)for me at all!”根据文章内容选择正确答案( )6.Bruno went to school every day.A. by bikeB. by busC. by carD. on foot( )7.The playground was between .A. two classroomsB. the cinema and shopC. Brunos house and school D. the shop and Brunos school( )8. The little boy liked to play on the playground .A. when it snowedB. when there was some water there C. when the children played football there D. when his father was busy with his work( )9.Bruno was afraid of (害怕) the most.A. his father B. his motherC. his teacher D. the older boys( )10. That afternoon, the boys clothes were dry because .A. nobody made room for him in the waterB. there was no water on the playgroundC. he took off his clothes before he played thereD. he played in the water carefully五改错(5分)1. Although he is very poor, but he is very happy.2. How long does he go to the zoo? - Once a month.3. My friend is going to Paris in the 1st of October.4. Eat too much is bad for your health5. We dont our homework every day.六句型转换( 10 分)1. Mary eats junk food twice a week. (划线提问) _ _ _ Mary _ junk food?2. Whats wrong with Bill? (同义句) 3. He leaves for school early every morning. (同义句) He _ _ school early every morning.4. We enjoyed ourselves at the party last night. (同义句) We _ _ _ _ at the party last night 5. She is going fishing for vacation.(划线提问)七.书面表达(10分)请根据提示写一篇短文,描述你周末通常所做的事情,并写出下一周末的度假计划:人物:你和好友Mike; 地点:West Lake;出发时间:星期日早上七点;交通工具:骑自行车去;带食物和饮料八年级1-3单元参 考 答 案笔试部分答案:一. 单选;1-5; DBAAC 6-10; CBABD 11-15: BCCBA二. 单词填空: 1.writing 2. healthy 3. to get 4. to exercise 5. going 6. feet 7. to be 8. work 9. advice 10. is reading三. 完型填空:15: BCDAB 6-10: CDDBD 四. 阅读理解: 1-5: DA BCA 6-10: DCBDA8年级第一次月考二、单项选择(15分)15 CBCBC 610 DDDDD 1115 AAACA三、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. travelling 2. looking 3. seeing 4. to feed 5. playing 6.Britain 7. children 8. seeing 9. anything 10. persons四、句型转换(10分)1. Does; go 2. Where are; playing 3. good at 4. wont; any 5.Will they; will6. will have 7. When will 8. What are; going to do五、完形填空(10分)15 ABCDA 610 CCAAC六、阅读理解(30分)(A) ABCDA (B) CBCBC (C) ADBCC七、交际运用(10分)A. CEABD B. FAECB


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