人教版九年级英语课件Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section A

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人教版九年级英语课件Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section A_第1页
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人教版九年级英语课件Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section A_第2页
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人教版九年级英语课件Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section A_第3页
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Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section APeriod Onelicensesafetysmokepart-timepierceearringflashn. (= licence)证;证件证;证件n. 安全;安全性安全;安全性v. 吸烟;冒烟吸烟;冒烟 n. 烟烟adj. & adv. 兼职兼职(的的)v. 扎;刺破;穿透扎;刺破;穿透n. 耳环;耳饰耳环;耳饰n. 闪光灯;闪光闪光灯;闪光v. 闪耀;闪光闪耀;闪光Words andExpressionsLets enjoy a video.Lead-inParents and childrenDo you think what Mr. Wu has done to Feynman is wrong?What do you think a healthy relationship between parents and children should be like?TALKINGobjectivesTo learn to understand and use should be allowed toTo learn some new words: safety, smoke, flashLook at these pictures below, what should teenagers do or not do?smokedrinkdrivehave part-time jobget ear piercedchoose clothes Read the statements below. Circle A for agree or D for disagree.1. Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke. 2. sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.3. Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs.4. sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.5. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.A DA DA DA DA D1aListen and circle T for true or F for false.1. Anna can go to the shopping center by bus.2. Anna wants to get her ears pierced.3. Anna wants to choose her own clothes.T FT FT F1bLook at the statements in 1a and make conversations.I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.I agree. They arent serious enough.1cLook at the statements in 1a and make conversations.I dont think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.I agree. Its too silly to wear earrings in the school.Do you agree or disagree? Why?Teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.Fifteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Parents should allow teenagers to make their own decisions.Parents should allow sixteen-year-olds to smoke.Parents should allow fourteen-year-olds to have part-time jobs.What does Molly think of Kathys statements? Listen and circle A for Agree, D for Disagree or DK for Doesnt Know. Kathy Molly 1. Sixteen-year-old should not be allowed to work at night.2. Larry shouldnt work every night.3. He should cut his hair.4. He should stop wearing that silly earring.5. He doesnt seem to have many friends.A D DKA D DKA D DKA D DKA D DK2aListen again. What are Kathys and Mollys reasons? Number their reasons in the correct order. _ It looks cool._ Young people need to sleep._ He needs to spend time with friends._ He needs time to do homework._ It doesnt look clean. 235142bMake a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Discuss your list with your partner.My listshould be allowedshould not be allowed2cDo you think teenagers should be allowed to work at night?2cWell, maybe. But I think they should not work every night.Oh, I disagree with you. Teenage boys never get tired.Thats true. But they need time to have a rest.Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes.Role-play1. Role play in groups;2. Role play in front of the class2dSandy and Wu Lan are really _about _ the famous paintings by Picasso. Sandy want to bring her new camera to take _, but it is not _ to take photos in the museum. Sandy think that she may be allowed to take photos _ she dont _a flash.Fill in the blanks and try to retell the text.seeingphotosallowedifuseexcited英语口语中一个直接拒绝对方的表达用英语口语中一个直接拒绝对方的表达用语,强调不赞同别人的观点,或根本没语,强调不赞同别人的观点,或根本没有可能按照其要求去做事。有可能按照其要求去做事。Will they give you a job ? no way.There is no way 没有办法没有办法There is no way for you to reach her.你没办法找到她。你没办法找到她。No way! 不可能;不行不可能;不行Language pointsEighteen-year-olds qualify to vote . 年满十八岁者有选举权。年满十八岁者有选举权。Even five-year-olds do not want a party every day. 就算是就算是5岁的孩子也不想天天聚会。岁的孩子也不想天天聚会。Sixteen-Year-old Hans stepped forward. 十六岁的汉斯向前走着。十六岁的汉斯向前走着。Mike is a sixteen-year-old boy. 迈克是一个迈克是一个16岁的男孩。岁的男孩。sixteen-year-olds 名词名词sixteen-year-old 通常只做形容词通常只做形容词getget是使役动词,是使役动词,get something doneget something done是一是一个常见的固定搭配,常用来表达个常见的固定搭配,常用来表达“请别人请别人做某事;使某事完成做某事;使某事完成( (自己也可能参与自己也可能参与) ),somethingsomething与与donedone逻辑上为动宾关系。逻辑上为动宾关系。”Go and get your hair cut.去找人理一下发。去找人理一下发。应该允许应该允许16岁的孩子穿耳洞。岁的孩子穿耳洞。Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.have sb. do sth让某人去做某事让某人去做某事 I had him arrange for a car. have sb. doing sth.让某人持续做某事。让某人持续做某事。 He had us laughing all through lunch. have sth. done 使某人做某事;遭受使某人做某事;遭受We had the machine mended just now.get sb. to do 使某人干某事使某人干某事 I cant get anyone to do the work properly. pierce v. 刺破刺破; 刺穿刺穿The needle pierced her finger. 针刺进了她的手指。针刺进了她的手指。We use the machine to pierce holes in the steel sheet. 我们用机器在钢板上打洞。我们用机器在钢板上打洞。 A sharp cry pierced the air. 一声尖叫刺破长空。一声尖叫刺破长空。 本课时重点回顾1.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.2. sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.Now 2 mins to test your spelling.English-Chineseearring licenseChinese-English安全安全 兼职兼职 穿透穿透 吸烟吸烟 When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.Translation1. 应该允许应该允许16岁的孩子穿耳洞。岁的孩子穿耳洞。Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.2. 我们不应该熬夜到太晚。我们不应该熬夜到太晚。We shouldnt stay up too late.句型转换句型转换(be allowed to)1. They should allow us to have part-time jobs. _.2. We should allow children to spend time with their friends. _.We are allowed to have part-time jobsChildren are allowed to spend time with their friends3. The teacher should allow Anna to finish the picture. _.4. Parents should allow children to choose their own friends. _ _.Anna is allowed to finish the pictureChildren are allowed to choose their own friendsHomework Use the sentence pattern “should be allowed to” to write five sentences to show what you want most to be allowed to do and the reasons.Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section APeriod Twotinycryfieldhugliftbadlyadj. 极小的;微小的极小的;微小的v. & n. 哭;哭喊哭;哭喊n. 田野;场地田野;场地n. & v. 拥抱;搂抱拥抱;搂抱v. 举起;抬高举起;抬高n. 电梯;搭便车电梯;搭便车adv. 严重地;差;非常严重地;差;非常Words andExpressionstalk backawfulteenregretpoem回嘴;顶嘴回嘴;顶嘴adj. 很坏的;讨厌的很坏的;讨厌的n. (13-19岁之间的岁之间的)青少年青少年v. & n. 感到遗憾;懊悔感到遗憾;懊悔n. 诗;韵文诗;韵文Words andExpressions Yes, you are right. But I think I can eat some.Mother saysLead-in Teenagers should not be allowed to eat too much ice-cream. Mother says:I say:Make conversations according to the pictures.Lets play a game. Teenagers should not be allowed to go out with their friends every night. I think we can go out if we can make sure our safety.Mother says:I say:Mother says: _I say: _Mother says: _I say: _Mother says: _I say: _Mother says: _I say: _objectivesTo understand the poem Mom Knows BestTo talk about what you are allowed to do Look and saytinyadj. 极小的;微小的极小的;微小的very small in size or amount Though she was tiny, she had a very loud voice.虽然她个头很小,嗓门却很大。虽然她个头很小,嗓门却很大。Look and saycryv. & n. 哭;哭喊哭;哭喊to produce tears from your eyes because you are unhappy or hurt He cried with anger and frustration.他愤怒而失望地哭了。他愤怒而失望地哭了。Look and sayfieldan area of land in the country used for growing crops or keeping animals in, usually surrounded by a fence, etc This discovery has opened up a whole new field of research.这一发现开辟了一个全新的研究领域。这一发现开辟了一个全新的研究领域。n. 田野;场地田野;场地Look and sayhugto put your arms around somebody and hold them tightly, especially to show that you like or love them Hell never change, and will hug his cherished beliefs.他不会改变的,他将坚守他所珍惜的信仰。他不会改变的,他将坚守他所珍惜的信仰。n. & v. 拥抱;搂抱拥抱;搂抱Look and sayliftto raise somebody/something or be raised to a higher position or level He had a car and often gave me a lift home.他有一辆汽车,经常让我搭便车回家。他有一辆汽车,经常让我搭便车回家。v. 举起;抬高举起;抬高n. 电梯;搭便车电梯;搭便车Look and sayregretto feel sorry about something you have done or about something that you have not been able to do Do as I tell you, or youll regret it later on.照我的话去做,否则你以后会后悔的。照我的话去做,否则你以后会后悔的。v. & n. 感到遗憾;感到遗憾; 懊悔懊悔Role-play1. Read the poem ;2. make a conversation with your partner according to the poem.Read the poem and answer the question.1. What did the mom do when the writer was a baby and a small child?2. What do you think the writer talked back to his mom when he was seven and nine years old?3. How did the writer feel when he was a teenager and his mom said “Please be back by ten”?4. After reading the whole poem, how do you think the writer feels about his mom?5. Whats the meaning of Mom Knows Best?3bDebate Mom Knows Best. What do you think?positive side(正方正方)negative side(反方反方)When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side. Language pointscrying all night 为现在分词短语,跟在名词为现在分词短语,跟在名词baby后面作定语,修饰后面作定语,修饰baby。There is something important in todays newspaper. Most of the people singing are the students. 当我还是一个整夜哭闹的小宝宝时,妈妈会给当我还是一个整夜哭闹的小宝宝时,妈妈会给我唱歌,陪伴在我身旁。我唱歌,陪伴在我身旁。Now Im an adult, thinking back to those times.times 时光;岁月;时代时光;岁月;时代除除times 一词外,一词外, 有时人们还会使用有时人们还会使用days 表达类表达类似含义。似含义。In those days, people used to write a lot more letters.那是一段非常不确定的时期。那是一段非常不确定的时期。现在我已长大成人,回想起那过去的岁月。现在我已长大成人,回想起那过去的岁月。They were hard times and his parents had been struggling to raise their family.那是一段困难时期,他的父母一直挣扎着养家那是一段困难时期,他的父母一直挣扎着养家糊口糊口。I was late for school from staying out past ten.from 因为因为因为十点后才回家,第二天上学就迟到了。因为十点后才回家,第二天上学就迟到了。They really do get pleasure from spending money on other people.他们确实因把钱花在别人身上而从中得到快乐。他们确实因把钱花在别人身上而从中得到快乐。The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion.问题仅因意见不同而引起。问题仅因意见不同而引起。I regret talking back, not listening to Mom.regret 感到遗憾;懊悔感到遗憾;懊悔我后悔不该顶嘴,没听妈妈的话。我后悔不该顶嘴,没听妈妈的话。We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.regret doing sth 对某事感到懊悔对某事感到懊悔,遗憾遗憾 I believe you will regret leaving Paris. regret to do 很遗憾地抱歉地做很遗憾地抱歉地做. 本课时重点回顾1. when I was a tiny baby crying all night2. I should be allowed to eat more!Now 2 mins to test your spelling.English-Chinesetalk back teen awful poemChinese-English极小的极小的 哭哭 田野田野 懊悔懊悔拥抱拥抱 举起举起 严重地严重地When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.1. 安娜可以选择自己的衣服。安娜可以选择自己的衣服。 Anna is _ _ _ her own clothes. 2. 你认为应该允许你认为应该允许13岁的孩子们做兼职岁的孩子们做兼职 工作吗?工作吗? Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to _ _ _? 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。allowed to weartake part-time jobs3. 我不同意我不同意, 我认为我认为16岁这个年纪太年岁这个年纪太年 轻了。轻了。 I _. I think sixteen is too young. 4. 你家有什么规定吗?你家有什么规定吗? 噢噢, 我在周一至周五不能外出。我在周一至周五不能外出。 What _ do you have at home? Well, Im _ _ _ go out on school nights. disagreerulesnot allowed to 1. I think one day books may _ (replace) by computers.2. Paper should not _ (throw) away.3. Books and CDs can _ (borrow) from the library.be replacedbe thrownbe borrowed用所给动词的正确形式填空。用所给动词的正确形式填空。 4. More man-made satellites must _ (send) up into space.5. Man can _ (clone) by scientists.6. The sun and its planets _ (call) the solar system.7. The work should _ (do) at once.be sentbe clonedare calledbe done1. Read the poem and try to recite the last six lines.2. Preview the new words we will use in the next lesson.Homework Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section APeriod Threecommunitykeepaway fromchancemake ones own decisioneducatemanagesocietyn. 社区;社团社区;社团避免接近;远离避免接近;远离n. 机会;可能性机会;可能性自己做决定自己做决定v. 教育;教导教育;教导v. 完成;应付完成;应付n. 社会社会Words andExpressionsLead-inLook at the school rules below, discuss with your partner whether these rules are reasonable or not, why?1. Dont smoke.3. Dont eat in the classrooms.2. Dont drive cars.4. Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.5. Dont fight.6. Wear school uniform.Well, Im not allowed to fight at school.What rules do you have at school?Well, I am good now.I agree. But I think thats terrible for you. objectivesTo learn to use should + be allowed to to speak and discuss about what you are not allowed to doAgree and disagree接龙接龙幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。每人一词,按行每人一词,按行/列依次接龙,列依次接龙,3秒秒内说不出,此行内说不出,此行/列同学即失去此列同学即失去此答题机会,下一行答题机会,下一行/列同学接续。列同学接续。1. I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.2. Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions?3. Teenagers should not be allowed to have part-time jobs.4. Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we dont use a flash?If you dont use a flash, then it may be OK.No, I dont agree with this. Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions.I agree. They arent serious enough.I disagree. They can learn a lot from working.Find the answer to the question.1. You must clean your bedroom every day.2. Parents should encourage teenagers to do social work for their community.3. Can Lucy do her homework tomorrow instead?4. Do you think we must keep teenagers away from the Internet?5. Parents should give teenagers chances to make their own decisions.Rewrite the sentences according to the example.4aFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.Should teenagers_ (ask) to move out when they start working? In many Western countries, teenagers _ (allow) to move out at eighteen. Their parents believe that they should _ (educate) to take care of themselves from a young age. This way, when they _ (start) working they can manage their own lives. 4bFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.However, in most Asian societies, it is not common for teenagers to _(move) out. Chinese parents believe that it is better for children to live with parents who can _ (take) care of them. But the young should then look after their parents as they get older. That is why many Chinese adults _ (continue) to live with their parents.4bYou and your friend are starting an English club. Make a list of rules about what should and should not be allowed.Yes, but they should only use English-English dictionary.Members should be allowed to use dictionaries. 4cYou and your friend are starting an English club. Make a list of rules about what should and should not be allowed.Yes, and they can only speak English.I agree with you. Besides, I think members should be allowed to bring their friends here.4c小结:小结:英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法 非常赞同非常赞同 I couldnt agree more! 我非常同意我非常同意! Thats absolutely true! 绝对没错绝对没错! Im with you on that. 我同意这点我同意这点! Absolutely! 肯定了肯定了! Thats exactly my opinion. 正是我所设想的正是我所设想的! 小结:小结:英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法 比较赞同比较赞同 Yes, perhaps. 可能吧可能吧. Well, youve got a point there. 你说的还算有点道理你说的还算有点道理. Mmm, possibly. 恩恩, 可能吧可能吧. I guess you could be right. 我想可能是吧我想可能是吧. 小结:小结:英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法 委婉表示不赞同委婉表示不赞同 Im not so certain. 我不确定我不确定. Im inclined to disagree with that. 我不太同我不太同意你说的意你说的. Im not so sure really. 我不是很同意我不是很同意. No, I dont think so really. 不不,我不这样认为我不这样认为. 小结:小结:英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法 I disagree with you entirely. 我绝对不同意你的观点我绝对不同意你的观点. You must be joking. 你在说笑吧你在说笑吧. 意见分歧意见分歧 You cant be serious. 你不是认真的吧你不是认真的吧. I wouldnt go along with you there. 我想我们不能这点上达成共识我想我们不能这点上达成共识. 本课时重点回顾1. Teenagers should (not) be allowed to I agree/ I disagree.2. Your bedroom must be cleaned every day.Now 2 mins to test your spelling.English-Chinesecommunity societyChinese-English远离远离 机会机会 教育教育 完成完成 When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.根据学校的规定,补全对话。根据学校的规定,补全对话。School rules1. No talking in the library2. Wear uniform3. Dont arrive late for class4. Keep the classroom clean5. Dont listen to pop music注注: 另附另附word文档。文档。 点击此处链接点击此处链接A: What are the school rules, Alex?B: Well, we are not (1)_ to talk in the library.A: I (2)_. I dont think anybody can talk in the library.B: we must wear school uniforms.A: I (3)_. We should (4)_ (5)_ to choose our own clothes.B: We mustnt arrive late for class and we must (6)_ the classroom clean.talkedagreedisagreebeallowedkeepA: I know. I think thats right.B: We mustnt listen to pop music.A:(7)_? We mustnt listen to pop songs (8)_ the classroom, but we (9)_ be allowed outside.B: I (10)_ think this rule is fair, either.ReallyinshoulddontHomework 1. Write a passage about your home rules.2. Preview the new words we will use in the next lesson.


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