六年级上册英语课件-Unit 6《Keep our city clean》|译林版

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Unit 6 Keep our city clean(Story time) Its beautiful and clean. our city Yi Zheng 城市 siti 我们要保持城市整洁!keep our city clean!The city is _ beautiful and cleanB. messy and dirty mesi乱七八糟的d:ti 肮脏的Task 1bird cityWatch and choosemessy and dirty smoke from cars smoke from factories factory rubbish rubber fish dead fish headWhat makes dirty? make(s)the airthe streetsthe riverdirty.Smoke from cars and black smoke from factoriesRubbishRubbish in the waterTask 2Read and find.Tip:可以用铅笔把关键句子划下来可以用铅笔把关键句子划下来chair空气空气Task 3.Ask and answer with a chant in pairs. Is the city clean?No, its not clean.What makes the air dirty?Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. What makes the streets messy and dirty?Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty.Is the river dirty?Yes, its dirty.What makes the river dirty?Rubbish makes the river dirty.(两人一组问答)Task 3We can.Brain storming.keep our city cleana. walk to school b. leave rubbish in the park c. go to work by bus d. go to work by car e. put rubbish in the bin a.c.e.Tip:情态动词情态动词can,后面加动词原形,在此表示后面加动词原形,在此表示(能力、功能),能力、功能),是是“能能“,“会会”的意思。的意思。Task 4eg: We can walk to school.We can go to work by bus.We can put rubbish in the bin.We can垃圾桶垃圾桶We can take the bus and the metor to school.地铁We can move factories away from our city.moveaway from使远离Task 5the busthe metrowalkfactoriesrubbishtreesMiss Li: Look at these pictures of our city. Is our city clean?Students: No, it isnt.Miss Li: What makes our city dirty?Su Hai: Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. Wang Bing: Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Liu Tao: Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. Su Hai: The river is dirty. Theres rubbish in the water and the fish are dead.Listen and repeat.Miss Li: What can we do to keep our city clean?Su Hai: We can take the bus and the metor to school.Nancy: We can walk to school too.Wang Bing: We can move factories away from our city. We can put rubbish in the bin.Liu Tao: We can plant more trees. They help keep the air clean.Miss Li: Your ideas are great. Well done, class!Listen and repeat.Read in roles.(分分角色读角色读)Read after one.(跟一个学跟一个学生读生读)Read together.(齐读齐读)Discuss in groups:(小组选择一个话题讨论这些地方不整洁的原因,并在树叶上写出自己的建议)Keep the park cleanKeep the school clean Keep the bedroom clean-What makes the park/school/bedroom .dirty?- make (s) thedirty.- What can we do to keep the clean? - We can 比一比,你们组的话题讨论能得几颗星比一比,你们组的话题讨论能得几颗星? Discuss the topic fluently. Nice! 流利的讨论话题 Everyone in groups take part in the discussion. Cool! 小组每个成员都参与讨论(eg:以接龙的方式叙说。) Write the suggestions the more the better. Great! 写出的有效建议越多越好. Better city, better life.城市让生活更美好。城市让生活更美好。


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