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非谓语动词在写作中的运用安 徽 省 合 肥 第 三 十 二 中 学 邹 荣 By Michael JacksonLi sten to the song “Heal the World” Theres a place in your heart Youll find theres no need to cry There are ways to get there If you care enough for the living There are people dying If you care enough for the living If you want to know why We stop existing And start living Loves enough for us growing There are people dying And the dream we were conceived in 1、 动 词 不 定 式 (The Infinitive ) 2、 -ing分 词 (-ing Participle) 3、 -ed分 词 ( -ed Participle )非 谓 语 动 词 三 种 形 式 ? (who are) All the visitors _ (attract )by the beautiful scenery of the USA do not want to go home. . attracted _ (see) the delicious food,all the animals began running to the visitors.Seeing(When they saw) _(protect)so well,the deer were not afraid of visitors.Having been protected (As they had been protected) In _(develop) countries rich people tend _ (pollute)less. developed to pollute 1. People have planted many trees, which makes it more comfortable for them to live on the earth. Many trees have been planted, making it more comfortable for people to live on the earth. 2. If Hefei is seen from the top of Mountain Shu, it is a beautiful city. Seen from the top of Mountain Shu , Hefei is a beautiful city. 3. To protect the environment is our duty. It is our duty to protect the environment.Rewrite the following sentences, trying to make them more concise (简 洁 ) . Writing Use at least 5 sentences to write a short passage about how to protect environment,including as many Non-predicate Verbs as possible . Related vocabulary(相 关 词 汇 ): environmentally-friendly 环 保 的 dustbin 垃 圾 筒 recyle 回 收 low-carbon 低 碳 arouse peoples awareness have a disastrous effect on 对 .有 灾 难 性 的 影 响 die out 灭 绝 plastic bags 塑 料 袋 和 县 第 一 中 学 尹 颖Do you understand and remember all the forms of non-predicate verbs? Which item do you still find difficult for you? Where did you make mistakes duringthe practice? Did you mark where you made mistakes or failed to understand? Can you continue to try using non- predicate verbs in your composition in the future? Self-assessmentHomework 和 县 第 一 中 学 尹 颖


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