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2011年中考题基础知识部分(共60分)听力二节(5个题/1分)71. The weather if for the next _ days. 72. From tomorrow on, most northern areas will be very _.73. The snowstorm will start around _ tomorrow.74. At night, the temperature will fall below 0C_.75. In the west, itll_ from tomorrow to Sunday.71-75 three; cold; noon; in the south; rain词汇运用(5个题/1分)81.Betty is a good friend of m_. We often help each other.82.They have invited a _(science) to give them a speech on space.83.Mrs. Chan told us to write as _ as we could.84.We Chinese sometimes _ (借)words from English when talking.85.Victor _(敲) the door before he walked into the room.连词成句(5个题/1分)86.sing, does, she, well _?87.this, much, is, how, watch _?88.Mary, list, shopping, a, let, make _.89.way, the, to, knew, park, we, the _.90.enough, I, with, time, my, have, spend, to, dont, pet _.单项选择(20个题/1分)26.She learned to play _ piano all by herself. A.a B. an C.the D.不填27.George reads the newspaper every morning. Thats_habit. A.he B.him C.his D.himself28.There _ lots of people at the restaurant when I got there. A.is B.was C.are D.were29.This scholl is different _others. It has many out-of-class activities. A.off B.from C.of D.for30.Cici enjoys dancing, Its one of her_. A.prize B.prizes C.hobby D.hobbies31.Wed better wait _ more minutes. I think Jeff will come soon. A.a few B.few C.a little D. little32.Whenever you have a chance _ English, you should take it. A.speak B.to speak C.spoke D.speaks33.Tony is a student, _ he is active in class. A.so B.and C.but D.or34.Of all the subjects, chemistry seems to be _ for me. A,difficult B. too difficult C.more difficult D. the most difficult35.Would you please _my baby brother while Im cooking?A.take out of B.take care of C.take part in D.take away from36.You _ eat the soup if you dont like it. A.shouldnt B.mustnt C.neednt D.cant37.This sentence _ right. Please write it down. A.feels B.sounds C.tastes D.smells38.My sister wants a new dress .She _ it to the party. A.wears B.has worn C.wore D.is going to wear39.Look at the photo of the Smiths._ happy they are! A.How B.What C.How a D. What a 40.I didnt hear you because I _ the news on the radio. A. listen to B. am listening to C.listened to D. was listening to41.They will lose the game _they try their best. A.unless B.once C.since D.after42.I _ my homework, I guess I cant join you. A. dont finish B.didnt finish C. havent finished D. wont finish43.The teachers _ came for a visit are foreigners. A.who B.whom C.whose D.which44.The Spring Fsetival _in January or February. A.celebrates B.is celebrated C.celebrated D. was celebrated45.Jenny is on holiday now. I wonder _.A.when she will come back B.when she came back C.when will she come back D.when did she come back完型填空(10个题/1分)Beautiful pictures of mountains and forests, clear skies, flying birds, wild animals, silly facesyou can find them all in one place. _46_?On a postcard! Have people always sent postcards? No! Before postcards, people _47_sealed(密封的) letters.The _48_ for the first decorated(装饰的) postcard came to John P. Charlton in 1861. He thought a simple card _49_ a border(饰边) would be a great way to send a note. Then in the late 1800s, postcards which had pictures on them _50_. By law, people had to write their note on the front -on the picture! The back was _51_ for the address. Several years later, England allowed a divided back(背面隔开的) postcard. Then people could write their _52_ on the back left side.And they put the address _53_. During the early 1900s, the golden age of postcards, people around the world were more and more _54_ picture postcards. In the 1908, Americans alone mailed over 677 million postcards.Today, postcards are the _55_ most popular collection in the world after stamps and coins. You can always see or get a lot of newly-designed postcards, especially on New Years Day.46.A. How B. When C. Why D. Where 47.A. liked B. hated C.found D.lost48.A. advice B.picture C.idea D.card 49.A. above B.with C.under D.for50.A. happened B.changed C.ended D.appeared 51.A.even B.only C.still D.ever52.A.note B.word C.address D.letter 53.A.on the front B.on the back C.on the left D.on the right54.A.surprised at B.interested in C.expected by D.worried about 55.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth任务型(2分/5题) Several Asian hospitals are doing experiments with tele-medicine. Tele-medicine is a technology(技术) that allows doctors to see patients without them being in the same place. This is made possible through high-speed communication networks(网络). At both ends of the line, the way of video-meeting lets them see and talk to each other. Blood pressure(血压),and body temperature are directly shown on computers.Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some places such as the United States and Germany. Among other uses, village doctors hold consultations(会诊)with far-away experts(专家). The experts can help them during operations.Tele-medicine has been slow to reach Asia because of high costs, besides other reasons. When things improve, this technology will develop very fast. Chinese University of Hong Kongs medical school has joined a big hospital in Beijing , and Thailand is building a tele-medicine station connecting 20 areas.Tele-medicine will do good to patients because doctors from different places can see them and give their medical advice. The help is quite important if the disease is an unusual one . It also helps spread medical knowledge among experts.As tele-medicine develops well, its costs will be lower and it will become very popular in the medical filed.1. Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some countries.(T or F)2. Tele-medicine slows _ without them being in the same place.3. Why does tele-medicine develop slowly in Asia besides other reasons?_.4. What is Thailand doing according to the passage?_.5. 翻译画线句子_.


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