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Unit 5 My Future如果你觉得找工作是件棘手的事情,不妨扩展你找工作的计划,纳入以下策略:定下目标。尽管你应该永远给你的选择留有妥协余地,你也应确切知道你到底想从某份工作中获取什么。明确具体地寻找工作要比漫无目的地碰机会有效得多。安排尽可能多的面谈。尽量利用一切办法去争取面试机会-回复招聘广告,求助搜寻公司,直接与公司联系,网上搜寻,利用各种关系网,等等。即便某份工作对你不是最为理想的,但每次面谈都可以是一次有积极作用的经历。保持信心,坚持不懈,态度乐观,最终你会找到适合你的工作的。【情态动词的基本用法】can的基本用法: 表示体力或智力上的能力,即“能够,会”,可与be able to转换。 表示许可,主要用于口语,书面语一般用may。 表示“可能”,与may同义,但一般用在疑问句中。may的基本用法: 表示“许可”,用can比较口语化。 肯定句中表示推测,“可能”。must的基本用法: 表示必须,强调说话人的主观意志。 表示推测,一般只用于肯定陈述句,表示非常肯定。have to的基本用法:have to可视为情态动词,但它与其他情态动词在用法上稍有不同。和must不同之处:must强调主观需要 have to强调客观需要。need的基本用法:need的基本词义是“需要”,它既可作情态动词,又可作实义动词。could, should, would, might表示推测:. must多用于肯定句中表示把握性极大的推测,意思为“一定、肯定”。. can / could多用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中表示推测、怀疑,两者在时间上没有差别。.may / might多用来表示把握性不大的推测,意思为“也许、可能”, might比may的把握性更小一些。 Lesson 25 I Want to Be a Teacher!I. 选择填空。 1-7BCBABDB ( )1. Its necessary _ the nights when you leave the room. A. turn B. to turn off C. to put off D. put off ( )2. Jim id good at maths,Jame _ English. A. do good at B.does well at C. does well in D. does good in ( )3. I have _ homework to do today. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too( )4. Do you understand what I _? A. am talking about B. am talking C. am talking of D.talk about( )5. _ Ive no idea what to say to polo. A. some times B. sometimes C. some time D. sometime( )6. He is good at _ to people. A. talk B. To talk C. talks D. Talking( )7. Do you have any _ about how we might do this? A. suggestion B. suggestions C.advice D. advicesII. 完形填空。My little sister is in Grade Eight this year. Her favorite subject is math, but she was not good 1 it. One day, a friend of my fathers from America 2 him some pictures about America and 3 us to his home. My sister wanted to go to America very much, but my father said she must speak 4 very well. From then on, she 5 to work hard. She keep 6 English for about half an hour every morning. In class she listens very carefully and 7 the teachers questions as soon as possible. There is an American teacher in her school. After school, she often talks to her 8 English and asks her 9 help about English. Now She always says, “My ambition is to be a diplomat. ” I am 10 her dream will come true in the future.( )1. A. with B. at C. on ( )2. A. bring B. show C. sent( )3. A. invite B. take C. bring( )4. A. English B. Chinese C. Math( )5. A. keep B. stop C. began ( )6. A. seeing B. watching C. reading ( )7. A. repeats B. answers C. gives( )8. A. with B. at C. in ( )9. A. about B. with C. for ( )10. A. think B. believe C. sure . 1-5 BCAAC 6-10 CBCCC Lesson 26I. 选择填空。 1-12 CDAca( )1. Its hard _ him to make a decision at once. A. at B. of C. for D. to( )2. There will _ a concert tonight. A. have B. has C. is D. be ( )3. _ a pilot is his wish. A. to be B. Be C. Being D. Is( )4. He enters Super Boy_. A. for good B. on good C. for fun D. on fun( )5. He didnt take the airplane _ he has a fear of height. A. because B. as C. since D. whileII完形填空 Two hundred years ago, people in the west did not know coffee or tea. They were _1_ to drink them because they thought coffee or tea could kill a person. Once the king of England wanted to find out _2_ it was true or not. At that time there were two brothers in prison. The king would _3_ them in a few days because they did something wrong. The king said, “I shall let them live but they must drink coffee or tea till the end of their _4_. One brother must drink coffee and _5_ must drink tea every day. And they _6_ the kings words. They _7_ lived many years. At last, the elder brother _8_ when he was eighty-three years old. The younger one died a few years _9_. After that, people _10_ that coffee and tea were not bad for man. ( ) 1. A. happy B. afraid C. strong D. Rich ( ) 2. A. when B. what C. whether D. which ( ) 3. A. kill B. catch C. call D. Cut( ) 4. A. life B. live C. lives D. living ( ) 5. A. one B. other C. another D. the other ( ) 6. A. heard B. listened to C. did D. followed ( ) 7. A. both B. each C. also D. All ( ) 8. A. killed B. lived C. died D. dead ( ) 9. A. ago B. later C. old D. before ( ) 10. A. shouted B. spoke C. kept D. knew Lesson 27I. 选择填空。( )1. His plan is _ all round the word. A. to travel B. travel C. travelling D. travels ( )2. He wants to be a doctor when he _ . A. puts up B. grows up C. turns up D. gives up( )3. I hope to be a doctor _ my mother. A. as B. like C. has D. to like( )4. He wants to help _ children with medical fee. A. ill B. sick C. good D. young( )5. Look, he _ an old man cross the street. A. is helping B. help C.helps D. to help II阅读理解. In some foreign countries, some people dont like the number thirteen. They dont think thirteen is a lucky number. For example, they dont like to live on the thirteen floor. My friend Jack has got the same idea. He doesnt like the number, either. One day, he asked some friends to dinner. When all of his friends arrived, he asked them to sit around the dinner table. He began to count the people in his mind while they were having the delicious food. Suddenly, he cried out,“Oh, there are thirteen people here!” Everybodys face turned white except Mr Brown. He said slowly with a smile on his face,“Dont worry, my dear friends. We are having fourteen people here. My wife Mrs Brown will have a baby in a few weeks.” All of them became happy again. “Congratulations!”they said to Mr Brown. They enjoyed the nice food and had a good time that evening. ( ) 1. Whats the main idea of this passage? A story about a woman with a baby. B. A story about a great evening. C. A delicious dinner. D. A story about the unluckly number ( ) 2. One day, 13 people were_ . A. sitting around Jacks dinner table B were dancing around Jacks dinner table C carrying Jacks dinner table D sitting on Jacks dinner table ( )3. Who made people happy again? A. Jack B. Mr Brown. C. Mrs Brown D.Jacks friends. ( )4. That evening they _. A. didnt have a good time B. had dinner on the thirteenth floor C. had a good time at last D. saw fourteen people around the table ( )5. Which of the following is true? A. The story tells us why the number is not a lucky number. B. People all like the number execpt Mr Brown. C. Mr Brown was clever. D. Jacks friends didnt like the food at Mr Browns. Lesson 28I. 选择填空。( )1.You should _ after so long walk. A. have steps B. have a sit C. have a good rest D. have a chance( )2. _ ,youll be fine. A.Have this medicine B. This medicine C.This medicine D. This medicine ( )3. Heres my book for the _. A. notebook B. yearbook C. exercisebook D. Englishbook( )4. We spent a _ pleasant day in the park. A. real B. really C. true D. truely( )5. To be a airplane pilot would be a cool _. A. work B. works C. job D. housework ( )6. Mary always helps me _ my English. A. for B. to C. of D. with ( )7. Our country _ great changes in the last forty years. A. have experienced B. has experienced C. experience D. have experiences( )8. He sat down to discuss with his father_ of how to spend the holiday. A. the problem B. a problem C. the question D. a question ( )9. Nothing could stop him _ his ambition. A. to achieving B. from achieve C. from achieving D. for achieving( )10. We must _ to make sure such accident can never happen again. A. make steps B. take steps C. take actions D. make actionsII. 阅读理解。 Most people sleep at night, but Frank sleeps during the day and works at night. His work is to guard (看守) a large factory. He is lonely because nobody there talks with him in the evening. Frank likes his work. He knows that it is important to guard the factory at night. If he hears any noise, he goes quickly to see what it is. Most of the time he walks around inside the big building, but he also walks around outside. When he is tired, he can sit on a chair by the door. It is very cold in winter. He always wears a warm coat when he is working. One night when Frank went outside, he heard a noise near a dark corner of the factory. He went very quietly towards the noise to see if someone was there, but he only saw a small dog. Frank smiled and talked to the dog. It looked cold and sad. He took the dog inside the building, and the happy dog followed him around. During the rest of the night Frank was not lonely. A dog was a good friend for him. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F). ( ) 6. Frank sleeps at night and works in the day. 6-10 FFTFF ( ) 7. Frank doesnt think his job is important. ( ) 8. Sometimes Frank walks around outside the big building. ( ) 9. One night Frank saw a little dog sleeping at the gate of the factory. ( ) 10. Frank took the dog home at once. Lesson 29I. 选择填空。( )1. Jack, good boy! Please pass _ the glasses. I want to read the newspaper. A. you B. me C. him D. her( )2.This morning I had _ egg and a bottle of milk for my breakfast. A. an B. a C. the D.不填( )3. Mary always helps me _ my English. A. for B. to C. of D. with ( )4. He _ his fear of height. A. overcame B. overcome C.overtake D. overtook( )5. Sichuan province _ two big earthquake. A. has seen B. has experiment C. has lived D. has had ( )6. Tim tried his best _ his fear. A. stop B.to stop C. overcome D. to overcome ( )7. Lily feels _ than Tom in the new plane. A. comfortable B. more comfortable C. comfortabler D. more comfortable( )8. Cotton _ soft. A. feels B. feel C. touches D. touch( )9. Jack, good boy! Please pass _ the glasses. I want to read the newspaper. A. you B. me C. him D. her( )10.This morning I had _ egg and a bottle of milk for my breakfast. A. an B. a C. the D.不填II. 阅读理解。The moon looks bigger than stars at night. But in fact, it is smaller than them. The moon looks big to us, because it is nearer to us than stars. The moon goes around the earth. The moon is like a ball and looks beautiful. Dont you think so? Now people know quite a lot about the moon. There is no air(空气) or water on the moon, so there are not any trees or animals, or people on the moon. The moon gets its light from the sun, but some places on the moon are quite dark(黑暗的). The days on the moon get hotter than boiling(沸腾的) water. The nights get colder than those in North Pole on the earth. The things get much lighter(更轻的) on the moon than on the earth. And you can jump higher on the moon than on the earth. 根据短文内容及所给的首字母提示,完成短文后的各个句子,每空一词。 11. We can see the moon a _ n_. 12. The moon looks b_ than the stars because its much n_ to us than them. 13. There is no air or w_ on the moon, so p_ cant live there. 14. On the moon it is very h_ in the day and its very c_ at night. 15. The things are much lighter on the m _than on the earth, so you can jump h _on the moon. 11.at night 12. bigger; nearer 13. water; people 14. hot; cold 15. moon; higherLesson 30I. 选择填空。3. The room is big enough. It _ hold 100 people. A. can B. must be C. need D. have to4. The weather in summer in Bejing is cooler than _ in Shanghai. A. this B. it C. that D. one5. Could you tell me _? A. the hospital is where B. where the hospital is C. which the hospital is D. where is the hospital6. Youd better _ football in the street. A. not play B. playing C. not to play D. play7. Ill go out for a walk after supper if it _ rain. A. didnt B. wont C. isnt D. doesnt8. _ will it take you to get to the post office? About half an hour. A. How old B. how long C. how soon D. how often9. The No. 72 bus will _ you there. A. hold B. catch C. take D. bring10. She isnt at the cinema now because she _ the library. A. has been to B. have been to C. have gone to D. has gone toII. 阅读理解。 Sunny English Club For students 16:00-18:00 Every Saturday 200 Yuan a month 9 Zhou Yu Street Tel: 3785290 Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more! Ocean Museum 9:00-17:00 Form Thursday to Sunday Tick: 50 yuan 132 Xue Yuan Street Tel: 5439871 Health Centre 9:00-17:30 16 Yong Le Street Tel: 3801451 Free examinations for those over 70. ( )6. Sunny English Club is for _. A. nurses B. policemen C. businessmen D. students ( )7. You will pay _if you want to stay in the English club for half a year. A. 200 yuan B. 600 yuan C. 1200 yuan D. 2400 yuan ( )8. You can visit Ocean Museum _. A. on Saturday B. on Wednesday C. on Monday D. anytime ( )9. One can get free examination in Health Centre if he is _. A. 9 B. 17 C. 67 D. 73 ( )10. If you are interested in the life of fish ,you should go to _. A. Health Centre B. Ocean Museum . C. Sunny English Club D. 16 Yong Le Stree Self-check八年级 book 3 Unit 6单元测试.词汇。(10分)A. 从方框中选择适当的单词填空。(注意词形变化)phone, ago,sentence, follow, translate1. Wednesday _ Tuesday.2. I dont understand the meaning of this _.3. Please _ the words into Chinese.4. He went to the U.S. three months _.5. May I use your _? B. 根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词。6. We should use a _(词典)more often when we meet new words.7. Miss Gao is a journalist. She has written many good _(文章).8. English is the official _(语言)in his country.9. Whats wrong with your _(舌头)?10.Paul is a shy(害羞的) boy who cant _(交流) very well. .单项选择。(20分)( )1. Have you read the news _ the newspaper?A. on B. in C. at D. with( )2. Our teacher encourages us _it again. A. try B. keep C. having D. to try( )3. _ is good for our healthy.A. Walk B. Walks C. Walking D. Walked( )4. Id like to send this letter _ England _ air.A. to; in B. for; on C. at; with D. to; by( )5. Jenny keeps _ my name?A. forgetting B. forgets C. to forget D. forget( )6. _ first I didnt like him but now I do.A. In B. On C. At D. For( )7. _? I did not understand what you said. OK! Ill speak more slowly. A. What B. Excuse meC. Really D. Pardon( )8. Does Wang Mei have any _ friends? A. English-spoken B. English-speakingC. speak English D. English speak( )9. May I speak to Lynn? _ Lynn. A. I am B. This is C. It was D. She is( )10. They told _ about their families. A. the other B. with C. anther D. each other . 完形填空。(20分)My little sister is in Grade Eight this year. Her favorite subject is math, but she was not good 1 it. One day, a friend of my fathers from America 2 him some pictures about America and 3 us to his home. My sister wanted to go to America very much, but my father said she must speak 4 very well. From then on, she 5 to work hard. She keep 6 English for about half an hour every morning. In class she listens very carefully and 7 the teachers questions as soon as possible. There is an American teacher in her school. After school, she often talks to her 8 English and asks her 9 help about English. Now She always says, “My ambition is to be a diplomat. ” I am 10 her dream will come true in the future.( )1. A. with B. at C. on ( )2. A. bring B. show C. sent( )3. A. invite B. take C. bring( )4. A. English B. Chinese C. Math( )5. A. keep B. stop C. began ( )6. A. seeing B. watching C. reading ( )7. A. repeats B. answers C. gives( )8. A. with B. at C. in ( )9. A. about B. with C. for ( )10. A. think B. believe C. sure . 阅读理解。(30分) A人的喜好不同,发展方向也就不同。来看一看下列人物各自的喜好和志向吧。Im rally good at selling things. I also love helping people. But Im not so good at solving(解决) problems. I think Id like to be a salesman or a detective(侦探).I really like doing things with my hands. I also enjoy working with wood. I dont enjoy working in the same place every day, and I hate being in noisy places. I think Id like to be a factory worker or a carpenter(木匠). Im good at explaining things and I really like children. I cant stand working long hours. I think Id like to be a doctor or a teacher. Im really interested in meeting people, and I enjoy wearing different clothes every day. Im not so good at organizing(安排) my time and computers. I am going to be a model or an accountant(会计).I enjoy helping people, but I cant stand working nights and weekends. I want to be a nurse or a social worker.


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