嘉盛酒店管理公司SOP体系人力资源管理制度和程序(DOC 121页)

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嘉盛酒店管理公司SOP体系人力资源管理制度和程序(DOC 121页)_第1页
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人力资源管理制度Standard Operating ProceduresHuman Resources人力资源部操作程序Policy No. Subject政策编号主题HR-01Manpower Administration人员预算管理HR-02Classification of Employment职位分类HR-03Recruitment Policy招聘政策HR-04Employment Procedure入职程序HR-05New Employee Orientation入职培训HR-06Confirmation of Probation试用期转正HR-07Promotion & Transfer晋升和调职HR-08Separation员工离职手续HR-09Salary Payment工资支付HR-10Employee Attendance & Salary Deduction on Absenteeism员工考勤及工资减扣HR-11Working Hours & Duty Roster工作时间及排班HR-12Salary Administration工资管理HR-13Leave休假HR-14Overtime Compensation加班补休HR-15Medical Benefits & Consultation医疗福利及就诊程序HR-16Duty Meal in Staff Canteen员工餐厅工作餐HR-17Grievance Procedure员工投诉程序HR-18Disciplinary Procedure纪律处分程序HR-19Employee Birthday Party员工生日会HR-20Name Tag名牌HR-21Grooming Standard仪容仪表标准HR-22Compensation to Damages破损赔偿HR-23Working Injury工伤HR-24Employee Notice员工公告HR-25 Staff Exit员工通道HR-26Guest Room Experience客房体验程序HR-27Hotel Training Club酒店培训俱乐部HR-28Language Test & Allowance语言考试及津贴HR-29Monthly Training Plan月度培训计划HR-30Local Staff Benefits Chart本地员工福利表HR-31On the Property Training酒店培训HR-32Internal Cross Training店内交叉培训HR-33Hotel Sponsored Training酒店资助的培训HR-34Staff Locker员工更衣柜HR-35Trainees & Casual Labor培训生及临时工HR-36Performance Review员工工作评估STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: Manpower Administration Effective Date: Oct. 01, 2003人员预算管理Policy No : HR-01 Issued by: HR DirectorPage: 1 Approved by: General ManagerDistribution: Senior Executive Committee Department Heads A&B All EmployeesObjective目的The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for determining and controlling annual headcount requirements for the Hotel. 此政策鉴于更好的控制年度人员预算符合酒店的正常运作。Policy Statement政策说明It is the policy of Goodwin Hotel to review and approve headcount budget annually for each department that would represent the maximum staffing establishment that may be brought on board each year. Except in extreme cases, requisitions for additional headcount are normally disapproved.嘉盛酒店政策规定:各部门总监或经理每年应对本部门的人员编制和预算进行复查,修改并确认每年的最高人员预算。年度预算被批准后,除特殊原因,要求增加的人员一般是不予批准的。Procedures程序1. As part of the annual budget, all Departments Heads shall propose their manpower budget for the forthcoming year in September for their Division Heads endorsement with elaborated justification of the manpower changes, if there is any. 作为年度预算的一部分,所有部门经理应在每年的九月份准备来年的人员预算。如有任何变动,各部门都应解释说明呈报审批。2. The manpower budgets shall then be studied by the Human Resources Director, after which all manpower budgets will be compiled and submitted to the General Manager for approval.各部门的人员预算由人力资源部审核后报总经理审批。3. Final approval will be sought from the General Manager and Owners before budgets becomes effective.所有人员预算在实施前必须获得总经理和业主的批准。4. Department Heads who wish to increase the departmental authorized headcount requirement during the year shall seek approval from General Manager and Financial Controller via the Human Resources Director. Justification for the additional headcount is required and approved by the Owners如果部门经理希望在本年度内增加部门的人员编制必须经总经理,财务总监和人力资源的审批。增加的人员和具体说明应获得业主的批准。STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject : Classification of Employment Effective Date: Oct. 01, 2003 职位分类Policy No. : HR-02 Issued by : HR DirectorPage: 5Approved by: General ManagerDistribution: Senior Executive Committee Department Heads A&B All EmployeesObjective目的The purpose of the policy aims to define the terms and conditions of work and employment benefits entitlements for the different grades and categories of employees.这项政策的目的在于根据不同的级别和范畴区分工作情况和员工福利。Policy Statement政策说明It is the policy of the Goodwin Hotel to define and classify the grades and categories of our employees into Senior Executive Committee, Department Heads, Supervisors and General Employees and Expatriate and local employees respectively.嘉盛酒店规定:限定和区分员工的级别和种类,分为高级行政委员会,部门经理,主管普通员工和本地员工。Procedures程序1. There are 5 grades of Employees:员工级别有5种:1.0. Senior Executive Committee - SE高级行政人员1.1. Department Head A -AA级部门经理1.2. Department Head B -BB级部门经理1.3. Senior Supervisor & Supervisor- SS高级主管&主管1.4. General Employee Grade 1 and 2 -G1/G2普通员工一级和二级1.5. Trainee & Casual Labor- C培训生&临时工Please refer to Manning Guide for different grades of Employees.请查阅不同级别员工人员配备指南。2. There are 4 categories of employees:4种类别员工2.1. Overseas Expatriates Overseas Package Employees who are recruited from overseas 外籍员工定居海外 在海外招聘的员工 2.2. Overseas Expatriates Local Package Overseas Employees hired on a local package. 外籍员工当地居住 在本地招聘的外籍员工2.3. Local Employee 本地员工Employees who are local people having long stay within the city concerned.此类员工是在相关城市长期居住的本地人。2.4. Local ExpatriateEmployees who are Chinese nationals hired from outside of city where the Hotel is located. 此类员工是在当地酒店工作的具有中国国籍的其它城市的人。Hotel Human Resource Position Policy 人力资源职位政策Level “SE”General Manager, 总经理Resident Manager, 驻店经理Deputy General Manager, 副总经理Asst. to General Manager总经理助理Financial Controller 财务总监Level “A”Director of Rooms (A1), 房务总监(A1)Human Resources Director(A1), 人力资源总监(A1)Director of Sales & Marketing(A1), 市场营销总监(A1)Director of F&B(A1), 餐饮总监(A1)Director of Engineering(A1), 工程总监(A1)Deputy Financial Controller (A2) 财务副总监(A2)Level “B1” Chief Accountant 总会计师Food & Beverage Manager, 餐饮部经理Executive Chef, 行政总厨EDP Manager, 电脑部经理Purchasing Manager, 采购经理Human Resources Manager, 人事经理Training Manager, 培训经理Director Of Sales 销售总监Front Office Manager, 前厅部经理Executive Housekeeper, 行政管家Security Manager. 保安部经理Level “B2”Executive Assistant, 行政助理Credit Manager, 信贷经理Cost Controller, 成本控制经理Asst. Purchasing Manager 采购部副经理Asst. Chief Engineer, 行政副厨Sales Manager, 销售经理PR Manager, 公关经理F&B Outlet Manager (Beverage Manager, Caf Manager, Chinese Restaurant, Banquet Manager), 餐饮部营业部门经理(酒吧经理,西餐厅经理,中餐厅经理,宴会经理),Catering Manager, 餐饮经理Chief Stewarding, 管事部经理Outlet Chef (Western Kitchen Chef, Sous Chef, Pastry Chef, Chinese Kitchen Chef), 营业部门厨师(西厨房厨师长,副厨师长,饼房厨师长,中厨房厨师长),Asst. F/O Manager, 前厅部副经理Asst. F/O GSM, 宾客服务经理Chief Concierge, 礼宾部经理Asst. Executive Housekeeper, 行政管家助理Laundry Manager, 洗衣房经理Health Club Manager 康乐部经理Asst. Security Manager, 保安部副经理Level SSEngineering Duty Manager(SS), 工程部值班经理Sous Chef(SS), 西厨房副厨师长HR Officer, Training Officer(SS),人事官员,培训官员GSM-Service Center(SS), 宾客服务经理服务中心Asst. Pastry Chef(SS), 饼房副厨师长Security Duty Manager(SS), 保安部值班经理Staff Canteen Supervisor(SS), 员工餐厅主管Level S(Accountable for the quality of all work performed within their area of responsibility, including management Shift Leader,) (责任所在区域的所有工作表现及质量,包括管理领班)Translator(S), 翻译Secretary to Executive Committee Member / Level A(S), 行政委员会成员秘书Payroll Master(S), 工资员A/P, A/R Supervisor(S), 应付/应收主管EDP Assistant(S), 电脑部助理Purchasing Officer(S), 采购官员Income Audit(S), 收益审计Cashier Supervisor(S), 收银主管Engineering Section Supervisor(S), 工程部区域主管Doctor(S), 医生Staff Canteen Chef(S), 员工餐厅厨师长PR Assistant(S), 公关部助理Sales Executive(S), 销售助理Reservation Supervisor(S), 预订部主管F&B Secretary(S), 餐饮部秘书F&B Outlet Supervisor(S), 餐饮部各餐厅主管Stewarding Supervisor(S), 管事部主管Chef De Partie(S), 厨房主管Front Desk Supervisor(S), GSO Supervisor(S), 前台主管,宾客服务主管Club Floor Supervisor(S), 行政楼层主管Bell Section Supervisor(S), 行李房主管Housekeeping Supervisor (Floor Supervisor, PA Supervisor, Laundry Supervisor, U&L Supervisor) (S),客房部主管(楼层主管,公共区域主管,洗衣房主管,布草制服房主管) Security Supervisor(S), General Cashier(S), 保安部主管,总出纳Level G1(Possess specialized skills and /or trade qualifications) 拥有专业技能和行业认证Purchasing Assistant采购助理Asst. Income Audit 收益审计助理Night Audit 夜间审计Engineering Senior Skilled Worker 工程部高级技工Storekeeper, 库管员Training Assistant 培训助理Hygiene Officer 卫生官员Canteen Senior Cook, 员工餐厅高级厨师Sales Coordinator, 销售联络员Artist 美工Reservation Clerk 预定员 F&B Outlet Captain 餐饮部各营业部门领班F&B Hostess 餐饮部领位Butcher肉案厨师GSO-Reception 前台接待PABX Operator 总机接线员GSO-Lobby, Welcome Officer 大堂门迎Driver 司机Bell Captain 行李房领班Level G2 (Basic manual duties across all work areas) 所有工作区域的基本工作职责Department Clerk, 各部门文员Cashier 收银员Engineering Basic Skilled Worker 工程部普通技工Staff Canteen Cook 员工餐厅厨师F&B Service Attendant 餐饮部服务员Butler 贴身管家Bartender 吧员Commis Chef (qualified) 厨师助手(有资格的)Bakers 面点师F&B Kitchen Cook 餐饮部厨师Kitchen Artist 厨房冷盘雕花Bellman 行李生Order Taker 点单员Floor Room Attendant 楼层服务员Health Club Attendant 康乐部服务员Guest Laundry Checker 客衣检查员Tailor 裁缝Security Guard 保安 Gardener 园丁Boiler Attendant 锅炉工Poutary Preparation粗加工 F&B Kitchen Help 餐饮部厨房帮工PA Attendant公卫服务员Window Cleaner 门窗清洁员Steward 管事员Timekeeper 打卡员Vegetable Cleaner 蔬菜清洗员Cafeteria Attendant, 员工餐厅服务员Laundry Attendant (Washer, Presser, etc.) 洗衣房服务员Linen Room Attendant, 布草房服务员Pantry Helper 餐具室助手STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: Recruitment PolicyEffective Date : Oct. 01, 2003 招聘制度Policy No. : HR-03 Issued by : HR DirectorPage: 7Approved by : General ManagerDistribution: Senior Executive Committee Department Heads A&B All EmployeesObjective 目的To clearly establish the control parameters associated with the effective planning and recruitment of manpower for the best utilization of Hotel.对与人力计划及招聘相关的各项控制细则作出明确规定,从而达到酒店对人力的最佳利用。Policy Statement 政策说明It is the policy of the Goodwin Hotel to clearly outline the procedures pertinent to the recruitment and employment of personnel within the Hotel.嘉盛酒店政策规定:对与酒店员工招聘及雇佣有关的所有程序应进行明确说明。The approved manning guide is to be strictly adhered to. No position can be physically filled without an approved “Personnel Requisition Form”.严格遵守已获得批准的人员配备指南。在人员请雇单未获批准前,不得对任何职位空缺进行补充。Selections should be based on qualifications, experience and skill as specified in the approved personnel specifications.对人员的选择应基于获准的人员请雇单上所列各项资历、经验及技能要求。Promotion should be from within the Hotel whenever possible.升职应尽可能首先考虑酒店内部员工。Upon approval of the General Manager, the Human Resources Director shall be responsible for the formulation, execution and revision of the Human Resources Standard Operating Procedures for the recruitment and employment of all employees.总经理批准后,人力资源总监负责对与酒店员工招聘及雇佣相关的人力资源标准运行程序进行寿命、执行和修改。Procedures 程序 1. Replacement of Employees 人员更换As vacancies arise, the Department Head concerned has to complete and submit a Personnel Requisition Form to their respective Division Head for approval and forward to the Human Resources Director. The Human Resources Director will then validate the request and forward the Personnel Requisition Form to General Manager for approval. Upon receipt of the approved Personnel Requisition Form, the Human Resources Director/ Personnel Manager will take action to fill in the vacancy and provide feedback to the Department Head concerned by returning a copy of the approved Personnel Requisition Form.出现空缺后,相关部门经理须填写人员请雇单并由其部门总监审批后转给人力资源总监。人力资源总监审批后将人员请雇单转至总经理处。人力资源总监/人事经理收到由总经理批准的人员请雇单后,进行人员招聘补充空缺并将获准的人员请雇单的复印件反馈相关部门。2. Additional Employees 追加员工Under special circumstances, it may be necessary to recruit additional resources not budgeted for. In this instance, the Department Head concerned has to submit the Personnel Requisition Form with written justification to their Division Head for endorsement and forward to the Human Resources Director. The Human Resources Director will review the request with the Division Head, make appropriate remarks and forward to the Financial Controller and General Manager for approval. Once approval is given, the Human Resources Director will take necessary action to fill the vacancy.特殊情况下,会有必要招聘预算外的员工。此时,相关部门经理须将人员请雇单连同一份书面说明递交部门总监进行批示后转至人力资源总监。人力资源总监与部门总监就其申请进行研究后,作出必要说明转交财务总监及总经理审批。审批通过后,人力资源总监将采取必要行动填补空缺。3. Filling of Vacancies 填补空缺The Human Resources Director should ensure that the following priority will be given in filling vacancies:人力资源总监在填补空缺时,应首先考虑以下因素:3.1existing employees of the Hotel 酒店现有员工3.2qualified Employees within the Hotel who apply for transfer 酒店内部申请调职且符合要求的员工3.3qualified applicants who are referred by existing Employees 酒店员工推荐的合格人选3.4 external applicants 店外申请人4. External Recruitment Hiring Procedures 外部招聘雇佣程序4.1 Employment Application Form 求职申请表 External applicants are required to complete the Employment Application Form detailing their personal data, academic qualifications, employment records and with one recent photograph attached. Issuing and returning of Application Forms are to be centralized and forwarded to the Human Resources Office. Applications returned through other Department Heads or Employees shall be sent to Human Resources Office directly in strict confidence without putting any comments that could possibly lead to a biased conclusion on the applicant.店外申请人须在求职申请表上详细填写其个人信息、资历、工作经历并附一张本人近照。发放及收转求职申请表应由人力资源部负责。经由其他部门经理或员工的申请表须直接转给人力资源部,同时严格保密,不做任何可能导致对求职者判断偏差的评论。 4.2 Screening of Applications筛选求职申请 Prior to the first interview, the Human Resources Department will screen all the applications. 第一次面试前,人力资源部颁将对所有求职申请进行筛选。 The following applicants will not be considered.以下列出的申请人将不予考虑:- Immediate family members of current Employees在职员工的直线亲属- Employees who were dismissed by the property under Goodwin Hotel or other hotels被嘉盛酒店或其他酒店开除的人员- Employees who resigned from the property under Goodwin Hotel within the last 3 months从嘉盛酒店辞职不三个月的人员- Applicant who are physically unfit to work for the job they have applied for身体状况不适合其所申请之职位的人员- Applicant who were previously convicted of a crime 有犯罪前科的申请人4.3 First Interview 初次面试All applicants have to be initially interviewed by the Human Resources Department. The Human Resources Department shall verify the personal data provided by the applicants and also inquire the applicants salary expectation with the form of Interview Evaluation. 所有申请人须首先经过人力资源部面试。人力资源部将使用面试评估表核实申请人的个人信息询问其工资要求。If found suitable, the Human Resources Department shall arrange the applicant for a second interview by the Department Head concerned with the completed Interview Evaluation form, resume, references and other relevant documents.如认为适合,人力资源部将安排申请人与相关部门经理进行复试,同时附上已填写的面试评估表、简历、相关证明及其他文件。If the applicant is found unsuitable or immediate feedback is not possible, the Human Resources Department shall keep the applicant informed of the status in a sincere, direct and timely manner.如认为申请人不合适或不能及时反馈意见,人力资源部须真诚、直接并及时向申请人说明情况。4.4 Second Interview第二次面试The Department Head concerned shall be responsible for examining the suitability of the applicant referred from the Human Resources Department on basis of personal characteristics, technical competence and job skill requirements.相关部门经理应负责对人力资源部推荐的申请人就其个性、专业水平及工作技能方面进行考察,确定是否符合要求。The rating and comments of applicant shall be clearly stated on the appropriate column of the Application Form along with the signature of the interviewer.面试者应在求职评估表的相应栏目内清楚填写对申请人的评分及评语,并签字。If the applicant is found suitable for employment, the responsible Department Heads shall consult with the Human Resources Director to determine the starting salary in accordance with the following guidelines:如认为申请人可胜任,相关部门经理须与人力资源总监根据以下方针商定其起始工资:- The salary scale applicable to the position 此职位所对应的工资级别- Internal relativity i.e. salaries of other Employees holding same/similar position 内部对比目前任相同或相似职位员工的工资- Qualification, experience , present salary and salary expectation of the applicant.申请人的资历、经验、目前工资及工资要求The responsible Department Head shall inform the successful candidate the following during the interview.相关部门经理应在面试时,向面试成功的申请人告知以下事项:- The position(s) offered所提供职位- An oral indication of the proposed starting salary without commitment对起始工资的口头提议而非承诺 - The applicants proposed commencement date对申请人到职日期的提议Employees selected for Department Head level positions shall be introduced to the General Manager before final confirmation of employment:为部门经理级别挑选的申请人须在最终确认雇佣前,介绍给总经理:The following hiring positions have to be interviewed by our General Manager finally以下职位的人员雇佣必须最终由总经理面试决定:Chief Accountant总会计师Credit Manager信贷经理Purchasing Manager采购经理Assistant Director of Engineering助理总工程师Personnel Manager人事经理Training Manager培训经理Assistant Director of Sales & Marketing营销副总监Sales Manager销售经理Public Relations Manager公关经理Food & Beverage Manager餐饮经理Food & Beverage Outlet Managers餐饮营业部门经理Assistant Food & Beverage Outlet Managers 餐饮营业部门副经理Catering Manager宴会经理Executive Chef行政总厨Chinese Executive Chef中厨厨师长Assistant Front Office Manager 前厅副经理Front Office Supervisor前厅主管Assistant Managers大堂经理Guest Service Managers客户服务经理Club Floor Manager 行政楼层经理Reservations Manager预定经理PABX Supervisor总机主管Chief Concierge礼宾部经理Executive Housekeeper行政管家Assistant Executive Housekeeper行政副管家Security Manager 保安部经理Completed Employment Application Forms with the Interview Evaluation form must be returned to Human Resources along with other documents in a sealed confidential envelop for necessary follow up action. In case the applicant is interviewed and accepted by a representative of the requesting Department Head, the candidates application should route through the responsible Department Head/ Division Head for endorsement.完整的求职申请表及面试评估表连同其他材料须放入信封内密封后送返人力资源部进行必要后续程序。如申请人是由相关部门经理所派代表面试且认可的,则其申请须再转交相关部门经理/总监最终审批。If the applicant has failed the second interview, the requesting Department Head shall if possible, inform the applicants orally. The Department Head shall put down “regret orally” or “please regret” on the form to indicate whether a “letter of regret” is required.如申请人未通过第二次面试,相关部门经理应尽量口头告知。部门经理应在求职评估表上注明“已告知结果”或“请告知结果”说明是否需要书面通知申请人。All documents should be returned to the Human Resources Office for follow up action. The letter of regret is to be issued at all times by the Human Resources Director. 所有文件均须送返人力资源部进行后续工作。书面通知书必须由人力资源总监签发。In the event that requesting Department Head cannot decide on the spot that an offer is to be made, he/she can put down “pending” or “hold” on the form and return it to the Human Resources Office. 如部门经理无法在面试当时作出决定,可在评估表上注明“待定”或“保留”并送交人力资源部。5. Tentative Offer and Employment Contract5.1 Upon receipt of the selected applicants file, the Human Resources Director will sign on the Interview Evaluation Form confirming that all data has been obtained and they are in compliance with the Hotel policy and appropriate Labor Laws.收到选定申请人的资料,人力资源总监将在求知评估表上签字,确认获取所有信息且与酒店政策及相关劳动法规保持一致。5.2 Human Resources Department shall arrange to notify the applicant orally the position offered, the starting salary and commencement date and the Employment Notification will be issued to the confirmed applicants later. 人力资源部将口头通知申请人所提供职位、起始工资、到职日期,随后向已确认雇佣的申请人发出雇佣通知书。5.3 Where a pre-employment reference check is required for whatever reason, the Human Resources Department will conduct such check orally or in writing with the agreement of the prospective candidate.无论任何原因需要做背景调查,人力资源部将在得到候选人同意后口头或书面进行调查。5.4. The candidate shall be required to attend


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