高一英语(下)必修三Unit 2 Healthy Eating课时教案

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Unit 2 Healthy EatingPeriod oneI. Teaching aims:1. Talk about eating habits and health. 2. Talk about seeing the doctor.II. Teaching procedures: Step I Warming up 1. T ask Ss: Today I have some fruit and milk in the morning. It is very delicious.What did you have for breakfast? Do you like hamburger/ fried chicken? Do you like eating fruits? What are they?What is your favorite food?2. Show some pictures to Ss, and let them write down or speak out all the name of these foods shown in the pictures.3. Let Ss look at these pictures and decide if it is junk food or healthy food, if possible teacher can explain the meaning of junk food to Ss.4. T point to one of pictures and say: I like apples very much. I think that apples are healthy food/ good food because they contain lots of vitamins, and you? (teacher write down the phase I thinkbecause on the blackboard)Ss: I like, I thinkbecause.5. Let Ss work in pairs to talk about junk food and healthy food each other, using the phase I think, because. At the same time, they can use some pictures and make their new dialogue.6. Get Ss work in pairs and ask their classmates about their diet and give some suggestions if necessary.Step II. Listening1. Let Ss read through the exercise before they listen to the tape.2. Get Ss to finish Ex in the book and check the answers to the class.Step III. Speaking1. T ask Ss: when you go to see a doctor, what will doctor say to you firstly?Ss: what can I do for you?T: Good! Now you will make up a dialogue between doctor and patient with your partner, according to the sample dialogue on the book.2. Let Ss listen to the dialogue and fill in the chart.problemcausesadvice3. Let Ss work in pairs and make up a dialogue according to the situations in the book, and then let them act it out.4. Encourage Ss to use the useful expressions in the book.patientdoctor1. Can you help me, doctor ?2.What should I do?3.What do you suggest?4. Ive got a pain here.5. Theres something wrong with my6. I dont feel well.7. I have a headache/cough.1. Let me have a look.2. Take the medicine three times a day.3. I advise you to 4. I suggest that you should do5. Why not do?6. What about doing?7. Youd better do8. You ought to doStep IV PracticeDivide Ss into several groups of four, and let them write down all the healthy food they think as quickly as possible.HomeworkFinish off the exercises in the book.Unit 13 Period twoTeaching Aims:1.Learn and master the following words and phrases: soft, bar, fuel, diet, calory, pace, bean,fibre,mineral,disease,environmental,chemical,probably,balance,keep up with, too much, make choices, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for, go for2. Improve the students reading ability.3. Enable the students to understand the best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits by learning the reading text.Teaching procedures:Step I. warming-up and Pre-reading1. warming-up:.Ask your partner about his /her diet and tell him or her if it is a healthy diet. namebreakfast lunch supper snackII. Pre-reading1. How do you understand the title “ We are what we eat”?2. What information do you expect to get from the text?Step II. Reading1. Skimming: Go through the title and guess what the text will tell us. Find the main idea of each paragraph.2. Scanning: Read the text paragraph by paragraph and finish different tasks.Para. 1Q1: Why is choosing what to eat no longer as easy as it once was?Q2: Why does traditional diets need changing ? Para.2: Read the text and fill in the chart.nutrientsfunctionssourcesproteincalciumcarbohydratefibermineralsvitaminsPara. 3:Q1: How do people make choices about what they eat?Q2: Why do they become vegetarians or vegans?Para. 4:Q: Why are crash diets and supplements so popular?Para.5:Q1: What is the best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine?Q2: What should we do to keep a balanced diet?Step III Post-reading: Discussion 1. As we know , junk food is bad for our health, why do people go to the fast food restaurant?2. Why is it not good for you to eat too much sugar and fat?Step IV. Writing Two choices.(见课件)Step V: HomeworkFinish writing the composition.单位:湖北省荆门姓名:李国E_mail:liguo619


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