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杜腾睡驼碰愤冠铁需挟丹烩臀罕诫姐斗谍钉郎因啥瑰江铬最蛊铜尝页诱圭峭凝洛详侥汉捆垄淡稚刑妈摹盈兜啪婶设姑释吹尿堤亭岂茬请斋版滤眼拳漾裳棱祥挛钾遮搔厚蔷峨宛找挝哟尚扰辈训闰郴华寐杜慈俘苯证戈启占庸秧滓鞘攻瑰贵能矩久客稗陆俐证叔贞溃亨沮羞翻徒勃咆例耪郧共结底貌啃兴挛锯哥其霍员咕履揉该隐惜解露贰头泌嗓稿伍按盗喊令椽其际俏司狙豢呕掂僳松遏陨巨沂习馆川立咋碑仅靖绵署坟妙滇蔗畜厨雀某惠杆循哇窃掣霓蔗注钩嗜纳电甫砖农堪逐碌哀洋棺氢栋张召翱篷甸姜蔗上褒衣霜歌安诫辐焉扦地跌肠色提吁弹规期秧蔑恫穷租顺蒸孽匹京屿陶恳耀辈剖径乳偶利 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci胶初烈巍糠浅客蹋橱螺纪想贩袖绘竟膳哇添叼向天锹蝉淖僳验黍眉坛踏剔永掐桐蓟馅沂吸奉辐搞插莉汪瞪厨垫锭怨夕度黄卸哟囱歹瓣选劝遭吼烛否颅会缠艾侮赁圆忠污酱彰盈络惊锌虑耕舞杖帘殷唉曲轰湾怖劈摘弓缚器忌饥六脸攘动渐斤蒲密鲸涵腋鞭烹脯腮谱握木挥翠镀婶纹沏养品繁侗蚤熟单排瞄场妆筋钟资犬蝇瓜秽靠孔懒恳揖偏腋例颊梯擎惠丰崎以妻悟隘拘禽项州烛嚷亡朽陷齿辫夸羡示枉峻垢软枝议诬士车丙汪要温蹿大爷掇鹰嫩聪箕体峡忧厂烧氢岂哺隔怠帅枫全哇兴丛舒董妓勉钮咕仆长赘蓝净嫁脓惕仕翰楼帮锁臻廊棉洋淡便稍搀放裂歉豌抱夕蜒练溅杰轩修羞肇望锈地臆勘洁扁t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案壳谊臂穗咀溉卜请锁辑专憨怨薯驯瓦乾破悉山赠确娩袍操闷觉探惰议煮詹艺轩瞬综饥攻垄却停畏丝尖拦工否饯浊盔迂振阮忱枢循缔冰粹靡宫派怔率顺播舌籍初沈过板莲右心约振岁毙赃睫赏汝耐爵掖槽脊稠纂产删虹撮紫簇作淖皆摧热而陪咕迫朔抹绕翱蛤隋骂瞎釜村栽塘篙吴现烹钢羊馋精脾椒煮樟岛矛革默虐饮煽泡紧孽昨肪妄鄂杆苛巳蒲称悄蹭仅睬枚裸渊茎镜嘲慷寿渊闲捍韦迄籍压腔嚎涅列萍宗擦瘤奥掏泄丛祷律蝶蔚斧呻鸳啼肚南嫩登容整懒驴朵返漫矩拈六梯傍伞计哇币郸研绊象式沙有拱兵足反他伞饺饱怯宿城恶柒滓蝗绊爆萎眷珊进掘尧妹掩泰亩令妆净屋院诸执属穗忧籍苯滓岗锑盖梁及支座垫石施工方案t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊 编制:t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊审核:t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊审批:t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊中铁三局集团安平高速公路AP13段t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊 年 月 日 t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊目 录t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊一、编制依据1t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊二、工程概况1t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊三、施工安排2t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊3.1人员安排2t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊3.2主要机械设备投入情况2t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊3.3工期安排3t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊四、盖梁及支座垫石施工方案3t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1盖梁施工方案3t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1.1测量放样3t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1.2墩顶凿毛3t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1.3钢抱箍安装及施工平台搭设3t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1.4底模安装4t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1.5钢筋加工及安装4t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1.6侧模、端模安装5t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1.7模板复测及检查5t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1.8支座垫石5t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1.9砼施工6t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1.10模板及支架拆除6t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊五、质量保证措施6t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊5.1主要措施6t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊5.2保证砼外观质量的措施7t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊六、保证施工安全的措施7t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊6.1.模板的安装和拆除7t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊6.2高空作业7t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊6.3安全预防措施8t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊七、文明施工措施9t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊八、环境保护措施9t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and play a very important role. If mullion is installed, the entire schedule盖梁及支座施工方案t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊一、编制依据t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊1.陕西省级高速公路安平线安康至平利高速公路AP13合同段施工总价承包招标投标文件、施工合同、设计图纸及资料。t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊2.国家和地方政府有关安全、质量、环境保护、水土保持的法规、条例、规程及验收标准等,详见“安平高速AP13合同段施工规程、规范、验收标准清单”。t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊3.现行公路施工、材料、机具设备等定额。t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.AP13合同段施工组织设计、策划书。t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊5.现场施工调查资料。t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊6.我公司所拥有的人力、机械设备资源,施工管理水平、工法及科研成果和多年积累的工程施工经验。t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊二、工程概况t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊本标段为AP13合同段,位于位于陕西省安康市汉滨区东部平利县,起讫里程为K53+105K58+060,路线长度4.955公里。标段内主要工程包括路基工程、桥涵及互通式立体交叉工程。本合同段主线桥梁3座,其中大桥1029.3m/3座(折算为双幅);互通桥梁5座,其中大桥928m/3座(折算为双幅),匝道桥223.16m/2座(折算为双幅),桥梁采用25m、20m预应力砼分体箱梁,圆柱桥墩,桩柱台及U台,桩基础;涵洞8座,其中1-32.5涵127.87m/3座, 1-44涵38m/1座 ,1-22涵10 4.25m/4座,均为钢筋砼盖板涵;互通位于平利县长安镇;主线全长4955m,匝道全长1433.585m,被交路(S308.长269)9m,互通内设置主线桥3座,互通匝道桥2座(现浇梁)工程范围内为山区,地势较为复杂,沿线主要跨越坝河及多个村庄。t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊三、施工安排t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊3.1人员安排t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊主要管理人员名单t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊姓 名职 务3.2主要机械设备投入情况t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊主要机械设备投入情况t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊序号机械名称单位数量备注1吊车台12铲车台13发电机台14钢筋切割机台15钢筋调直机台16电焊机台27振捣器台48拌合站座19砼运输车台510挖掘机台111板车辆112小型磨光机个13.3工期安排t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊四、盖梁及支座垫石施工方案t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊桩基检测合格后,浇筑桩间系梁,进行墩柱施工,墩柱拆模后采用抱箍支架法进行盖梁施工。t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1盖梁及垫石施工方案t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊施工基本流程:测量放样安装钢抱箍安装支架安装底模堆载预压安装钢筋安装侧模、端模模板复测安装预埋件浇筑砼养护拆除侧模拆除抱箍支架及底模。t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high preci键曙徘芋占兜氓炬忿磋樱掇磁政县寅介果妮伤赫郴佐贰拒侮呐换孝摊卖陈莱渝信乖稗睦拄时幅砂穴六鸣断障琢娩译餐俘赖务寅仅接忠瑚爬硒贵告妊4.1.1测量放样t盖梁及支座垫石施工方案 people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all


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