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七年级牛津英语上册复习测试题及答案七年级牛津英语上册复习测试题及答案Unit1目录Thisisme!1Unit2Myday16Unit3Let scelebrate!31Unit4Food45Unit5Goingshopping60Unit6Fashion73Answers88Unit 1Thisis me!Welcometo theunit一、词组翻译:1. 一只电子狗_2.我的主人3.看书5.如何照顾Kitty.7.遇到新朋友4.早上好6.晚上好8.晚安9 .北京阳光中学10 .他们第一堂英语课 二、选择填空:()1. This is a very interesting book withlots of new words. Please it carefully.A. lookB. seeC. look atD. read()2. I really love sports. Can you tell mehow like a good swimmer?A. swimsB. to swimming C. toswim D. swimming()3. The teacher asks the students to writean article the Mid-Autumn Day.A. inB. ofC. about D.at ()4. Please introduce yourselves each other.A. toB. with C. and D.about ()5. Excuse , are my newclassmate?A. me, you B. my, your C. I, you D. me, your ()6. Let s each other.A. make friends B. make friends to C. make friend with D. make friends with ()7. ? My name isMark.A. Are you Mark? B. What s this in English C. Hello, Mark. D. What s your name?()8. What your sister, s name?A. areB. doesC. isD.were ()9. It s time to go to bed, Lily!-Ok. , Mummy.A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening D. Good night()10. Here is a bag. Could youcarrv for the old man?A. itB. its C. it s D.them 三、动词填空:1. Sandy and Lucy (be) in the same class.2. Do you (know) that girl?3. Daniel (wear) glasses every day.4. Millie often (fly) a kite with her brother.5. She (not like) comic books.6. Does Simon (watch) TV on Saturday?7. Where does he have lunch?He always (have) lunch at school.8. They want (play) table tennis.9. Dave usually (go) running in the morning.10. Cats enjoy (eat) fish.四、完成对话:(A)L: Hello.M: Hi!L: My name Liu Mei. yourname?M: Mike.L: Nice to meet you!M: , too.L: be friends.(B)Joan: Good morning!Ann:!Joan:?Ann: My name is Ann.Joan: Nice to meet you.Ann: Joan: Welcome to our school.Ann:.Reading(1)一、词组翻译:1. 戴眼镜 2.喜欢阅读3 .读书俱乐部 4.喜欢跳舞5 .努力学习 6.喜欢玩电脑游戏7 .擅长游泳 8.出生于9.居住在苏州 10.来自北京二、根据句意和汉语注释,在空格内写出各单词的正 确形式:1. His father is a kind man. He is very(乐于助人)2. You can find Millie in the (阅读)room.3. Do you want (居住)in Shanghai?4. She (有) black hair and big eyes.5. Mary enjoys (游泳)in summer.6. He is a (有趣)boy. We all like him.7. Are you good at (跳舞)?8. I was (出生)in Shanghai.9. The man with (眼镜)is my English teacher.10. We are (主人)of our country. 三、选择填空:()1. Where my glasses? I can tfind.a. is, it B. does, it C. are, themD. do, them()2. My cousin is .A. in Class five, Grade SixB.in class five, grade sixC. in the Class Five, Grade SixD.in Class Five, Grade Six()3. Daniel the fourth floor.A. live on B. live in C. lives in D. lives on()4. He born in 1994, so he 12 years old this year.A. be, is B. was, was C. was, isD. is, is()5. you born in Suzhou?No,A. Was, I wasn t B. Was, I wasn, t C. Were, you weren, t D. Were, I wasn t()6. everyone here today?一Yes,A.weIs, is all hereB. Are, are all hereC. Is, all are hereD. Is, are all here()7. He lovesmusic at night.A. to listenB. listening C. listensto D. listening to()8. Where his new classmates from?A. is, come B. are, come C. does, come D. are, /()9. My aunt s hair black and beautiful.A. are B. is C. was D. were()10. your best friend good at97 / 336七年级牛津英语上册复习测试题及答案七年级牛津英语上册复习测试题及答案A. Do, dance B. Does, dancing C. Are, dancing D. Is, dancing 四、动词填空:1. My parents (come) from Shangdong.2. Sam (not like) playing computer games.3. The beautiful girl (wear) glasses.4. The Zhang family (live) in a flat in Nanjing.5. My father loves (read) newspapers after supper.6. What her classmates (call) her teacher?7. you (love) each other inyour family?8. (be) your cousin very clever at maths?五、翻译下列句子:1 .我有一个堂弟。他有礼貌并且乐于助人。11 / 3362 .那个女孩喜欢读书,她是阅读俱乐部的。3 .一你是杭州人吗? 一不,我是苏州人。4 .她在七(4)班,她学习很刻苦。5 . Sandy长着短头发,戴着眼镜。Reading(2)七年级牛津英语上册复习测试题及答案一、词组翻译:1.又高又苗条 2.在七(1)班3.很喜欢北京 4.喜欢听音乐5. 12岁 6.欢迎来到七年级7.有礼貌而乐于助人 8.放学后9.出生在上海 10.乌黑的长发 二、首字母填空:Hello, my n is Nancy. I am 11 y old. I was b in the USA. I 1 in a flat in Beijing now. I don, t w glasses. I e singing and dancing very much. I am g at Maths. I want to b a scientist when I grow up. 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空:七年级牛津英语上册复习测试题及答案1. The girl is thirteen years(young).2. He likes to help others. He is very (help).3. Lucy is in the (read) Club.4. The woman with (glass) is our Maths teacher.5. This is Zhao Xiaoli. Lily is her (England) name.四、改错:(括号内写出正确的单词)1. The students always takes photos over there.()ABCD2. What can you see in the bag?A BIcansee many bread.()C D3. I have three nice pictures. Would you like have a look?() A BC D4. There isn t any water in my glass. Give me any, please.() A BC D5. There are some tea aed milk in those cups. ()A B C D 五、选择填空:()1. My sister is good volleyball.A. in playing B. play C. at play D. at playing()2. Daniel likesplaying ,andSimon likes playing .A. football, pianoB.thefootball, pianoC. the football, the pianoD.football, the piano()3. The man glasses is our History teacher.A. inB. onC. withD.wears ()4. He can t mend his bike. Let sA. help him B. helping him C. help meD. to help he()5. Your English is very good.A. You, re welcome. B. Oh, no. C.You re right. D. Thank you.()6. There are two of on thedesk.A. pairs, glass B. pair, glasses C. pairs, glasses D. pair, glass ()7. Kitty enjoys very much.A. skatesB. to skate C. to skatingD. skating()8. your father readingnewspapers?A. Is, enjoy B. Do, enjoy C. Are, enjoy D. Does, enjoy()9. are in Class 1, Grade 6. 15 / 336七年级牛津英语上册复习测试题及答案in the same class.A. Jimmy, I and Tom; TheirB. I,Jimmy and Tom; They reC. Jimmy, Tom and I; They reD. Jimmy,Tom and I; We re()10. Our English teacher seldom the orange coat.A. putting on B. puts on C. wearsD. wear六、用适当的介词填空:1. Can you look the baby for me?2. Look the blackboard, please.3. Where does he live? He lives a bigcity.4. Is your brother good running?5. Amy comes London.6. The students always play football school.7. My best friend is Class 4, Grade7.8. The old man can only see things # / 336七年级牛津英语上册复习测试题及答案glasses.七、翻译下列句子:1 .那个苗条的女孩是我的新同学。2 . Sandy不擅长跳舞,但她擅长游泳。3 .那个男孩喜欢打电脑游戏吗?4 .一你姐姐很高吗? 一不,她个头很小。5 .她喜欢在晚饭后听音乐。Vocabulary一、词组翻译:1.打排球 2.踢足球3.打羽毛球 4.在足球场上5.在游泳池里 6.在羽毛球场7.该上体育课了 8.进行体育运动二、写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式:flywalkgowatchenj oytakehavestaydomissstudy- ask三、动词填空:1. Miss Lu (teach) them English.2. He (not watch) TV every evening.3. she (enjoy) (swim)?4. My little cat (eat) fish every day.5. Millie always (take) the bus to the library at the weekend.6. We (not go) to school on Saturdays and Sundays.7. The old man (clean) his big house once a week.8. The boy often (draw) pictures in the park.9. your father good at (cook)?10. She (read) English in the morning every day.四、句型转换:1. Lily is good at Chinese.(对划线部分提问)2. They can sing English songs very well. (1寸划线部分提问)3. It s half past six now.(对划线部分提问)4. Amy loves dancing.(改为否定句)5. He does homework in the evening. (改为 ,般 疑问句)6. The students enjoy having English class. (改 为单数形式)7. His cousin is from Canada. (改为同 义句)五、根据短文内容,用所给词的适当形式填空:Millis is a girl student. She (be) 12 years old. She (study) in Sunshine Secondary School. She (get) up at six every day. She (read) English and Chinese in the morning and then (go) to school at seven.Millie, s first class (begin) at eight. she (have) four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. After school, she always (play) volleyball with her friends. In the evening, Millie(do) homework. She (not like) (watch) TV, but she (love) listening to the radio very much. She can (sing) many English songs.六、完形填空:A man always went to the same bar _1_ the same time every day and asked for two glasses of21 / 336七年级牛津英语上册复习测试题及答案)5.A. a fewB. fewC.muchD. lotsnoangrygiveC. togood)6.)7.)8.A. yesB. sureC.D. certainlyA. illD. wellA.toD. with)9.drinkB. happyB. forC.C.A. eatingD. drinking)10. A. usuallyB. badlyB.toeatC.D. badGrammar、词组翻译:1 .带我的狗散步2 .在七点吃早饭37 / 3363.在午饭时间 4.走回家5.坐公交车回家 6.跑步半小时7.在我祖父母家 8.在饭店吃饭9.喜欢画画 10.和我同学交谈11.放学后打排球 12.和我一起放 风筝二、选择填空:()1. Your voice is very sweet.*A. You, re welcome. B. Oh, no. C.You re right. D. Thank you.()2. What a lovely dog! What s name?A. itB. he C. hisD.it s()3.What your uncle?-He s a policeman.A. is B. areC. do D.does ()4. I hope you and your family .A. well B. are well C. fine D. aregood ()5. They usually have supper 6. 20p. m. the evening.A. on, at B. at, in C. in, on D. at, at()6. The girl doesn t like the skirt red flowers.A. have B. hasC. withD.and ()7. His uncle takes his dog a walkevery lunchtime.A. for, at B. of, at C. of, / D. for, /()8. It is going to rain. He mustnow.A. runs to home B. run to home C. runs homeD.run home()9.The student the library at theweekend.A. by bus go to B. takes the bus go to C. by bus to D. takes the bus to ()10. He often goes to work his car.A. byB. in C. at D. drive三、句型转换:1. The students leave school at 5 p. m. (*j划 线部分提问)2. Mrs. Smith sometimes does the running in thepark.(对划线部分提问)3. The baby drinks milk every day.(对划线部分提问)4. There is some good news in today s newspaper. (改为否定句)5. We know a lot of English words now. (改为一般疑问句)6. He always goes to school by bus. (改为同义 句)7. The girl does well in singing and dancing. (改 为同义句)四、翻译下列句子:1 .她怎样回家?一她总是走回家。2 .星期天他经常和他的同学们在公园放风筝。3 .她早上6点30吃早饭,然后和朋友一块去上学。4 .星期六他在他爷爷奶奶家吃饭。5 .我妈不看我们的足球比赛,但我爸喜欢看。五、阅读理解:Mr and Mrs Su don t often go out in the evening, but today they go out for a walk after supper. They go to the park and have a good time there. On their way home, Mr Su says to Mr Su, “Look! A woman is running in the street and a man is running after her. Mr Su says, What sthe matter? Let s go and help her. ”Now the woman gets near them. Mr Su asks, uShall we help you?n No, thank you, “ the woman says, “My husband and I are running home, and the slower one does the housework. ” 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()1. In the evening, Mr and Mrs Su oftenA. go out for a walkB. go out andwatch people runningC. stay at homeD. stay at homeand do housework()2. Mr and Mrs Su have a good timeA. at home B. in the park C. in the street D. today()3. They see are running in thestreet.A. a woman B. a man C. a man and a womanD. many people()4.The woman is running theman.A. before B. after C. beside D. behind()5. Housework is .A. homeworkB. exercisespeople do in their housesC. staying in the houseD. cleaning,washing and cookingIntegrated skills一、词组翻译:1.读有关足球的书 2.效力黄河足球队3.擅长射门 4.下一届世 界杯5.看起来很快乐 6.在比赛中 踢得好7.最新成员 8.体育新闻9.在校排球队 10. Simon最喜欢的足球选手二、选择填空:()1. In summer, he always an hour in the swimming pool every day.A. swimming atB. swim for C.swims at D. swims for()2. Xiao Li is crazy about basketball. YaoMing is favorite basketball player.A. heB. himC. sheD. her ()3. Sandy likes watching TV programs animals.A. inB. byC. about D.of ()4. My father enjoys reading newssports.A. onB. withC. forD.at ()5. Mike is member of our class.We are in group.A. the newest, differentB.newest, sameC. the newest, the differentD. thenewest, the same()6. Bill the next football match.A. wants to winsB. wants to be winC. wants to do D. wants to win()7. She is going to a singer whenshe up.A. do, growB. is, grow C. be,growsD. be, growing()8. your teacher happytoday?A. Is, looking B. Does, lookC.Are, lookD. Does, look at()9. She doesn t dance in thedancing contest.A. goodB. fineC. niceD. well()10. Girls often talk beautifulclothes.A. onB aboutC. toD.at三、单句改错:1. Where does your cousin live in?2. My father is 1.76 meter tall.3. Tom doesn t like go skating at the weekend.4. The student usually run home when it s raining. 5. Would you like any tea?四、同义句转换:1. My classmates often help me and I often help them.2. What about a cup of tea? you a cup of tea?3. Lily plays chess very well.Lily is chess.4. His brother is a schoolboy in a middle school.His brother is a 5. Jack always walks to school.Jack always school五、阅读理解:Little Vai is five. He likes to eat in a restaurant. He often has hamburgers and potato chips for supper. Many people in the restaurant know little Vai very well. They often ask him, “Why do you like to eat here?” Little Vai says, Because I like the toys here. ” “Why don t you go to the toy shop then?” “Because toy shops have toys but they don t have hamburgers or potato chips. Little Vai answers.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()1. Where does little Vai like to eat?A. At home. B. In the school. C. In the restaurant. D. In the sea.()2. He often has hamburgers and potatochips ?A. for lunch B. for meals C. for breakfast D. for supper()3. He is known to the people inthe restaurant.A. good B. nice C. well D. better ()4. Little Vai would like in therestaurant.A. to play footballB. something to eatC. cakes and eggs D. dumplings and noodlesMain task一、词组翻译:1.用英语说这个单词 2.借用你的橡皮4.擅长体育运3.我不知道动5.问题的答案 6.喜欢和他们玩7.和我的家人住在北京 8.我所有的 课9.深褐色的眼睛 10.有许多朋友二、选择填空:()1. 一Can you a pen to me?Sorry, but I can my sister? s to you.A. lend, lend B. lend, borrow C. borrow, borrow D. borrow, lend()2. I want to some CDs mybest friend this weekend.A. lend, from B. borrow, from C. borrow, to D. borrow, for()3. What about having to drink?A. something B. anything C. some D. any()4. Can I borrow ink?Sorry, I .A. any, have noB. any, don thave oneC. some, don t have any D. some, don t have some()5. . Is it five o clock now?一 , I don t know.A. Sorry, Sorry B. Sorry, Excuse me C. Excuse me, Sorry D. Excuse me, Excuse me ()6. do you that in English?A. What, speak B. How, say C. What, sayD. How, speak()7. Shall we start games now?A. to play B. to playing C. playsD. to start to begin()8. I can, t see anything because it is outside.A. black B. bright C. dark D. light()9. There is water in the sea.A. more B. a lots of C. many D. much ()10. are really lovely.A. She all the dolls B. All her doll C. Her all dolls D. All her dolls三、动词填空:1. What would your parents like (have) for dinner?2. Who (clean) the classroom everyFriday? Millie does.3. It s eight o clock. The twin sisters (watch) TV in the sitting room.4. What your mother(do) on Saturdays?She often (buy) things for my grandparents.5. (not look) out of the window. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. Ronaldo is my favorite football (play).2 He s always the (one) to school.3. We should be (help) to others.4. This basketball team is the (well) in the world.5. You must look after (you) well. 五、句型转换:七年级牛津英语上册复习测试题及答案1. The boy in white is his son.(对划线部分提 问)2. We can win the game because our members aee very good.对划线部分提问)3. The boys always play tennis for more than an hour.(对划线部分提问)4. His father is strong and he can lift two heavy boxes.(改为否定句)5. My mother buys a bottle of orange for me. (改 为一般疑问句)39 / 336七年级牛津英语上册复习测试题及答案六、翻译下列句子:1 .她喜欢听音乐,所以她买了许多CD。2 .他所有的朋友都不喜欢打排球。3 .一我能借用你的尺子吗?一对不起,我没有。4 .你知道这道题目的答案吗?5 .她说我是她最好的朋友。Checkout-、选择填空:()1. Her father and mother drinking black tea.A. are both like B. are all like C.both dislike D. all dislike ()2. My grandma s birthday is September 2nd.A. atB. onC. inD.for ()3. Your parents.A. sounds great B. sounds good C. sound well D. sound good()4. do you like your school?一Oh, I like it very much.A. What B. Why C. How D. How much()5. She has two daughters. One is Lucy, is Lily.A. twoB. antherC. oneD. the other()6. Simon and Michael are brothers. Bothof are left- handed.A. theyB. theirsC. themD. their()7. This is not school bag. is black.A. hers, her B. his, his C he s hisD. her, she s()8. Is ping-pong very inChina?A. popularB. politeC. goodD. clever()9. The Blacks their neighborsvery well.A. knowB. are knowing C. knowsD. is knowing()10. Every student to see thefamous scientist.A. is happy B. are happy C. is happilyD. are happy二、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. your aunts good at (make) cakes?2. He (not like) (drink) milk.3. How (be) your grandfather?4. My little cat really (want) (eat) fish.5. He (not know) where (sit).6. Each of us can (sing) an English song.7. Who (bring) the dog here?8. There are lots of things for (he) (do) now.9. Our teacher always (say) every student can (be) very good.10. (not late) for school next time.三、阅读理解:Hans said to his friend Kurt, T m going totake my car to drive to London. ”Kurt said, uDriving to London is very hard.You aren t going to find your hotel. But Hans was not afraid. He drove to Calais, put his car on the ship, took it off at Dover, and drove toLondon.He stopped near the city and looked at his map. Then he drove into London, but he did not find his hotel. He drove round and round for an hour, and then he stopped and got out of his car. A taxi came, and Hans stopped it. Take me to the Brussels Hotel, “ he said. But he did not get into the taxi: he got back into his car. The taxi man laughed, but then he drove to the Brussels Hotel, and Hans followed him in his car. They reached the hotel in two minutes.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()1. Hans went to London by .A. car B. sea C. air D. both sea and land()2. Hans lost his way in .A. Calais B. London C. Dover D. Brussels()3. Hans did not find his hotel becauseB. heD.A. he had a map had no mapC. it was not easy to find the way he was not good at driving()4. Hans stopped a taxiA. followed it to the hotel itC. laughed the hotel ()5. HansA. an hour two minutes 四、书面表达:found his hotelB. two minutesand .B. got intoD. drove it to in .C. an hour andD. more than one hour请根据以下要点介绍你的网友Simon, 60词左右。1 . 14岁,身高1.70米,蓝眼睛,短头发。2 .出生在美国,但现在和父母住在苏州。3 .喜欢学习,比较擅长数学。4 .热爱运动,放学后经常和同学们起踢足球。5 .非常喜欢中国,认为中国朋友既有礼貌又乐 于助人。51 / 336Unit 2 My dayWelcome to the unit一、词组翻译:1. 醒来 2. 午饭后3.去睡觉 4.如何获得乐趣5.做早操 6.进行课外活动7.上课 8. 写日记9.吃晚饭 10.是吃早饭的时候了二、选择填空:()1. Don t forget to .A. wake up him B. wake they up C. wake it up D. wake up her()2. The lights are still on. ,please.A. Turn on it B. Turn them on C. Turn off it D. Turn them off()3. It is time Lily herlittle dog now.A. for, walking B. for, walks C. for, to walk D. to, walk()4. What your grandmother going this evening?A. are, doing B. are, to do C. is, to do D. is, do()5. He to be a doctor when heup.A. isn t want, growB. doesn twant, growC. doesn t want, growsD. isn twant, grows()6. The girl wants to her mother the strange man.A. tell, about B. tells, with C. telling,aboutD. telling, and()7. They always do activitiesA. after-school, after schoolB.after-school, after-schoolC. after school, after schoolD.after school, after-school()8. The in this restaurant are verydelicious.A. meals B. breakfast C. lunch D. dinner()9. Those boys and girls are s


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