五年级下册英语课件-Module 3 Unit 9 Seeing the doctor∣沪教牛津版(三起)(共12张PPT)

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五年级下册英语课件-Module 3 Unit 9 Seeing the doctor∣沪教牛津版(三起)(共12张PPT)_第1页
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五年级下册英语课件-Module 3 Unit 9 Seeing the doctor∣沪教牛津版(三起)(共12张PPT)_第2页
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五年级下册英语课件-Module 3 Unit 9 Seeing the doctor∣沪教牛津版(三起)(共12张PPT)_第3页
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上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 Module 3 Unit 9Seeing the doctor 上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 Warm-up Whatswrongwithyou?Doctor:Whatswrongwithyou?Kitty:Ihaveaheadache.MrsLi: Shehasafevertoo.Doctor: Letmehavealook.OpenyourmouthandsayAh”Kitty:Ah.Doctor:Youhaveacold.Youshouldtakesomemedicine.Youshouldalsodrinkalotofwater.Youshouldntgotobedlate.Haveagoodrestandyoullgetwellsoon.Kitty:Thankyou,doctor.Doctor:Yourewelcome. 上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 A toothless tigerK ing of the forest 上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 A clever fox 上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 A present 上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 A toothless tiger 上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 S1:I had a what should I do?S2: You shouldYou shouldnt 上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 Doctor, doctor,I have a toothache.You shouldnt eat so many cakes.Doctor, doctor, I have a fever.You should drink a lot of water.Doctor, doctor, I have a cold.You should wear warm clothes.Doctor, doctor, I have a cough.You should take some medicine. 上海教育出版社 五年级 | 下册 1.Do the homework of page 59 and 61.2.Copy the key words we have learned.3.Read the passage of page 60. Homework


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