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您本学期选择了“英语2”说明:本次作业总分为60分,您的得分为60分 A型题:请从备选答案中选取一个最佳答案1. The man was so ill, he was lucky to _ his operator. 1分A. come acrossB.vanished fromC.come throughD. suffer from2. Taxi drivers are usually _ with shortcuts 1分A.famousB.familiarC.similarD.same3. Buses into town run _ twenty minutes or so. 1分A.everyB.someC.eachD.other4. I shall be glad when the concert _. 1分A.draws to a closeB.was brought to an endC.drew to a closeD. brings to a close5. He knew himself to be raw, quite _ mistakes through his inexperience 1分A.able to makeB.capable of makingC.apt to makingD.capable to make6. Of the French symbolists I have never had any _ or accurate knowledge. 1分A. detailedB.detailC. in detailD. in details7. It was a large diamond, but it had a _ 1分A.mistakeB.flawC.shortcomingD.fault8. I cannot judge a person just on the _ of his education. 1分A.conditionB.situationC.basisD.thing9. I am sure youd be the first to be sorry if anything was to _ him. 1分A.happen onB. happen toC. happened toD.happen upon10. The students and graduates _ to raise money when the gym burned down. 1分A.put in forceB.joined forcesC. joined forces withD.come into force11. All the books in the resources room of the English Department are arranged in alphabetic _. 1分A.placeB.conditionC.orderD. form12. He asked us if we would _ to share a room together. 1分A.agreeB.acceptC.receiveD.think13. His firm _ helps him avoid repeating such a mistake. 1分A.evolutionB. solutionC. resolveD. revolution14. Its no use _ the past. 1分A. to dwellB.dwellingC.dwelling onD. thinking of15. The money in itself _to us; what really counts is your friendship. 1分A.doesnt matterB. means nothingC.doesnt countD.doesnt supply16. The old man has nothing to _ but a small pension. 1分A. feed onB. fall onC.live onD. rest in17. Industry cannot develop until more trained engineers are _. 1分A.possibleB.practicableC. permissibleD.available18. In a _ of self-pity, he cried over his poor childhood. 1分A. burstB. thrustC. rushD.dash19. _ he may be, he will be happy. 1分A. WhoeverB. WhateverC.WheneverD.Whichever20. The scientists _ the fossils closely to determine their age. 1分A.handedB.drewC. handledD. approached21. His expenses do not _ his income 1分A.correspond toB.connect withC.linkD.similar to22. I dont think you need take it too seriously. He _ funny. 1分A.was justB. was just to beC.was just beingD. had just been23. I remember _ for the job, but I forgot the exact amount. 1分A.to be paidB.being paidC. me to be paidD. to have got paid24. Please stay _. 1分A.seatingB.seatedC. being seatedD.to seat25. Nick had _ the fuel gauge _ and spread through his inexperience 1分A.akenasideB.setasideC.scatteraroundD.takenapart26. When the mistake was _ to him he hastened to correct it 1分A.pointed outB.talkedC.pointed atD.felt27. The military life agreed _ Marcel. 1分A. toB.onC. inD. with28. Dont _ about getting dinner for me today. 1分A. puzzleB. interrupC.botherD.interfere29. _ is taught by Professor Smith 1分A.PhysicianB.PhysicistC.PhysicD.Physics30. The woman began to _ because her son was late coming home 1分A.troubleB.careC.worryD.take care31. I never _ meeting you on such occasion. 1分A. longed forB.played withC.dreamed ofD. planned for32. The idea sounds good, but will it work _? 1分A. practicalB.in practiceC.out of practiceD. by practice33. The Mermaid Company will _ Hamlet next week 1分A.offerB.giveC.be on showD.present34. How long does it _ to travel from Beijing to Shanghai? 1分A.wantB.spendC.takeD.cost35. The writing class was conducted _ a twice-a-week basis. 1分A.forB. inC. atD.on36. Johns back home _; he wont go away again. 1分A.once and for allB. onceC. once againD.once more37. Its a difficult business _ in time. 1分A.in getting everything readyB. that everything is readyC. to be ready with everythingD.getting everything ready38. This will _ a good opportunity for them to exchange their experience. 1分A. chooseB. seizeC.demandD. provide39. It was this spirit which _ the darkest moments of the war. 1分A.pulled them out ofB. pulled them intoC. pulled themD.pulled them through40. I want to know more about the hotel, but where can I get the _ 1分A.situationB.conversationC.explanationD.information41. Pain is _ when one breaks a bone. 1分A. criticalB. avoidableC.unavoidableD.essential42. The nurse _ his pain by giving him a cooling drink. 1分A.avoidedB. relievedC. resistedD.bore43. It is _ that John should be prepared for emergency 1分A.likelyB.believedC.possibleD.essential44. The drowning of Maurience had _ last May. 1分A. occurredB.taken placeC. happened toD.taken the place45. The skin loses its _ appearance as we grow older 1分A.youngB.youthfulC.youthD.younger46. Though he didnt feel very well, he_ that he be present at the opening ceremony. 1分A.insistedB. suggestedC. determinedD.declared47. Those _ close-fitting white caps are nurses. 1分A. were dressed inB.were wearingC.were putting onD.dressed in48. Hypocrisy cant _ his evil-doing. 1分A. protectB.maskC.pretendD.control49. She was speaking to a crowd when she _ someone called her behind. 1分A.hearB.would hearC. heardD.had heard50. He has adopted one orphan _ his three children so that, all together, he has four children. 1分A.besidesB. besideC. exceptD. instead of51. She looked at me closely, eyes open wide and full of _ 1分A.curiousB.strangeC.curiosityD.puzzled52. Smoking is a _ cause of lung cancer 1分A.importantB.principleC.principalD.definite53. _ is money to him when he is dying. 1分A.what goodB.What the useC.Whats the good ofD.Whats the point of54. It was decided at that time the search _ 1分A.was terminatedB.had to be terminatedC.be terminatingD.be terminated55. Whenever I have to make a speech, I get butterflies in my _. 1分A.heartB. headC. mindD. stomach56. The convict was _ from prison after serving his sentence. 1分A. refusedB. drivenC.releasedD. relieved57. Students are expected to _ their classes on time 1分A.presentB.attendC.goD.follow58. _ he realized what she meant, he would be angry. 1分A. SinceB. OnceC. AfterD. What59. Who did you think will _ now that the government has been dismissed? 1分A. take upB.take backC.take overD.take out60. Hes stopped taking drugs now, but he may _ them again 1分A.revert to takeB.revert to takingC.return backD.repeat17教学#材料


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