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高考题型提分练(四)阅读理解提能练(限时35分钟). 阅读理解AThe Prettiest College Campuses in the United StatesFlagler CollegeWhile youll find plenty of attractive college campuses with Gothic, Georgian, and Jeffersonian architecture, Flagler College is in a category of its own. Located in historic St. Augustine, Florida, the colleges main building is Ponce de Leon Hall. Built in 1888 by Henry Morrison Flagler, the building features the work of famous nineteenth-century artists and engineers including Tiffany, Maynard, and Edison. The building, one of the most impressive examples of Spanish Renaissance architecture in the country is a National Historic Landmark. Princeton UniversityAll eight of the Ivy League schools have impressive campuses, but Princeton University has appeared on more rankings of pretty campuses than any of the others. Located in Princeton, New Jersey, the school is 500 acres house over 190 buildings featuring plenty of stone towers and Gothic arches. The campuss oldest building, Nassau Hall, was completed in 1756. More recent buildings have drawn on architectural heavyweights, such as Frank Gehry, who designed the Lewis Library. Rice UniversityEven though the skyline of Houston is easily visible from campus, Rice Universitys 300 acres dont feel urban. The campuss 4, 300 trees make it easy for students to find a shady spot to study. The Academic Quadrangle, a large grassy area, sits at the heart of the campus with the Lovett Hall, the universitys most iconic building, situated on the eastern edge. Fondren Library stands on the opposite end of the quad. The majority of campus buildings were constructed in the Byzantine style. University of RichmondThe University of Richmond occupies a 350-acre campus on the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia. The universitys buildings are mostly constructed from red brick in the Collegiate Gothic style that is popular on so many campuses. Many of the early buildings were designed by Ralph Adams Cram, who also designed buildings for two other campuses on this list: Rice University and Princeton University. 【文章大意】本文是应用文。介绍美国四所最美的大学。1. Which of the following is the oldest building of Princetons University? A. Nassau Hall. B. Ponce de Leon Hall. C. The Lewis Library. D. The Lovett Hall. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“The campuss oldest building, Nassau Hall, was completed in 1756. ”可知A为正确答案。2. Which universitys buildings are mostly built in the Byzantine style? A. Flagler College. B. Princeton University. C. Rice University. D. University of Richmond. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“The majority of campus buildings were constructed in the Byzantine style. ”可知, Rice University的大多数校园建筑都是拜占庭风格的, 故选C。3. Who designed buildings for three universities? A. Henry Morrison Flagler. B. Tiffany. C. Frank Gehry. D. Ralph Adams Cram. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段的最后一句: “Many of the early buildings were designed by Ralph Adams Cram, who also designed buildings for two other campuses on this list: Rice University and Princeton University. ”可知选D。BSecond World War veteran Captain Tom Moore is to be knighted after his heroic efforts to raise money for the NHS. The 100-year-old received almost 33 million in donations for health service charities by walking laps of his Bedfordshire garden. Sir Tom set out to walk 100 laps of his garden in Marston Moretaine in Bedfordshire before his 100th birthday on April 30, and he completed the laps ahead of time. His initial fund-raising target was 1, 000, but his determination captured the public imagination during the pandemic and within days he had raised tens of millions of pound. He also released a charity single, Youll Never Walk Alone, with singer Michael Ball, which reached number one in the charts, making him the oldest artist ever to have a UK number one single. Prime minister Boris Johnson described Sir Tom as a “true national treasure” and praised his “fantastic fundraising” which he said “provided us all with a beacon of light through the fog of coronavirus”. Johnson recommended Sir Tom be exceptionally honoured by the Queen, who has approved the honour, Downing Street has announced. His knighthood comes just weeks after he was made an honorary colonel to mark his centenary and fundraising efforts. Labour leader Keir Starmer congratulated Sir Tom who he said had brought “inspiration to millions and helped all of us to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of our NHS”. He added: “In his actions, Tom embodied the national solidarity(团结) which has grown throughout this crisis, and showed us that everyone can play their part in helping build a better future. ”Sir Tom enlisted into the eighth battalion of the Duke of Wellingtons Regiment (8 DWR), an infantry unit that was converted to operate Churchill tanks as part of the Royal Armoured Corps (RAC). In 1940 he was selected for officer training and rose to the rank of captain, later being posted to 9 DWR in India. He served and fought in the Arakan in western Burma, since renamed Rakhine State, and went with his regiment to Sumatra after the Japanese surrender. After the war he returned to the UK and worked as an instructor at the Armoured Fighting Vehicle School in Bovington, Dorset. He lived in Kent for many years before moving to Bedfordshire to be with his family in 2007. 【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文, 本篇讲述了一位百岁二战老兵汤姆摩尔上尉为抗疫中的医护人员筹款, 受到大众的高度评价的故事。4. How did Tom Moore raise the money? A. By walking laps. B. By selling birthday gifts. C. By giving lectures at school. D. By asking the Prime Minister for help. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第一段The 100-year-old received almost 33 million in donations for health service charities by walking laps of his Bedfordshire garden. 这位百岁老人通过在花园走圈, 为健康服务慈善机构筹集到了3 300万英镑, 可知答案为A项。5. Which of the following statements regarding Tom Moore is true? A. He released a song to make money. B. He originally planned to raise 33 million in total. C. He was spoken highly of by the Prime Minister. D. He wasnt promoted to captain until Japanese surrender. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段“He also released a charity single”他也发行了一首慈善单曲, 可知A项不正确; 根据第二段“His initial fund-raising target was 1, 000”他最初的筹款目标是1 000英镑, 可知B项不正确; 根据第三段“Prime minister Boris Johnson described Sir Tom as a true national treasure and praised his fantastic fundraising”首相称他为“真正的宝藏”, 并表扬他的“很好的筹款”, 可知C项正确; 根据最后一段“In 1940 he was selected for officer training and rose to the rank of captain”可知D项不正确。6. Which of the following best describes Tom Moore? A. Humorous and charming. B. Inspiring and devoted. C. Ambitious and brave. D. Demanding and stubborn. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第四段他鼓舞启发了数百万人民和最后一段他的从军经历可知B项是正确答案。7. What is the best title for the text? A. A Captains Life Story. B. Fundraising in Pandemic. C. A Captain To Be Knighted. D. Donations in Urgent Need. 【解析】选C。主旨大意题。本篇讲述了一位百岁二战老兵汤姆摩尔上尉为抗疫中的医护人员筹款, 受到大众的高度评价的故事, 故答案为C项。COur Marketing Assistant Alli Rose tasked her children Bella (9) and Callum (6) to an activity from The Big Book of Nature Activities by Drew Monkman and Jacob Rodenburg. Now that school is taking place at home, and parents are rushing to get fun educational activities for their children, she thought shed try out an activity from one of our books. The activity, Mapping Sounds in Nature, invites children to explore sounds in nature and then to map them on a Sound Map of their creations. Find out how it went, and how you can create your own, below. Excerpt from the book The Big Book of Nature Activities. Mapping Sounds of Nature Sound Map example from The Big Book of Nature Choose a site and time of day with a variety of natural sounds. Edge habitats near a marsh(沼泽, 湿地)can be excellent. Give each child an index card with an X in the center. Tell them the card is a map and the X is where theyll be sitting. Each time they hear a sound, they should mark its location (direction and distance) and represent it with a simple symbol (e. g. , a few parallel lines for wind, a musical note for bird song, a number after the note for each different bird). Show them how to cup their hands in front of and behind their ears to hear sounds from all directions. Make sure each child finds a listening place well-separated from other children. Listen for 510 minutes, depending on the variety of sounds and the age of participants. Encourage kids to share their maps with a partner, identifying both natural and human-related sounds. Bring the group together and discuss the following: How many different sounds did you hear? Which sounds did you particularly like? What sounds were new to you? Who/What may have made them? Which were natural and which were caused by humans? Do some of these sounds have a purpose? If so, what might this be? Bellas Sound Map Callums Sound Map【文章大意】这是一篇说明文, 推销文书, 因为疫情孩子被迫居家学习, 作者通过自己助手的参与经历介绍一个户外观察活动, 并借机销售这本书。文章摘引该书的部分内容详细介绍了该活动具体的做法和注意事项, 并附上了助手孩子的成就, 很有说服力。8. Why are the children tasked to this activity? A. To protect the environment. B. To get close to nature. C. To have some fun. D. To get some education. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。从文章开头第一段第二句话“Now that school is taking place at home, and parents are rushing to get fun educational activities for their children, she thought shed try out an activity from one of our books. ”可知孩子们在居家学习期间, 父母想要找些具有教育意义又不失乐趣的活动, 故选D符合原意。9. How is the performance of the two children in the activity? A. Bad. B. Good.C. Disappointing. D. Astonishing. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。从文中介绍和两个孩子的绘图来看, 效果还是很不错的, 对9岁和6岁的孩子而言, 其成就远超图片所展示的内容, 他们的注意力、观察能力、动手能力都得到了锻炼。10. Whats the purpose of writing this article? A. To introduce a book to teachers. B. To advertise for a book. C. To encourage children to do outdoor activities. D. To help parents educate their children. 【解析】选B。写作意图题。文章开头提到“Our Marketing Assistant Alli Rose tasked her children Bella (9) and Callum (6) to an activity from The Big Book of Nature Activities by Drew Monkman and Jacob Rodenburg. ” 以及“she thought shed try out an activity from one of our books”, 因此可知此书是他们的销售任务之一; 再根据后面的示范图和小孩子的作品图进行比较得出结论: 此书还不错。借部分章节内容推荐介绍最终达成促销目的, 是很好的广告案例。 11. Who do you think will like this book? A. Parents. B. Writers. C. Salesmen. D. Scientists. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。文章第一段第二句Now that school is taking place at home, and parents are rushing to get fun educational activities for their children可知此书是向父母介绍如何进行户外活动教育的, 所以父母应该喜欢。DBeatrix Potters stories of animals have captured the imagination of children since 1902, when her first story, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, was published. It records the adventure of a rabbit who angers a bad-tempered farmer and finds himself participant in an epic escape. Peter, brother to Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-Tail, did what children do bestnot listen! Not even the fact that only a couple years ago his dad was caught by the evil farmer and made into a pie by the farmers wife. But boys will be boys, right? Even ones who have sisters with cute names. Her apparently funny fiction attempts to make pleasant the consequential horrors arising from poor decision making. At its most literal, her stories suggest that naughty children are likely to die or encounter loss of limbs. Jemima Puddle-duck is persuaded into attending a dinner party with a polite gentleman, who so happens to be a fox. The story is a total stranger danger alert for little listeners, similar to Perraults Little Red Riding Hoodthe moral at the end of which reads: “Children, especially attractive young ladies, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf. But there are various kinds of wolves. There are also those who are charming, quiet, polite and sweet. And unfortunately, it is these gentle wolves who are the most dangerous ones of all. ”Yet the strange thing is kids dont seem particularly upset by all the cruelty and violence that goes down in Potters tales. And isnt this the very thing that makes her stories so accomplished, so loved? Potters creatures teach and entertain young readers, who as adults, will revisit the stories with their own children, appreciating the unexpected dark humor and marveling at the hidden horror and wondering why their little ones arent having nightmares when they should be! 【文章大意】本文为一篇议论文, 探讨了Beatrix Potter经久不衰的动物故事, 出于规劝小读者的意图而使用生动有趣的语言展现生活的阴暗面。12. Why is The Tale of Peter Rabbit mentioned in Paragraph 1? A. To show Beatrix Potters achievementB. To criticize Peter Rabbits bad behavior. C. To introduce the topic of the passage. D. To describe the characters in the story. 【解析】选C。写作意图题。第一段提到Beatrix Potter最著名的作品做例子, 引出文章的中心论点: 尽管她的故事生动有趣, 但其中暗藏恐怖。13. Why does the author compare Jemima Puddle-duck with Little Red Riding Hood? A. They are both world famous. B. They share similar structures. C. They both tell stories of little girls. D. They teach children similar lessons. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。 作者通过两个故事Jemima Puddle-duck及Little Red Riding Hood来说明一个道理: 小孩子不要轻信陌生人, 哪怕陌生人表现得彬彬有礼。14. Why are adult readers surprised when rereading Beatrix Potters stories according to the last paragraph? A. They have bad dreams at night. B. They dont notice the humor. C. Their kids dont fear these stories. D. Their kids dont like these stories. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。文章最后一段提到readers, who as adults, will revisit the stories with their own children, appreciating the unexpected dark humor and marveling at the hidden horror and wondering why their little ones arent having nightmares when they should be可知, 长大后的读者跟自己的孩子一起重温这些故事时, 注意到其中的黑色幽默及暗藏的恐怖时, 奇怪自己的孩子读完为什么不会做噩梦。15. Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. The charming dark side of Potters storiesB. The stories of Jemima Puddle-duckC. The readers reaction to fairy talesD. The language in Potters stories【解析】选A。主旨大意题。全文探讨Beatrix Potter运用精彩有趣的语言讲述了生活中的阴暗面来劝诫儿童, 故选A。. 阅读填句根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Im always surprised when I hear the statistics about how little time kids spend outside. One study found children are spending less than half the amount of time outdoors than they did just 20 years ago. 1 All that outside time isnt just about health and exercise, though thats certainly true. Several studies also have linked outside time to higher test scores, lower anxiety and aggression, more creativity and improved attention spans. 2 Researchers look at three primary schools in South Wales that adopted an outdoor learning program, with teachers working outside with students at least one hour a week and come to this conclusion.3 Eliza Minnuccis kindergarten class there engages in Forest Mondays, during which the students spend the whole day in the woods, rain or shine. Its a more curriculum-based version of the Land, an outdoor playground in England, which allows kids to experiment, build dams, and even build fires in the woods.So what have the results been? Mostly positive. “Kids are so resourceful out here, ” Minnucci said. “4 We teach them discrete (互不相关的) skills and facts and they put them together later. Thats a good way to learn, but its not the way the world works, ” she said. “5 In the place, they need to think about how to build a dam with others and at the same time, think about staying dry and staying warm. ”Considering all the good evidence that being outside is great for mind and body as well as test scores it seems like this kind of education is a natural next step for teachers. A. My own childhood was filled with outdoor time. B. As an added bonus, it is also beneficial to teachers. C. The idea is to let kids learn lessons from the natural world. D. In the classroom, we separate everything into small pieces. E. A public school in Quechee is taking these results seriously. F. I like giving them the opportunity to be in a really complex place. G. Playing outdoors involves plenty of learning, just not from a book. 【文章大意】本文是议论文。文章讨论了户外教育对孩子们的重要性。1. 【解析】选A。A项中的childhood与上文的just 20 years ago形成词汇同现, 设空处后一句中的outside time与A项中的outdoor time形成词汇复现。2. 【解析】选B。B项中的it指的是上文中的outside time, 下文中的teachers与B项中的teachers形成原词复现, 且B项中的also beneficial顺承上文的higher test scores. . . improved attention spans。3. 【解析】选E。E项中的these results指的是第二段中提到的户外教育的好处, 且设空处后一句中的Eliza Minnuccis kindergarten class there指的就是E项中的A public school in Quechee。4. 【解析】选D。设空处后一句中的discrete skills and facts与D项中的separate. . . small pieces形成词汇同现。5. 【解析】选F。设空处后一句中的place与F项中的place形成原词复现, 且they need to think about. . . staying warm是对F项中complex的具体解释。


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