四年级上册英语课件-M3 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版(一起) (共10张PPT)

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四年级上册英语课件-M3 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版(一起) (共10张PPT)_第1页
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四年级上册英语课件-M3 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版(一起) (共10张PPT)_第2页
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四年级上册英语课件-M3 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版(一起) (共10张PPT)_第3页
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There is a big supermarket near my house. There are 3 book shops.跟我们分享你们的生活环境吧! 概念单复数句式Thereisazombieand2peasoverthere.在 那 边 有 一 只 僵 尸 和 2颗 豌 豆 。Thereare2sunflowersandapeainthegarden.在 花 园 里 有 2株 向 日 葵 和 1颗 豌 豆 。 There be 句型复习 Be Do/does/did一般疑问句-句型复习Are there many stars in the sky? Can Lily run fast? Yes, they can. Can 特殊疑问句-句型复习How whatwhywhoWhere When How long How oftenHow much How many 1 ._ does he go to school? He goes to school by bus. 2 ._ are the ducks? They are on the river. 3 ._ is his name? He is Martin. 4 . _ _ new books have you got? Five. 5 ._coats are these? Marys. 1 . How 2 . Where 3 . What 4 . How many 5 . Whose can/cant Must/mustntShould/shouldnt 1. 今天几号?今天是7月21日。_2. 先生,我能帮助你吗?_3. 你多久打一次棒球?_4. 你应该在周日之前完成作业。_5. 房间里面有两张桌子和一张床。_1.What date is it today? Its July the 2st.2.Sir, what can I do for you?/ how can I help you ?3. How often do you play baseball?4. You should finish your homework before Sunday.5.There are two desks and a bed in the bedroom. 1. 复习精讲提升部分内容2. 完成讲义中课后巩固部分 为班级聚会采购A.假设你们班在本周六要集体出去野炊,去超市或者商店询问食品价格,为班级聚会做一份购物单!What How many How muchsweets 3 packets S1: How much is one packet of sweets? S2: Its four yuan.


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