牛津小学英语5B Uint9 The English Club第一课时教案

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牛津小学英语5B Uint9 The English Club第一课时教案一、 教学目标1 能听懂、会说、会读单词China, Chinese, UK, British, USA, American, Japan, Japanese, 以及club。2 能听懂、会说、会读句型Where are you from? Im/Hes/Shes/Its from I speak He/She/It speaks 并能综合运用。二、 教学重点1 能正确区分四个国家名称、国籍及语言的英语表达。2 能熟练运用本课句型进行交际。三、 教学难点1 能正确掌握四个国家名称、国籍及语言的发音。2 能正确区分并运用第三人称单数形式。四、 教具准备1 多媒体课件。2 自制小国旗,课前发给学生,一学生一面。五、 教学过程Step 1 Free talkT: This is my name card. (课件呈现)Im Miss Yin. Im 25. Im from Liyang. Im Chinese. How about you?学生模仿介绍自己。T: Do you have any hobbies?S: Yes, I do. I like T: I have some hobbies, too. I like listening to music. So I want to go to the music club.呈现卡片cl b, 教给学生读音。通过读单词bus, duck, 引导学生补充其中空缺元音字母u。引导学生用club说一些词组,如animal club, girls club, car club, basketball club等。Step 2 Presentation and consolidation(1)(多媒体)T: Look, heres a picture of the music club. Is it nice?S: Yes, it is.T: Do you want to go to the music club with me?S: Yes.T: OK. Lets go! In this club, we can listen to many songs from different countries. First, please listen carefully. What song is it?播放歌曲 “Twinkle, twinkle, little star.”引导学生说Its an English song.引出单词 English 呈现图片. T: This is an English man. He speaks English. Where is he from? Do you know? Hes from_ . 英国国旗,教授the UK T: Hes British. 教授British. 分音节朗读British. 请学生用以上三句话描述这位英国男士。 S: Hes from the UK. Hes British. He speaks English. 请学生模仿描述周围持有英国国旗的同学,注意he/ she变化。(2)Mickey Mouse图,T: Look at the Mickey Mouse. It speaks English, too. Is it from the UK, too? Lets have a look. 呈现美国国旗,引出单词the USA。 引导学生说:Its from the USA. T: So its American. 教授单词American, 分音节朗读:A-me-ri-can T: Can you say something about Mickey Mouse? 学生用以上三句话进行描述。 S: Its from the USA. Its American. It speaks English. 请学生模仿描述周围持有美国国旗的同学,注意人称变化。(3)樱桃小丸子图,T: Look at this girl. Where is she from? 呈现日本国旗,引导学生说:Shes from Japan. 教授单词Japan, 注意两个a的发音。 T: So shes Japanese.。She speaks Japanese. 教授Japanese, 并把其中两个a与Japan的两个a发音进行比较。 请学生用以上三句话进行描述。 S: Shes from Japan. Shes Japanese. She speaks Japanese. 并模仿描述周围持有日本国旗的同学,注意人称变化。(4)福娃欢欢图, T: Do you know this girl? Whats her name? Lets ask her together. S: Whats your name? 播放录音:Im Huanhuan. T: Where are you from? 录音:Im from China. Im Chinese. I speak Chinese. T: Where are you from? 学说该句型。 S: (引导学生用小旗子回答)Im from Im I speak 师生、生生个别问答。 Practise in pairs and act out. Step 3 In the funny house(1) Look and guess. 各国建筑物图片,猜国家。 呈现天安门,T: Where is it? S: Its in China. 大本钟,T: Where is it? S: Its in the UK.富士山,T: Where is it? S: Its in Japan.自由女神像,T: Where is it? S: Its in the USA. (2) Say a chant: Chinese speak Chinese. Japanese speak Japanese. British speak English. Americans speak English, too. (这里Chinese, Japanese, British, Americans 是指 国人。) Step 4 Learn the text. T: The club has a new friend today. His name is Tony White. He is talking to the children. Listen carefully. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Step 5 综合运用 T: So much for Todays music club. Are you happy today? S: Yes. T: Do you want to come again? S: Yes. T: Next time, I want to take Xiaoxin with me. So I want to introduce him first. “小新” 图 T: This is my friend. His name is Xiaoxin. Hes from Japan. Hes Japanese. He speaks Japanese. I like him. Hes interesting. 呈现多个人物或卡通图,如唐老鸭、多拉A梦、哈里波特、孙悟空、贝克汉姆、姚明等.T: Whom do you want to take with? 学生模仿学说一段话。Homework (1) Read the words and text.(2) 用英语介绍课本插页上的人物:Tom White, Jane Brown, Wang Bing等。并试着写下来。(3) 用英语介绍你喜欢的名人。


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