人教版七年级下册Unit 8 Section B(2a-2c)课件(31张PPT)2

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人教版七年级下册Unit 8 Section B(2a-2c)课件(31张PPT)2_第1页
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人教版七年级下册Unit 8 Section B(2a-2c)课件(31张PPT)2_第3页
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Key words & phrases:Key words & phrases: along, turn, right, left, crossing, go along, turn right/left Key sentences: Key sentences: 1. Go along the street. 2. Is there a hotel around here? 3. It is next to the supermarket and across from the bank. neighborhoodspendspend timeclimbroadoftenairn. 街区;街坊街区;街坊v. 花花(时间、钱等时间、钱等)花时间花时间v. 爬爬n. 路路adv. 时常;常常时常;常常n. 空气空气Words and expressionssunshinefreeenjoyenjoy readingeasilymoneyn. 阳光阳光adj. 免费的免费的v. 享受;喜爱享受;喜爱喜欢阅读喜欢阅读adv. 容易地容易地n. 钱钱Words and expressions restaurantPay phone parkGo to the post office. New street Bridge streetLibraryBank Post office supermarket Hotel restaurantPay phone parkGo to the library. New street Bridge streetLibraryBank Post office supermarket Hotel restaurantPay phone parkGo to the park. New street Bridge streetLibraryBank Post office supermarket Hotel Check () the places near your home. Tell your partner where they are. 2aThere is a clothes store near my home. Its next to the bank on Bridge Road. Where is it?There is a zoo in Annas neighborhood. She likes to spend time there on weekends. She loves to watch the monkeys climbing around. The monkeys sometimes fight. To get there, she usually walks out and turns right on Bridge Road. Then she walks along Bridge Road. The zoo is on the right. Bridge RoadBridge Road Read the first passage loudly and carefully and answer the questions.1. Where does Anna like to spend time on weekends? _2. What animals does Anna love to watch? _3. How does Anna get to the zoo? _ _The zoo.Monkeys.Turn right on Bridge Road. Then walk along Bridge Road. The zoo is on the right. John lives near a supermarket. His parents usually shop there. Theres a big park across from the park. He often exercises in the park because he loves the clean air and sunshine. To get the park, he has to cross the street. Read the second passage and answer the questions below.1. Where does John live? _2. Where is the big park? _3. Where does John often exercise? _4. How does John get to the park? _Near a supermarket.Across from the supermarket.At the park.He has to cross Center Street.Read paragraph 2 and choose the right answer:小声阅读第二段并选择正确答案1.Where does John live? 1.Where does John live? ( )( )A. near a supermarket B. near a park A. near a supermarket B. near a park C.onC.on Center Street D. near the Center Street D. near the hospitalhospitalA A2.What place is across from the supermarket? 2.What place is across from the supermarket? ( )( )A. a shop B. a park C. a bank D. a school A. a shop B. a park C. a bank D. a school B B3. Why does John often exercise at the 3. Why does John often exercise at the park ? ( park ? ( ) )A. Because its free.A. Because its free.B. Because its near his home.B. Because its near his home.C. Because he loves the clean air and sunshine.C. Because he loves the clean air and sunshine.D. Because its across from the supermarket.D. Because its across from the supermarket.C C4.How to get to the 4.How to get to the park?( ) park?( ) A . You just have to cross the Bridge Road.B. Its on your right.C. You just have to walk along Center Street.D. You just have to cross Center Street.D D Lisa lives in a noisy neighborhood. There is a post office between her house and a clothes store. But her favorite place is the library. It is very quiet and she enjoys reading there. When she reads books, times goes quickly. To get to the library easily, just go down North Road and turn left. Its across from the park. North RoadNorth RoadRead the third passage and answer the questions below.1. Where is the post office? _ _2. Whats Lisas favorite place? _3. Can Lisa get to the library easily? _Between Lisas house and a clothes store.The library.Yes, she can.What doesWhat does she enjoy she enjoy doing there?doing there?The place Lisa livesWhere is the post office?Where is her favorite place?In a noisy neighborhood.In a noisy neighborhood.Between her house and a clothes store.Between her house and a clothes store. The library.The library.She enjoys reading there.She enjoys reading there.Read paragraph 3 and complete the chart:小声阅读第三段并完成表格小声阅读第三段并完成表格How to get to the How to get to the library?library?Just go down North Just go down North Road and turn left . Road and turn left . It is across from the It is across from the park.park.1.What does Anna like doing in the zoo? _ _2.Does Anna think monkeys are like people? Why? _ _ _Anna likes watching the monkeys climbing around.Yes, Anna thinks that when the monkeys are fighting, they look like her friends fighting.Report3.What does John like to do at the park? _4.John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you think so? _ _ _5. How does Lisa get to the library from her home? _ _ _ _John likes to exercise at the park. Yes, I think so. The clean air and sunshine are the best things in our life and they are all free for us to use. Lisa walks to the library. She goes down North Road and then turns left. The library is across from the park.Fill in the blanks. There is a in Annas neighborhood. She likes to go there to watch the monkeys around on weekends. To get there, Anna usually walks out and on Bridge Road. John lives near a supermarket. There is a big park it. John often at the park and he loves the clean air and . They are .He just has to Center Street. Lisa lives in a neighborhood. Her favorite place is the because its very quiet and she enjoys there.zooclimbingturn rightacross fromexercisescrossnoisylibraryreadingsunshinefree1. I like to spend time there on weekends. spend作动词, 意为“花 (时间、钱等)”, 常用人做主语,句型有: sb. + spend(s) +时间 / 钱+ on + sth. 如:He often spends much money on books. sb.+ spend(s) +时间 / 钱 (+in) + doing sth. 如:He often spends much money (in) buying books. 【链接】 take也可表“花费”,但常表示“花费时间”常用it做形式主语, It takes sb. +时间+ to do sth.如: It takes me 15 minutes to go to school .cost “花费”, 主语是物,常用句型: sth. costs (sb.) 钱, 某物花了某人多少钱 Eg. The pen cost me 10 yuan. 【运用】根据汉语意思, 用spend或take 完成英语句子。 杰夫通常花一个小时做家庭作业。 1) Jeff usually _ an hour _ his homework. 2) Jeff usually _ an hour in _ his homework. 3) It usually _ Jeff an hour _ _ his homework. takesspendson spendsdoing to do1. I1. I spend two hours spend two hours practicingpracticing the piano every day the piano every day . .2. She wants to2. She wants to spend 25 spend 25 yuanyuan buyingbuying the book the book 某人花费某人花费( (时间时间, ,钱钱) )干某事干某事 sbsb + _ + _+_ + _ + _+_spendtime /moneydoing变同义句:变同义句:It takes me thirty minutes to read books.It takes me thirty minutes to read books.I_ thirty minutes _ books. spendreading It _ sb + time _ sth.= Sb _ time _ sth.takesto dospenddoing3. It is very quiet and I enjoy _ there. enjoy v. 喜爱喜爱; 享受享受 enjoy + 动词动词ing形式形式, 意为意为“喜欢喜欢/享受做某事享受做某事” e.g. I enjoy _(play) basketball every afternoon. enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun 玩的开心,过的愉快玩的开心,过的愉快注意:注意:enjoy后的反身代词应在人称和数上后的反身代词应在人称和数上enjoy前的主语保持一致。前的主语保持一致。He enjoyed himself.readingplaying1. Do you enjoy _ at the supermarket?1. Do you enjoy _ at the supermarket? A. to shop B shop C shopping A. to shop B shop C shoppingenjoy doing, Anna usually walks out and turns , Anna usually walks out and turns right on Bridge Road. right on Bridge Road. , you just have to cross , you just have to cross Center StreetCenter Street, , just go down just go down North RoadNorth Road and turn leftand turn left. . 小发现小发现: : _ _不定式做目的状语不定式做目的状语, ,通常放在句末通常放在句末, , 但有时为但有时为了表示强调会将其放在了表示强调会将其放在_._.to do句首句首小试身手:小试身手:_ (save) the elephants, we must save the trees. To save1. I want to buy a pen. Give me some _, mom? 2. Alice always _ an hour playing the guitar. 3. Its sunny today. The _ is really nice. 4. They found the post office _. 5. Grace _ playing computer games very much.6. Please have some fruit. Its _. sunshinemoneyeasilyspendsenjoy free spend easily money sunshineenjoysfree词汇词汇运用。运用。1.The supermarket is on the _(five) Avenue.2.There are two _(library)in our school.3.Ben has an _(interest)book.4.Lets read from the _(begin) of this book.5.This isnt my shirt. Its _(you).fifthlibrariesinterestingbeginningyours(1)There are some CDs on the desk. (改否定句改否定句)(2) There is a teacher in the classroom. (改一般疑问句,并否定回答改一般疑问句,并否定回答)There arent any CDs on the desk.-Is there a teacher in the classroom ? -No, there isnt.句型转换句型转换 (3) She has an eraser. (改一般疑问句改一般疑问句, 并肯定回答并肯定回答)-Does she have an eraser ? -Yes, she does.一、Practice reading the three articles in 2b. 二、Make sentences using the following words and phrases.1. spend 2. enjoy doing sth. 3. be free 4. climb 5. easily三、 Write about your or your partners neighborhood according to the map youve drawn.


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