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译 文学 院: 机械工程学院 专 业: 机械电子工程 学 号: 0840206126 姓 名: 杨武俊 指导教师: 沈泽洪 江 苏 科 技 大 学2012年5 月 10 日红外线遥控系统内容摘要:目前在世界范围内被广泛使用的一种无线连接技术是红外线数据通信技术,其得到许多的软硬件平台支持。红外收发器产品的特点有成本低,尺寸小,数据传输速度快,点对点SSL安全传输,防电磁干扰等,能够实现不同产品间快速、方便、安全地进行信息交换和传送,在近距离无线传输方面有着相当明显的优势。红外遥控收发系统具有很强的实用意义,目前红外收发器产品在便携式产品中有着很大的应用潜力。随着红外数据传输技术更加成熟、成本下降,红外收发器在短距离通讯领域必将得到更广泛的应用。设计本系统的目的是,用红外线作为传输载体来携带用户的操作信息并由接收电路接受并解调出原始操作信号,主要使用编码芯片和解码芯片对信号进行调制和解调。其中编码芯片使用的是PT2262,解码芯片使用是PT2272,他们都由台湾生产。其主要工作机理是:我们使用编码键盘为PT2262输入信息,输入的信息被PT2262编码并加载到38KHZ的载波上,并调制红外发射二极管,辐射到空间。然后,接收系统接收到发射的信号并解调出原始信息。原始信号由PT2272进行解码,以此驱动对应的电路完成用户的操作请求。关键字:红外线;编码;译码;LM386;红外收发器。1 简介11 研究的背景及意义红外数据通信技术是目前世界范围内被广泛采用的的一种无线连接技术,得到广大的硬件和软件平台支持。其属于一种通过数据电脉冲和红外光脉冲之间进行转换从而实现无线数据接受和发送的技术。红外收发器产品的特点有成本低,尺寸小,数据传输速度快,点对点SSL安全传输,防电磁干扰等,能够实现不同产品间快速、方便、安全地进行信息交换和传送,在近距离无线传输方面有着相当明显的优势。红外收发器产品在便携式产品中的应用潜力巨大。目前,全世界有150,000,000台设备采用了红外技术,广泛使用电子产品和工业装备、医疗设备等领域。比如有95的便携式电脑就安装了红外收发器接口,现在绝大部分手机上也配置了红外收发器接口。随着文档数据交换的普及,红外数据通讯将使手机的数据传输越来越方便。随着红外数据传输技术越来越成熟、完善、低成本,红外收发器在近距离通讯领域中将取得更为广泛的应用。本节首先阐明了红外线收发集成电路设计课题的背景和重要性,进而简明扼要地介绍了红外数据通讯技术的特点和应用方向以及红外收发器产品的特点、国内外现状和发展趋势,最后根据红外遥控收发系统的实际应用性确定了课题的设计目的。12 红外遥控收发系统红外遥控系统被划分为单频道遥控和多频道遥控。只有一个指令信号传输通道的称为单通道遥控系统,具有两个以上指令信号传输通道的称为多通道遥控系统。相对而言,单通道遥控一般来说其发射器仅有一个指令键 ,接收器也只有一个执行电路。虽然在接收电路中加入可以根据按动发射器指令键的次数的多稳态记忆电路 ,使接收电路中的多稳态记忆电路的状态多次改变 ,实现多项功能的控制 ,然而这种状态的改变是顺序进行的。如果我们要实现一项自由随机控制 ,需要依靠采用多通道遥控系统来实现。多通道遥控可以实现对被控对象的多功能任意遥控。根据具体实际情况(如被控对象、操作要求及成本核算等)来决定选用几个通道及何种控制方式。通常何情况下,红外遥控收发系统由红外遥控信号编码发送器、红外遥控信号接收器和解码器(解码芯片MCU)及其外部电路等三个部分组成。信号发送器用来产生红外遥控编码脉冲,驱动红外发射管输出红外遥控信号,而接收器则需要完成对信号的放大、检波、整波并解调出编码脉冲。红外遥控编码脉冲是一组一组连续的,串行的二进制码,对于大多数的红外收发系统,此串行码可以用作微控制器的遥控输入信号,完成对遥控指令的解码是在CPU内部,对于其它红外遥控收发电子产品的设计者而言,前面提到的微控制器内部解码出的遥控指令是不易深入的。所以,人们利用红外编码芯片/解码芯片及微控制器研制出许多种通用红外遥控收发系统,在各种各样的收发设备之间进行红外信号的传输。通常情况下遥控收发系统是由发射器和接收器这两部分组成。发射器一般由方向键、指令编码回路、激励电路、驱动电路、启动电路等几部分组合而成。当某键被按下时 ,指令编码回路产生对应的指令编码信号 ,编码指令信号对载波进行调制 ,通过驱动电路进行功率放大之后,通过发射电路向外发射已经过调制的指令编码信号。接收器一般由接收电路、放大电路、检波电路、指令译码电路、驱动电路、启动执行电路等几部分组合而成。接收电路接收发射器发射的已调制的编码指令信号 ,并对其进行放大后送到解调电路。解调电路将送来的已调制的编码信号进行解调 ,进而还原为编码信号。指令译码器将编码指令信号进行译码 ,最后由驱动电路来驱动执行电路去实现各种各样的指令的操作控制。13 红外遥控收发器产品介绍1.3.1红外遥控收发器产品的结构和类型一般地红外收发器依照工作模式和传输速率可分为四种类型:串行模式,最高传输速率为115.2Kbps;中速率模式:最高传输速率为0.567Mbps和1.152Mbps;高速率模式:最高传输速率为16Mbps。此外按芯片能量功耗又可分成低功耗型和标准型两种类型,低功耗型一般使用3V电源供电,传输距离较近介于0-30cm之间,标准型通常使用5V作为电源,传输距离较远,最少1m以上。1.3.2国内外红外遥控收发器现状在红外通信技术的早期发展阶段,有几个红外通信标准,在不同标准之间红外设备不能够进行红外通信。为了使各种红外设备能够互相通信,在1993年,20多个大厂商发起成立了红外数据协会(IRDA),统一了红外通信的标准,也就是目前被广泛采用的红外数据通信协议及规范,也就所熟知的IRDA标准。自1993年IRDA成立到今天,IRD的会员已经发展到150多个。IRDA的工业标准已经获得了广泛的认同和支持。已经开发出来的具备红外通讯能力的设备已经有一百多种。红外模块的年装机数目已经达到150000000套。尽管目前有同样也属于近距离无线通讯的蓝牙技术,但红外通讯技术凭借低廉的成本和广泛兼容性的优势,红外数据通讯在未来很长一段时间内仍旧会在短距离的无线数据通讯领域中扮演重要角色。1.3.3红外收发器产品开发趋势对于各种各样的红外收发器产品,虽然传输速率、传输距离等特性不同,但红外收发器产品一直朝着提高传输速率,增大传输距离,降低功率消耗,增大发射接收角度等方向发展。尤其是随着技术发展和成熟,数据传送方式正朝着点对多点方向发展。所以红外遥控收发器产品还有更加广阔的发展前景。2 红外通讯的知识21红外线基础知识2.1.1红外线概述红外线本质上是一种电磁波。分析自然界中各种电磁波的组成可知,波谱是由 :射线,射线、紫外线、可见光、红外线、微波和无线电波组成。从构成方式的观点来看,它们之间似乎没有关系,但如果按照它们的波长依次进行排列,我们会发现无处不在的可见光只占了整个波谱中0.38m-0.76m长的这么一点范围,而和可见光相邻的红外线 (包括远红外线、中红外线和近红外线外)却占了波谱中0.76m-1000m的一大段。其中,微米波长范围内又包括了紫外光 、可见光、近红外、中红外 、远红外、微波。由上面的分析可知,红外线是一种十分丰富的波谱资源,目前它己广泛地应用在生产、生活、军事、医疗等多方面,例如红外加热、红外线医疗、红外线通信、红外摄像、红外遥控等。红外线遥控只是红外线众多应用中的一部分,目前广泛应用在家用电器中的彩色电视遥控器、录像机遥控器、 VCD遥控器、高保真音响遥控器等,它使这些电器用具的控制变得十分简单方便。2.1.2红外线特性红外线介于可见光和微波之间,因此它具有相邻波段的波的某些特性。在靠近红外区的地方,它比邻可见光,所以具有可见光的某些特性,如直线传播、反射、折射、散射、衍射、可被某些物体吸收以及能够通过透镜将其聚焦等。在远离红外区的地方,它比邻微波区,因此它具有微波的某些特性,如较强的透射能力和可以贯穿某些不透明物质等。在自然界中,不论任何物体,也不论其自身是否发光 (指可见光), 只要其温度超过绝对零度 (-273),都会一刻不停地向周围辐射红外线。只不过是温度较高的物体辐射较强的红外线,温度低的物体辐射较弱的红外线。因此红外线普遍存在于自然界,又叫做热辐射线简称热辐射。红外线摄像、红外线夜市、热电电红外探测以及某些导弹的瞄准等就是利用红外线的这一特性工作的。红外线和可见光比较起来的另一个特性是色彩的丰富多样。因为可见光的最长波长是最短波长的数倍(780nm-380nm),所以也叫作一倍频程。而红外线的最长波长是最短波长的1倍,而红外线的最长波长是最短波长的10倍,也就是10倍频程。所以,如果可见光能用7色光表现,那么红外线便能够用70种颜色表现,展示了丰富的色彩。红外线的透雾性能好,这是它的又一个特性。由于红外线不可 见,因此对环境色彩影响很小。红外线的波长远小于无线电波的波长 ,所以红外线遥控不会影响邻近的无线电设备。另外波长小于 1.5m 的近红外光 ,在透明大气中的传播特性要比可见光好得,并且由于它靠近可见光的红光附近 ,他的直线传播、反射、折射和被物质吸收等物理特性与可见光非常类似。因此 ,它可以使用与可见光类似的聚焦透镜等光学装置。由于红外线遥控不能像无线电遥控那样可以穿过障碍去控制被控制对象 ,因此在设计家用电器的红外线遥控器时 ,不必和无线电遥控一样 ,给每一套(发射器和接收器)不同的遥控频率或编码(不然的话,就会干扰妨碍邻居的家用电器) ,所有相似产品的红外线遥控器 ,允许有相同的控制频率或编码 ,而不会出现遥控信号“串门”的问题。红外线遥控的普及带来了很大的便利。红外线不可见 ,具有很好的隐蔽性和保密性 ,因此 ,被广泛地应用于防盗、警戒等安全保卫装置。红外线遥控具有结构简单、低成本、防干扰能力强、可靠的工作性能等一系列优点 ,特别适合近距离遥控、特别是室内遥控的控制方式。2.1.3红外发光二极管特性红外线不可见,肉眼眼是无法察觉。电子技术中是利用红外发光二极管(俗称红外发光二极管)来产生红外线。红外遥控收发是利用近红外光搭载波长为 0.76m1. 5m的遥控指令。使用近红外光作为遥控光源 ,是因为目前红外发光二极管与红外接收器件(光敏二极管、三极管及光电池) 的发光与接受光峰值波长一般为 0.8m0. 94m ,在邻近红外光的波段内 ,二者的光谱恰好重合 ,可以很好地匹配 ,可获得比较高的传输效率和比较高的可靠性。通常用的红外发光二极管,外形和发光二极管LED相似,它的基本电路如图2-2所示。如图三极管作为贿赂开关,当基极加上驱动信号,三极管饱和导通,红外发光管D也正向导通工作,发射红外光(近红外线约0.93m)。D的管端电压降约1.4V,工作电流通常为1020mA。为了适应不同的工作电压要求,D端回路中常串有限流电阻为红外发光二极管限流。当发射电路发射红外线去控制相应的受控装置时,控制的距离正比于D的发射功率。为了增大红外线的控制距离,红外发光二极管 D应工作于工作电流是脉动的脉冲状态。因为脉动光(调制光)的有效传送距离与脉冲的最大峰值电流成正比例,所以只需尽量增大峰值电流Ip,就可以加大红外光的发射距离。Ip增加是一种降低脉冲责任周期,这是压缩脉冲宽度一些电视红外遥控控制,其红外发光的脉冲责任周期约1/4-1/3;对于一些电气产品红外遥控器,他们的占空比是1/10。减小脉冲占空比也可以使小功率红外发光二极管的发射距离明显增加。普通的红外发光二极管,功率分为小功率(1mW10mW)、中等功率(20mW50mW)和大功率(50mW100mW以上)三大类。在使用不同功率的红外发光二极管时,应配置相应功率的驱动电路。由图2-2中指出的,只需在驱动管上加上一定频率的脉冲电压,红外发光二极管就能产生调制光。红外线发射与接收有两种方式,一种是直射式,第二种是反射式。直射式意思是发光管和接收管相对安置于发射与受控物的两边,中间有一定距离;反射式则是发光管和接收管并列一起,通常接收管始终无光照,只是在发光管发出的红外光遇到反射物的时候,接收管收到反射的红外线才工作。22红外通信基本原理2.2.1红外通信技术的工作原理红外通信技术是利用波长介于900nm-1000nm的红外波为信息的载体,通过红外技术实现两点间的近距离秘密信息交换和信息的传送。红外通信系统组成结构包含:发射器,信道,接收器。发射器把信源发出的二进制信号经过高频调制后,通过红外发光二极管发送出去,接收器把接收的红外高频信号通过接收管接收后经光电转换再解调为原始信息的一种通信传输方式。再接收到原始信息后,可在接收部分连接驱动电路以完成预期的各种功能。其中对信息的的编码调制方式有脉宽调制(改变脉冲宽度调制信号PWM)与脉时调制(改变脉冲串之间时间间隔调制信号PPM)两种。2.2.2红外通信系统原理(1)发射器:当前己有红外无线数字通信系统的信息源为语音、数据、图像等。它的工作方式按发射 器 接 收器的布局方式不划分为LOS方式(Light-of-Sight,内部方式),扩散(diffuse)方式。LOS方式具有方向性,它有信道特性好等优点,但有“影子”效应,很难用于实现漫游功能的实现。漫游方式意味着非方向性,能够易于实现漫游功能,但它的信道质量有时比不上LOS方式。传输的信号需要经数化(采样量化),通常需要进行基带调制、传输调制,有时还需要进行信号源压缩编码,由上所得电信号驱动光电变换电路完成红外光信号发射。红外无线数字通信系统的工作范围与光发射器的功率空间分布、通信质量有关系。一方面采用各种方法提高光发射功率,另外一方面采用空间分集、全息漫射片等使其光发射器的光功率在空间均匀分布。(2)信道:红外无线数字通信的信道通常指的是信号传送器与接收器之间的空间。由于有自然光线及人工光源等背景干扰光信号的混入,信号源头和端设备中电光学噪声与干扰的影响,红外无线数字通信在某些场合质量较差,这个时候还需加入信道编码。在红外无线通信系统中,由于光信号的反射、散射及背景噪声与干扰的影响等,红外无线数字信道中存在多条干扰及噪声,这是在提高信道质量及进行高速率应用时需要解决的难题。红外无线数字通信信道中经常使用的光学元件主要有光学滤光片、聚光镜等,其作用是:整形、滤波、变换视场、划分频段等;例如可用透镜对发射光进行聚焦,利用光学滤光片滤除散光,利用透镜扩大光接收机的接收范围,还能利用光学元件进行链路的频分复用等。在红外无线通信信道中光噪声包括:自然噪声(阳光)和人为干扰(荧光灯光)等,可以通过调制传输技术和加入滤光片等来解决。(3)接收器:为了去除噪声及码间干扰,信道中的光信号由光接收器来实现光电之间的变换。红外无线数字通信系统接收器包括光接收机部分和后面的取样、滤波、判决、量化、平衡和译码部分。红外无线光接收机常采用电子放大器,并要求这些放大器带宽大、增益高、噪声低、干扰小、频率响应与信道脉冲响应能够匹配。为了去除低频噪声及人为干扰需要使用带通滤波器。为了获得大的光接收机工作范围及瞬时视场,通常使用球形光学透镜。2.2.3红外通信特点无线通信包含多种方式,通过红外光进行通信具有如下特点:频率高,波长短,所发射的能量集中在空间传送时衰减小,能够保证信号的有效传送;红外线不可见,机密性强,选择它为信息载体,装置工作时会有视觉污染,对人体无害;传播范围没有限制,没有频率干扰问题,同无线电波方式比较,不需要对频谱资源问题向相关部门进行申请和登记,易于落实实施;具有良好的方向性,当传送设备和红外接收端口排成直线,左右偏差在15度以内时,红外装置工作效果最好;红外线不能穿过或绕过人和物体,在进行数据传输时,光路不能被阻断;现今发射和接收红外信号技术已经比较成熟,有元件体积小,成本低,制作简单、易于产生和调制等优势。2.3红外通信编码基础知识通常情况下,红外遥控收发器将信号(二进制脉冲)调制在38KHz的载波上,在经过缓冲放大后送到红外发光二极管,转化为红外光信号发射出去。二进制脉冲的形式多样,其最常用的是脉宽调变码(脉冲宽度调制码)和PPM码(脉冲位置调制码)。前者以宽脉冲为1,窄脉冲为0。后者脉冲宽度相同,但是码位的宽度不一样,码位宽的代表着1,码位窄的代表着0。遥控编码脉冲信号(如PPM码)一般由引导码、系统码、系统反码、功能码、功能反码等组成。引导码也叫初始码,由宽度为9ms的高电平和宽度为4.5ms的低电平组成(不同的遥控系统在高低电平的宽度上有一定区别),远程编码用来标记脉冲信号的开始。系统码也称为识别码,它用来表示遥控系统的种类,以此区别其它遥控系统,防止各遥控系统的错误动作。功能码也叫脚本码,它具有相应的控制功能,接收机中的单片机可根据功能码的数值完成各种操作。系统反码与功能反码分别是系统码与功能码的反码,反码的引入是为了能在接收端校对传输过程中是否产生了差错。为了改进抗干扰性能表现和降低电源功耗,将上述的遥控编码脉冲对频率为38KHz(周期26.3ms)的载波信号进行脉幅调制(PAM),经过缓冲放大后,送到红外发光管,将遥控信号发射出去。地址码和数据码都使用用宽度不同的脉冲来表示,两个窄脉冲表示“0”;两个宽脉冲表示“1”;一个窄脉冲和一个宽脉冲表示“F”,表达的是地址码的“悬空”。可以明显看到,红外遥控发射器发出的红外编码,上半部分是一组一组的字码,每组字码之间被同步码隔开。下半部分是被放大的一组字码:一个字码由12位AD码(地址码和数据码,如8位地址码加4位数据码)组成,每个AD位用两个脉冲来表示:两个窄脉冲意思是“0”;两个宽脉冲意思是“1”;一个窄脉冲和一个宽脉冲意思是“F”即地址码的“悬空”。PT2262每次发射至少4组字码,PT2272只有连续两次检测到相同的地址码加数据码才会把数据码中的“1”进行驱动相应的数据输出端成为高电平并驱动VT端同步成为高电平。Infrared Remote Control SystemAbstract:Red outside data correspondence the technique be currently within the scope of world drive extensive usage of a kind of wireless conjunction technique, drive numerous hardware and software platform support. Red outside the transceiver product have cost low, small scaled turn, the baud rate be quick, point to point SSL, be free from electromagnetism thousand Raos etc. characteristics, can realization information at dissimilarity of the product fast, convenience, safely exchange and transmission, at short distance wireless deliver aspect to own very obvious of advantage .Along with red outside the data deliver a technique more and more mature, the cost descend, red outside the transceiver necessarily will get at the short distance communication realm more extensive of application.The purpose that design this system is transmit customers operation information with infrared rays for transmit media, then demodulate original signal with receive circuit. It use coding chip to modulate signal and use decoding chip to demodulate signal. The coding chip is PT2262 and decoding chip is PT2272. Both chips are made in Taiwan. Main work principle is that we provide to input the information for the PT2262 with coding keyboard. The input information was coded by PT2262 and loading to high frequent load wave whose frequent is 38 kHz, then modulate infrared transmit dioxide and radiate space outside when it attian enough power. The receive circuit receive the signal and demodulate original information. The original signal was decoded by PT2272, so as to drive some circuit to accomplish customers operation demand.Keywords: Infrared dray;Code;Decoding;LM386;Red outside transceiver1 Introduction1.1 research the background and significance Infrared Data Communication Technology is the world wide use of a wireless connection technology, by the many hardware and software platforms supported. Is a data through electrical pulses and infrared optical pulse switch between the wireless data transceiver technology.Infrared transceiver products with low cost, small, fast transmission rate, the point-to-point transmission security, not subject to electromagnetic interference and other characteristics that can be achieved between the different products, rapid, convenient and safe exchange and transmission, In short distance wireless transmission have a very distinct advantage.Infrared transceiver products in the portable product of a great role. At present, the worlds 150 million piece of equipment used infrared technology in electronic products and industrial equipment. medical equipment and other fields widely used. For example, 95% of the notebook computers on the installation of infrared transceiver interface the majority of the cell phone is also the allocation of infrared transceiver interface. With the exchange of quantitative data, infrared data communications will enable cell phone data transmission more convenient. With infrared data transmission technology matures, perfect, low costs, Infrared Transceiver in short distance communications will be more widely applied. This chapter first describes the infrared transceiver IC design issues to the background and significance. then briefed the infrared data communications technology features and applications, and infrared transceiver product characteristics, domestic and international situation and development trend of the last under infrared remote transceiver system in practical application to establish a task of design orientation.1.2 Infrared Remote Control Transceiver SystemInfrared remote control system is divided into single-channel and multi-channel remote control. Only a command signal transmission channel, called single-channel remote control system; with more than two instructions signal transmission channel known as a multi-channel remote control system. Relatively simple single-channel remote control, in general, only a launcher directive Key receivers and only one circuit implementation. While in the receiving circuit to add more stable memory circuits that can be activated commands to launch a number of key, so that the receiver circuit multistable memory circuit repeatedly to change the state, to realize many of the functional control, But such a state of change is the order. If we are to achieve an arbitrary control, resort to the use of multi-channel remote control system. Multi-channel remote control can be realized by the object of arbitrary multi-function remote control. As for the choice of several routes and what control methods, according to the actual situation (such as object, operational requirements and cost accounting, etc.) to decide. General infrared remote transceiver system by infrared remote control transmitter signal coding, infrared remote control signal receivers and decoders (or decoder chip MCU) and the external circuit consisting of three parts. Signal transmitter remote control code used to generate pulses of infrared emission-driven output infrared remote control signal, receiver completion of the remote control signal amplification and detection, plastic and demodulation encoding pulse. Infrared remote control coded pulse is going to obtain a continuous serial binary code, and for most of the infrared transceiver system, This serial code as micro-controller of the remote control input signals from the internal CPU completion of the remote control instruction decoder, on the other infrared remote control transceivers, the designers of electronic products, The internal micro-controller of the remote control decoder directive is not accessible. Therefore, people are using infrared encoder / decoder chip and microcontroller developed various generic infrared remote transceiver system, In various equipment infrared signals between the transceiver.Remote transceiver system generally transmitters and receivers is composed of two parts. Launchers from the general direction keys, coded instructions circuit modulation circuit, driving circuit, firing circuit of several parts. When pressed a key, the directive coding circuit, in the corresponding instructions encoded signal, the encoder signal to the carrier modulation, Driven by the power amplifier circuit after circuit fired from the field after firing instructions coded modulation signals. General receiver by the receiving circuit, the amplifier circuit, demodulation circuits, instruction decoder circuit, driving circuit, circuit implementation of several parts. Receiving Circuit will launch vehicles have been coded modulation signal receiving instructions from, and to enlarge evacuation demodulation circuit. Demodulation circuit will have the coding modulation signal demodulation, namely, reduction of signal coding. The instruction decoder to the encoder signal decoding, Driven by the final circuit to drive the implementation of various instructions circuit to control the operation.1.3 infrared remote control transceiver product profiles1.3.1 infrared remote control transceiver product structure and type Currently infrared transceiver in accordance with the mode of transmission rate and can be divided into four categories : Serial mode, the highest rate of 115.2 Kbps; medium-speed model : the highest rate of 0.567 Mbps and 1.152Mbps; High-speed mode : The maximum rate of 16 Mbps.Also according to the size chip power consumption can be divided into low-power consumption and standard two categories, low-power type normally used 3 V power supply, transmission distance closer to about 0 - 30cm, which is commonly used standard 5V power supply, transmission distance away at least 1m above.1.3.2 infrared remote control transmitters of the status quo at home and abroadInfrared communication technology in the development stage and there are several infrared communication standards, between different standards for infrared equipment can not infrared communication. To have all the infrared equipment to interoperability in 1993 by more than 20 large manufacturers initiated the establishment of an Infrared Data Association (IRDA) unified the infrared communication standards , which is currently widely used in infrared data communication protocols and standards, also known as the IRDA standard.Since 1993 IRDA since the establishment of the Infrared Data Association members have developed to more than 150. IRDA standards of the industry has been widely recognized and supported. Has been developed with the infrared communications equipment have been as many as 100 species. IR module, installed capacity has reached 150 million sets. Although there is also a short distance wireless Bluetooth technology, But in infrared communication technology low cost and broad compatibility advantages, Infrared data communication in the future will still be a very long time inherent short-range wireless data communications fields play an important role.1.3.3 Infrared Transceiver product development trendIn various infrared transceiver products, although the transmission rate, transmission distance and other characteristics, But infrared transceiver products has been towards improving the transmission rate, increase the transmission distance and lower power consumption, expanding launch reception angle of development. In particular, as the technology development and maturity, the means of transmission is moving in the direction of point-to-multipoint. Therefore infrared remote control transceiver products have broader prospects for development.2 Infrared communication of knowledge2.1 infrared ray foundation knowledge2.1.1 infrared outlined Infrared is actually a kind of electromagnetic wave. From the analysis of various natural component of the electromagnetic wave reflected spectrum is :-ray, x-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, microwave and radio wave. From the viewpoint of form, and they did not seem to, but if the wavelength in descending order, and we will find him all the only visible light spectrum of the entire 0.38 m - 0.76m so long little area, and adjacent to the visible light and infrared (including the far infrared, mid-infrared and near infrared foreign) accounts for the spectrum of 0.76 m - 1000m of a major. Which micron wavelength range also includes UV, visible, near infrared, mid-infrared and far-infrared, microwave. From the above analysis shows that infrared is a very rich spectrum resources, it currently has in production, life, military, medical, and other aspects have been widely used, such as infrared heating, medical infrared, infrared communication, infrared camera, infrared remote control, and so on. Infrared remote control is the many applications of infrared part of the current household appliances widely used in TV remote control, VCR remote control, VCD remote control, high-fidelity audio remote control, are used infra-red remote control, It allows the control of these appliances have become very easy.2.1.2 infrared propertiesInfrared lies between visible light and microwave a wave, it is with certain clinical characteristics of the wave. In the near-infrared, visible light and its adjacent, it is visible in certain characteristics, such as straight-line transmission, reflection, refraction, scattering, diffraction, can be certain objects and can be absorbed through the lens of their focusing. In the far-infrared region, owing to its neighboring microwave, it has some characteristics of microwave, If a strong penetrating power and can run through some opaque substances. Since in any object, natural profession, regardless of whether its own luminescence (referring to visible light), as long as the temperature is above absolute zero (-273 C), moment will be kept around to infrared radiation. Only higher temperature of objects strong infrared radiation, low-temperature objects infrared radiation weaker. Therefore infrared feature is the greatest common in nature, it is called thermal radiation called thermal radiation. Infrared cameras, infrared night market pyroelectric infrared detectors and some other missiles aiming at is the use of this characteristic of infrared work.Infrared and visible light compared to another characteristic of a


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