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定语从句总结复习定语从句是将定语扩大成一个完整句子,由关系代词或副词引导,放在所要修饰的名词之后,通常称被修饰的名词为先行词。 他是从美国来的英语老师。 He is an English teacher from America. 形容词 介词短语 他 是 那个下学期要教我们的英文老师。 主 系 定语从句 表语 定语从句 He is an English teacher who will teach us next term. 先行词 关系代词在从句中做主语 由关系代词引导的定语从句who代替人,在从句中做主语或宾语。which代替物,在从句中做主语或宾语。whom代替人,在从句中做宾语。that可以与who which whom换用。whose代替人或物,在从句中做定语 他 是 去年教我们英语的老师。 主 系 定语从句 表语 定语从句 He is a teacher who (that) taught us English last year. 先行词 关系代词在从句中做主语 这 就是 我们老师写的那本书。 主 系 定语从句表语 定语从句 This is the book that(which) was written by our teacher. 先行词 关系代词在从句中做主语 这 就是 我在晚会上遇见的女孩。 That is the girl whom(that/who) I met at the party. 先行词 关系代词在从句中做met的宾语主 系 表语 定语从句 注意定语从句中用that/which定物而不what, 不要与在名词性从句混淆。1. I dont know the book that you wrote2.I dont know the book what you wrote. 你刚才与之说话的男孩 哪去了? 定语从句主语 表语Where is the boy who you talked with just now?介词后的关系代词注意有时关系代词在从句中不是做动词的宾语而是做介词的宾语。在这种情况下,通常有几种表达方式。 我认识你们谈论的那个人。 定语从句 I know the man whom(who/that)you are talking about. 先行词 关系代词在从句中做介词about的宾语注:关系代词做介词about的宾语,about被保留在句尾时,关系代词可以用whom who或that,可以省略。我们也可以将about放在关系代词whom之前。 定语从句 I know the man about whom you are talking. 先行词 关系代词在从句中做介词about的宾语注:当about放在whom之前时,whom不能被省略,也不能用who或that代替whom.请看例句: 这就是你正在找的女孩吗?Is this the girl who(whom/that)you are looking for? Is this the girl for whom you are looking?注意必须使用关系代词that的几种情况1、 先行词被形容词最高级修饰。 This is the worst book that I have read. He is the tallest man that I know.2、 先行词是all, everything, nothing, something等不定代词 He told me all that he knew.3、 当先行词被only, any, no, very, little或序数词修饰时。 That is the only way that leads into the mountain. Who is the first student that came here?注:上面3种情况不能使用who, whom, which等关系代词。 当that在从句中做宾语时,可以省略。注意在学习定语从句 时,请注意关系代词和关系副词的区别,关系代词在从句中起到的是名词的作用,而关系副词起的是副词或介词短语的作用,即状语的作用。Whose This is the book whose cover is red. This is the book whose cover I like 关系副词When-代替时间where-代替地点why-代替原因when I will never forget the day. On the day, my father died. I will never forget the day when my father died. 先行词 关系副词在从句中做状语从以上的例句中可以看出,关系副词在从句中代替的是一个介词短语,相当于on the day,做状语。该句也可以用关系代词来做。请注意关系代词与关系副词的区别。 I will never forget the day on which my farther died. 先行词 关系代词在从句中做介词on的宾语 I will never forget the day (which) my farther died on.where Look at the house. In the house, I was born. Look at the house where I was born. 看,那就是我出生的房子。注:where在从句中充当状语,代替in the house,该句也可以用关系代词来做。Look at the house in which I was born.Look at the house (which) I was born in.注意关系代词在从句中起到的是名词的作用,而关系副词起的是副词或介词短语的作用,即状语的作用。1. Look at the house (which) I was born in.2.Look at the house where I was born in. why I know the reason. She is unhappy for the reason today. I know the reason why she is unhappy today.关系副词why代替从句中for the reason。此句可以用关系代词做。 I know the reason for which she is unhappy today. I know the reason (which) she is unhappy for today.注意as引导定语从句,先行词可以是一个名词,也可以是一个短语或一个句子。as本身含有“正如,就像”的意思,而从句的位置不一定要在先行词之后, 可以位于句首 定语从句 The earth moves around the sun, as you know. 先行词是整个句子 关系代词as做know的宾语(代替前面整个句子) (As you know, the earth moves around the sun.)正像你所知道那样,地球围绕太阳运行。 非限定性定语从句当定语从句与所定的名词在意思上并不十分紧密时,通常使用非限定性定语从句,也就是在先行词与定语从句之间加“,”号。这种句子在汉语中我们习惯用两句话表达,而英语习惯用非限定性定语从句表达:China, whose population is the largest in the world, lies in East Asia. 中国位于东亚,它是世界上人口最多的国家。Mary will spend her holiday in London, where herboy friend works. 玛丽要在伦敦度假,她的男朋友在那里工作。注意在非限定性定语从句中不使that (非限无that,定从无what)1. An old friend from abroad, whom I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport.2.An old friend from abroad, that I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport. 定语从句与同位语从句的区别 The news that she is going to marry an American is surprising. 同位语从句 她要嫁给一个美国人的消息令人吃惊。注:句中的that是连词,在从句中没有语法成分。该句与news并列,是同位语从句。 The news that he told me is not true. 他告诉我的那个消息不是真的。定语从句 注:句中that是关系代词,在从句中做told的宾语,引导的是定语从句。定语从句典型试题1. An old friend from abroad, _ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport. (2000年)A. that B. whom C. who D. which2. This is one of the best books _ on the subject. (2000年)A. that have ever been written B. which have ever been writtenC. that has ever been written D. whatever have been written3. The United States is composed of fifty states, two of those are A B separated from the others by land or water. (2000年)C D4. A curve曲线is a line _ no part is straight and which has no angle. (2001)A. that B. whose C. in which D. of which5. Before joining the army, he spent a lot of time in the village _ he belonged (2001年)A. to which B. which C. to where D. at which6. The experiment, _ will soon be announced, was done by my colleagues. (2001年)A. whose results B. the results on which C. at which the results D. of whose results7. _ is known to all, too much smoking will cause lung cancer. (2003年)A. That B. It C. As D. What8. Do not trust such men _ often like to praise you to your face. (2004年)A. who B. that C. as D. they9. In his latest article Tom criticizes the way which the war A B C is being handled. (1997年)D10. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, _, of course, made the others jealous. (2005年)A. who B. what C. that D. whichkey-定语从句典型试题1. An old friend from abroad, _ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport. (2000年)A. that B. whom C. who D. which解析: 答案选B。whom, 关系代词,在定语从句中做with的宾语,指人。本句中的定语从句是非限制性定语从句。that不引导非限制性定语从句。2. This is one of the best books _ on the subject. (2000年)A. that have ever been written B. which have ever been writtenC. that has ever been written D. whatever have been written解析: 答案选A。因为先行词books前有形容词的最高级best修饰,所以只能用that引导定语从句,选A。当先行词前有形容词最高级、only或very修饰时,要用that引导这个定语从句。定语从句中的谓语和先行词保持一致。3. The United States is composed of fifty states, two of those are A B separated from the others by land or water. (2000年)C D解析: 答案选B。应改为:two of which。在非限制性定语从句中,限定词some, any, none, all, several以及表示数量的词可与of whom, of which连用。先行词是物用of which; 是人用of whom。本题中which指fifty states。4. A curve曲线is a line _ no part is straight and which has no angle. (2001)A. that B. whose C. in which D. of which解析: 答案选D。 “介词+关系代词”可引导定语从句。No part of 是固定短语,因此用of which, 而不用in which。5. Before joining the army, he spent a lot of time in the village _ he belonged (2001年)A. to which B. which C. to where D. at which解析: 答案选A。belong是不及物动词,其后接to之后才接宾语,belong to:属于。因此选to which。where是关系副词,不能置于介词之后。to which引导的从句是定语从句。6. The experiment, _ will soon be announced, was done by my colleagues. (2001年)A. whose results B. the results on which C. at which the results D. of whose results解析: 答案选A。此句为非限制性定语从句。关系代词whose在从句中作results的定语。whose是代词的所有格,它既可以代人也可以代物。7. _ is known to all, too much smoking will cause lung cancer. (2003年)A. That B. It C. As D. What解析: 答案选C。as 引导的是一个非限制性定语从句。as代替后面提到的句子。8. Do not trust such men _ often like to praise you to your face. (2004年)A. who B. that C. as D. they解析: 答案选C。当先行词被such修饰时其后的定语从句要用as引导。9. In his latest article Tom criticizes the way which the war A B C is being handled. (1997年)D解析: 答案选C。名词way后接定语从句时要用that引导。C改为:that。10. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, _, of course, made the others jealous. (2005年)A. who B. what C. that D. which解析: 答案选D。本题考察非限制性定语从句。关系代词which指代前面整个句子。在从句中作主语。8


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