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An Introduction to English Listening The nature of listeningListening is not a passive process of receiving information. It involves the interaction between the speaker and the listener. In this process, a listener tries actively to construct meaning, though the success of listening comprehension relies on many factors like the vocabulary and grammatical knowledge of listeners, their psychological statement and emotional fluctuation, background knowledge, etc. The nature of listeningspeaker listenervocabulary Grammatical knowledge Background knowledg e Memory, etc. Your questions might be How can I improve my listening competence?What material should I select?Where can I obtain the material?Are there any effective listening skills I should learn?What should I do if I encountered new words while listening?. The difficulties might be Features of pronunciation in English英语发音中的音变:连读,同化,弱读,缩读。连读 Look at get out above all put it on all of us not at all同化.Assimilation /t/+/j/ last year / Nice to meet you.弱读and /n/ You n me are pretty good friends.them/him /m/ Kill em.缩读 because cause /kz/ Cause I dont give a damn.going to gonna /gan/ Thats what I was gonna say. Three stages in listeningPre-listening 听前阶段While-listening收听阶段After-listening听后阶段 1 pre-listening1) to know the purposes of listening2) scan the items quickly3) to predict (prior knowledge,stress and intonation, signal words, background knowledge) While-listening strategies1 taking notes2 stress and intonation( Rising tone often indicates doubt, denial and surprise, and sometimes it means that the listing is not finished. Falling tone means agreement, affirmation and approval.)3 skim listening ( means ignoring the materials irrelevant to the main idea, and to select important information through prediction.)4 scan listening (do listening tasks with specific goals. e.g. spot dictation) How to take notesPut down the key words as fast as possible. Key words refer to those like nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. Write down the important deatails (who, what, when, how, why). If some of the words to be noted down are pretty long and complicated, write the clipped form. e.g. compr-comprehension, students-ss, yr-year, wk-week, m-month, UN-the United Nations, WTO-the World Trade Organization, etc.Numbers should not be spelled out. E.g. 150, instead of one hundred fifty. Stress and intonation(1) M: Are you Mrs. Black? W: Yes? ( ) M. The boss would like to see you.Q: The woman _.(2) M. Are you Mrs. Black? W. Yes. ( )M: OK. Lets go!Q: The woman_. wrong practice!1 Every time I do listening, I try to seize every word.2 The best way to improve listening is by doing test-related exercises.3 When I find the listening materials difficult, I give up. Suggestions1. Listen intensively and extensively.一定是以精听为主,泛听为辅来练习。2. Set a plan to practice your listening everyday and stick to it.3. Form a good habit of learning new words.4. Be exposed to different accents and speed.5. Listen to materials of proper level. How to listen intensively1.首先将听力内容听一到两遍,尽量听懂每句话的意思,偶尔遇到生词不要过多徘徊,坚持往下听,听完整;2.之后进行第二个步骤听写,每句话听完之后,按下暂停键对刚刚听到的这句话进行听写。遇到听不懂或者听懂了但是不会拼写的单词,可以先空着,但是这句话的结构和其他可以听的很清楚的部分一定要尽量写出来,这个过程肯定是比较费时间的,对于大家的挑战也比较大,可以反复35遍;3.找到听力资料的听力原文,与自己听写的内容进行比较,看看没有写出来的单词到底是真正超越能力的那种超级难的生词,还是自己明明会但是没有反应过来“是这个词啊”的那种错误,再或者是意思懂但是不会拼写的单词。当然还要看看每个句子里面的名次单复数,介词,代词,连词这些读的比较轻的成分有没有听错或者听漏掉了,最 后,对这篇听力文章进行精读,句子结构、语法都要理顺,这样听的时候才能保持一种顺畅的进行状态而不会被卡住,所有生词和出现的搭配马上学习掌握; How to listen intensively4.进行跟读。重新放录音,放一句,看着原文跟着磁带录音读一句,以此来试着用母语的速度、节奏、重音、连读、吞音的方式来朗诵原文。刚开始读肯定嘴上还是会慢或者拌住,但是一定要坚持跟着磁带读原文,这个过程非常非常重要,可以培养语感、提高自己听说的能力,该过程一般持续23次左右;5.最后,把原文拿开,重新放录音,你会发现听到的东西已经非常清楚了,由于生词、长句子结构、连读都已经在你刚才跟读的过程中得到了磨练(针对这篇文章而言),所以现在可以很清楚的跟上听力的节奏,并可以精听到每一个单词.网站:http:/ http:/ APP: 新概念英语, 每日英语听力


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