高一英语(下)必修三Unit 2 Healthy Eating单元Food Group Riddles

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高一英语(下)必修三Unit 2 Healthy Eating单元Food Group Riddles_第1页
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高一英语(下)必修三Unit 2 Healthy Eating单元Food Group Riddles_第2页
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Food Group Riddles1. I am round and red. My meat is also red. Some people think I am a vegetable but I am really a fruit. People like to use me in a salad.Who am I? -tomatoes2. I am white. You can drink me. I am in the dairy group.Who am I?-milk3. I am bad for you. I am at the top of the pyramid. I have a lot of fat. I am cold. I have a lot of chocolate chips.Who am I?-ice cream4. I can sometimes be light brown or white. I have yellow stuff inside me. I am a protein.Who am I?-eggs5. I am green or red. I am spicy and hot. I am in the vegetable group.Who am I?- peppers6. I am yellow and long. I am a fruit. Monkeys eat me.Who am I?-bananas7. I am green and when you cut me open I am red. You eat me in the summer time. I am a fruit.Who am I?-watermelon8. I am in the grain group. I am long and stringy. You can put sauce on me.Who am I?-spaghetti9. I am green. I look like a tree. I am a vegetable.Who am I?-broccoli10. I am very soft. I can be sweet. I am cold. I am in the dairy group.Who am I?-ice cream11. I have a lot of fat. Im round you shouldnt eat a lot of me. I have a lot chocolate chips.Who am I?-cookies12. I am made of flour. You can make sandwiches with me. I am a grain.Who am I?-bread13. I am some peoples favorite food. I am bad for you. I am very sweet. You get me at Halloween.Who am I?-candy14. I am orange. My top is green. I am a vegetable.Who am I?-carrots15. I am blue and round. I am little. A lot of children eat me. I am in the fruit group.Who am I?-blueberry单位:湖北省荆门姓名:李国E_mail:liguo619


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