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Ninth-grade English Teaching Design Id love to sail across the Pacific.(Unit 7 Reading Material)Designed by Gao Lie From No. 3 Middle School 教学设计中学英语姓 名: 高利娥学 校: 长安区第三中学联系方式: 13032969889邮 编: 710100Unit 7 Reading materialId love to sail across the Pacific.Teaching Material Analysis:This is a reading material. In the background of the new course reforming, this reading material stresses the students interests, experiences and feelings. It is quite close to the future life of the students, who are mostly about 15 years old. So not only should I develop the students thinking and reading skills, but also help them set up lofty ideals and goals. Teaching design philosophy: Instead of the traditional spoon-fed teaching, I choose to give my lesson by using the multimedia teaching methods. Dreams, hopes and the differences between them will be the main line in this lesson. By a series of teaching activities, such as watching, listening, speaking and writing, guide the students to get the most basic analyzing and problem-solving abilities. In the meanwhile, fully stimulate the students strong desire to learn in teaching and develop the students personality and knowledge.Teaching design:I. The status and effect of the content:This lesson needs the students to review the usages of the attribute clause. Learn to express their hopes and dreams. II. Teaching goals:Knowledge and abilities: Learn to express their hopes and dreams using the old lesson. Guide the students to tell the differences between HOPE and DREAM. Learning strategy:l Adjust the speed we read according to the amount of detail we need to take in.l Underline key points as we read to remember what we read.l Read faster the second time we read.Emotional Attitudes and values:l Different teenagers have different hopes and dreams. Some of them are realistic, but others are less realistic or impossible.l Its important to have a dream. Dreams are resources of wisdom. A person who has hopes and dreams can be successful. Hold on to our dreams. They will come true some day. III. Teaching points:l Words: attitude, sail, conclusion, continue, finding, Pacific, program, translator l Learn to distinguish HOPE from DREAM. IV. Teaching difficulties:Learn to distinguish HOPE from DREAM. V. Learning method:l Adjust the speed according to the amount of details. l Using the methods of listening, speaking, reading and writing.VI. Teaching tools: Multimedia.VII. Teaching procedureStep 1 Warming up Get the students to enjoy the song of I HAVE A DREAM sung by the Westlife so as to create situations to stimulate the students learning motivation.Step 2 PresentationGet the students to watch some pictures about dreams and hopes one by one. Get the students to answer what their dreams and hopes are. By showing and operating the pictures, make the students be clear to know their learning tasks and finish the tasks successfully. ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 )Step 3 Practice Ask several students about Whats your dream? What do you dream of? or What do you dream of doing? to practice how to use the word of dream. This is a teaching course of ability to migrate for the students. Tell the students that we are going to talk about something about HOPES and DREAMS. Step 4 Listening and readingPlay the tape. Get the students to underline what the dreams and hopes of teenagers are. And then say the dreams and hopes out. This is a task-based listening. While listening, enable students to understand the methods of speed reading, and then master the reading methods. Guide the students to learn solving problems and gradually develop such abilities.Then get them to say out the differences between dreams and hopes.Step 5 Language itemsGet the students to read the text together again and try to write out the new words and phrases according to their explanations. The purpose of doing so is to deepen the students mastery of teaching points in this text and improve their written abilities. Step 6 Review Get the students to close their books and try to answer the following questions in 3b according to the passage.1. Why do some students want to start work as soon as possible?2. What is important to students about the work they do?3. What example is given of an impossible dream?Through this process to fight for every student to learn and earn, the students writing ability should be improved, so as to achieve the purpose of motivating all the students to study hard. Step 7 Conclusion Tell the students different teenagers have different hopes and dreams. Some of them are realistic, but others are less realistic or impossible.Its important to have a dream. Dreams are resources of wisdom. A person who has hopes and dreams can be successful. Hold on to your dreams. They will come true some day. This is a course to give the students moral education teaching in English lessons. It is also an important part of quality education. Step 7 HomeworkHomework is a continuation of classroom teaching. Such homework trains the students writing ability, and more importantly it educates them to take actual actions to achieve their ideals. VIII. Blackboard Plan:Unit 7 Id love to sail across the Pacific.1. What are these peoples hopes and dreams?2. What are the hopes and dreams of teenagers?3. What are your hopes and dreams?4. What are the differences between hopes and dreams?5. Might the dreams of Chinese teenagers be different from westernteenagers?11


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