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Unit6 Ancient stories Grammar 课题Unit6 Ancient stories课型Grammar备课时间1period教材分析教学目标1. Students can master the present perfect tense.2. Learn the usage 、structures 、adverbial time of the P.P and the forms of the verbs.教学重点the usage 、structures 、adverbial time of the P.P and the forms of the verbs.教学难点延续性动词与瞬间性动词的理解教学关键运用自我归纳的方式使学生掌握时态教法与学法指导 任务教学法,直观教学,小组合作教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一环节复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题Step:Warming up1.Work together with the teacher to review the usage of the structure 、the adverbial time and so on of the simple past tense. 2.Stuents answer some questions1.Review the simple past tense with the students.2.Ask them some questions using P.P.通过对一般过去时的学习,告知学生学习完成时与一般过去时的方法一样,通过带有现在完成时的问题让学生进入现在完成时。5第二环节观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法Step:Learn the P.P.Students work in group to write down the past and participles of some words.PPT 上展示一些动词,要求同学们讨论过去式与分词。小组合作文成过去式与过去分词书写,有助于学生提高积极性,参与课堂,为后面教学作铺垫10第三环节课堂练习Step: While task. 1. Students write down the negative sentence and other forms of the present perfect tense.2.Practice writing more sentence.3.Summarize the structure of present perfect tense.1.Write down a positive sentences then ask students to change it into negative and question one.2.Ask them to change more.3. Help them to summarize the structure of the P.P.通过老师所给的句子,学生写出否定句,一般疑问句,特殊句句型,有助于学生笔头锻炼,更重要的是更直观的了解完成时时态,通过自我归纳知识掌握更深刻5第四环节课时小结Step:for /since1.Learn some sentences with for and since.2.Find out for and since followed with a present perfect sentences.3.Student summarize the adverbial time of the present perfect tense.1. Show students with for and sentence.2. Ask them to examine the kinds of verbs.3.Ask them to summarize the adverbial time of the present perfect tense.学生使用for 与since 时间状语引导的现在完成时。第五环节课后作业Step : Post task.Step .summaryStep .HomeworkStudents make sentences orally according to the picture on the PPT.1.Students make 10 sentences using the present perfect tense2.Finish the Ex. in work book.Show some pictures including the present perfect tense and ask students to make sentences orally. Ask students to make 10 sentences with the present perfect tense and finish the Ex in workbook.观赏图片并造句,即让学生得到放松,又有利于巩固所学,培养学生想象力.巩固练习课堂教学流程Warming up lead in learn the PP While taskpost tasksummary.


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