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毕业论文(设计)题 目:基于AT89C51单片机的LED显示控制系统 系部名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 2012 年 3月 2日摘 要 这篇文章介绍了基于AT89C52单片机的LED显示控制系统软硬件的设计过程。我们用一个简单的外部电路控制尺寸为32*192的显示屏,通过一个动态显示模块,这个显示屏也能显示六个32*32的汉字,也能分成两个小的显示屏,能够显示24 个16*16的汉字。我们能通过修改程序来改变显示内容。字幕可以实现滚动功能且滚动速度可以根据要求调节,屏幕也具有暂停功能。汉字代码储存在数据存储器中,储存器的容量可以根据显示汉字的需要扩展。该显示屏具有低电压,硬件电路简单等优点。关键字 : LED,汉字,AT89C52一、简 介 LED显示屏已成为一个重要的标志,在城市照明、现代化、信息社会不断的改善和美化人们的生活环境。LED灯可以应用于大型购物商场、车站、码头、地下车站,各种管理窗口等等。LED业务已成为一个快速增长的新兴产业,具有巨大的市场空间和前景。文本,图片,动画和录像显示(LED)的亮度和内容是可以改变的。一些元器件的显示装置的模构通常是由显示模块、控制系统和电力系统。显示模块构成的网格结构由领导,并负责发光显示;屏幕上可以显示文本,图片、视频等,在相应的区域控制系统操控LED光亮或黑暗;电力系统是一个负责屏幕上转换输入电压和电流流进的电压和电流。LED点阵显示提取显示字符的字体通过PC,通过单片机,然后显示在点阵屏,主要用于室内和室外的显示。LED点阵显示可分为图形显示,图像显示和视频显示器显示的内容。相比提高了图像显示的特点图形显示没有区别,无论它是在这两种颜色单色或彩色显示。因此,图形显示也不能反映丰富的颜色,录像显示不能只把清晰、彩色图像,而且也表现在电视和电脑的信号。虽然三者之间有一些差异,但是最基本的原则是类似。单片机具有良好的性价比,小体积、高可靠性强的控制,并广泛应用于聪明仪器、机电一体化,真正的-时间过程控制、机器人、家用电器、模糊控制、通讯系统等。摘要描述了设计中的LED显示屏有关原理,硬件设计软件结构进行了详细描述,最后,我们模拟的总体设计和分析结果。二、系统整体结构设计 单片机(SCM)模型选择相应的目标、功能、可靠性、成本,精度和速度控制系统。根据这个主题的实际情况,选择不同的配置管理模型主要考虑从以下两个方面:首先,供应链管理具有较强的抗干扰能力;第二,单片机具有较高的性价比。mcs51汇编语言是由于广泛应用在中国,有更多的信息,可以配合外围芯片多。ATMEL公司,引进了一种新的在2003年一代单片机,即89系列,并通过对典型的产品具有较高的性能和较低的AT89C52单片机是成本。AT89C52是一种低电压、高性能CMOS 8位单片机,包括了8 k只读芯片程序内存(PEROM)可以重复删除,256字节随机的存取数据存储器(RAM),装置采用高密度非易失性存储器存储技术。8052年产品,而芯片内置的通用8位元中央处理器(CPU)、Flash存储单元,可以应用到更复杂的控制应用。 该系统是实现的电路由AT89C52芯片、时钟电路、复位电路,列扫描驱动电路、线、驱动电路和63232 LED点阵,图表一显示整体结构的LED字符。显示单位由两个74 HC154点阵。串行数据信号分为两个部分,分别给两个8255,但是8255年的数据来自AT89C52主控制器。扫描信号的每个字是由这两个74 HC154,74 HC154 12件,分为6组。输入信号是由74 HC154, AT89C52的P1.0 P1.3, 外部数据存储器6264与AT89C52的地址。 图表1 LED汉字显示系统总结构图表2 单片机控制系统电路三、系统的硬件电路设计31、单片机控制系统电路的设计 汉字的大小是3232,但是单片机I / O端口不能满足设计的要求,因此I / O端口必须扩大,数据端口实施扩张是两个8255。数据端口图2显示扩张,74 HC373的低八个地址,低八个地址6264提供的信号,但高八个地址所提供的信号P2.0 6264 P2.4,8255年被A0,A1.74 HC139是2 - 4解码器,其输入信号P2.6所提供对单片机应用P2.7,并提供了闸门外的I / O设备,因为这个系统有超过一个的外部的装置,确保他们不应该是闭的,因此他们的地址是唯一的,不要再重复一遍。时钟电路由AT89C52 18、19脚从时钟侧(XTALI和XTAL2),和12兆赫晶体X,电容C1和C2,并利用单片振荡模式。3.2、 电路设计的显示存储单元组成汉字是大小的3232设计,每个字符包括四个部分(一)、(二)、(三)、(四),每一个包括四个部分了矩阵的大小是88、电路分解地图显示单位由图表三表示。线(a)的信号(b)给出了在两个8255A1PA0 1PA7 and 1PB0 1PB7 are PA and PB port of 8255A-1, 2PA0 2PA7 and 2PB0 2PB7 are PA and PB port of 8255A-2,这些数据代表了有74HC154给出的列扫描信号。提出了strobes 16专栏 74HC154, (a)(d)需要八个信号分别,就这样(a)和(b)分享74 HC154,(c)和(d)分享了74 HC154。显示一个字符需要两个74 HC154列扫描信号提供。当电路工作(A)(d)是通过扫描信号封闭顺序,只有一个封闭的,等LED熄灭,显示的数据传给了两个8255。同时,人类的眼睛会看到一个稳定的图像。因为人类的眼睛特征的坚持异象。此外,因为汉字每一个显示需要128字节的存储空间,但AT89C52单片机芯片只有256字节数据存储器,它是远低于设计要求,所以我们扩大存储空间的88 K外部数据存储器6264。(A) (B)(C)(D)图表3 显示单元的电路分解图 3.3、等级数据单元的设计电路 8255 Inte1是一种通用可编程并行输入/输出接口芯片。它的功能可通过设定软件程序,具有很强的通用性。它可以直接通过数据总线连接到中央处理器外部设备,使用方便、灵活。Inte18255A有三个8位并行接口芯片的输入和输出端口、编程方法可以被用于设置三个端口作为输入端口或输出端口.芯片工作都有基本的输入和输出,闸门输入/输出双向输入/输出。当这些数据被通过数据总线上的CPU,其可选择无条件转让、查询传输或中断传输。在8255年three-port Inte1芯片港口C可作为不仅数据端口,也是控制端口。当端口C作为一个数据端口,它不仅可作为8位数据端口,但也分别吗作为两个4比特数据端口,每个点港口C可以操作,可以设置一个特定的一些输入或输出,就这样提供了便利的条件控制。图表4 串行数据电路 在显示单元电路的设计,这些线条数据给出了两个8255,如图所示图4。这个设计使用动态显示方式显示中文人们可以控制手段行或列扫描,系统采用的方法列扫描控制屏幕,特定的栏扫描电路被显示在图5。列扫描电路由12块74 HC154。 两块提供74 HC154 32 strobes显示一个字符.这74 HC154输入信号是P1.0 P1.3提供通过AT89C52来控制屏幕,但12块74 HC154应用于设计、根据他们工作秩序,输入的是一块74 HC154 P1.4 P1.7这是由AT89C52来控制屏幕。图表5 电压扫描电路3.4、 串行通信接口电路 PC和单片机通过串行通信联系界面。为了实现串行通讯单片机与PC机函数关系,和串口的水平对单片机应用将变成标准RS - 232 - C水平11。在PC机的输出电压的RS - 232 C端口12 V。单片机和PC,考虑到短距离通信,单片机主要负责接收的命令和数据,所以PC单片机直接关系,这是简单的连接方法。从信号PC机的TXD-side都变成一个电流信号通过交流电路,红外光-发光二极管的电流有一个信号发生,灯发出的信号二极管投射到了phototransistor,并转换为电信号,然后输入到单片机RXD身边,所以光电转换已经实现,并且电气完全隔离以避免反馈干扰的输出端所产生。四、软件设计 整个软件设计的主要构成显示程序和通讯程序。汉字显示在屏幕上,性格和其他数据传输控制显示函数采用动态扫描了。真实-时间与PC机通信的部分接收数据在单片机串行干扰信息,就这样实时数据信息的传输与PC实施。主机软件实施视觉基础。在标准串行通信,这是电力通信MSCOMM控制VB所提供,它可以设置的串行通讯数据发送和接收、串行通讯端口地位,消息格式和协议为,直接把数据用PC的RS / RS485串行端口。为了意识到可靠的通讯与PC机单片机,确保双方都相同的数据格式和波特率11,该设计采用RS - 232通讯,10位数据格式,9600位/秒波特率。4.1、 汉字点阵显示原理与子程序用新罗马字体UCDOS作为一个例子,每个词由1616点矩阵。那是每一个字国家标准的要求,汉字要用256格表达。我们可以理解每一个点作为一个像素,形状的每个单词的理解为一个图像。事实上,这个角色显示屏不仅能显示汉字,但也可以显示围内的任何图形像素。由于单片机是8位单片机,一个词需要分成两部分,如图7所示。 图7、汉字点阵显示为了了解汉字点阵组成原理,首先,字符代码通过列扫描的方法获得。汉字分为上方和下方,上方由816个格子,下半部分816所形成的晶格。第一栏上左拐角的上方显示了第一列扫描的方法,即P00 P07口,显示是汉字“大”,P05代码00000100,并转换为十六进制像04 h。在第一栏上方结束了,继续扫描底部一半的第一列,它可以从图7 ,二进制是00000000,十六进制是00 h。根据这一方法,第二栏里,第三栏里,直到16是转。扫描“大”扫描码字符可以得出。04H, 00H, 04H, 02H, 04H, 02H, 04H, 04H 04H, 08H, 04H, 30H, 05H, 0C0H, 0FEH, 00H 05H, 80H, 04H, 60H, 04H, 10H, 04H, 08H 04H, 04H, 0CH, 06H, 04H, 04H ,00H, 00H它可以从这一原则,不管遇到什么样的字体或图像显示,我们就可以用这些方法来分析扫描代码和出现在屏幕上。 虽然上述方法让我们排除了字符点阵代码过程,而是依靠手册字符代码的方法,这是一个非常复杂的问题。为此,字体软件是用来发现的特性代码,输入的内容显示在软件开启时,可以选择字体和大小根据要求,你可以选择由行或模专栏。模按钮,十六进制的数据字符代码可以自动生成的,我们所需要的数据拷贝到这个地方。4.2、地址分配及数据存储器 在这个设计中,我们使用8255 A,6264等外部设备,他们的管脚是不一样的,所以闸门控制,包括地址分配问题。在系统、详细地址代码8255年3 FFCH 3和7 FFCH FFFH 7 FFFH地址的代码6264是0 A000H 0 BFFFH。 此外,6264分为四个不同的区,每个空间大小是2 K.4.3、 软件编程 软件程序由一开始,初始化,显示程序,前面主要程序和子程序中显示的是Figure.8流程图和图9。字符编码储存在静态的6264,配置管理工具将等待信号给出,输入信号P3.0单片机应用针。当P3.0来自低电平,显示程序开始运行。首先,控制到8255年控制字写港口,8255工作形式的模式0的设计。在控制的话完成后,将会显示的数据转移到8255从6264、显示数据输出四次因为线宽字符的屏幕32岁,一排的数据输入和运输从上到吗底部,每个第一排的信号控制在单片机是封闭的数据传输后,这样的第一列显示数据,然后叫延迟程序显示内容的稳定。第二列数据读取程序延迟后结束了,下一个行是封闭的,所以第二栏里的数据也是如此显示,等等,因为屏幕尺寸是32192,192行显示,192行构成一幅图像。然后,从第一列扫描,落后的起始地址正确显示数据根据原文,具有一个地址溢出问题,就将指定地址的开始地址指针当这些数据的地址是溢出,显示数据内容会不断重复。 流程图单片机与PC和交流如图10。实时通信部件这与电脑接收数据信息的单片机串行中断,从而使实时数据信息PC机实现了传动。开始初始化调用显示程序调整数据指针显示是否结束?YN 图8、主程序流程图Y 延时1ms关闭显示,调用指针是否显示最后一个汉字?是否显示时间?结束开 始设置一个显示时间设置芯片选择和数据指针检查前值数据及汉字显示检查后置数据及汉字显示YNN图9、子程序流程图PC机传输数据的通信初始化接收数据是否是数据开始的标志?开始接收数据。决定是否设置一个结束记号?计算总共接受的代码数。屏幕被分成了几块?中断返回继续接收数据NYNY图表10 PC机和单片机的通信流程图五、仿真结果与分析 根据仿真结果再对硬件和软件设计的内容进行变形及修改电路或优化程序。EDA工具软件,它是变形软件是发表在英国Labcenter电子产品公司(软件在中国的代理商是广州电子技术有限叶片式)7。它不仅具有EDA仿真功能的工具,也是模拟微控制器和周边设备。这是最好的仿真工具为单片机和外部的装置。虽然在国内变形刚刚开始,供应链管理的爱好者,教师教学的单片机和科学和技术人员从事单片机所有的爱都这个软件。变形是世界领先的EDA技术工具(仿真软件),从方案的布局,调试代码,采用单片机和外部电路co-仿真,键切换到PCB设计、完成设计实现了从概念到产品。只有仿真软件平台组成的电路仿真软件,PCB设计软件虚拟模型,处理器模型支8051HC11,PIC10/12/16/18/24/30 / DsPIC33、AVR、手臂,8086年MSP430系列等。皮层和DSP处理器的家庭增加,并在2010年将增加其他系列的处理模式。在编辑的一面,它也支持IAR,KEIL和MATLAB等。 5.1、 PCB设计和组件组装 考虑到在这个设计中用到的元器件不是很多,我们采用单回路方案,在顶层使用少量的跳线。电路不严格要求组件参数,只要各组成部分选择是正确的、无损伤、良好的电路板生产过程中,所有的电子元件组装成正确的焊接工艺,下载程序和调试程序。印刷生产和调试板、集成电路(IC)应安装AT89C52以便在单片机中写程序。5.2、仿真汉字的滚动实施软件编程,我们采取了一系列的图像就是通过列扫描信号实现框架,这里是192行。然后下一帧的时候位图数据落后的基础上移动第一帧数据,和可以生成动态显示。影像的结果Figure11仿真显示。仿真结果表明:仿真与理论分析一致,数据分布记忆是正确的,正确的数据存储数据存储器,显示器显示的内容程序的数据显示,显示也可以停顿,实现显示速度可调,表明设计的硬件和软件是不可能的。在编辑和仿真的程序完成,准备一个编辑器,可以写的AT89C52,且与主计算机中硬件,那就是,我们可以写AT89C52芯片和下载,然后,在单片机AT89C52就是插入的书面程序,有40个IC针。当确定是相连的,我们可以调试和运行,系统电路参数的需要组件不是很高, 更棒的是只要该装置参数都能达到要求工作后立即焊接装配。六、总结LED显示系统的设计采用了主机和从属结构、主机电脑,供给从属电脑显示器上系统通过串行通信接口,它可以实现字符串修改、展示模式设置,时间设置和其他功能; 单片机控制从属结构为主结构显示LED点阵显示屏。汉字显示 是 3232点阵模型,实现实时显示屏幕显示的变化,必须显示当前日期和时间函数。LED点阵的设计显示控制系统具有电路简单、稳定、低功率消耗、寿命长、易于显示特点,包括LED显示屏的基础原则和程序。只要单片机I / O接口被扩大了,同时增加不同的LED点阵和相关芯片,你可以设计一个更大的面积和更多LED显示屏的窍门。本文提供了一些理论和实践的参考价值。作为核心控制单元的系统AT89C52,具有较低的频率,在未来,为了实现实时视频显示器,并且显示图像可以被压缩,这会增加系统上的负担。七、参考文献1周明德。微的原理和应用计算机系统M.北京:清华大学出版社,2007年2,黄北京、赣纹。LED大屏幕点阵显示系统J.自动化技术和应用。2007,26(7):118 - 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We use a simple external circuit to controlthe display screen, which size is 32 192. The display screenalso can display the size of the six 32 32 dot matrix Chinese characters by a dynamic scan mode, and can be divided into two small display screen, which can display twenty-four Chinese characters whose size is 1616. We can modify the code to change the content of the display,subtitles can achieve scrolling function and the scroll speed can be adjusted according to requirements, subtitles can also achieve pause function. The Chinese character code stored in external data memory, the capacity of data memory is expanded according to the requirements of Chinese characters we want to show. This display screen has advantages of small volume, few hardware and simple circuit structure.Index TermsLED, Chinese Character Display, AT89C52I. INTRODUCTIONLED display has become an important symbol of the city lighting, modernization and information society with continuous improvement and beautification of peoples living environment 6. LED lights can be seen in the large shopping malls, railway station, docks, underground station, a variety of management window and so on. LED business has become a fast-growing new industry, a huge market space and bright prospects 9. The text, pictures, animation and video are displayed by LEDs light, and content can be changed. Some components are the display devices of the modular structure, and which usually consists of a display module, control system and power system. The display module is constituted by the lattice structure which consists of LED, and is responsible for light-emitting display; the screen can display text, pictures, video and so on by control system which can control light or dark of LED in the corresponding region; Power system is responsible for transforming input voltage an d current into voltage and current which the screen needs. LED dot matrix display extracted display character font through PC, and sent to the microcontroller, then displayed in the dot matrix screen, which mainly used for display of indoor and outdoor characters. LED dot matrix display can be divided into graphic display, image display and video display by displayed content. Compared with the image display, the characteristics of graphic display is no difference in gray color whether it is monochrome or color display. Therefore, graphic display also fails to reflect the richness of color, and video display can not only show exercise, clear and full-color images, but also show television and computer signals. Although there are some differences between the three, but the most basic principles are similar 6.SCM has excellent cost performance, small size, high reliability, strong control, and widely used in smart instruments, mechanical and electrical integration, realtime process control, robotics, domestic appliances, fuzzy control, communications systems and so on.This article described the design by the LED display relevant principle, and the design of hardware and software structure are described in detail, finally, we simulate for the overall design and analyze the results. II. System Overall Structure DesignSingle Chip Microcomputer (SCM) models wereselected according to the target, function, reliability, cost, accuracy and speed of the control system. According to the actual situation of the subject, the choice of SCM models mainly considered from the following two aspects: First, SCM has strong anti-interference ability; Second, SCM has a higher cost-effective. Due to MCS-51 is widely used in China, has more information and can compatible with the more peripheral chips too, in particular, ATMEL Corporation, introduced a new generation microcontroller in 2003, that is 89S series, and its typical products with high performance and low cost microcontroller is AT89C52. AT89C52 is a low voltage, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller, the chip includes 8 KB read-only program memory (PEROM) which erase can be repeated, 256byte random access data memory (RAM), devices adopt high-density nonvolatile memory technology to produce, compatible with the standard MCS-51 instruction set and the 8052 products, while the chip built-in general-purpose 8-bit central processing (CPU) , Flash storage unit, can be applied to the more complex control applications10. The system was realized by the circuitry which is made up of AT89C52 chip, Clock circuit, reset circuit, column scan driver circuit, line drive circuit and the six 32 32 LED dot matrix, the overall structure of LED characters display is shown in Fig.1. A display unit is composed of dot matrix and two 74HC154. Line data signal is divided into two parts, which is given by the two 8255A respectively, but the 8255A data are from the P0 port the master controller AT89C52. The column scanning signal of each character was given by the two 74HC154, the 74HC154 12 pieces and was divided into six groups. The input signal of 74HC154 was given by the P1.0P1.3 of AT89C52. External data memory 6264 connected with the AT89C52 the P0 port.Figure 1 The overall structure of LED characters displayIII. SYSTEM HARDWARE CIRCUIT DESIGNA. Circuit Design of MCU Control SystemThe size of Chinese characters is 32 32, but microcontroller has 32 I/O port, and cant meet design requirements, so the I/O port must expand, the data port expansion was implemented by two 8255A. The data port expansion is shown in Fig.2, 74HC373 is the address latch, and latch low eight address, the low eight address signals of 6264 provided by it, but the high eight address signals of 6264 provided by P2.0P2.4, Internal port of 8255A was chosen by A0 and A1. 74HC139 is 2-4 decoder, whose input signals are provided by P2.6 and P2.7 of SCM, and provided strobe for the external I / Odevices, because the system has more than one external device, make sure that they can not be gated, so that their addresses is the only and do not repeat. The clock circuit of AT89C52 composed of 18, 19feet from the clock side (XTALI and XTAL2), and 12MHz crystal X, capacitor C1 and C2, and uses on-chip oscillator mode. Reset circuit uses a simple power-on reset circuit, and mainly constitute of resistor R1, capacitor C3, connected to the AT89C52s reset input pin.Figure.2. SCM control system circuitB The Circuit Design of Display Memory UnitThe size of Chinese characters is 3232 in thedesign, each character composed of four parts which are(a), (b), (c), and (d), and each part composed of four LED matrix which the size is 8 8, circuit decomposition map of display unit is shown in Fig.3.(A) (B)(C)(D)Figure.3. Circuit decomposition map of display unitThe line signals of (a) (b) are given by two 8255A, 1PA0 1PA7 and 1PB0 1PB7 are PA and PB port of 8255A-1, 2PA0 2PA7 and 2PB0 2PB7 are PA and PB port of 8255A-2, the right figures represent column scan signals which is given by 74HC154. 16 column strobes are provided by 74HC154, (a) (d) requires eight signal, respectively, so (a) and (b) share a 74HC154, (c) and (d) shared a 74HC154. Display a character need two 74HC154 which provide column scan signals. When the circuit works, the (a) (d) is gated by scanning signal in proper order, only one was gated at a time, and other columns are extinguished, the displayed data is given by two pieces of 8255A simultaneously, the human eye will see a stable character because of the human eyes persistence of vision. In addition, because the Chinese character for each display needs 128 bytes storage space, but AT89C52 microcontroller chip is only 256 bytes data memory, it is far less than the design requirements, so we the expanded storage space by 8K 8 external data memory 6264. (a) (b) JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, VOL. 6, NO. 4, APRIL 2011 719 2011 ACADEMY PUBLISHERC The Design of Ranks Data Unit CircuitInte1 8255A is a universal programmable parallelinput/output interface chip. Its function can be set throughthe software program, and has a strong versatility. It can be directly through the CPU data bus connected to external devices, easy to use and flexible. Inte18255A interface chip has three 8-bit parallel input and output ports, programming methods can be used to set three ports as input ports or output ports. Chips work have the basic input and output, strobe input/output and bidirectional input / output. When the data were transmitted by data bus of CPU, its can choose to unconditionally transfer, query transmission or interrupt transmission. During Inte1 8255A chip three-port, the port C can be used as not only the data port, but also the control port. When the port C is taken as a data port, it can be used as not only 8-bit data port, but also separately as two 4-bit data port, and each bit of the port C can be operated, can set a particular bit to input or output, so provide convenient conditions for bits control. Figure.4. Figure.4. Line data unit circuitLine data unit circuit In design of the display unit circuit, the lines data are given by two 8255A, as is shown in Figure 4. This design uses dynamic display means to display Chinese characters, which can be controlled the by the means of line or column scanning, The system uses the method of column scanning to control screen, Specific column scanning circuit is shown in Figure 5. Column scanningcircuit composed of 12 pieces of 74HC154.Two pieces of 74HC154 provided 32 strobes to display a character. The input signal of 74HC154 is P1.0 P1.3 which is provided by AT89C52 to control screen, but 12 pieces of 74HC154 were used in the design, they work according to the order, the input of another piece of 74HC154 is P1.4 P1.7 which is provided by AT89C52 to control screen.Figure.5. column scan unit circuitFigure.6. Serial Communication Interface CircuitD Serial Communication Interface CircuitPC and SCM are linked via a serial communication interface. In order to implement serial communication function between MCU and PC, and serial interface level of SCM will be changed into standard RS-232C level 11. Where the output voltage of PCs RS-232C port is 12V. MCU and PC, taking into account the short distance communication, and microcontroller is mainly responsible for receiving commands and data, so the PC is directly connected with the microcontroller, this is the simplest connection method. the signals which is from PCs TXD-side were changed into a current signal through the communication circuit, the infrared lightemitting diodes of optocouper have current when a signal occurs, the light signals which is emitted by diode projected onto the and phototransistor,converted to electric signal, then input to the microcontroller RXD side, so photoelectric conversion is implemented, and electrical is completely isolated to avoid the feedback and interference which is produced by output side. as is shown in Figure 6IV. SOFTWARE DESIGNThe entire software design mainly composes of display program and communication program. The Chinese characters to be displayed on the screen,character and other data for transmission control and display functions were achieved by dynamic scan. Realtime communication parts which communicate with PC receive data information by SCM serial disruption, so real-time data information transmission with PC was implemented. The host computer software was implemented by Visual Basic. In the standard serial communication, MSCOMM which is the power communication control is provided by VB, it can set the serial communication of data sent and received, and the serial communication portstatus, message formats and protocols are set, directly send data by PCs RS -232/RS-485 serial port. In order to realized to PC reliable communication with SCM, and ensure that both sides have the same data format and baud rate 11, this design uses


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