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法学院法理学I课程中英文简介Jurisprudence ICourse Code: 100022ACourse Name: Jurisprudence IPeriods: 32Credits: 2Assessment ExaminationPreparatory Courses : None课程代码:100022A课程名称:法理学I学 时:32学 分:2考核方式:考试先修课程:无法理学是全国高等学校法学专业十四门核心课程之一。法理学以整体法律现象为研究对象,所关涉的是整体法律现象中的普遍问题和根本问题,因而在法学体系中具有特殊地位,是法学的一般理论、 基础理论和方法论。 开设法理学课程,意在帮助学生建立科学的法 律观和分析法律现象的理论框架,熟悉并掌握法学思维方式,从而为他们有效地学习其他法学课程奠定理论和方法论基础。法理学是法科专业的基础学科,讲授法的基本理论、 法的起源、法的历史、法的性质、法学的基本问题等。了解法理学的基本问题,明确马克思主义法学基础理论。法理学I的主要内容包括:法学导论;法的概念;法的形式、效力和体系;法 的要素;法律关系;法律行为;法律责任;立法;守法;执法;司法和法律监督等内容。Jurisprudence is one of the 14 core courses specified by the State Legal Education Commission of the Ministry of Education. Jurisprudence introduces the general theory, basic theory and methodology of law and science of law. The course expounds the fundamental subjects and issues of jurisprudence(philosophy of law )such as the legal research and legal education, methodology of legal research, ontology of law, origination and development of law, the operation of law, functions and values of law, and relationship between law and society; analyzes the basic concepts that go through the whole system of science of law such as law, right, duty, legal action, legal responsibility, and values of law; probes the elements of laws, development of law, modernization of law, legal methods, professions of law, rule of law, law and human rights, law and globalization of economy, law and ecological civilization and other front or hot topics in the area of legal theory; widens or deepens the traditional topics and related points of view.法理学n课程中英文简介Jurisprudence H课程代码:100032A课程名称:法理学n学 时:32学 分:2考核方式:考试先修课程:法理学ICourse Code: 100032ACourse Name: Jurisprudence IIPeriods: 32Credits: 2Assessment ExaminationPreparatory Course : Jurisprudence I法理学又称法哲学,是全国高等学校法学专业十四门核心课程之一。开设法理学课程,意在帮助学生建立科学的法律观和分析法律现象的理论框架,熟悉并掌握法学思维方式,从而为他们有效地学习其他法学课程奠定理论和方法论基础。 为了使学 生更好地掌握法理学,特将法理学分为两部分,即法理学I和法理学n ,法理学n在三年级开设,通过阐释法律的基本思想,从自然法学、分析法学和社会法学明确法律的价值、规则和效果上更深入地了解法律的基本内涵和精神实质。主要是揭示法律基本概念之间的关系以及西方法理学发展,通过比较来深化学生对法律的认识,认识到现代法律的基本特点, 从而具备现代的法律意识和基本的技能。从法律的本体论与法律的系统论角度来进行论述,不但揭示法律本身的特点,而且揭示法律运作过程中的各个制约因素的影响。既阐述了概念和命题的本原,也介绍了概念的历史娉变和由此形成的历史流派。Syllabus: Jurisprudence II Course is one of the 14 core courses specified by the national higher education commission for law school students. The aim of the course is to help students to build a scientific view of law and a theoretical framework of analyzing the legal phenomenon, and finally become familiar with the professional knowledge. Hopefully this could be a guide line in for future studies. For students to comprehend more easily, we divide jurisprudence course into two sections, namely Course I and Course II. Students in the first semester of the primary year will be enrolled in Course I. Lessons include guidance of law, concept of law, effectiveness and formation of law, constituent of law, behaviors of legal relation and legal liability, the origin of law and its development, the social and historical classify of law, legal acts and legal system, legislation, abide and implement of law, judicature and supervision. Course I is a modification of the former basic theory of law, which best interpret s Marxism s theory about the legal system.More specifically, there are three sections in Course n . First is the concept, then follows the noumenon and the system. The concepts focus on the basic issues and its development, especially characters and meanings in the modern legal system. The noumenon is the basic issue including elements and relations of laws as well as roles and values. The system focuses on other factors of the legislation procedural process.国际法课程中英文简介Public International Law课程代码:100043A课程名称:国际法学 时:48学 分:3考核方式:考试先修课程:法理学、宪法学Course Code: 100043ACourse Name: Public International LawPeriods: 48Credits : 3Assessment ExaminationPreparatory Courses : Jurisprudence, Constitution Law国际法课程是教育部确定的法学高等教育14门专业核心课程之一。国际法主要是调整国家间关系的法律原则、规则和制度,其内容主要包括:国际法的基础理论、 国际法的主体、条约法、国际组织法、有关个人的国际法制度、海洋法、空气空间法和外层空间法、 国际环境法、外交和领事关系法、国家责任制度、国际争端的和平解决及战争法等。通过国际法的教学,要求学生掌握国际法的基本原理、国际法的基础知识和主要制度,同时注意把握国际法的特点和体系框架, 并能结合当前国际社会中发生的实际案例进行分析和比较,提出自己的见解和观点。Core syllabus: Law-making and law-enforcing in international society, the concept of Statehood, jurisdiction, and jurisdictional immunities, State responsibility, sovereignty over territory, the legal regime of the use of force and an introduction of the law of human rights.Content: The emphasis is on the application of international law in modern international society. Close attention is paid to legal aspects of current developments which include the international constitution such as sources of law, treaties, institutions, State and international organizations, the individual in international law, the relationship between international law and national law; (2) selected issues in international law such as jurisdiction and immunities, state responsibility, the treatment of foreign nations, expropriation of foreign property, and the use of force.Teaching time : Three hours lectures each week.Written work : Students are expected to write one essay during the year.Assessment: Two hour written examination taken at the end of the term经济法课程中英文简介Economic Law课程代码:100052A/100052B/100053A/100053B课程名称:经济法学时:32/32/48/48学分:2/2/3/3考核方式:考试/考查先修课程:法理学、宪法学、民法学Course Code:100052A/100052B/100053A/100053BCourse Name : Economic LawPeriods: 32/32/48/48Credits : 2/2/3/3Assessment Examination/InspectionPreparatory Courses : Jurisprudence, ConstitutionCivil Law经济法学作为教育部确定的 14门主干课程之一,是研究经济法基本理论及其发展规律 的法学学科,是法学专业的学科基础课程。本课程主要介绍经济法学的基本理论、市场规制法律制度和宏观经济调控法律制度。通过本课程的教学,使学生掌握经济法学基本理论和基本法律制度方面的知识,使学生能运用法学思维分析和解决经济法律问题。通过经济法课程的学习,学生能掌握以下几个方面的知识:一是经济法的概念、调整对象、原则、体系、特征、法律关系以及经济法与民法、商法、行政法的区别等基本概念和基本知识;二是掌握市场规制法律制度,包括反垄断法、反不正当竞争法、产品质量法、消费者权益保护法等内容;三是掌握宏观调控法律制度,包括财政法、税法、价格法等内容。As one of the 14 core courses specified by the Ministry of Education, economic law course is a foundational course of the law science, and its about the basic theories and development. This course is mainly about the legal system of basic theories, market regulation and macroeconomic regulation. At the end of the course, the basic theories and legal system will be grasped, and students will have the ability to analyze and resolve the relevant problems. Through the course, the following knowledge may be acquired :Firstly, students will know the concept of economic law, adjustment object principles system、characteristics legal relationship and the difference among the civil law, commercial law, and administrative law.Secondly, they will understand market regulation law including anti-monopoly law, anti-unfair competition law, product quality law, and consumer protection law.Thirdly, they will know macroeconomic regulation law including finance law 、tax law and price law.民法总论课程中英文简介General Theories of Civil Law课程代码:100063A课程名称:民法总论学 时:48学 分:3考核方式:考试先修课程:宪法学Course Code: 100063ACourse Name: Civil Law (General Provisions)Periods: 48Credits: 3Assessment ExaminationPreparatory Courses : Constitutional law民法学是法学院本科生主要的必修课程,是教育部高等学校法学教育指导委员会确定的法学专业本科生十四门核心课程之一,是以民法为研究对象的重要部门法学。民法学课程分为民法总论、物权法、侵权责任法、合同法以及婚姻家庭法,安排在不同的 学期。民法总论课程的教学目的是使学生理解民法学的基本知识和专业知识,初步掌握民事立法的精神和内容,分析和解决一般的民事案例,培养民法科学研究和撰写论文的能力。民法是规范平等主体之间财产和人身关系的法律规范的总称。民法学是以民法的立法和司法实践为研究对象的科学。民法总论课程主要讲授民法一般原理、原则,学习民事主体、民事法律行为和代理、诉讼时效等制度。Civil Law is an important required course for undergraduate students in law schools and also one of the 14 core courses specified by the State Legal Education Commission of the Ministry of Education .Civil Jurisprudence is to study the Civil Law. The course of Civil Law which is arranged in different terms includes five parts : General Theories of Civil Law, Real Rights Law, Liability of Tort Law ,Conwacn d Marriage and Family Law.The course General Theories of Civil Law is designed to help students understand the basic contents of the civil law, analyze and resolve ordinary civil cases ,and improve their ability to do scientific research on civil law and write academic thesis.The civil law is the general law term adjusting property relationships and personal relationships between civil subjects with equal status. Civil Jurisprudence is a science of civil legislation and civil judicature practice. General Theories of Civil Law covers general principles and regulations of civil law; it also includes the laws of civil subjects, civil juristic acts and agency, limitation of lawsuit and so on.591民事诉讼法学课程中英文简介Civil Procedural Law课程代码:100073A课程名称:民事诉讼法学学 时:48学 分:3考核方式:考试先修课程:民法学、经济法学 合同法学、公司法学 法理学、金融法 知识产权法Course Code: 100073ACourse Name: Civil Procedural LAWPeriods: 48Credits: 3Assessment ExaminationPreparatory Courses : Civil Law, Economic LawContract Law, Company Law Jurisprudence, Financial Law Intellectual Property Law民事诉讼法学是研究民事诉讼法的产生、发展及其实施规律的一门重要的法学学科,是全国高等教育法学专业核心课程中一门重要的学科,是教育部高等学校法学学科教学指导委员会确定的法学专业本科阶段必须开设的14门核心课程之一。民事诉讼法学研究内容主要包括民事诉讼法的立法任务、适用范围和基本原则;民事诉讼概念;民事诉讼法律关系及诉和诉权;民事诉讼法基本制度; 民事诉讼主体和诉讼权利义务;法院主管与管辖;民事诉讼证据理论、规则;审理程序规则;执行程序和保护权利的其 它方法及涉外民事诉讼程序的特别规定。通过对民事诉讼法的基本理论、基本知识和基本诉讼技能的学习,有助于正确理解民事诉讼各种程序性的规则,熟悉各种民事诉讼规范, 提高运用所学民事诉讼法学知识解决、处理民事纠纷的能力。通过本门课程的教学,有助于增强学生的规则意识,塑造合格的法律职业者。同时基于本课程所具有应用性功能较强的,对培养学生的法律实践能力有着特殊的作用。Civil Procedure Law, an important law course, is to study the formation, development and implementation of the law. It is also one of the professional core courses for National Higher Education Law school students as well as one of the one of 14 required core courses for undergraduate students specified by the State Legal Education Commission of the Ministry of Education.awarenessCivil Procedure Law includes mainly The Code of Civil Procedure of the Legislative Council mandate, its applications and basic principles, the concept of civil litigation, the relationship between civil law and the right to appeal and appeal, basic civil law system, the main civil litigation and the rights and obligations, the court in charge and its jurisdiction, the theory of evidence and rules, the rules of hearing procedure, and the implementation procedures and other methods to protect the rights as well as the special provisions of foreign affairs civil legal proceedings. Through the teaching of this course, we wil l help to enhance the studentsof the rules and produce the qualified legal professionals. At the same time, with its practical function, it will help to develop students ability to put the law theory into practice.商法学课程中英文简介Commercial Law课程代码:100082B/100083B/100083ACourse Code: 100082B/100083B/100083A课程名称: 商法学Course Name: Commercial Law学时:32/48Periods: 32/48学分:2/3Credits: 2/3考核方式:考查/考试Assessment Inspection/inspection先修课程: 民法Preparatory Courses : Civil law商法学是以商事法律规范和法律制度为研究对象的一门学科,是教育部确定的高等学校法学专业必修的 14门主干课程之一,是技术性、实务性很强的一门学科。 该课程侧重 介绍商法的基础理论,包括商法的基本理论、公司法、合伙企业法、保险法、破产法等基本 内容。作为一门实务性很强的学科,在教学中会紧密联系实际,通过调查研究、阅读资料和 实习等多种方式,尽可能多地接触国内外市场组织和市场交易的实例,开展案例教学,组织学生进行讨论。通过本课程的学习, 使学生全面了解社会主义市场经济的基本理念、基本制度;理解我国商事立法的价值取向,系统准确的掌握商法的相关理论及法律法规。在讲授中注意培养学生的法学思维方式,能运用所学知识正确分析和解决商事纠纷,把学生培养为既具有法学素养又有实践能力的高素质法学人才。Commercial Law is the course that studies commercial legal norm and law system. It is one of the 14 required core courses specified by the Ministry of Education for the higher education law school students. It is technological and practical. The course focuses on teaching the fundamental theory of the Commercial Law which includes the concept and characteristic, the adjustment object, basic principles, regulations on commercial subject, registration, announcement and names on business, the account, the agency of commercial affairs and so on. As a course with profound practice, it deeply combines theory with practice in teaching. It makes students more familiar with the issues of organization and transaction about domestic and foreign markets by such means of investigation, research, reading and internship. Through studying this course, students will thoroughly know the basic ideas and regulations of the socialist market economy, comprehend the value orientation of commercial legislation and master systematically and precisely the related theory and regulations of the Commercial Law. It will help to cultivate the students legeand make them correctly analyze and solve the business disputes with their knowledge. Our final goal of this course is to develop students academic and practical ability so as to make them become high quality law professionals.宪法课程中英文简介Constitutional LawCourse Code: 100092A/100092BCourse Name: Constitutional lawPeriods: 32Credits: 2Assessment Examination/inspectionPreparatory Courses : Jurisprudence课程代码:100092A/100092B课程名称:宪法学学时:32学分:2考核方式:考试/考查先修课程:法理学宪法学系统地介绍宪法学的一般理论和宪法制度,侧重于中国的宪法制度。 本课将介绍什么是宪法、宪政和宪法原则和宪法分类等基础知识;介绍西方近代宪法和中国宪法的历史,认识宪法发展的规律;介绍宪法与人权保护关系,研究基本人权和公民权的主要内容; 介绍选举制度和政党制度;介绍国家机构的组成,特别是分别介绍了立法、行政和司法机关 的构成和职能。通过本课程的学习, 使学生全面了解宪政基本规律,系统地掌握宪法的基本理论,使学生能能够运用宪法原理分析社会现象。本课程也为学生继续学习法律和以后从事其它法律工作打下必要的基础。Constitutional Law introduces general theory of constitutional law and system of constitution especially Chinese constitutional system. It will introduce constitutional law, rules of law, principles of constitutional and types of constitution. It will also present the history of western countries constitution and Chinese constitution and the general law of the development of constitution. It focuses on human rights and limits. It also introduces the institution of election and political party, the system of state organizations including legislature branch, administration branch and justice branch. This course will make students be prepared for their further study and their future career after graduation.刑法学(分则)课程中英文简介Criminal Law (Specific Provisions)课程代码:100102A课程名称:刑法学(分则)学 时:32学分:2考核方式:考试先修课程:刑法学(总则)Course Code: 100102ACourse Name : Criminal Law (Specific Provisions)Periods: 32Credits : 2Assessment ExaminationPreparatory Courses : Criminal Law (General Provisions)刑法学是法学院本科学生重要的必修课程,是教育部高等学校法学教育指导委员会确定的法学专业本科生十四门核心课程之一,是以刑法为研究对象的重要部门法学。刑法学课程分为刑法学(总则)和刑法学(分则)两个部分,安排在不同的学期。刑法学(分则)课程的教学目的是使学生基本理解刑法学的基础知识和专业知识, 初步掌握刑事立法的精神和内容,分析和解决一般的刑事案例,培养刑法科学研究和撰写论文的能力。刑法是规定犯罪、刑事责任和刑罚的法律规范的总和。刑法学是以刑法的立法和司法实践为研究对象的科学。刑法分则部分讲述具体犯罪及其法定刑,研究类罪、节罪特别是种罪的概念、构成特征、罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪的界限。犯罪的种类包括:危害国家安全罪、危害公共安全罪,破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪,侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利罪,侵犯财产罪,妨害社会管理秩序罪,危害国防利益罪,贪污贿赂罪、渎职罪、军人违反职责罪。Criminal Law is an important required course for undergraduate students in law schools and one of the 14 core courses for undergraduate students in law schools specified by the State Legal Education Commission of the Ministry of Education. Criminal jurisprudence is to study the Criminal Law. The course of Criminal Law includes two parts: aCriminal Law (General Provisions) and Criminal Law (Specific Provisions)” , which are arranged in different terms.The course “ Criminal Law (Specific Provisions) is designed to help students understand thebasic contents of the criminal law, analyze and resolve ordinary criminal cases, and improve their ability to do scientific research on criminal law and write academic thesis.The criminal Law is the law prescribing crimes, criminal liabilities and punishments. Criminal jurisprudence is a science of criminal legislation and criminal judicature. Specific provisions of Criminal Law introduces different kinds of crimes, concept and constitution of concrete crimes, differences between crime and non-crime, differences between one crime and another, and their legally-prescribed punishment. Crime types includes Crimes of Endangering the State Security, Crimes of Endangering the Public Security, Crimes of Disrupting the Order of Socialist Market Economy, Crimes of Infringing upon the Citizens Personal or Democratic Rights, Crimes of Encroaching on Property, Crimes of Disrupting the Order of Social Administration, Crime of Disturbing the Public Order, Crimes of Endangering Interests of National Defense, Crimes of Embezzlement or Bribery, Crimes of Dereliction of Duty, and Crimes of the Servicemans Violation of Duty.刑法学(总则)课程中英文简介Criminal Law (General Provisions)课程代码:100113A课程名称:刑法学(总则)学 时:48学分:3考核方式:考试先修课程:宪法学Course Code: 100113ACourse Name: Criminal Law (General Provisions)Periods: 48Credits: 3Assessment ExaminationPreparatory Courses : Constitutional Law刑法学是法学院本科学生重要的必修课程,是教育部高等学校法学教育指导委员会确定的法学专业本科生十四门核心课程之一,是以刑法为研究对象的重要部门法学。刑法学课程分为刑法学(总则)和刑法学(分则)两个部分,安排在不同的学期。刑法学(总则)课程的教学目标是使学生基本理解刑法学的基础知识的专业知识,初步掌握刑事立法的精神和内容,分析和解决一般的刑事案例,培养刑法科学研究和撰写论文的能力。刑法是规定犯罪、刑事责任和刑罚的法律规范的总和。刑法学是以刑法的立法和司法实践为研究对象的科学。 总则讲述犯罪、刑事责任和刑罚的一般原理、 原则,学习刑法的概念、 性质、体系、解释、制定根据、任务、基本原则和适用范围等刑法概论;学习犯罪的概念、 构成、特殊形态以及正当防卫、紧急避险等犯罪总论;学习刑罚的概念、目的和种类,量刑 和刑罚制度等刑罚总论。Criminal Law is an important required course for undergraduate students in law schools and one of the14 core courses for undergraduate students in law schools specified by the State Commission on Legal Education of the Ministry of Education. Criminal jurisprudence is to study the Criminal Law. The course of Criminal Law includes two parts: a Criminal Law (General Provisions) and Criminal Law (Specific Provisions)” , which are arernge d in differenThe course “ Criminal Law (General Provisions) is designed to help students understand thebasic contents of the criminal law, analyze and resolve ordinary criminal cases, and improve their ability to do scientific research on criminal law and write academic thesis.The criminal Law is the law prescribing crimes, criminal liabilities and punishments. Criminal jurisprudence is a science of criminal legislation and criminal judicature. General provisions of Criminal Law” , which covers general princ iples of crimes, criminal liabilities and punishments, is about concept, nature, system, interpretations, foundations, tasks, basic principles and applicable scope of the criminal law; concepts, constitutions and special forms of crimes, legal defense and emergency avoidance etc, and concept, intents and types of punishments, measurement of punishments.刑事诉讼法课程中英文简介Criminal Procedural Law课程代码:100123A课程名称:刑事诉讼法学 时:48学 分:3考核方式:考试先修课程:宪法学、法理学、刑法学Course Code: 100123ACourse Name : Criminal Procedural LawPeriods: 48Credits : 3Assessment ExaminationPreparatory Courses : Constitutional Law,Jurisprudence, Criminal Law本课程的基本内容有:刑事诉讼法的概念、历史发展、任务、基本理念、基本原则、专门机关、当事人和其他诉讼参与人、证据制度、强制措施、刑事诉讼立案、侦查、起诉、 审判、执行等程序以及司法协助制度、刑事赔偿制度和国际公约与我国刑事诉讼等内容。本课程主要有如下特点: 第一,以现行刑事诉讼法及有关司法解释为根据,系统地叙述了我国的刑事诉讼制度; 第二,坚持理论与实践相结合,既阐述了刑事诉讼的基本理论,同时又 切联系法律实践;第三,立足中国刑事诉讼法制,借鉴外国立法、司法实践经验,并注意与 联合国人权公约中的刑事司法准则相协调。本课程的教学目标是:使学生全面系统地掌握我国的刑事诉讼制度;培养学生分析、解决刑事诉讼中具体问题的能力。The main contents include : concept of criminal procedural law, history, tasks, fundamental ideas, basic principles, special institutions, litigants and other litigant participants, evidence system, compulsory measures and criminal proceedings including filing, investigation, prosecution, trial, execution, judicial assistance, criminal justice compensation, the relationship between international conventions and Chinese criminal procedure.The characteristics of the course are as follows : 1. based on current criminal procedural law and relevant judicial interpretations, it outlines our system of criminal procedure systematically ; 2. It combines theory with practice, elaborating basic theories of criminal procedure and closely relating with legal practice; 3. based on Chinese system of criminal procedure, it learns the experiences of foreign legislation and practical justice, and coordinates with criminal judicial guidelines of


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