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笔试部分二语音辨析(共5小题,每题1分)先朗读下列各题中的单词,比较各单词划线部分的读音并选出与本题所给音素不同的选项( )26. /i:/ A clean B head C teach( )27./ :/ A work B word C forty( )28./ a:/ A card B March C quarter( )29./ u/ A zoo B book C good ( )30./ u/ A show B how C know三选择填空(共15题,每题1分)( )31.-Lucy,are you free now ?Lets play_ chess. -Sorry,I have to practice_ violin A /:the B a :the C the;/( )32.-What is your grandfather doing now? -I am not sure ,I think he is _ cleaning his room_ listening to music A.between,and B from,to C either,or( )33.My little sister is really _,She is afraid to talk with other people. A smart B shy C noisy( )34.-Jim,can you _ this word in Chinese?-Yes ,I can _ a little Chinese. A talk,say B say,speak C tell,speak( )35-Do you usually get to the park_ ? -No ,I often get there _ A. by train,by foot B .by a train,on foot C.by train,on foot( )36.-_ do you live from school?-About 5 minutes walk A. How far B.How long C.How often( )37.-You are never late for school!-Yeah,I _ get up early. A .sometimes B .never C.always ( )38.-He has a good _.He goes to _ very early every morning. -Where dose he work? A.work,job B.job, work C. work ,work( )39-Do you like ice-cream? -Of course.It _ great. A.sounds B .looks C.tastes( )40-Lets meet outside the zoo gate.Come at half past six. -_ A.OK B.Thats right C.Not at all( )41-Is Jack in the classroom now?-No,he _ soccer on the playground.A,plays, B play C is playing ( )42-Is it a long way?-Yes.It takes me 10 minutes _ there A.walk B.to walk C walking( )43-What does she like dong after dinner?-She _ reading newspapers.This _ her motherA.likes likes B is like ,likes C likes,is like( )44.-Do you want to join me for dinner?We can ear out.-_A.Im watching TV B.Year,Id love to C Yes,youre right( )45.-Tom,_ Its too dirty.-Sorry,Ill do that.A,Clean the classroom right nowB,I want to clean the classroomC,You can clean the classroom四完型填空A:Hi,Bob.What club do you want to join?B:I want to join a 46 clubA:Great!What sports can you play?B:Scccer.A:So you can join the 47 club.B:What about you?You are very good 48 telling stories.You can join the story telling club.A:Sounds good.But I like to draw,49B:Then join two clubs,the story telling club and the art club!A:OK,lets 50 now!( )46. A .music B .sports C .swimming ( )47. A .basketball B.baseball C soccer ( )48. A .at B .for C with ( )49. A .either B.also C with ( )50. A .to join B join C is joining 五、阅读理解 A Sports City Bar Every Tuesday and Thursday evening, in Sports City Bar everyone can enjoy a “Buy one, get one free” At our Sunday Family Buffet(自助餐), we have exciting games for children. The buffet lasts from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and costs 98 yuan per adult. Children at the age of 12 to 16 eat for half price, and children under 12 eat for free. Happy hour at Sports City Bar lasts from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Buy one drink, get one free. Tel: 651377662248 Location(位置): the third floor ( )51. When can you enjoy the “Buy one, get one free” in Sports City Bar? A. On Tuesday evening. B. On Thursday and Tuesday evening C. On Sunday. ( )52. The Sports City Bar is on the _ A.first floor B. second floor C. third floor ( )53.If you are eleven and your father takes you to have the Sunday Family Buffet,how much will your father pay(付款) A free B 98yuan C 49yuan ( )54 If you are 13 years old, you _. A. need to pay 49 yuan for your lunch at the Sunday Family Buffet B. can eat for free at the Sunday Family Buffet C. cant buy one, get one free in Sports City Bar ( )55.What can people do in the bar? A.Have drinks B.Have lunch on Sunday C.A and B BMy friend Tom is a schoolboy.Everyone likes him very much,because he is funny. He can play many instruments. When he is with his friends, he often plays for them. Today is October 8th. Its Toms birthday. He has a big and interesting party at home. Many friends come to his party. Toms mother cooks a lot of food for them. Everyone gives a beautiful gift to him. Sally gives him an English dictionary because Tom also likes English. Bob gives Tom a guitar because he likes playing the guitar very much. At the party, Tom plays the guitar and he also plays the piano. We sing many songs and play some interesting games. We have a good time today.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 56. Why does everyone like Tom very much?A. Because he studies well. B. Because he looks good.C. Because he is funny.( ) 57. When is Toms birthday?A. October 8th.B. October 7th. C. November 7th.( ) 58. What does he do on his birthday?A. He does his homework. . B.He has a big and interesting party at home C.He goes to a movie ( ) 59. Who gives Tom an English dictionary?A. His mother.B.Sally.C. Bob.( ) 60. What does Tom play at the party?A. The guitar and the violin. B. The drums and piano. C. The piano and the guitar六、词与短语填空 Newspaper/strict/quiet/scary/difficult/using/noisy/tastes/quickly/kilometers/good 61.I dont like tigers because they are really_ 62.Icecream usually_good ,so students like to eat after dinner 63.My grandpa is always _ with me,but I think its best to follow the rules. 64.Here are your clothes.Go and get dressed_ 65.Are they_ the computer? 66.My grandparents always tell me I cant be _ 67.Is he reading a _ ? 68.For the students in the village,it is _ to get to school 69.We have to be _ in the library. 70.How far is it from your home to school?Its only about 2_ 七、连词成句 71.now,house,Jenny,is,the,cleaning 72.makes,Saturday,Bob,every,dinner 73.he,to ,eat,the,hall,dinning,have,does,in 74.friends,ride,do,your,their,bikes,school,to 75.are,South,Africa,they,from 八、句型转换 76.We want to join the chess club(对划线部分提问) _ _ do you want to join? 77.Your friends usually exercise on weekends. (对划线部分提问) _ do your friends usually_ ? 78.Jane walks to school on foot.(改为一般疑问句) _ Jane _ to school? 79.You cant fight at school.(改为祈使句) _ _ at school. 80.She washes her clothes.(用now改写句子) She _ _ her clothes now. 第二卷 九、完型填空 Mr and Mrs King live in our town for nearly twenty years.They have a bookshop near the bus station. Theyre 81to everyone and have a lot of friends. They often 82 the poor students and sell them some books cheaply. So therere many young men in their shop. Of course people 83 them and their friends often visit them and 84 them happily. We can always hear they 85 .It was a Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. King want to have a picnic in the park next 86. It is a little far from our town. So they had to 87 earlier than usual to catch a six oclock train. After 88 a few friends came to see them while they were cooking some 89 for the picnic. Mr. King and his wife had to stop to 90 them. They talk a lot and few of them looked at the 91 on the wall. Mr. and Mrs. King were anxious(焦急的)but they cant tell the friends about it. Mrs. King thought for a few 92 and had an idea. She said to her 93, “Oh, its eleven o clock! Please dont talk ,dear! Our friends are anxious to 94 !” Mr. King heard this and stands up and he says95 to the friends and they leave soon.( )81. A. boring B. friendly C. cold D. beautiful ( )82. A. help B. ask C. kill D. watch ( )83. A. know B. understand C. disliake D. like ( )84. A. play withB. fight withC. talk with D. sing with ( )85. A. eat B. shout C. run D. laugh ( )86. A. morning B.afternoon C. evening D. noon ( )87. A. go to work B. get upC. go to schoolD. open the shop ( )88. A. phone B. photo C. clock D. picture ( )89. A. clothes B. bags C. books D. food ( )90. A. talking B. to talk with C. looking atD. to look at ( )91.A.phone B.photo C .clock D picture ( )92.A.minutes B.days C .weeks D .months ( )93.A.friend B. husband C .brother D .father ( )94.A .go home B .go to bed C go shopping D have a rest ( )95.A.hello B good C sorry D nothing十、阅读理解 Jack arrives at the bus station quite early for Pairs bus .The bus for Paris leaves at five to twelve. He sees a lot of people waiting in the station. Some are standing in line, others are walking around. There is a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher is trying to keep them in line. Jack looked around but there is no place for him to sit. He walks into the station cafe and looks up at the clock there. It is only twenty to twelve. He sits down before a large mirror(镜子) on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Jack s workmates comes in and sits with Jack. What time is your bus? asks Mike. Theres plenty of time yet, answered Jack. Well, Ill get you some more tea then, says Mike. They talk while drinking. Then Jack looks up at the clock in the mirror .Oh! Its going backward (倒走)! he cries.”When I come in,it is twenty to twelve .But now its half past eleven. Youre looking at the clock in the mirror. said Mike. Jack is so upset(沮丧). He has to wait for the next bus,Since then Jack never likes mirrors. 96.Jcak goes to the station cafe because _ A. Mike asks him to have a cup of tea B.It is early and he can sit there C.He doesnt like to stay with the schoolgirl D.He wants to have a drink with his workmate there 97.What time is it in fact(实际上)when Jack looks at the clock in the mirror? A.Half past twelve B.Twenty to twelve C.Half past eleven D.Half past one 98.From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror,we will find_ A. the time is right B its going to slower C its going backward D its going faster 99.Which of the following in TURE? A.Jack arrives in Paris on time B.The next bus leaves at five to twelve C.After that Jack l ikes clocks very much D.Jack looks at the clock in the mirror 100.Which of the following is the title(标题)of the story? A.The Mirror of the Station B.Not a Careful Man C.Missing a Bus D.The Clock in the Mirror 十一、阅读理解填词 Many students in the USA always t_(101) the school bus to school every day.Parents think taking the school bus is very safe (安全的)。But s_(102) it is also dangerous.Some students die(死亡) b_ they break the school bus r_(104).Here are some bus rules. A_ (105)at the bus station early Wait for the bus at the bus station Dont run everywhere at the bus station Dont walk o_(106) fight in the bus when its going Dont try to l_(107) the bus until it stops. These rules are g_(108) for students.R_(109) them and dont break them.So you cant k_(110) yourself safe. 十二、书面表达 根据以下提示,写一篇50-60左右的短文,可根据需要调整提示点顺序,使短文有条理,无须逐词翻译 1、Linda 是我最好的朋友,她的英语成绩很好,会弹钢琴 2、她最喜欢的动物是狗。她认为狗对人们非常友好 3、她家离学校不远,所以她每天步行上学,大约15分钟 4、在学校她总是遵守校规,按时完成作业,上学从不迟到 5、你想和她交朋友吗? 提示词:favourite 最喜欢的 follow 遵守 make friends 交朋友 26-30BCCAB31-35ACBBC 36-40ACBCA 41-45CBCBA 46-50 BCACB 51-55BCBAC 56-60CABBC 61-70 scary tastes strict quickly using noisy newspaper difficult quiet kilometers 71 Jenny is cleaning the house now72 Bob makes dinner every Saturday73Does he have to eat dinner in the hall 74Do your friends ride their bikes to school ?75Are they from South Africa?76 what job77when exercise78 does walk79dont fight 80-is washing 81-85 BADCD 86-90ABCDB 91-95CABBC96-100BACDD101-110 take sometimes because rules arrives or leave good remember keep


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