英语专业综合英语一Unit 1the snake bite

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英语专业综合英语一Unit 1the snake bite_第1页
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Unit 1 The Snake Bite Part 2 Reading and Language ActivitiesLanguage points:1. patch n. 1) a (usu. small) piece of ground, esp. as used for growing vegetables or fruits. a potato patch 2) a piece of material used to cover a hole or a damaged place vt. to cover a hole with a patch 补缀2. barn n. simple building for storing hay, grain, etc. on a farm3. on the edge of: by; next to; near edge n. a border. the edge of a cliff; the waters edge4. shed n. one-story building used for storing things, sheltering animals, vehicles5. forbid (forbade, forbidden):to command sb./sth. not to do; not allow; 不准 to command sth. must not be done 禁止 forbidden adj. forbidden fruit; forbidden city; forbidden ground禁区6. blade n. the flat cutting part of a knife, sword, or other cutting tools or weapons, such as a razor Language points:7. swipe n. a sweeping stroke or blow 一击,一掴 Give him a swipe round the ear! vt/vi.(swipe at) hit violently, esp. with a swing of the arm She swiped at his head, but he got out of the way.8. thump v. beat or strike or knock heavily, esp. with the fist 捶 thump on the door n. heavy blow 重击 give sb. a thump 狠打一拳9. all at once suddenly All at once she lost her temper.10. mess n. 1) a state of disorder or untidiness be in a mess; make a mess of You can make cookies if you promise not to make a mess in the kitchen. 2) (single) difficult or confused state or situation; disorder Youve made a mess of the job. vt. messup messy adj. a messy kitchen Language points:11. strike vt. attack, esp. suddenly 袭击12. figure vt. to consider, believe John figured that it wouldnt explode.13. light out (US slang) leave quickly14. yell 1) vi. to make a loud cry or shout, as if of fear or excitement Dont yell at me like that. 2) vt. (yell out/at) to say or shout loudly He yelled (out) orders at everyone. yell n. a loud cry15. whip vt 1) to move (sth) quickly 突然拿、取、移动、拔出 He whipped out his gun. 他突然亮出了枪。 2) to beat with a whip 鞭打 3) (of wind or rain) to move violently, beating down 横扫,抽打 n. a long piece of material esp. rope or leather fastened to a long stiff handle, used for hitting animals or people 鞭子 Language points:16. string n. thin cord 细绳;anything like this, esp. used for tying things up 绳带17. put Martha to watch me put: to cause a person or animal to be busy; set to some kind of regular arrangement or work 使做, 从事 Put all the boys to work.18. on the place orin the lot: “place” “ lot” both refer to the boys home. place: house, esp. a large one in the country lot: a piece of land having a special use/used for special purpose a parking lot; a used car lot; a building lot; a vacant lot 19. habitation n. 1) a house or place to live in 住所 2) the act of living in(inhabiting) inhabit vt inhabitable adj. inhabitant n. 居民 inhabitation n. habitant 居住者 habitat 栖息地,生长地 Language points:20. shortcut n. 1) a quicker, more direct way of going somewhere than the usual one take a shortcut 2) a quicker way of doing sth. (shortcut to) There arent really any shortcuts to learning English.21. yank v./n. to suddenly pull something quickly and forcefully She yanked the rope and it broke.22. porch n. a raised platform built along the walls of a house and often covered with a roof. After supper, people usually sit on chairs or rockers on the porch for relaxation. Houses with porches can still be seen in many places in America, esp. in rural areas. 23. claim n. sth. claimed, esp. an area of land 声称为已有之物 Note: In the 19th century, many Americans moved to the West where there was vast land for the taking. They staked (立桩标出) out some piece of land as their own property. Formal request for the land was made for mining. Claims refer to the pieces of land of this kind. 申请产权的土地 claim v. to ask for or demand ( a title, property, money ect.) as the rightful owner or as ones right claim on/for Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident? Language points:24. crest n. 1)a showy growth of feathers on top of a birds head 鸡冠 2) the top of sth., esp. of a mountain, hill or wave crestfallen adj. disappointed, low in spirits, sad25. rise n. un upward slope; small hill 斜坡26. silhouette n. 1) a shadow-like representation of the shape of something, filled in with a solid colour, usu. black 剪影 2) a shape or figure; profile 轮廓,外形27. pick out 1) to seeclearly among others; recognize 2) to choose28. buggy n. light carriage pulled by one horse, for one or two people29. manger n. long open box or trough from which horses or cattle can feed dog in the manger: a person who does not wish others to enjoy what he cannot use for his own enjoyment 占着毛坑不拉屎的人 Language points:30. break into: to begin suddenly break into a run/tears gallop: 1) the movement of a horse at its fastest speed, when all four feet come off the ground together 飞奔,疾驰 2) a rush, hurry : at a gallop vi.31. instruction n. 1) (often pl.) an order (to a person or machine), or advice on how to do sth an instruction book 说明书 2) teaching instruct vt.32. rig (AmE) the horse and the carriage 33. at length 1) after a long time, at last 终于 2) in great detail, thoroughly 详尽地 debate a subject at length


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