外研版九年级英语上册Module8 单元测试题

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九年级(上)Module 8 能力测试一、单项选择(25分)1. The house _ Lu Xun used to live in is now a museum.A. which B. where C. there D. what2. Do you know the lady _ is interviewing the manager of that company? Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV.A. which B. whom C. who D. /3. A fridge is a machine _ is used for keeping food fresh.A. that B. who C. what D. /4. Those _ make great progress will be awarded the prize.A. whom B. who C. which D. what5. Friendship is needed by all, _ plays an important role in peoples lives.A. which B. that C. who D. it6. Do you know which hotel _?A. she is staying B. she is staying in C. is she staying D. is she staying in7. The great day we looked forward to _ at last. A. come B. came C. coming D. comes 8.May I use your camera? Sorry, there is _ with my camera.A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. something wrong D. wrong something9.A latest English newspaper, please! Only one copy left. Would you like to have _, sir?A. it B. one C. this D. that 10.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. I _ to meet you here.A. wont expect B. havent expected C. dont expect D. didnt expect 11.Would you please _my daughter from school for me?With pleasure. A. pick up B. put up C. turn up D. look up12.Whats wrong with the houses? They _ in the storm. A. destroyed B. were destroyed C. were destroying D. have destroyed13.Where is Li Ming? Oh, I _ him to water the flowers just now. A. let B. made C. had D. got14. All the compositions are excellent, _ it is really hard for us to decide which one is the best.A. but B. or C. so D. because 15.What do you think of his idea?It seems good but needs to be _.A. tried out B. made out C. turned out D. looked out16.Who does the house _ was decorated last year belong to? Mr. Brown.A. who B. that C. this D. it17. His father doesnt want to stop working _ he is in poor health. A. because B. if C. even though D. as soon as18.Is Jenny the girl _ won the photo competition? Yes, you are right.A. she B. whom C. which D. who19.Will you go and help them plant trees? _!A. Come on B. No shouting C. You bet D. Nice work20.I won the first prize in the school computer competition._A. Really? Congratulations! B. Thats all right. C. Sorry to hear that. D. Good luck to you!21. The park isnt _my home. Its about 3 kilometres _.A. far to; far B. near from; awayC. far from; far D. far from; away22. _you. Im much worse.A. Compare to B. compares to C. Compares with D. Compared with23. My brother is still on the way home. Can you please _?A. pick up him B. pick him up C. to pick him up D. to pick up him24. She has to finish the work_.A. instead go out B. instead to go out C. instead going out D. instead of going out25. When we got to the shop, We found it_.A. close B. opened C. closely D. closed 二、完形填空。(10分) I was a reporter of an evening paper in New York. One day the editor asked me to write a few _1_ on begging (乞讨) in New York. I made a decision that the best way of _2_facts was that I would go deep into the realistic life. I used to be an actor, of course, I had _3_ all the skills of make-up (化装) and I could still use them. After I did my make-up, I placed myself in one of the busiest streets. At home that night I was _4_ to find that I had received more than a hundred dollars. You might have no idea how _5_ it was to work as a reporter, however, I could only make two hundred dollars a week. Now I could make as much as that in a single _6_! So I decided to give up my job as a reporter, though my pride (自尊心) was hurt. My knowledge of make-up helped me a lot and my clever _7_quickly made me nearly a public character. All day and every day, the money _8_ into my cap and I usually received at least two hundred dollars in a day. In the end, I was able to afford a large bright beautiful white _9_ in the country. Nobody had any idea _10_ my money really came from. My dear wife only knew that I had a job in New York: that was all. 1. A. magazines B. articles C. libraries D. languages2. A. making B. doing C. collecting D. writing3. A. learned B. fought C. visited D. cleaned4. A. afraid B. angry C. worried D. surprised5. A. interesting B. hard C. easy D. successful6. A. week B. year C. day D. month7. A. questions B. letters C. books D. answers8. A. agreed B. guided C. poured D. invited9. A. bicycle B. house C. book D. dictionary10. A. where B. when C. what D. whose三、阅读理解。(30分)(A)HOUSE FOR SALE Comfortable family home with a large garden on north side of town. Three bedrooms, living-room, kitchens, dining-room, bathroom. Offers over $35,000WAITER WANTED FOR BUSY RESTAURANTSome evening and weekend work. All meals free. Ring 3320178JOIN OUR FOOTBALL TEAMBoys and girls wanted to play in local football team. Aged 913 Meets in Green Park on Friday at 3 p.m.ROOM TO RENTSmall room to rent in city center flat(公寓)above restaurant. Newly painted with modern furniture. Near main railway station. Buses pass front door. Phone 3322108 Mr. Brown wants to live near his workplace. Mrs. Brown wants a house with four bedrooms. The Browns children dont care what the house is like as long as the garden is big enough. Ann, their daughter has always wanted to work in a restaurant. She thinks it is an exciting place. Its hard work but she isnt lazy. You have to work on Saturdays and Sundays, but you get other days off. Its not very well paid. But who cares about money?Tom is a middle school student. He is twelve years old. He stops school at half past three, so he has plenty of time to finish his homework.Jack, Mr. Browns brother, is looking for a room to rent. He doesnt care what color the walls are or how old the furniture (家具) is. He is getting ready for his drawing. So the house must be quiet. 1.Why didnt the Browns buy the house in Advertisement One? A. It was on the north side of town. B. There werent enough bedrooms. C. There was no dining room. D. The garden was too big. 2. Why does Ann want to get the job in the restaurant? A. Its an easy job. B. The place is good and the food is free.C. She thinks it will be interesting. D. She can get long holidays.3. Why cant Tom play for the new football team? A. Hes not old enough. B. Its in a different village. C. School stops too late. D. He has to do his homework. 4. Whats wrong with the room for Jack in Advertisement Four? A. Its too small. B. The walls are the wrong color. C. The man likes old furniture better. D. Its too noisy. 5. What does the sentence “All meals free” mean? A. Waiters can have the meals at any time. B. Waiters can have the meals in the restaurant without paying money. C. Customers can have the meals freely. D. Waiters need to pay for their meals. (B) Jupiters Moons and How They TravelThe many moons of Jupiter travel around the planet in different directions (方向). Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Over the years, scientists have found that Jupiter has its own small solar system. Earth has one moon. Jupiter has at least sixteen and probably more.Since there are so many moons, scientists began to number them. The numbers tell the order (顺序), in which the moons were found. They were slower to name the moons. All of Jupiters moons now have a name as well as a number.The first five moons to be discovered are known as the “inner moons”. But they are not the closest to the planet. The closest is only 127,600 kilometers away from Jupiter. All the inner moons travel around the planet in counter-clockwise direction, that is, opposite of the hands of a clock.Jupiters middle group of moons are at least 11,100,000 kilometers from the planet. They also move in a counter-clockwise motion (moving). The four farthest moons are at least 20,700,000 kilometers away. These are called “outer moons”. They travel in a clockwise motion, that is, the same direction as the hands of a clock.How many more moons do you think will be discovered? 6. The words “solar system” in this paragraph mean_ in Chinese. A. 银河系 B. 宇宙空间 C. 流星雨 D. 太阳系 7. Things that travel in the same direction as the hands of a clock are said to be traveling in a_.A. clockwise direction B. counter-clockwise direction C. same direction D. different direction 8. Jupiters _group of moons travel in a clockwise direction.A. planets B. inner C. middle D. outer 9. The numbers given to Jupiters moons tell _.A. the order in which they were discovered B. the order in which they travel C. the order of their distance from Jupiter D. the order of names 10. According to the passage, which of the following is true? A. None of Jupiters moons have names. B. Most of Jupiters moons travel clockwise.C. Jupiters inner moons were discovered first.D. Jupiter is the nearest planet to the earth.(C)I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric (怪僻的) farmer. I had often heard people talk about him, but I had never met him before. He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything. Even then all I could make out was that someone called Milly had had a very bad accident. I didnt know who she was, but I had to go.It had been snowing heavily that day and I didnt know the way. I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his place. He was standing there, waiting for me. It seemed that Milly had died. “She meant more to me than anyone even my life!” he said. I could see that he had been crying. I thought something terrible had happened, a possible scandal (丑闻). I was even more surprised when he told me he had put her in the barn (马厩). “I wouldnt leave her out in the cold!” he said.Milly had clearly been a secret lover of him. I was about to tell him he could not expect me to cover anything up when he opened the barn door. He lifted his candle and I saw something dark on the ground. “She was such a good cow! I wouldnt let anyone but a doctor touch her!” he said.11. The phrase make out in the first paragraph means _.A. expect B. understand C. see clearly D. hear clearly12. Before he arrived at the farmers house, the writer expected to see Milly lying _.A. on the ground of a barn B. on the floor of a roomC. in bed in a room D. in bed in a barn13. What do we know about Milly from the story?A. She had met with an accident B. She had made a scandalC. She was badly ill D. She was hidden somewhere14. The farmer wished that the writer might _.A. look into (调查) the matter B. bring Milly back to lifeC. free him from the scandal D. keep the whole thing a secret15. Maybe the person who told the story is a _.A. farmer B. policeman C. country doctor D. teacher四、词汇 用括号里所给词语的适当形式填空,使句子意思通顺、连贯,每词限用一次。(10分)trouble kid expect history beautiful move include photograph size category1. Dont believe him! He is _ us. 2. It is said that his uncle is a famous _.3. There is a _ tower in the centre of the city.4. I _ my parents to buy a computer for me.5. The winner in the “Literature” _ is from Class 8. 6. He fell off his bike and lay on the ground without any_.7. We should help those who are in _.8. His collection of stamps _ three American stamps.9. The visitors are all attracted by the _ of the city.10. I bought a pair of _ nine shoes last week.五、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。(10分)(每空填一词) 1. 在桥的左边有一家邮局。 There is a post office _ _ _ of the bridge.2. 顺便说一下,我们明天去公园划船。 _ _ _, we will go boating in the park tomorrow. 3. 和去年相比,我们厂生产了更多的小轿车。 _ _ last year, our factory produced many more cars.4. 昨天王老师带两位外宾参观了我们学校。Mr. Wang _ two foreigners _ our school yesterday.5. 李明的英语进展顺利。 Li Ming is _ _ well with his English.六、用所给词的正确形式填空(10分)1. Im sorry_(trouble) you.2. These photos are beautiful but they cant show the _(beautiful) perfectly.3. Id like_(enter) the song competition.4. _(congratulation) to the winners.5. We will _(success) finish the task.6. Have you heard of any_(history) events?7. The _(nature) scenery is pretty good.8. A drum is a _(music) instrument.9. They were too_(frighten) to smile.10. It shows the rich culture which_(make) Beijing so famous.七、根据短文和首字母写出空缺处单词,使短文意思连贯、完整。(5分) “Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge ask. But no one can give them a clear a_(1), for there is no wall to be found around the university. The university is the city. You can f_(2) classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are students and teachers of the thirty-one c_(3). Cambridge was already a developing town long before the first students and teachers a_(4) 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once called the Cam. A bridge was built over the river as e_(5) as 875. So the town got its name “Cambridge”.In the fourteenth and fifteenth c_(6) more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century a_(7) the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has a p_(8) of over 100,000. Many young students in other c_(9) hope to study at Cambridge. T_(10) of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world.九年级(上)英语第12周测试卷(11.24)一、单项选择(25分)12345678910111213ACABABBCADABD141516171819202122232425/CABCDCADDBDD二、完形填空。(10分)12345678910BCADBCDCBA三、阅读理解。(30分)123456789101112131415BCCDBDADACBCABC四、词汇(10分)1. kidding 2. photographer 3. historic 4. expect 5. category6. movement 7. trouble 8. includes 9. beauty 10. size五、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。(10分)(每空填一词) 1. on the left 2.By the way 3. compared with4. showed around 5. getting on六、用所给词的正确形式填空(10分)1. to trouble2. beauty3. to enter4. congraulations5. successfully6. historic7. natural 8. musical9. frightened 10. makes七、根据短文和首字母写出空缺处单词,使短文意思连贯、完整。(5分)1. answer2. find3. colleges4. arrived5. early6. centuries7. after 8.population9. countries10. Thousands一、单项选择(25分)1. The house _ Lu Xun used to live in is now a museum.A. which B. where C. there D. what2. Do you know the lady _ is interviewing the manager of that company? Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV.A. which B. whom C. who D. /3. A fridge is a machine _ is used for keeping food fresh.A. that B. who C. what D. /4. Those _ make great progress will be awarded the prize.A. whom B. who C. which D. what5. Friendship is needed by all, _ plays an important role in peoples lives.A. which B. that C. who D. it6. Do you know which hotel _?A. she is staying B. she is staying in C. is she staying D. is she staying in7. The great day we looked forward to _ at last. A. come B. came C. coming D. comes 8.May I use your camera? Sorry, there is _ with my camera.A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. something wrong D. wrong something9.A latest English newspaper, please! Only one copy left. Would you like to have _, sir?A. it B. one C. this D. that 10.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. I _ to meet you here.A. wont expect B. havent expected C. dont expect D. didnt expect 11.Would you please _my daughter from school for me?With pleasure. A. pick up B. put up C. turn up D. look up12.Whats wrong with the houses? They _ in the storm. A. destroyed B. were destroyed C. were destroying D. have destroyed13.Where is Li Ming? Oh, I _ him to water the flowers just now. A. let B. made C. had D. got14. All the compositions are excellent, _ it is really hard for us to decide which one is the best.A. but B. or C. so D. because 15.What do you think of his idea?It seems good but needs to be _.A. tried out B. made out C. turned out D. looked out16.Who does the house _ was decorated last year belong to? Mr. Brown.A. who B. that C. this D. it17. His father doesnt want to stop working _ he is in poor health. A. because B. if C. even though D. as soon as18.Is Jenny the girl _ won the photo competition? Yes, you are right.A. she B. whom C. which D. who19.Will you go and help them plant trees? _!A. Come on B. No shouting C. You bet D. Nice work20.I won the first prize in the school computer competition._A. Really? Congratulations! B. Thats all right. C. Sorry to hear that. D. Good luck to you!21. The park isnt _my home. Its about 3 kilometres _.A. far to; far B. near from; awayC. far from; far D. far from; away22. _you. Im much worse.A. Compare to B. compares to C. Compares with D. Compared with23. My brother is still on the way home. Can you please _?A. pick up him B. pick him up C. to pick him up D. to pick up him24. She has to finish the work_.A. instead go out B. instead to go out C. instead going out D. instead of going out25. When we got to the shop, We found it_.A. close B. opened C. closely D. closed 二、完形填空。(10分) I was a reporter of an evening paper in New York. One day the editor asked me to write a few _1_ on begging (乞讨) in New York. I made a decision that the best way of _2_facts was that I would go deep into the realistic life. I used to be an actor, of course, I had _3_ all the skills of make-up (化装) and I could still use them. After I did my make-up, I placed myself in one of the busiest streets. At home that night I was _4_ to find that I had received more than a hundred dollars. You might have no idea how _5_ it was to work as a reporter, however, I could only make two hundred dollars a week. Now I could make as much as that in a single _6_! So I decided to give up my job as a reporter, though my pri


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