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考 号 乡镇_ 学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 座号_密.封.线.小学六年级英语期末检测题(2014年春)惠阳淡水第五小学 曾锐红题 次A.听力部分B笔试部分总 评核分人得 分扣 分A. 听力部分 (30分)一、听音,选出你所听到的词,把答案序号填入括号里。(7分)( ) 1. A. soon B. sun C. some D. Sam( ) 2. A. tree B. sweet C. street D. straight( ) 3. A. right B. write C. white D. what( ) 4. A. these B. those C. this D. there ( ) 5. A. exercise B. excuse C. excited D. expensive ( ) 6. A. twelfth B. twelve C. twenty D. twentieth ( ) 7. A. cake B. take C. make D. lake二、听音,给图片标号。(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 第1页 共4页三、听读句子,写出句子中所缺的单词。(10分)1、Dose the _ come from the_ in the river?2、 _ is your _.3、Im _ . I can the trash.4、They are _ _ in the woods.四、听短文,判断正误,用“”,“”,表示在括号内。(5分)( )1. Tom is ten years old.( )2. Tom has a brother.( )3. Tom doesnt have any hobbies.( )4. Tom likes playing chess.( )5. Tom watches football games on TV every day.B.笔试部分(70分)五、将下列单词归类,将编号填入横线上。(10分) 1. tonight 2.library 3. bank 4.hot 5.bike 6.taxi 7. hospital 8.week 9.plane 10.cool 时间: 地点: 交通工具: 天气: 六. 选择填空,把其编号填在左边括号内。(10分)( ) 1. Tom and his friends in the reading room. A. is reading books B. reads booksC. are reading books( ) 2. What are you going to do afternoon?A. in B. on C. this( ) 3. Are there _ books on the shelf?A. some B. many C. any( ) 4. did you on your holiday? I went to Beijing.A. What B. How C. Where( ) 5. It _ a sunny day yesterday.A. isB. was C. does( ) 6. Let help . A. me, you B.I, youC. we, you 第2页 共4页( ) 7.Im eleven years old. He is fifteen years old. Im than him.A. older B. longer C. younger( ) 8.Happy New Year! .A. Fine,thanks. B. You are welcome.C. The same to you( ) 9. The socks are _ .Please give them to_. A. theirs, he B. theirs, them C. their, him ( ) 10. _ where is the bus stop?A. I am sorryB. Thank you C. Excuse me七、连词成句。(10分) 1. taller, brother, you, are, than, your (.) 2. on, does, sister, go, your, to, foot, work (.) 3. some, and, water, take, medicine, hot, drink (.) 4. walked, in, I, to, the, Mikes, morning, home (.) 5. sang, with, I, my, danced, friends, and, new (.) 八、看图填空完成问答句。(一空一分)(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Which _ do you like? I like _. 2. What _your mother do? She is a _. 3. What _ you do last night? I _ the room. 4. What is her _? She likes _. 5. How do you _ to school? I go to school _bike. 第3页 共4页 九、在右栏中找出左栏的正确答案,将其字母编号填入左栏括号内。(10分)( ) 1. Where is the museum? A. He is an actor.( ) 2. When are you going? B. Next week.( ) 3. Does he teach English? C. Yes, it is. ( ) 4. Is it far from here? D. Yes, he does.( ) 5. What does your father do ? E. Its near the school. 十、阅读短文,然后判断后面的句子是否符合短文内容(正“T”误“F”)。(10分)Columbus was born in Italy(意大利) in 1451.He moved to Spain in 1477. Columbus always wanted to visit China. In 1492, Columbus sailed from Spain with 3 ships. Columbus traveled for many months, but he did not land in china. He landed in Cuba.In 1493, he took a second trip. Columbus thought he landed on the islands near Japan, but he was on the islands in the Caribbean Sea. In 1498, he tried to go to China again, but he went to South America. Columbus never saw China.( ) 1. Columbus was born in Italy.( ) 2. He wanted to visit China.( ) 3. On his fist trip, he landed in china.( ) 4. He traveled three times.( ) 5. He didnt find China.十一、作文:(六十词左右)(10分)以“My Favourite Season”为题按要求写一篇英语小作文。介绍你最喜欢的季节有什么特点,你为什么喜欢这个季节。要求条理清晰,语句通顺,语法正确,书写工整、规范,不少于50个词。 My Favourite Season_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 第4页 共4页


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