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武汉珞珈山国际酒店会议合同Conference Contract of Wuhan Logosun Hotel本合同由武汉珞珈山国际酒店和英国利兹大学中国办公室同协商达成以下方案The below contract is drawn between University of Leeds China Office and Wuhan logosunsun Hotel 接待方 Reception会议方 名称Company:武汉珞珈山国际酒店Wuhan logosunsun Hotel名称Company:地址Address:武汉市洪山区武珞路723号No.723 Wuluo Road Hongshan District,Wuhan地址Address:电话 Tel:027-87166666电话 Tel:传真 Fax:027-87167700传真 Fax:联系人Contact person:钱旋Echo Qian联系人Contact person:联系人职位Position :销售经理Sales Manager联系人职位Position :页数 Pages:6一、 住房Accommodation arrangements 房型Room Type价格Rate 豪华大床间Deluxe king room预计房数Expected保证房数Guaranteed 豪华双人间 Deluxe twin room预计房数Expected保证房数Guaranteed 保证总用房数Total Guaranteed特别提示:Special remarks:l 以上房价是专为贵公司此次活动提供的特别优惠价格,不适用于以后的房间预订。The above room rates are only extended to this event and are not applied to future bookings.l 请贵公司提前五天提供所有客人的名单。Please provide the group guest name list 5 days prior to group arrival. l 根据国家公安局规定,凡入住酒店的客人必须登记身份证,故请贵公司在会议入住时将所有客人的身份证号交于酒店前台。According to the policy of Wuhan PSB, all guests must provide ID card for registration. l 住房第一晚保证用房数为 0 间房,第二晚保证用房数 0 间房,第三晚保证用房数 0 间房,每天不足预计用房数将按保证用房数间房收取房费,超过预计用房数将按实际用房数结算。The guaranteed number of rooms for this group on the first day is 0 , the second day is 0 and the third day is 0 . If actual registered number of rooms is below the guaranteed number of rooms, Holiday Inn Riverside Wuhan reserve the right to charge accordingly to the original booking.二、 会议及用餐安排Meal Arrangements日期Date活动Event时间Time地点Venue布置Form预计人数Expected保证人数Guaranteed价格/备注Rate/Remark7月15日July15th.会议Meeting19:00-21:00茶花厅Camellia room剧院式Theatre40人40pax30人30pax场租优惠价:人民币2400元净价/半天/4小时Room rental:RMB2400net/halfday茶歇Coffee break时间通常为15分钟左右,请确认具体时间茶歇台Coffee break table40人40pax30人30pax人民币30元净价/位起售。请见所附菜单RMB30net/pax备注:1.会议期间酒店免费提供笔、纸、40瓶矿泉水。 2.在二楼会议室附近免费提供3人签到台。 3.免费提供1支鹅式麦克风和1支无线麦克风和2个接线板。 4.酒店免费提供1台投影仪和1个屏幕。 5.如有会议放在酒店将可享受房间优惠价,标准间人民币450元净价/间/晚,商务套间人民币800元净价/间/晚,行政套间人民币1249元净价/间/晚并包含1-2份早餐。请尽快确认房间,以便酒店预留。三、 定金Deposit Policy 2009年 月 前交RMB 做为此次会议定金,会议结束时结清所有费用。Upon confirmation of the event, a deposit of RMB should be issued by a blank check before on. th.2009. All unsettled balances will be cleared on the day your departure.付款Payment会议所产生的房费由客人自付,会议场租费、餐费及其它杂项费结账由主办单位统一支付,所有费用在会议结束当天结清所有费用。(所有的费用都将以人民币结算,其他货币将根据酒店的外币兑换汇率结算)。The charges of rooms, and the other charges as meeting rental, meals and other incidental expenses are to be settled by the organizer on the day your departure . Other currencies will be converted into RMB based on published daily exchange rate of payment date.酒店帐号如下:户 名:武汉珞珈山酒店管理有限公司开户行:中国建设银行洪山支行账 号:4200 1127 1080 5300 9133Bank Details:Account Name:Wuhan Logosun Hotel Management Co., LTDBank:Bank of Construction HongShan Office Wuhan BranchAccount No.(RMB):4200 1127 1080 5300 9133四、入住时间Check-in time客人的入住时间为每天的下午2时。我们将尽量保证所有提前到达的客人能及时入住(依据客房出租情况而定)。对于提前入住之情形,我们建议您提前一天预留这些房间。我们将尽量在客人抵达前准备好房间。Hotel check in-time is 14:00. Should you prefer an earlier check-in time, we suggest you reserve the rooms a day ahead of the effective arrival.退房时间Check-out time我们的退房时间为每天的中午12时。如果退房时间在中午12时以后,店方将加收半天的房费。如果退房时间在下午6时以后,店方将加收一天的房费(如有部分房间需要延迟退房或续住。请提前一天知会酒店,店方将依据房间出租情况灵活处理)。Hotel check out time is 12:00 noon on the day of departure. Should your guests wish to check out after 12:00h noon but not later than 16.00h, a 50% room rate charge is applicable. will be charged before 18:00 . A full nights rate per room will be charged for room check- out after 18:00. Late check out at no charge can be pre-arranged (subject to availability).提前到达和推迟离店Early check-in/late check-out此团队价格从入住/ 活动前一日到约定的退房时间/ 活动后一日内有效。提前到达或推迟离店应及时告知店方,酒店将根据住房情况相应做出安排。Please notify the hotel for any early arrival or extend stay. The Hotel may extend the group rate mentioned above to any member of the group for early arrival or extend stay. Subject to rooms availability. 提前离店Early Departure若贵公司在会议进程时限内提前结束会议并提前离店,酒店将按原预订情况及保证人数收取费用。For any early departure and reducing the guaranteed number of rooms for that particular night, the hotel has the right to charge accordingly for revenue loss.客人登记Register超过20间房的会议,酒店将为会议组织者准备一张房间安排明细单,为了让我们完成这项工作,请在入住前向酒店提供以下信息:Complimentary group rooming list will be provided to the group members. Please provide below information as follows:- 客人姓名和职位/公司名Guest name/ position / company name- 房间类型Room type- 护照号码/签证号码Passport NO. / visa NO.- 身份证号码ID card NO.- 特别付款方式和其它特殊要求(贵宾或者房间特别安排等)Special payment and other special request根据此协议书的条款,酒店已经按照主办方的要求预留了客房及会议活动场地。出席人数Attendance最后确认的餐饮出席人数应在48小时前通知酒店以便妥善安排用餐。酒店根据合同所签人数在预计和保证人数之间允许10%的差额。未达到餐饮预订总量,将按餐饮预订总量收费。费用将根据保证人数收取,若实际用餐人数大于保证人数将按实际人数收取。Final confirmation for meal attendance should be informed no later than 48 hours prior to the actual function date. Hotel will allow 10% variance between expected and guaranteed number of meals. Charges will be billed base on the guaranteed number or actual attendance whichever is greater.装饰Decoration如果贵公司决定自行装饰会场,则必须将会场布局安排、艺术表现形式、所需装饰材料等提交酒店,经认可后方可实施。酒店保留最终批准和修改装饰计划的权力。在装饰过程中对酒店的任何物品有所损坏须按酒店政策给予赔偿。Any decoration requests for the meeting room or other hotel facilities, require prior approval from the hotel. Any damage to hotel property will be compensated based on hotel policy.电源插座:Power Socket- 酒店只提供有限的国内一般标准插座,如个别电器的插座可能不适用于国内的标准插座,请贵公司预先自行解决。- Hotel is responsible providing domestic standard electric power adaptors. Other than that the company is responsible for additional requests of electric power adaptor - 为避免发生意外时,双方相互推卸责任或指责,酒店员工将不为贵公司的电器产品连接电源插座或插入电源插座。- Hotel is not responsible for any installation of electric facilities and power connection.- 如用电过多,需要外接电源,有关设备由贵方负责,酒店将按实际用电收取费用。Any using of additional electric facilities requires prior approval from the Hotel and the group will pay for additional electric power charge.五、取消Cancellation Policy客人抵店日期前七天之內取消的住房,将收取所签署合同中保证总房数房費的50%作为损失费。当天预计抵店而取消未入住,将收取第一晚房费的100%和合同上签署的其他房费的50%作为损失费。如会议期间实际用房数量未达保证用房数的,按保证用房数收取费用;若实际用房数超过保证用房数,则按实际用房数收取费用。活动前24-72小時之內取消的餐饮安排,将收取所签署合同中保证总餐饮费用50%的损失费。24小时之內取消需收取第一天保证餐饮费用100%的损失费及合同上签署的后三天(最大化)餐饮费用的50%作为损失费。Any cancellation occurred within 7days prior to the group arrival, the hotel will collect 50% of the guaranteed contracted rates for the full period of the contract. Any cancellation on the day of arrival, the hotel will collect 100% of the guaranteed contracted rates for the first night and 50% of the guaranteed contracted rates for the following period of the contract. If the entire group fails to reach the number of rooms guaranteed, the hotel will collect the compensation charge base on total number of rooms guaranteed. Any cancellations occurred within 24-72 hours prior to the event is charge at 50% of the guaranteed contract rate base on Food & Beverage arrangement. Any cancellation with 24 hours of the event is charge at 100% of the guaranteed contract rate, the following 3 days (maximum) charge at 50% of the guaranteed contract rate base on Food & Beverage arrangement.六、签单授权及帐务The authority for Signature and Bill1. 签单Signature 会议主办方出具有效签单人授权书和签名式样交酒店接待方留存。The meeting organizer should provide the authorization and effect sample signature for signing the bill to hotel. 2. 总帐单Bill to organizer酒店方会准备在会议期间的所有消费明细账单,所有经过会议主办方签字认可的费用将会进入主账单,请会议主办方有效签字人在会议结束离店前在主账单上签名认可总消费的金额数。The Hotel will provide a detailed master bill for the whole event, which includes all charges occurred which have been approved by the person identified authorized by the meeting effect signature organizer. The master must be confirmed with the effect signature before departure if without prior agreement. 3. 个人账单Bill to own account对于自付住房和其它消费的客人在入住期间产生的所有费用在离店时将通过现金或刷卡的方式予以结清,此类客人入住之前需在前台自行支付定金。Deposits for individual charges will be collected upon check-in and all charges will be settled upon check-out.七、损坏Damage不允许在租赁的设施设备上使用钉子,胶布等物品,如因此类物品照成的损坏,使用方须赔偿物品的全价格,而不是修复损坏区域的费用。这是为了在您下次会议时,这是为了使我们的设施设备在您下次使用时保持最好的工作状态。如有装饰布展需求请与宴会经理联系。Any use of nails, pins, scotch tape or others is not allowed within the rented facilities. Damages occurred to the facilities due to the above or other reasons are to be compensated in full. Compensation is not calculated on repair but on replacement of the damaged item/area. This is ensure that our facilities remain in the best condition for your next meeting with us. For any decoration or display needs you have please contact our Banquet Manager for assistance!八、日期择定Date为确保酒店为贵方预留客房和会议地点,请签署此份协议,并于2009 年 月 日传真回酒店以示确认。否则,所有预定将自动取消。 在此日期前如有其它公司要求同样的会议地点,我们将通知贵方并给予48小时的决定时间。Currently, your booking is held on a tentative basis and we would appreciate your approval and confirmation by signing and returning a copy of this letter by th.2009. Thereafter if no approval is received we will release the whole arrangement. 九、合同效力 Contract efficacy 此合同一式二份,各执其一,并具法律效力。Two copy of this contract have the same legal effect.如有任何疑问或需求,请随时和我们联系,电话:027-87166666, 传真:027-87167700。期待着能为您及您的客人提供服务!Thank you for selecting Wuhan logosunsun Hotel. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance at any time to you. Tel:027-87166666 Fax:027-87167700武汉珞珈山国际酒店 确认:Wuhan logosunsun Hotel For and on behalf ofEcho Qian 签名Signature钱旋 日期Date:Sales Manager销售经理日期Date: _ Relina Ren任凌娜Director of Maarketing & Sales市场销售总监日期Date: 客人确认:


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