四年级上册英语课件-Unit 3 How manyB ∣译林版(三起) (共13张PPT)

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四年级上册英语课件-Unit 3 How manyB ∣译林版(三起) (共13张PPT)_第1页
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四年级上册英语课件-Unit 3 How manyB ∣译林版(三起) (共13张PPT)_第2页
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四年级上册英语课件-Unit 3 How manyB ∣译林版(三起) (共13张PPT)_第3页
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Unit 3 How many ? I have many balls. Theyre in that box.How many balls do you have ?I have twelve balls.Can you play table tennis?Yes, I can.Introduce How many do you have?I have Can you?Yes, I can. very /ver/副词,表示“很,非常”常用短语: very much 非常 very good 很好eg: I like eating fruits very much.小练习:选出下面不同类的单词。 ( ) A. cool B. very C. cuteWordsB sure /:(r)/ 副词,表示“当然” 近义词:certainly eg: -Can I have a book ? -Sure.小练习:选出下列单词画线部分读音不同的选项 ( ) A. desk B. stand C. sureWordsC ExpressionsCan you play the tennis ? 你会打乒乓球吗?用来询问对方能力意为:“你(们)会.吗?” 其答语为“Yes, I we can.”或“No, I we cant.” eg: -Can you open the box, Amy ? -Yes, I can.小练习: ( )-Can you close the window ? -_ A. Yes, I am . B. No, I dont. C. Yes, I can.C DialogueTalk about the balls you have and their numbers !How many. do you have?I have .Can you.?Yes, I can. 中西方对“四”的理解差异 在中国“四”被视为一个不吉祥的数字,但在古代人们对于“四”并无特别的忌讳。这主要是因为随着科技的发展,人们生活中越来越多地使用到数字,如门牌号、手机号码、车牌号等。而因为“4”的发音与“死”谐音,所以车牌号码、电话号码等尾数有四的就不受欢迎。 Expand 中西方对“四”的理解差异 在英语国家中,人们基本没有关于“四”字的忌讳。不过有一个小的例外,在选择结婚日子时人们一般避开周四,因为他们认为“星期四,运气衰”。Expand Words: very, sureSentences: Can you?Summary Exercise英汉互译。1.多少 2.一些玩具汽车 3.许多球 4.在那个盒子里面 5.twelve dolls 6. play table tennis 1.how many 2.some toy cars 3.many balls 4.in that box5.十 二 个 娃 娃 6.打 乒 乓 球 单项选择。( )1. can you see? I can see some animals. A. How many B. What C. How( )2.Whats thirteen minus(减) five? Its . A. eight B. sixteen C. fifteen( )3.How many can you see? I can see six. A. grape B. mangoes C. pear( )4. Is this a ? No, its a banana. A. pineapple B. banana C. apple ExerciseBABA 连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1.you, do, what, have, (?)2.stickers, many, how, you, have, do, (?)3.play, tennis, can, table, you, (?)4.box, are, that, in, they, (.)5. balls, have, eighteen, I (.) Exercise What do you have? How many stickers do you have?You can play table tennis.They are in that box.I have eighteen balls. Write a passage about your favorite ball game in no less than 30 words.Homework


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