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Unit 4 Work RoutinesBackground Common work routinesCompanies make specific work routines to get their employees disciplined in order to be productive. There are some common work routines that everyone should keep in mind. The following listed are just a few.1.Be punctual (准时)2.Obey the companys dress code (遵守公司的着装要求)3.Pay attention to personal and public hygiene (注意个人和公共卫生)4.Dont waste company resources at will(不随便浪费公司资源)5.Dont do anything irrelevant for your work during office hours(上班时间不做与工作无关的事)6.Maintain the companys good image (维护公司形象)Suggested teaching planItemsObjectivesSuggested TimeGetting ReadyTo learn how to read numbers, time, day or date in English.10 min.Text ATo get a general idea about good and bad work routines To master the important expressions and structures in the text and be able to apply them in practice80 min.Language FocusTo have a good command of the core vocabulary and structures in Text ATo learn to use possessive and reflexive pronouns45 min.Text BTo have an overview of writing your work days in blogs45 min.Vocational FocusTo get a general idea about the things people do on weekdays90 min. Skill FocusListening and SpeakingTo learn the differences between some similar sounds in English To learn to express time in EnglishTo learn the use of frequency words45 min.Skill FocusPractical WritingTo consolidate the use of possessive and reflexive pronouns 40 min. Practical LearningTo get familiar with common office work routines5 min.Getting Ready1. Have the students answer the questionHow should we read numbers, time, day or date in English? Give some hints if necessary. (2 min.)2. Have the students listen to the recording and choose the right answer. (4 min.)3. Have the students check their answers and give some explanation about the reading of numbers, time, day or date. (4 min.)Listening Scripts of Getting Ready1. Tina goes to work by train, and she usually catches the 7:15 train. 2. She usually arrives at her company at about 8:55, and work starts at 9:00.3. But she goes to work by bike every Friday, because she thinks it is good for her health. 4. She is a quality controller and she works a 45-hour week. 5. She has two 15-minute breaks every day for a cup of coffee, at 10:30 in the morning and 2:45 in the afternoon.6. She has a lunch break from 12:00 to 12:50 in the afternoon, and she always goes to the nearest restaurant for a sandwich and a beer.7. She finishes work at 6 p.m. 8. She goes to a bar for a drink with her friends, and she will not be home before 9:30 in the evening.9. May 14 is her birthday and is a Saturday, so she doesnt have to work.10. She is going to have a party at her house from 6 p.m., and it will last until early Sunday morning.Key to Getting Ready1.7:15 2. 8:55 3. Friday 4. 45 5. 10:30, 2:456. 12:50 7. 6 8. 9:30 9. 14 10. SundayText A1. Have the students first listen to the recording of the new words and expressions, and then have them read them aloud and get familiar with their meanings. (10 min.)2. Have the students listen to the recording of the text, and read the text more carefully and do the exercise in “Understanding your reading”. (25 min.)3. Have the students check their answers with each other and then ask some students to give their final answer. (10 min.)4. Ensure the students have a deep understanding of the text by explaining the language points. If time permits, have the students practice using them by composing new sentences. (25 min.)5. After an in-depth reading of the text, have the students work in groups to find out more good and bad work routines. (10 min.)Key to Text A Exercise1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. TLanguage PointsParagraph 11.indispensable a. 不可或缺的,必不可少的 Cars have become an indispensable part of our lives. 汽车已成了我们生活中必不可少的一部分。 She made herself indispensable to the department. 她成为这个部门不可缺少的一分子。 2. routine n. 日常工作,例行公事;常规 Make exercise a part of your daily routine. 让锻炼成为你日常生活的一部分。 We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping. 我们试着让婴儿按时进食和睡觉。 【拓展】routine a. 常规的,日常的;平常的 The mistake was discovered during a routine check. 这个错误是在一次常规检查中发现的。 The operator has to be able to carry out routine maintenance of the machine. 操作员必须能对机器进行日常维护。 He died of a heart attack during a routine operation. 他在一次普通手术中死于心脏病。Paragraph 2 assign v. 指派,分配This big house has been assigned to us. 这栋大房子分配给了我们。The teacher assigned each of the children a different task. 老师给每个儿童都布置了不同的作业。 Theyve assigned the best man to the job. 他们指派了最优秀的人担任这项工作。【拓展】assignment n. (分派的)工作,任务;作业 Youll need to complete three written assignments per semester. 你们每学期要完成三个书面作业。 I had set myself a tough assignment. 我给自己定了一项艰巨任务。Paragraph 31.consistency n. 一致性,稳定性 She has played with great consistency all season. 她整个赛季表现相当稳定。 Theres always a lack of consistency in matters of foreign policy. 外交政策总是缺乏连贯性。 【拓展】consistent a. 一致的;连续的,持续的 She is not very consistent in the way she treats her children. 她对待孩子反复无常。 The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research. 这些结果与我们早些时候的研究完全一致。2. count on 指望,依靠 Im counting on you to help me. 我就靠你帮我了。 Some people still want to count on having a job for life. 有些人依然想指望一辈子都干一个工作。 3. stand out 突出,引人注目;杰出 The lettering stood out well against the dark background. 那种字体在深色背景下十分醒目。 She is the sort of person who stands out in a crowd. 她是那种在人群中很显眼的人。 Paragraph 41.supervise v. 监督,指导 He has to supervise the building work himself. 他必须亲自监理这项建筑工程。She supervised the children playing near the pool. 她照料着在水池附近玩耍的几个孩子。【拓展】supervision n. 监督,指导 supervisor n. 监督人,指导者,主管人Very young children should not be left to play without supervision. 不能让幼儿在无人照看的情况下玩耍。The drug should only be used under medical supervision. 这种药须遵医嘱方可使用。I have a meeting with my supervisor about my research topic every week. 我每周就我的研究课题同导师见一次面。2.from time to time 不时地,时常 We have to work at weekends from time to time. 我们偶尔周末还得工作。 His daughters visited him from time to time when he was ill. 他生病的时候女儿们时常去探望他。【拓展】at times 有时,间或 at a time 一次,每次 for the time being 暂时,眼下 in time 及时 take your time 从容不迫,慢慢来 in no time 立刻,马上Paragraph 51.every now and again 偶尔,有时Every now and again she checked to see if her baby was still asleep. 她隔一会儿就去看看孩子是否还在睡觉。My uncle only comes up to London every now and again. 我叔叔只是偶尔去一趟伦敦。2. infectious a. 传染的,感染的 Flu is highly infectious. 流感的传染力很高。 What an infectious laugh she has! 她的笑声多么具有感染力啊!【拓展】infection n. 传染,感染Paragraph 9get in the way of 妨碍,挡的路He wouldnt allow emotions to get in the way of him doing his job. 他不会让情绪妨碍自己的工作。 Her cleverness seems to get in the way of her emotions. 她好像聪明有余,激情不足。【拓展】out of the way 不再挡路,不再碍事 work your way up逐步升职,按部就班晋升 the other way round 相反,反过来 make way (for) 让通过,给让路;让出位置Paragraph 101.rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物A big man robbed me of my bag. 一个大块头抢了我的包。A last-minute goal robbed the team of victory.最后一分钟的进球夺取了这支球队胜利的机会。【拓展】steal sth. from sb. 从某人处偷某物He stole a camera from the store. 他从商店里偷了一部相机。2. put off 推迟,拖延We have to put off our wedding until September. 我们只得把婚期推迟到九月。The appointment was put off because off his illness. 由于他生病了,约会推迟了。【拓展】put sth. through 完成,达成 put sb. through 使经受;折磨;给接通(电话) put up with 容忍,忍受 put sth. aside 忽视,不理睬;储存,保留Paragraph 11impress v. 使留下深刻印象He impressed her with his sincerity. 他的真诚打动了她。It impressed me that he remembered my name. 令我佩服的是他记得我的名字。 【拓展】impression n. 印象;影响 impressive a. 令人赞叹的,令人敬佩的 Ive got a good impression of her.我对她印象很好。My first impression of him is favorable. 他给我的第一印象不错。 His trip to India made a strong impression on him. 他的印度之行对他的触动很大。 She was very impressive during the interview. 她在面试中表现得十分出色。 This building is very impressive. 这栋建筑非常壮观。Language FocusA Focus the students attention on the three groups of words by discussing the differences among the three or four words in each group. Have some students read each group of sentences aloud and make sure they understand their meanings. (5 min.)B Have the students finish Exercise B in pairs. One students reads a word in Column A aloud while the other chooses the proper word or expression that agrees with it from Column B. (3min.)C Have the students look through the given vocabulary, and have them complete the sentences individually and check their answers in pairs. Then have some of the students read the sentence aloud one by one. (5min.)D a. Have the students look back at the structures “eitheror”and “not onlybut also” in Text A. Elicit some ideas about the usage and meaning of the structures.b. Have the students compose sentences with the given words. Then have them take turns to read the sentences, making corrections if necessary.(7min.)E Have the students work individually or in pairs. Check their E-C translation orally. (5min.)Key to Language FocusA1.a. honesty b. dishonest c. dishonesty d. honest2. a. product b. productive c. produce d. productivity3. a. supervision b. supervisor c. superviseB1. d 2. a 3. c 4. e 5. bC1. stands out 2. indispensable 3. impressed 4. get in the way of 5. assigned 6. treatment 7. a lack of 8. put offD1. a. Im going to be either a teacher or a translator if I choose this major. b. Either he could not finish the task or he did not want to.2. a. Her attitude to our team is not only supportive but also very positive.b. They notonlyrobbedme,but alsosmashedeverything in the room.E1.最为成功的员工有高效的工作习惯和惯例。2. 守时包括你在应该开始做受委派的工作时正好开始。3.把你的同事当作专业人员,别当作酒友。4.下次你八卦正酣的时候,停下来,别忘了你可能是下一个八卦的话题。5. 把包袱留在家中,毫无疑问,你下班之后它会等着你。Grammar Possessive and Reflexive PronounsDiscus the basic concept and usage of possessive and reflexive pronouns. (10 min.)Exercise 1. Have the students work in pairs to find out the mistakes in the dialogue. (5 min.)2. Have the students check their answers and then ask some students to read the dialogue aloud. (5 min.)Key to Grammar Exercise1.mymine 2.herhers 3.mymyself4.himselfhis 5. himhimself 6.memyself7.mymyself 8.mymyself 9.YourYours10.usourselvesText B1. Have the students go through the new words and expressions following the text. Then listen to the recording of the new words and expressions. (15 min.)2. Have the students listen to the recording of the text, and then have them read the text and discuss what they find difficult to understand. (25 min.)3. Ask the students what they think about this kind of work day. (5 min.)Vocational FocusPeters WeekdaysHave the students learn how to make effective telephone calls and write a reply email. (90 min.)Step 1 Have the students listen to the recording and put the sentences in correct order. And then check their answers, and have the students think about if there is something improper in this conversation. Listening Script of Step 1Walmart: Walmart Company, how can I help you?Peter: Hello, this is Peter. Id like to speak to Miss Young, please.Walmart: May I ask which Miss Young? We have two Miss Youngs.Peter: Let me see. Miss Clare Young. Walmart: One moment, please. Ill see if she is free Hello?Peter: Yes?Walmart: Im sorry, Sir. She is at a conference right now. I think she will be free at about four oclock. May I take a message for you?Peter: No, thanks. Ill call back later.Walmart: OK. Goodbye.Key to Step 1Right order:2-1-5-6-4-3-9-7-8Step 2 Have the students first look at the suggestions and then try to complete the conversation. After that, have the students listen to the recording and check their answers.Information for ReferenceTelephone etiquetteWhen making a business call, you should use formal expressions and sound polite, concise and amiable.1. Pick up a good time when you want to make a phone call, and try to avoid dinner time or off-work time or holidays unless it is urgent. 2. Apologize for not picking up the phone immediately if someone is calling.3. Say something like “good morning +your name or the name of your company” first when you answered the phone.4. Confirm the other persons identity.5. Dont interrupt when the other person is speaking.6. When talking on the phone, dont eat gum or other things, and dont speak too loud or too low.7. If the person wanted is not in, ask politely if you need to take a message. 8. Upon finishing the conversation, let the other person hang up the phone first.Listening Script of Step 2Carrefour: Good morning, this is Carrefour International. How can I help you?Peter: Good morning, this is Peter Newman, from Leno Food Company. May I speak to Mr. Louis Morgan, the Purchasing Manager?Carrefour: OK, hold on, please Im afraid his line is busy at the moment. May I take a message?Peter: Yes, please. May I have your name?Carrefour: Yes, my name is Alison Woo.Peter: Thank you, Ms. Woo. Would you tell Mr. Morgan that Peter from Leno Company called? Leno is spelled L-E-N-O. Id like to talk to him about the contract we signed two years ago. Id like to make an appointment with himat his convenience.Carrefour: OK, Mr. Newman. Does he have your phone number?Peter: I dont think so. My phone number is 003-457-998, and Ill be in the office from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. And my email address is pnewman. Would you please tell him to call me or write me an email? Or could you call me if you can arrange an appointment? Im available every morning except for Wednesday and Friday.Carrefour: Of course, Mr. Newman. Ill pass the message to Mr. Morgan. Peter: Thank you very much. Have a nice day!Key to Step 25-1-2 -3-4 Step 3 Have the students read the items and decide which they should take when visiting a cooperative company, and add more items if possible.Information for ReferenceEtiquette for visiting business partners:Before visitingl Make a reservation.l Have your purposes clear and prepare for relevant materials and the items you should take.l Bring some little gifts if necessary.l Pay attention to your appearance While visitingl Be punctual.l Enter after notifying.l Behave in a friendly manner.l Get down to business immediately after a short greeting.l Get a good control of the time.After visitingl Apologize if the visiting takes too much time.l Shake hands with each other and say goodbye.Key to Step 3your name card, a notebook, a pen, wearing collar and tie, company introductory materials, sample products, a mobile phoneStep 4 Have the students find the relevant information in Text B and Step 2 to complete the form.Key to Step 4You are welcome here!Visit time: from 9:00 (a.m. / p.m.) to 9:30 (a.m. / p.m.)Date: May (month) 12 (day) 2014 (year)Name(s): (Mr. / Ms.) Peter NewmanYour company: Leno Food CompanyDepartment to visit: Purchasing DepartmentYoure guest(s) of: Mr. Clark Delton Phone number: 003-457-998Email address: pnewmanStep 5 Have the students pay attention to the format of the business email and have them write a replay according to the given information. Key to Step 51.Im glad to receive your email. 2.Thank you for making another time to see me . 3.I will introduce our marketing and advertising plans when I see you.4.Looking forward to seeing you. Skill FocusListening and SpeakingA (5 min.)a. Have the students read each group of words, and get a general idea about the difference between the similar sounds.b. Play the recording and have the students read after it. Explain the rules if necessary.B (20 min.)Have the students listen to the recording and mark the right time, and then say the time in a different way. Listening Scripts of Exercise B1. A: Excuse me, may I ask what time it is?B: Oh, yes. Let me see. Its ten to nine. 2. A: What time is the sales meeting?B: Its half past two, Mr. Jackson. 3. A:I often get home at twenty past seven. B: Oh, I think its a little late. 4. A: Shall we meet for coffee today?B: Yes, how about quarter to four at the Black Dog caf?5. A: When is the earliest flight to Beijing this afternoon?B: Its twelve thirty-five. Shall I call and book a ticket? 6. A: What time did she call me?B: It was five to eleven, when you were at a meeting. Key to Exercise B1.ten to nine (eight fifty) 2. half past two (two thirty)3. twenty past seven (seven twenty)4. quarter to four (three forty-five)5. twelve thirty-five (twenty-five to one)6. five to eleven (ten fifty-five)C (20 min.)a. Have the students get familiar with the frequency words and then listen to the recording and fill in the blacks. b. Have the students look at the example and then answer the questions using frequency words.Listening Script of Exercise CHi, my names Tina. I have a coffee house in the downtown area, and I work with five other people. We have a long opening time, generally from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m., so we work different shifts. This week Im on the early shift, so I have to get up at about 4 a.m.on weekdays, but half an hour later on weekends. Its very early compared with most jobs, but the biggest problem is that I have to change shifts every two weeks, and its often difficult at that time. I sometimes dont sleep well, but Im used to it. Another problem is different mealtimes, but I dont worry about that too much. No matter how early I get up, I usually have some orange juice and a piece of toast for breakfast, so I always feel hungry at lunch time, usually at about half past twelve, after a busy mornings work. I sometimes eat a big lunch at my own shop. But I never eat much in the evening, usually a sandwich, or a vegetable salad. I finish my job at about 2 for the early shift, then I go home and take a shower, and sleep a little more. I must work every day for my own coffee house, so I hardly ever have my own time. I rarely go out with my friends, but the good thing is that we can meet at my shop every week.Key to Exercise C 1.generally 2.on weekdays 3.on weekends 4.every two weeks 5.often 6.sometimes 7.usually 8.always 9.usually 10.sometimes 11.never 12.usually 13.hardly 14.rarely 15.every weekPractical Writing a. Have the students review what they have learned in Grammar, and then find out the mistakes in the passage.(20 min.)b. Check their answers and make some explanations if necessary. (20 min.)Key to Practical Writing“Oh good! Ours(Our)wages are here. Now which envelope is my (mine)? Its great! My very first wage packet! And I earned it all by me (myself). Which one is your (yours), Anna? The other one must be for Bill. Yes, this ones hes (his). Its much bigger than our (ours) because he earns more than we do. Everyone else seems to be working late. Theyre crazy! They dont enjoy them (themselves) enough! What shall we do this evening? Shall we go to the cinema, or go to the bar? I dont want to go by me (myself).We could have something to eat at your house, or at my (mine) if you dont want to cook. I think we should give our (ourselves)a treat (犒劳) as its the end of our first week. Shall we have a lovely big plate of spaghetti(意大利面)? You can forget about your diet (节食) tonight. I forget about my (mine) every Friday!”Practical LearningCommon Office Work RoutinesHave the students look at the pictures, and encourage them to name ore office work routines according to their understanding. (5 min.)


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