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EEC英语教材 小学1-6册四会单词 (共392个 2009年02月修订) Book1(34个)L3 bag, book ,pencil L4 dad,mom L5 cap,car,ball,desk L6 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten L7 ear,eye,foot,hand,nose,mouth L8 big, cat, dog,do, dont,likeL9 panda,monkey,tiger Book2 (57个) L1 full,apple,water, hot dog, pizza,bread L2 cake,eleven,twelve,thirteen L3 orange,pear,what,come,it, bananaL4 hat,yellow,blue,green,red,black,white L5 skirt,coat,shoe,shirt,sock L6 thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,time,get up,sleep L7 bed,door,chair,on,in,behind,under L8 snow,cold,hot,go,chocolate, put onL9 Sunday, Saturday, Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,Friday,computer,game Book3 (74 个)L1 egg,toast,milk,jam ,table,sandwich,saladL2 teacher,student,he,she,I,you,we,who,sister,brother,me L3 my,your, his,her,whose,mine,yoursL4 English,math,first,third,tomorrow,why,listen,science,musicL5 school,bike,read,play,sing,after,violin,pianoL6 swim,walk,bat,ride,they,baseball,gloves L7 jump,head,arm,toe,slide,knee,shoulder L8 need,cook,pan,flour,pancake,sugar,salt,butter,spoon,bowlL9 eat,lion,make,draw,elephant, circle,square, star Book4 (81个) L1 dumplings, Spring Festival, New Year, delicious,lantern, look at,at night, picture,clock,birthdayL2 fever,sick,park,bad,busy,idea,headache,toothache,stomachace,usL3 happy,tired,scared, thirsty,hungry, fun L4 department store, watch,robot, new, him,her,them,look for,what aboutL5 write,open,say, blow out,thank-you, from,card, aunt,uncle,cousin,grandma,grandpa L6 spring,summer,fall,winter,cool, skate, does,doesntL7 policeman,where,post office,library, supermarket, hospital,restaurant,bookstoreL8 living room,bathroom,bedroom,diningroom,kitchen,small,work, sleep, funny, spider L9 hundred, how many, light, seventy, eighty, ninety, take photos, turn on Book5 (71个) L1 the U.S.A. , first name, last name, China, Australia,twins , American L2 near,live,take,subway, bus,far, walk, by,a little,minutes L3 late, brush, get dressed, make the bed, hurry up,downstairs,teeth, have breakfast,read newspapersL4 soccer, win, wash up, dinner, before, borrow,do ones homework, watch TVL5 present,date,buy,belt,shop,when,birthday,Mothers Day , shopping mall, May, SeptemberL6 short,long,sleeves,button,collar,look great , expensive , cheaper,tall,jacket,pocket, zipperL7 matter,find,pants,glasses,fountain pen,take it easy, purple, hairpin,beautiful,jeans,wear ,boots,shorts,sweater Book6 (75个) L1 bored, sleepy, snack bar, drink, hamburger, lunch, pie, juice, would,friend, help, ice cream, L2 clean, pool, pilot, plane,engineer,spaceship,family,sad,study, house,practice, artist, doctor L3 farmer, visit, learn, vet, animal, feed, hear, of, plan, weekend, spaceship, astronaut L4 list, raincoat, camera, airport, ticket, luggage,boarding pass, week, umbrella L5 take a picture, gift shop, building, next to, surprise , turn right , turn left, welcome, block L6 cloud, rain, wet, pour, season, windy, sunny, feel, fine, drop of rain , warm, come out, cloudy, favorite, bestL7 feel well, runny nose, museum, interesting, amusement parkEEC小学英语分课生词表(共计674)(2009年2月)Book 1(165)Lesson 1 (22)ant bear cat hi hello my name out come I night morning the what your good see you here am go inLesson 2 (22)dog elephant fish class how to too day good-bye Miss this thanks are nice fine friend meet is see bye have bye-bye Lesson 3 (26)goat hippo insect computer room kids please that down bag no not pencil OK it isnt deskeraser afternoon chair meet sit pencil book up standLesson 4 (16)jet kangaroo lion dad brother picture and friend pick put me mom sister he she whoLesson 5 (16)monkey nest ox head monster desk cap car sorry ball at what oh okay ouch lookLesson 6 (22)panda rabbit queen four five jump nine number one seven ready shirt ten walk three two six firsteight run ready onLesson 7 (19)seal tiger umbrella draw ear all open hand tooth foot eye close shoe sure wave nose move mouth right Lesson 8 (15) violin whale fox big cool cute get do smart very watch wow so dont windowLesson 9 (7)yo-yo zebra small giraffe there like tallBook 2 (120)lesson 1 (25)apple banana bread clean full great home hot dog hungry juice lets( let us) milk more now orange pizza sandwich sick some table thirsty want water we lesson 2 (21)birthday cake candle count eighteen eleven fifteen for fourteen happy many nineteen old seventeen sixteen thirteen today twelve twenty welcome themlesson 3 (9)can dollar help much pear pineapple these touch watermelon lesson 4 (13)black blue box color green hat moon red star sun white yellow greatlesson 5 (10)about but coat off pants pretty show skirt sock take lesson 6 (14)fifty forty hey late light oclock sixty sleep soap thirty time turn thirty-one thirty-twolesson 7 (10)bed behind door hide hide-n-seek next to play seek under where lesson 8 (7)chocolate cold hot make snow snowball snowman lesson 9 (11)game love Monday Saturday say skate soon Sunday Thursday Tuesday WednesdayBook 3(94)Lesson 1 (8)egg breakfast jam lunch salad toast pass try Lesson 2 (6)teacher student doctor Mrs. beside quiet Mrs.Lesson 3 (9)whose wrong yours find mine thank her welcome knowLesson 4 (13)English music third tomorrow from stop long science why math sing well listen butLesson 5 (13)piano bike library school again after every hurt ride hospital street read every Lesson 6 (10)baseball glove hit bat they swim better score fly talk Lesson 7 (11)leg toe shoulder knee arm slide lift bend into exercise touchLesson 8 (17)any flour cook spoon pancake pan salt then easy crack careful mix add bowl butter need sugar Lesson 9 (7)circle square triangle glue robot face eat Book 4 (98)Lesson 1(9) spring festival dumpling delicious Spring Festival yourself lantern wonderful beautifulLesson 2 (17)busy park idea matter fever hope headache toothache stomachache take care roller coaster bad us has withLesson3 (7)exciting scared drive really fun tired bumper carLesson 4 (8)department store present buy cost look for honey himLesson 5 (10)happen surprise from aunt card uncle cousin blow out say thank-youLesson 6 (9)season spring summer fall winter which poor warm coolLesson 7 (15)post office ask send China clerk supermarket restaurant bookstore town fire station over there mayLesson 8(12) living room, work ,spider, bathroom ,funny, away, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, TV, wash, sleepLesson 9 (11)hang quickly photo smile knife fork dish candy ready hundred balloonBook 5 (85)Lesson 1 (7)American the U.S.A twins Australia America last Canada Lesson 2 (9)live bus subway far near by minute sometimes little Lesson 3 (9)dressed teeth newspaper finish downstairs brush already hurry wait Lesson 4 (10)wash borrow homework before museum tennis dinner soccer win movie Lesson 5 (25)January February March April May June July August September October November December date join Mother shopping mall knapsack belt sixth shopping mall suit when Mothers Day yeah hey anyway themLesson 6(18) pocket button collar expensive brown cheap cheaper purple size sweater sleeve zipper with without lot bigger ones onlyLesson 7 (7)wear glasses boots anything hairpin jacket fountain Book 6(112)Lesson 1 (18)snack bar corner rest bored hamburger apple pie drink French fries Coke enjoy spaghetti lemonade ice cream together just glad wouldLesson 2 (22)practice pool always usually swimmer hobby weekend hiking study never pilot plane airplane engineer spaceship design fantastic artist violinist food be peopleLesson 3 (18)visit plan vacation mountain stay explore vet feed beach police station astronaut learn Chinese weekend trip hear will allLesson 4 (16) list,raincoat,camera,airport ,check,forget,Japan,pen pal,ticket,luggage,boarding pass,piece, during, leave, yet, HawaiiLesson 5 (14)awesome Paris tower Egypt pyramid ,gift shop, block straight theater ,photo shop, front between cafeteria laundry Lesson 6 (9)drop dry windy pour wet lot picnic favorite beatLesson 7 (15)runny model slight sore throat high bad cough planet amusement park interesting around tell because 杨丽楠学语法 系列七 冠词一、 相关知识归纳 冠词是一种虚词,是加在名词前面的一个辅助词,以限定名词的含义,在句子中不能单独充当句子成分。冠词分为定冠词、不定冠词和零冠词(即不带冠词)。(一)不定冠词1.不定冠词指不定的人或事物,用来修饰可数名词。a,an是不定冠词,仅用在单数可数名词前,表示“一”的含义(但不强调数目观念)。不定冠词a 用在以辅音开头的单词前面;而an 用在以元音开头的单词前面。a university a book a girlan hour an orange an ordinary man2. 不定冠词的用法(1)用于可数名词的单数形式钱,指人或事物的某一类。这是不定冠词的最基本用法。He is an English teacher.( 指教师中的一个)The are waiting for a bus. (指任何一辆公共汽车)(2)表示“一”,“任何一个”或“不管哪一个”,表示泛指一类人或事物中的其中一个,但数的概念没有one 强。She has a book and a pencil.Please give me a cup of tea.She is an honest woman. one 与 a 的区别 a (an)不定冠词, 是由数词one 演变而来的。除了有些成语中仍保留有数词one的含义外,现在一般只有语法作用,本身已失去词汇意义。 one 是数词,表示“一”或“一个”,是与two,three 等基数词相对而言的,具有明显的数词概念,通常只用于可数名词前。 one 还可以做代词、形容词和名词,不可与a 简单替换。I have four sisters, but she has only one.If you have two tickets, please give me one.(3)用于单数可数名词前,泛指人的职业、国籍、宗教等。He is a teacher in our school.My friend is a Japanese.He is a Christian. 他是一个基督徒。(4)在时间、重量、速度、价格等名词前,表示单位数量“每一”。We have four English lessons a week.We have three meals a day.He drives the car sixty miles an hour.他的车速达每小时60英里。(5)表示“同一” 的意思。They were almost of an age. 他们几乎同岁。The two shirts are much of a size. 两件衬衫大小差不多。(6)当提到某人而只知道其名而不知其人时,此时的不定冠词相当于some。A Miss Wang asked for you when you were not here. 你不在时,有一个姓王的小姐来找过你。(7)表示“某一个”,一般与表示星期的名词连用。They came on a Sunday and went away on the Monday.他们是一个星期日来的,星期一就走了。That happened on a Wednesday towards the end of May.那件事发生在近五月底的某个星期三。(8)与成对的名词连用There is a knife and fork on the table.桌上有一副刀叉。 如不成对,则要分别加不定冠词。a knife and a fork 一把刀和一把叉(9)用在and 连接两个名词之前,如分别加不定冠词,表示“两个人或物”,反之,则表示“一个人或物”。a black and white horse 一匹黑白相间的马a black horse and a white horse 一匹白马和一匹黑马She is a teacher and writer. 她是一名教师兼作家。They are a teacher and a writer. 他们是一位教师和一位作家。(10)用于“ What a/ an + 单数可数名词”及“such +a / an+单数可数名词”结构,表示“惊叹”。What a lovely day!What an idea! 好主意!How did you make such a mistake? 你怎么会犯这种错误?(11)用于 “ many a, quite a , rather a + 单数可数名词”结构,带有“强调”的意味。Many a young man wants to speak English. 许多年轻人想说英语。(表示“许多”)Ive been there many a time. 我到过那儿许多次了。(表示“许多”)(12)用于某些固定词组a few 有些,几个 a little 一些 a lot of 很多,许多a cup of 一杯 a piece of 一张 take a walk 散步have a rest 休息 have a look 瞧瞧 have a good time过的开心take a shower 淋浴 take a break 休息 get a cold 患感冒get a fever 发烧 make a living 谋生 in a moment 过一会once a while 间或 as a result 因此 as a rule 通常 as a whole 总体上说(二)定冠词 冠词是用在名词之前起修饰限定作用的词。它本身没有任何意义,不能独立存在。定冠词the是起修饰限定作用的冠词,它与指示代词this,that 同源,表示“这个”或“那个”。定冠词的用法如下:1.用在名词前,表示特指,即特定的某个人、事物等。特别是当某名词后面有定语限定这一名词时,名词前面一般都要用定冠词the。How did you like the rooms here? 你觉得这里的房间怎么样?Do you know the man standing by the window? 你认识那个站在窗户旁边的人吗?2.指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。Where is the teacher? 老师在哪?Open the door. 把门关上。3.指上文提到过的人或事物。I have a beautiful wallet, but the wallet was stolen yesterday. 我有一个很漂亮的钱包,但是它昨天被偷走了。4.表类别。(1) 在单数可数名词前用定冠词,表示“类别”。The cat is an animal. (2)用在形容词前,表示一类人或事物。the poor 穷人 the blind 盲人 the aged 老人当定冠词和形容词连用表示某一类人作主语时谓语动词用复数。The young should respect the old. 年轻人应该尊重老人。(3)在国名的形容词前用定冠词表示“一个整体”,即表示整个民族或国家的人民。the Chinese the English 5.用于乐曲名称前。play the violin play the piano6.用于世界上独一无二的事物前或方位前。Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth or the moon? The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.in the east 在东方 on the left 在左边7用于构成形容词或副词的比较级和最高级形式或序数词之前。Spring is the best season of the year. 春天是一年中最好的季节。Is this the best choice he can make? 这是他能做出的做好选择吗?This is the second time I met you this year. 这是我今年第二次碰到你。8.代替所有格,表示身体的一部分。He received a blow on the head. 他头上挨了一击。Johns brother took him by the hand. 约翰的哥哥牵着他的手。9.在世纪、年代名词前用冠词。in the 1980s 或 in the 1980s 20世纪80年代in the nineteenth century 十九世纪10. 用在专有名词前。(1)用在江河、湖泊山脉、海洋、群岛、海峡、海湾、运河前。the Yangtze River 长江 the Yellow Sea 黄海the West Lake 西湖 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋the Suez Canal 苏伊士运河 the English Channel 英吉利海峡(2)用在含有普通名词构成的专有名词前。the Great Wall 长城 the Summer Palace 颐和园the United States 美国 the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army 中国人民解放军(3) 用在某些建筑物前。the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂the Museum of Chinese History 历史博物馆(4)用在某些组织机构前the United Nations 联合国 the Department of Education 教育部(5)用于我国的节日前。the Spring Festival 春节 the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节11.用在报刊、杂志、火车、轮船、飞机、会议、条约、铁路、旅馆、商店和机关等等的名称前。the Peoples Daily 人民日报 the Thames 泰晤士河the White House 白宫 the Peoples Congress Hall 人民大会堂12 用在姓氏的复数前,表示一家人。The Williams like helping others. 威廉家的人愿意助人。The Wangs have gone to Shanghai. 王家已经去上海了。13.用在许多习惯用语中。in the morning / afternoon /evening go to the cinema 看电影 on the whole 总体上to the best of 就所及 the same as 和一样out of the question 不可能的 on the one hand 一方面on the other hand 另一方面 in the least 一点,丝毫in the long run 从长远来看 at the foot of 在脚下 in the end 最后,终于(三)零冠词(不用任何冠词)的使用情况。1.专有名词(国名、地名、人名)一般不加冠词China Beijing Asia 亚洲 Tom Wang Hong Class Three 2.在称呼语或表示官衔职位的名词前,不用冠词。Good morning, Mom!Doctor, Im not feeling well.3.泛指的复数名词表示“一类人或事物”时,不用冠词。They are teachers. 他们是教师。Computers are being used in many ways. 计算机被应用在很多方面。Desks and chairs are usually made of wood. 桌椅通常是木制的。4.前面已有人称代词、指示代词或不定代词作定语的名词前不用任何冠词。My house is much bigger than his.This garden is newly built. 这座花园是新建的。5.抽象名词,不可数名词前表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词;但特指时,需要加定冠词。Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。(一般概念)She has a passion for music. 她酷爱音乐。(一般概念)I like the music composed by her. 我喜欢她写的乐曲。(特指)6.物质名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词;当表示特指的意思时,需加定冠词。Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。(一般概念)Oil is essential for the manufacture of plastic. 石油是塑料生产的基本原料。(一般概念)We cant live without air. 没有空气,我们就不能生存。(一般概念)Open the window, the air is so bad. 空气很不好,把窗户打开吧。(特定的意思)Lets take a walk in the snow. 我们去踏雪散散步。(特定的意思)7.在季节、月份、星期几等名词前,不用冠词。Spring has come. 春天来了。School begins in September. 学校九月开学。Do you feel like coming to a party on Sunday? 你愿意星期天来参加晚会吗?8. 在含有day 的节日名词前不用任何冠词。New Years Day 新年 National Day 国庆节May Day 五一劳动节 Childrens Day 儿童节9.在介词“by”之后用的交通工具名称前,不用冠词。I will go there by air. 我将乘飞机去那儿。How did he go to the United States?- By sea. 他怎么去的美国?乘轮船。10. 在三餐饭、球类运动或娱乐运动、学科、语言等名词前,不用冠词。have breakfast/ lunch/ supper play chess play basketball speak English study physics 学习物理11.在某些习惯用语中的名词前,不用冠词。at noon/ night at first 首先 at last 最后on foot at home in bed go to bed go to school in class 在上课 after classat table 在吃法12.在某些冠词中,有无冠词意义不同。in class 在上课 in the class 在班级中go to school 去上学 go to the school 去那所学校go to bed 去睡觉 go to the bed 到床那边去sit at table 坐下吃饭 sit at the table 坐在桌旁in hospital 生病住院 in the hospital 在医院in front of 在前面 in the front of 在前部take place 发生 take the place of 代替go to college 去大学 go to the college 去那所大学二、 典型试题1. Look at _ picture! There s _ house in it.A. a, a B. the, the C. a, the D. the, a 分析:D 前一空指说话者双方都知道的东西,用定冠词修饰,后一空指第一次提到的东西,用不定冠词。2. Can _ university student do this? No,this needs _ professor.A. one, one B. an., a C. a, a D. an, one分析:C “一个大学生能做这件事吗?” “不行,这件事需要一个教授来做”, 这里谈论的是两个不同类别的人,不定冠词表示类别。3. Alice is fond of playing _ piano while Tom is interested in listening to _ music.A. / , the B. /, / C. the , / D. the, the分析:C 前一空表示乐器名称,前面加定冠词,后一空listen to music 表示听音乐,前面不需要加冠词。4. What_ fine weather we have these days!A. a B. the C. / D. an分析:A 不定冠词a 用于“What a /an +单数可数名词”结构中,表示“惊叹”。13


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