高一英语(下)必修三Unit 4 单元试题2

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人教高一实验版Book 3 Unit4单元测试题I.单项选择。1. It is said that the tickets are very limited, please book one in_. A. advance B. developmentC. progress D. action2. How do you keep in_ with each other at present?By sending messages. A. relation B. connection C. combination D. touch3. When he came back to himself, he_ to his feet with great difficulty. A. rose B. struggled C. jumped D. sprang4. Whenever I visit Hangzhou, I cant help being_ by its beauty. A. hit B. struck C. beaten D. knocked5. Do you know which country will_ the net Asian Games? A. treat B. host C. deal with D. do with6. It is reported that that forest has been _ fire for almost a week. A. in B. for C. on D. with7. Being a very lazy student, he seldom takes _ in all his classes. A. notices B. notes C. papers D. sights8. _ I could copy down the words on the blackboard, the teacher had wiped them off it. A. When B. Until C. Before D. Unless9. The doctor said that she was sure to die that night, but she_ after all. A. got through B. passed through C. lived through D. went through10. Summer is coming. Can you tell me where you will be_ holiday?A. on B. in C. at D. for 11. She was afraid_ home, because she was afraid_ by her father.A. to go; of being beatenB. of going; to be beatenC. to go; to be beatenD. of going; of beating12. Feeling it was going to rain heavily, the little girl ran at a top speed_ to her home. A. all over B. all out C. all the way D. all through13. As we all know, the Culture Revolution of China_ place in 1966.A. took B. held C. got D. caught14. Did you _ when you phoned her on the night before last?A. pull through B. get throughC. go through D. pass through15. He looked _ his telephone number in the telephone number book.A. for B. up C. at D. outII.完形填空。There is a small cross by the side of Highway 128, near the town of Boonville. If this cross could talk, it would tell you this 16 story:Seven years ago my brother, Michael, was at a friends far. They decided to go out for dinner. Joe arrived and 17 to drive to drive after just one 18 . 19 , the four friends traveled the winding road. They didnt know where it would end 20 did. Suddenly, they turned 21 into the opposite lane, running into an oncoming car. 22 home we were watching E.T. on video in front of a warm fire. Then we went to bed. At 2:00 a.m. a police officer 23 my mom with the shocking 24 . Michael had been killed.In the morning, I 25 my mother and sister crying. I stood there 26 . “Whats wrong?” I asked, rubbing my 27 eyes.Mom took a deep breath. “Come here”Thus began a 28 journey through sadness, where all roads lead to nowhere and it 29 hurts to remember that day.The only thing that helps is telling my story, 30 you will remember it 31 you want to get into a car with someone who has had a drinkeven just one drink.Joe chose the road to 32 . He was accused of manslaughter (过失杀人罪)and served time in prison. However, the real punishment is 33 the terrible result of his actions. He left us 34 an ache in our hearts that will never go away, a nightmare that will 35 himand usfor the rest of our lives. And a small cross by the side of Highway 128.16. A. interesting B. amusing C. sad D. happy17. A. offered B. refused C. agreed D. insisted18. A. drive B. dinner C. drink D. mile19. A. Sadly B. Happily C. Surprisingly D. Luckily20. A. someone B. anyoneC. nobody D. everybody21 A. gently B. sharplyC. quickly D. shortly22. A. After B. BackC. In D. Before23. A. supplied B. informedC. warned D. woke24. A. telephone B. noticeC. news D. report25. A. found B. discoveredC. wondered D. surprised26. A. sad B. excitedC. puzzled D. surprising27. A. teary B. wideC. sleepy D. frightened28. A. smooth B. difficultC. lovely D. pleasant29. A. also B. stillC. however D. hardly30. A. suggesting B. warning C. hoping D. supposing31. A. until B. onceC. when D. though32. A. nowhere B. somewhereC. anywhere D. everywhere33. A. living with B. going withC. getting on with D. getting away with34. A. with B. to C. into D. onto35. A. occur B. frighten C. disturb D. strikeIII.阅读理解。AMany people believe sharks (鲨鱼)are dangerous and will always try to hurt or even kill humans. In fact, 94 percent of the worlds 400 species are harmless to humans. A shark exhibition at the National Aquarium (水族馆) in Baltimore, US proves this. Visitors can touch young sharks, see their eggs develop and watch a dozen different species swim smoothly around a huge tank. Most people fail to realize that shark attacks dont happen very often. Humans are more likely to be killed by lightning than by a shark. And to make this point clear, the museum has set up a special touching pool for children. There, kids can learn, from an early age, not to fear sharks. They can watch them develop inside the eggs and feel the skin of the older swimmers. People fear what they dont know, said Nancy Hotchkiss, an organizer of the exhibition, which runs till December. Sharks have been round for 400 million years and play an important role in the oceans food chain. We want people to discover that sharks are amazing animals that need our respect and protection. A shocking 100 million sharks are killed every year by humans around the world. A study, published in January in the US magazine Science, found that almost all recorded sharks species have fallen by half in the past eight to fifteen years Thousands of sharks are hunted in Asia for special foods, such as shark fin (鱼翅) soup. And many others get caught in nets, while fishermen are hunting other fish. More than half of all sharks are smaller than one metre long.Some fishing methods are actually cleaning out the ocean, said Dave Schofield, the manager of the aquariums ocean health program. The fishermen threw them away like rubbish. It is a worrying situation and some areas have put measures in place to protect these species of fish.36. Which of the following is the aim of the writer? A. Sharks actually always hurt or even kill people. B. Sharks have been around for about 400 million years. C. It is not true that sharks are always dangerous. D. Most of the worlds species dont hurt people.37. The main purpose of the shark exhibition is toA. show how sharks are born and develop in the oceanB. let people know more about sharks and protect them C. let children learn not to fear sharks from an early age D. show how shark species have fallen in the past few years38. In the last but one paragraph the underlined word them refers to A. small sharks B. fishing boats C. fishing nets D. fishing methods39. What does Dave Schofield mean by saying Some fishing methods are actually cleaning out the ocean? A. Large sharks cannot be caught by some B. Only small sharks can be caught by some fishing methods. C. The ocean is being made cleaner by some fishing methods. D. Too many sharks are being killed by some fishing methods.40. It can be inferred from the passage that the writer isA. surprised to know sharks always hurt peopleB. happy to know sharks are harmless to peopleC. worried about the present situation of shark speciesD. pleased to know the ocean is becoming much cleanerBLet us say there is something you dont know how to do. In the past if you were determined to learn, you might have called a friend or relative, taken a night class or walked down to the local library for a research term. But now a lot of websites are springing up, providing free practical advice on these subjects and actually anything else you can think of. In one sense, these how-to sites represent (代表) a part of the growing world of online learning. This tradition found one of its earliest forms in the FAQs-or Frequently Asked Questions files (文件夹)-that began on Usenet, the Internets global, discussion group. These FAQs, many of which still go round continuously, took a specific subject-and explained it to complete novices. But how-to sites take the FAQs idea in a somewhat different direction by addressing subjects that arent necessarily related to discussion forums (论坛). These sites take the style of a written teaching period and a tone of friendly advice. Possibly the biggest and best known of these sites is (www. L). It offers nearly 1000 free tutorials and adds new ones frequently for a job intervies. At () you can learn how to train for your first marathon, how to buy a vacation home, or how to make a movie in eight steps.41. The purpose of writing the passage is to_.A. introduce new websites to peopleB. teach how to take new courses by InternetC. present new means to learn something you want to knowD. help you to solve any difficulty you meet with42. How-to sites are set up to A. explain FAQs to the public B. help people to learn what they want to C. tell their difference from discussion forums D. complete the growing world of online learning43. The underlined word novices in the passage probably means A. experts who know a lot B. hosts of how-to sites C. people without knowledge D. beginners of how-to sites44. It can be inferred from the passage that_.A. how-to sites are specially designed for the disabled B. people can teach themselves at home by visiting how-to sites C. it is pleasant to listen to the advice on how-to sites D. you can just click your mouse at home to question anything45. According to the text, if you want to buy a tent for camping you may visit_. A. B. C. the discussion forumsD. the FAQsC When friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us that they are in a hurry and looking at their watches. It is not that our friends are all very busy, it is just that we have no television. People think that we are very strange. But what do you do in the evenings? They are always asking. The answer is simple. Both my wife and I have hobbies. We always spend our eveningsin classes for foreign languages. This is very useful. I collect stamps and am always busy with my collection (收集). Both of us enjoy listening to music and playing cards. Sometimes there are power cuts and we have no electricity in the house. This does not worry us as we just light candies and carry on with what we were doing before. Our friends are lost-no television! So they dont know what to do. On such evenings our house is very full as they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting in silence in front of the television, everybody talks and plays games. Yes, life is possible without television!根据文意回答问题,每空一词。46. The writers friends seem busy when they visit the couple in the evening becauseas he hasnt got a television.47. Both of the couple have hobbies of listening to music, playing cards and_ _ _ _.48. When there are power cuts the writer is not worried because with candles they can carry on with49. The underlined sentence Our friends are lost means_ _ _ _ _.50. We can draw a conclusion that life is possible_ _.DIsnt it astonishing how much time we talk about food? Have you ever eaten. ? What did you have for lunch? and so on. And yet when you travel from one country to another, you will find that people have quite different feelings about food. People often feel that what they eat is normal and what other people eat is strange. In England, people eat potatoes every day. In the Middle East, read is the main part of every meal. Eating like so many things we do, becomes a habit which is difficult to change. Americans like to drink a lot of orange juice and coffee. The English drink tea four or five times every day. Australians drink a great deal of beer, and the French drink wine every day. The sort of meat people like to eat also differs from one country to another. Horse meat is thought to be delicious in France. New Zealanders eat sheep, but they never eat goat meat. The Japanese dont like to eat sheep meat because of its smell, but they enjoy eating raw fish. So it seems that although eating is a topic we can talk about for hours, there is very little common sense in what we say it. People everywhere enjoy eating what they have always eaten, and there is very little we can do to change our eating habits.51. Which one is the meaning of raw . A. not cooked B. nicely cooked C. big D. young52. What is the main part of every meal in the Middle East? A. Rice. B. Bread. C. Meat. D. Tomato53. Why does Japanese not like sheep meat? Because it(is) . A. expensive B. cheap C. delicious D. smells54. According to the passage, which of the following is true? A. In some parts of Asia people like rice. B. Eating is a topic that people dont like to talk about. C. The habit of eating is easy to change. D. Franch people like sheep meat very much.Keys: 15 ADBBB 610 CBCCA 1115 ACABB 1620 CACBC 2125 BBDCA 2630 CCBBC 3135 CAAAC 3640 CBADC 4145 CBDBA 46. they dont want to stay long. 47. take foreign language classes. 48. what they are doing. 49. they dont know what to do. 50. without televison. 5154 ABDA 单位:湖北省荆门姓名:李国E_mail:liguo619


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