高一英语(下)必修三Unit 2 Food and Health 食品与健康

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高一英语(下)必修三Unit 2 Food and Health 食品与健康_第1页
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高一英语(下)必修三Unit 2 Food and Health 食品与健康_第2页
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Food and Health 食品与健康Tofu is as good as medicine for lowing cholesterolResearch published in the fourth week of July 2003 found that the group of people, who ate high-fiber, high-soy food had lowered LDL(the bad cholesterol) by 28.6%, comparing the contract group. The effect of taken high-fiber, high-soy is almost have the same effect as take the statin Mevacor, which is 30.9%. And people who only take low fat food only had lowered LDL by 8% comparing with normal group. Fish and HealthSeafood take a prime role in chinese feast. Chinese is good at cooking fish, can make it very delicious and contain less cooking oil. For fish to maintain fluidity in cold water such as Alaska, their fats have to remain liquid.Fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The two omega-3s in fish are eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA)and docosahexaenoic acids(DHA).EPA and DHA are essential for human health, DHA its critical to development of the brain and retina for infant, the human breast milk contain it.EPA and DHA are very benefit the heart and blood vessels.In one study people eat four times of at least three ounce salmon a month reduced 50 percent risk of cardiac arrest. Study show EPA and DHA can inhibit the synthesis of substances that result inflammation and blood clots, stabilize the electrical activity of the heart. Lower blood pressure, triglyceride levels and improve the functioning of artery linings.Although human can convert alpha-linolenic acid(ALA)to EPA and DHA, the conversion rate is so low, you need eat a lot of food contain ALA, thats make it impractical. Eating fish is a good way to reach health.As the world get more pollution, the fish also may become dangerous to your health. mercury is a common toxin, be cautious, especially to pregnant women, to some deep sea fish which eat other fish and result accumulate more mercury in their body. Such as tilefish, swordfish, shark, king mackerel. Also avoid fish comes from some location or area which are heavenly polluted.Green TeaGreen Tea is favority and traditional drink of Chinese for thousand years. Recent studies have shown that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) an antioxidant found in green tea, is at least 100 more times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times more effective than vitamin E at protecting cells and DNA from damage believed to be linked to cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses. The antioxidant has twice the antioxidant benefit of resveratrol, found in red wine. 单位:湖北省荆门姓名:李国E_mail:liguo619


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