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PEP小学英语三年级 上册 Unit 3. Look at me !Lets learn 2教学设计新华小学关英威I. Greeting& Warm-up:T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? In the afternoon, we all feel a little tired. So lets do some exercises. Ok ? First, lets sing a songNext, “lets do.”II.RevisionT: Did you remember the last lesson? What did Sarah and Mike want to do? Lets look and listen again. Ss: They want to make a puppet.T: look ,whats this ? (take out a puppet ) Who wants to be Sarah, who wants to be Mike?Ss: Act the dialogue.通过热身和对话表演,复习了第三课学过的知识,并作为导入,引出本课新知。III.New lessonT: Do you want to know what in the box ? Lets look. (watch the flash)T: Do you want to open it now? I need 10 students. (each student has one part of Zoom ) now, lets look ,what are they? (learn the new words)通过学生对盒子里面的物品持有的好奇心,配合视频完成新词学习,让学生亲自动手将盒子里面的身体部位按照学习顺序粘到黑板。学生学习兴趣高,参与度广。在学习词汇过程中自然地讲后面需要用到的动作指令渗透给学生。T:Now lets read all the words. (listen and repeat)IV. PracticeT: Can you remember the words now? Lets play a game.Practice 1: listen and do. (听老师口令,触摸、指向自己身体部位快速反应)Practice 2:Listen and fill in the blanks。(听老师读单词,根据字母发音规则,学生填充所缺字母)Practice 3: Bright eyes.(单词掌握基本好很多了,进行难度提升,速度提升的快闪单词活动。)Practice 4: Lets do (词汇掌握到一定程度了,将教材lets do 融合进来进行有节奏的跟读,跟做)Practice 5: listen and number(创编习题,将教材中lets do 的图片作为听力训练素材,根据教师读的顺序,重新编号,为学生今后更好的听力能力打基础。)V. Summary & HomeworkT: boys and girls, we can run, we can jump, we can shake our body . Because we have a healthy body. So i wish you have a healthy and a happy childhood.1. 将身体部分用英语介绍给你的爸爸妈妈 This is my.2.充分发挥想象力,画一张你设计的小怪兽或者小宠物,来向同学们介绍一下它以及它的身体部位吧!3.将本课学习的单词:head , arm, hand, leg, foot ,body 每一个认真的写3遍,看看谁写的最标准,谁记得最牢固!(我的三年级学生还没有接触太难的作业形式,这种丰富有趣又能锻炼口语和书写的作业,是我经过考虑留给学生的。)


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