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上周四,你班在某一社区组织了主题为上周四,你班在某一社区组织了主题为“大家齐动手,共建文明大家齐动手,共建文明城城”( (“Joining Together to Build a Civilized City”) )的环保活动的环保活动。分三组,每组。分三组,每组1515人,开展活动,活动内容如下人,开展活动,活动内容如下: : 写作内容写作内容 1.1.活动的时间、地点、主题、参与人员活动的时间、地点、主题、参与人员 2.2.各组活动具体内容、具体做法各组活动具体内容、具体做法 3.3.居民看法居民看法活动内容活动内容具体做法具体做法一组一组回收废旧电池回收废旧电池挨家挨户回收挨家挨户回收二组二组清除墙上的广告纸和地面清除墙上的广告纸和地面垃圾垃圾不怕脏,不怕累,认真清理不怕脏,不怕累,认真清理三组三组派发环保资料派发环保资料(leaflet),宣,宣传环保活动传环保活动邀请居民一起参与环保活动邀请居民一起参与环保活动居民居民看法看法支持、赞扬你班的环保行为支持、赞扬你班的环保行为1.1.上周四,你班在某一社区组织了主题为上周四,你班在某一社区组织了主题为“大家齐动手,大家齐动手,共建文明城共建文明城”(“Joining Together to Build a (“Joining Together to Build a Civilized City”)Civilized City”)的环保活动。分三组,每组的环保活动。分三组,每组1515人人. . Last Thursday, our class organized an environmental activity whose theme was “Joining Together to Build a Civilized City” in a community and the students were divided into three groups with 15 students each.2.2. 第一组:回收废旧电池第一组:回收废旧电池 挨家挨户挨家挨户 The first group went from door to door recycling the used batteries.3.3. 第二组:清除墙面上的广告纸和地面垃圾第二组:清除墙面上的广告纸和地面垃圾 不怕脏,不怕累,认真清理不怕脏,不怕累,认真清理 Not fearing dirt or tiredness, the second group cleaned up the advertisements on the walls as well as the rubbish on the ground.4.4. 第三组:派发环保资料第三组:派发环保资料(leaflet)(leaflet),宣传环保活动,宣传环保活动 邀请居民一起参与环保活动邀请居民一起参与环保活动 The third group handed out the leaflets of environmental protection and they also advocated their activity by inviting the residents to take part.5. 5. 居民看法:支持、赞扬你班的环保活动居民看法:支持、赞扬你班的环保活动 The residents praised our class for our practice and gave us much support. Last Thursday, our class organized an environmental activity whose theme was “Joining Together to Build a Civilized City” in a community and the students were divided into three groups with 15 students each. The first group went from door to door recycling the used batteries. Not fearing dirt or tiredness, the second group cleaned up the advertisements on the walls as well as the rubbish on the ground. The third group handed out the leaflets of environmental protection and they also advocated their activity by inviting the residents to take part. The residents praised our class for our practice and gave us much support. Recently,we conducted/carried out a survey on their reading preferences among .According to the findings,42% of the respondents preferred readingfor the reasons including that e-books are and the information is more up-to date.Our survey showed that while people”s reading habits arethe important thing is that The article describes how English has spread all overand plays an .in intrenation communication in many fields.Now more and. As far as Im concerned, it is of great importance to learn ,for the reason that English enables us to communicate .Reasons people learn English are different.SomeOther s learn it to get a promising job. A recent experience showed me how important learning


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