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Unit 1 What s the matter ?授 课 人 : 李 静 1、 本 单 元 的 分 析 与 拆 解2、 本 单 元 教 学 展 开 说 明 一 、 本 单 元 的 分 析 与 拆 解Topic: HealthFunctions: (1)Talk about your health (2)Give adviceTarget language: What s the matter? I have a headache. You should shouldn t drink some tea. That sounds like a good idea. I have a sore back. That s too bad. I hope you feel better soon. H ealthTask One:for talking about health H ave problems Task Two:M o d a l shouldshouldnt主 题 思 维 图 及 任 务 型 活 动 :Vocabulary: head,nose,eye,ear,tooth,neck,stomach ,back,leg,arm,foot,throat thirsty,stressed out cold,fever,headache,toothache,stomachache,sore throat dentist,lie,rest,honey,water,illness,advice should,shouldnt Section A: 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,3a,3b,4Section B: 1a,1b,2a,2b,2c,3a,3b,3c,4,Self checkPeriod 1: SectionA 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2cP e r i o d 2 : SectionA3a,3b,4andSectionB1a,1b,2a,2b,2c Period 3: SectionB 3a,3b,3c,4Period 4: Self check 二 、 本 单 元 教 学 展 开 说 明 Unit 2 Whats the matter?period 1SECTION A(1a-2c) Exercise Song I wake up in the morning, I clean my teeth. I have my breakfast, I go to school. I have my classes.I read English books. I play football and I do my homework. What do you do ?What do you do ? What do you often do ? Every day we do the same things, get up, go to work and go to bed. But we like everything. eararmhand leg foothead eyenosemouthtooth(teeth)face stomachbackWhere is his neck? 1a Look at the picture.Write the correct letteram for each part of the body. _arm _back _ear _eye _foot_hand_head _leg _mouth _neck _nose _stomach _tooth K c g i ma l b f d j h e Touch and say Touch the parts of your body when you hear your partner say ar mh nd l g f th d yen se m th t th(teeth)f ce st m ch b cke ea ea o ouaraa e ooooo a Whats the matter?I have a cold.I have a fever. Whats the matter?I have a headache.I have a stomachache. Whats the matter?I have a toothache.I have a sore back. A: Whats the matter?B:I have a Work in pair请 加 上 你 个 性 化 的 动 作 1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names 1-5. Nancy _ Sarah _ David _ Ben _ Judy _41253 Miming the illnesses and guessing-Whats the matter?Do you have a sore throat?-Yes, I do./ No,I dont. 1. toothache a. lie sown and rest2. sore throat b. hot tea with honey3. stomachache c. see a dentist2a Listen. Match the problems with the advice. AdviceA: I have a toothache.B: You should see a dentist.A: I have a stomachache.B: You should lie down and rest. 2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks.You should drink some hot tea with honey.You should see a dentist.You should lie down and rest.You should drink lots of water.4. fever d. drink lots of water PairworkA: Whats the matter?B: I have a toothache.A: Maybe you should see a dentist.B: Thats a good idea. Giving adviceYao Ming StevenMr Chen Susan -Whats the matter withYao Ming?-He has a fever. -Maybe he should drink lots of water Usefulsentences:四 个 学 生 一 组 , 两 个 表 演 , 两 个 配 音 。以 朋 友 或 医 生 的身 份 对 别 人 表 示关 心 和 提 建 议Whats the matter?Do you have a Im not feeling well.Maybe you should_.I hope youll feel better soon.Thats a good idea.Task 1 Task 2 神 医 义 诊 活 动A: Good morning!B: Morning!A: Whats the matter? Who is ill?B: My granny has a headache.A: Maybe she should Homework1、 Copyandreadeachnewwords doctor told me ; stay in bed for two days; Cant go to school today ; tomorrow; hope ; Get well; very soon; thank you DearMissDing:ImsorrytotellyouthatImnotfeelingwelltoday.Ihaveafever.ThedoctortoldmeIshouldstayinbedfortwodays.SoIcantgotoschooltodayandtomorrow.IhopeIcangetwellverysoon.Thankyou!Yours,Tony 生 活 小 常 识 : Now your friend has an asthma attack(哮 喘 病 ) ,but she doesnt have her medication. What should you do then? 1. Dial 120. 2. Take her outside for fresh air. 3. Open the window. G et her a cup of coffee. Can you find the good ways? Homework1.Read the sentences in Grammar focus twice. ( )2. Recite all the new words in Unit 2. ( )3. Write a sick leave. ( ) Vocab-builderUnit2 Whats the matter ? I need more time. Im great!在 vocab-builder表 格 的 左 栏 里 填 写 还 未 完 全 掌 握 的单 词 , 在 另 一 栏 超 前 词 汇 表 ( 右 栏 ) 里 填 写 已 记 住 的非 课 文 内 的 单 词 。


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